// @(#)root/gl:$Id$ // Author: Timur Pocheptsov 03/08/2004 // NOTE: This code moved from obsoleted TGLSceneObject.h / .cxx - see these // attic files for previous CVS history /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2006, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #include "TGLFaceSet.h" #include "TGLRnrCtx.h" #include "TGLIncludes.h" #include "TBuffer3D.h" #include "TMath.h" // For debug tracing #include "TClass.h" #include "TError.h" #include // Clone from TGLUtil -- typedefs needed for portable tesselator function typedef. #ifndef CALLBACK #define CALLBACK #endif extern "C" { #if defined(__APPLE_CC__) && __APPLE_CC__ > 4000 && __APPLE_CC__ < 5450 && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) typedef GLvoid (*tessfuncptr_t)(...); #elif defined(__linux__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined( __OpenBSD__ ) || defined(__sun) || defined (__CYGWIN__) || defined (__APPLE__) typedef GLvoid (*tessfuncptr_t)(); #elif defined (WIN32) typedef GLvoid (CALLBACK *tessfuncptr_t)(); #else #error "Error - need to define type tessfuncptr_t for this platform/compiler" #endif } /** \class TGLFaceSet \ingroup opengl Implements a native ROOT-GL representation of an arbitrary set of polygons. */ ClassImp(TGLFaceSet); Bool_t TGLFaceSet::fgEnforceTriangles = kFALSE; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// constructor TGLFaceSet::TGLFaceSet(const TBuffer3D & buffer) : TGLLogicalShape(buffer), fVertices(buffer.fPnts, buffer.fPnts + 3 * buffer.NbPnts()), fNormals(0) { fNbPols = buffer.NbPols(); if (fNbPols == 0) return; Int_t *segs = buffer.fSegs; Int_t *pols = buffer.fPols; Int_t descSize = 0; for (UInt_t i = 0, j = 1; i < fNbPols; ++i, ++j) { descSize += pols[j] + 1; j += pols[j] + 1; } fPolyDesc.resize(descSize); for (UInt_t numPol = 0, currInd = 0, j = 1; numPol < fNbPols; ++numPol) { Int_t segmentInd = pols[j] + j; Int_t segmentCol = pols[j]; Int_t s1 = pols[segmentInd]; segmentInd--; Int_t s2 = pols[segmentInd]; segmentInd--; Int_t segEnds[] = {segs[s1 * 3 + 1], segs[s1 * 3 + 2], segs[s2 * 3 + 1], segs[s2 * 3 + 2]}; Int_t numPnts[3] = {0}; if (segEnds[0] == segEnds[2]) { numPnts[0] = segEnds[1], numPnts[1] = segEnds[0], numPnts[2] = segEnds[3]; } else if (segEnds[0] == segEnds[3]) { numPnts[0] = segEnds[1], numPnts[1] = segEnds[0], numPnts[2] = segEnds[2]; } else if (segEnds[1] == segEnds[2]) { numPnts[0] = segEnds[0], numPnts[1] = segEnds[1], numPnts[2] = segEnds[3]; } else { numPnts[0] = segEnds[0], numPnts[1] = segEnds[1], numPnts[2] = segEnds[2]; } fPolyDesc[currInd] = 3; Int_t sizeInd = currInd++; fPolyDesc[currInd++] = numPnts[0]; fPolyDesc[currInd++] = numPnts[1]; fPolyDesc[currInd++] = numPnts[2]; Int_t lastAdded = numPnts[2]; Int_t end = j + 1; for (; segmentInd != end; segmentInd--) { segEnds[0] = segs[pols[segmentInd] * 3 + 1]; segEnds[1] = segs[pols[segmentInd] * 3 + 2]; if (segEnds[0] == lastAdded) { fPolyDesc[currInd++] = segEnds[1]; lastAdded = segEnds[1]; } else { fPolyDesc[currInd++] = segEnds[0]; lastAdded = segEnds[0]; } ++fPolyDesc[sizeInd]; } j += segmentCol + 2; } if (fgEnforceTriangles) { EnforceTriangles(); } CalculateNormals(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Should only be done on an empty faceset object void TGLFaceSet::SetFromMesh(const RootCsg::TBaseMesh *mesh) { assert(fNbPols == 0); UInt_t nv = mesh->NumberOfVertices(); fVertices.reserve(3 * nv); UInt_t i; for (i = 0; i < nv; ++i) { const Double_t *v = mesh->GetVertex(i); fVertices.insert(fVertices.end(), v, v + 3); } fNbPols = mesh->NumberOfPolys(); UInt_t descSize = 0; for (i = 0; i < fNbPols; ++i) descSize += mesh->SizeOfPoly(i) + 1; fPolyDesc.reserve(descSize); for (UInt_t polyIndex = 0; polyIndex < fNbPols; ++polyIndex) { UInt_t polySize = mesh->SizeOfPoly(polyIndex); fPolyDesc.push_back(polySize); for(i = 0; i < polySize; ++i) fPolyDesc.push_back(mesh->GetVertexIndex(polyIndex, i)); } if (fgEnforceTriangles) { EnforceTriangles(); } CalculateNormals(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Use GLU tesselator to replace all polygons with N > 3 with triangles. /// After this call polygon descriptions are changed. /// New vertices are not expected -- exception is thrown if this is /// requested by the triangulator. Support for adding of new vertices can be /// provided. void TGLFaceSet::EnforceTriangles() { class TriangleCollector { protected: Int_t fNTriangles; Int_t fNVertices; Int_t fV0, fV1; GLenum fType; std::vector fPolyDesc; void add_triangle(Int_t v0, Int_t v1, Int_t v2) { fPolyDesc.push_back(3); fPolyDesc.push_back(v0); fPolyDesc.push_back(v1); fPolyDesc.push_back(v2); ++fNTriangles; } void process_vertex(Int_t vi) { ++fNVertices; if (fV0 == -1) { fV0 = vi; return; } if (fV1 == -1) { fV1 = vi; return; } switch (fType) { case GL_TRIANGLES: { add_triangle(fV0, fV1, vi); fV0 = fV1 = -1; break; } case GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP: { if (fNVertices % 2 == 0) add_triangle(fV1, fV0, vi); else add_triangle(fV0, fV1, vi); fV0 = fV1; fV1 = vi; break; } case GL_TRIANGLE_FAN: { add_triangle(fV0, fV1, vi); fV1 = vi; break; } default: { throw std::runtime_error("TGLFaceSet::EnforceTriangles unexpected type in tess_vertex callback."); } } } public: TriangleCollector(GLUtesselator* ts) : fNTriangles(0), fNVertices(0), fV0(-1), fV1(-1), fType(GL_NONE) { gluTessCallback(ts, (GLenum)GLU_TESS_BEGIN_DATA, (tessfuncptr_t) tess_begin); gluTessCallback(ts, (GLenum)GLU_TESS_VERTEX_DATA, (tessfuncptr_t) tess_vertex); gluTessCallback(ts, (GLenum)GLU_TESS_COMBINE_DATA, (tessfuncptr_t) tess_combine); gluTessCallback(ts, (GLenum)GLU_TESS_END_DATA, (tessfuncptr_t) tess_end); } Int_t GetNTrianlges() { return fNTriangles; } std::vector& RefPolyDesc() { return fPolyDesc; } static void tess_begin(GLenum type, TriangleCollector* tc) { tc->fNVertices = 0; tc->fV0 = tc->fV1 = -1; tc->fType = type; } static void tess_vertex(Int_t* vi, TriangleCollector* tc) { tc->process_vertex(*vi); } static void tess_combine(GLdouble /*coords*/[3], void* /*vertex_data*/[4], GLfloat /*weight*/[4], void** /*outData*/, TriangleCollector* /*tc*/) { throw std::runtime_error("TGLFaceSet::EnforceTriangles tesselator requested vertex combining -- not supported yet."); } static void tess_end(TriangleCollector* tc) { tc->fType = GL_NONE; } }; GLUtesselator *tess = gluNewTess(); if (!tess) throw std::bad_alloc(); TriangleCollector tc(tess); // Loop ... const Double_t *pnts = &fVertices[0]; const Int_t *pols = &fPolyDesc[0]; for (UInt_t i = 0, j = 0; i < fNbPols; ++i) { Int_t npoints = pols[j++]; gluTessBeginPolygon(tess, &tc); gluTessBeginContour(tess); for (Int_t k = 0; k < npoints; ++k, ++j) { gluTessVertex(tess, (Double_t*) pnts + pols[j] * 3, (GLvoid*) &pols[j]); } gluTessEndContour(tess); gluTessEndPolygon(tess); } gluDeleteTess(tess); fPolyDesc.swap(tc.RefPolyDesc()); fNbPols = tc.GetNTrianlges(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Debug tracing void TGLFaceSet::DirectDraw(TGLRnrCtx & rnrCtx) const { if (gDebug > 4) { Info("TGLFaceSet::DirectDraw", "this %ld (class %s) LOD %d", (Long_t)this, IsA()->GetName(), rnrCtx.ShapeLOD()); } if (fNbPols == 0) return; GLUtesselator *tessObj = TGLUtil::GetDrawTesselator3dv(); const Double_t *pnts = &fVertices[0]; const Double_t *normals = &fNormals[0]; const Int_t *pols = &fPolyDesc[0]; for (UInt_t i = 0, j = 0; i < fNbPols; ++i) { Int_t npoints = pols[j++]; if (tessObj && npoints > 4) { gluBeginPolygon(tessObj); gluNextContour(tessObj, (GLenum)GLU_UNKNOWN); glNormal3dv(normals + i * 3); for (Int_t k = 0; k < npoints; ++k, ++j) { gluTessVertex(tessObj, (Double_t *)pnts + pols[j] * 3, (Double_t *)pnts + pols[j] * 3); } gluEndPolygon(tessObj); } else { glBegin(GL_POLYGON); glNormal3dv(normals + i * 3); for (Int_t k = 0; k < npoints; ++k, ++j) { glVertex3dv(pnts + pols[j] * 3); } glEnd(); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// CheckPoints Int_t TGLFaceSet::CheckPoints(const Int_t *source, Int_t *dest) const { const Double_t * p1 = &fVertices[source[0] * 3]; const Double_t * p2 = &fVertices[source[1] * 3]; const Double_t * p3 = &fVertices[source[2] * 3]; Int_t retVal = 1; if (Eq(p1, p2)) { dest[0] = source[0]; if (!Eq(p1, p3) ) { dest[1] = source[2]; retVal = 2; } } else if (Eq(p1, p3)) { dest[0] = source[0]; dest[1] = source[1]; retVal = 2; } else { dest[0] = source[0]; dest[1] = source[1]; retVal = 2; if (!Eq(p2, p3)) { dest[2] = source[2]; retVal = 3; } } return retVal; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// test equality Bool_t TGLFaceSet::Eq(const Double_t *p1, const Double_t *p2) { Double_t dx = TMath::Abs(p1[0] - p2[0]); Double_t dy = TMath::Abs(p1[1] - p2[1]); Double_t dz = TMath::Abs(p1[2] - p2[2]); return dx < 1e-10 && dy < 1e-10 && dz < 1e-10; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// CalculateNormals void TGLFaceSet::CalculateNormals() { fNormals.resize(3 *fNbPols); if (fNbPols == 0) return; Double_t *pnts = &fVertices[0]; for (UInt_t i = 0, j = 0; i < fNbPols; ++i) { Int_t polEnd = fPolyDesc[j] + j + 1; Int_t norm[] = {fPolyDesc[j + 1], fPolyDesc[j + 2], fPolyDesc[j + 3]}; j += 4; Int_t check = CheckPoints(norm, norm), ngood = check; if (check == 3) { TMath::Normal2Plane(pnts + norm[0] * 3, pnts + norm[1] * 3, pnts + norm[2] * 3, &fNormals[i * 3]); j = polEnd; continue; } while (j < (UInt_t)polEnd) { norm[ngood++] = fPolyDesc[j++]; if (ngood == 3) { ngood = CheckPoints(norm, norm); if (ngood == 3) { TMath::Normal2Plane(pnts + norm[0] * 3, pnts + norm[1] * 3, pnts + norm[2] * 3, &fNormals[i * 3]); j = polEnd; break; } } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get current state of static flag EnforceTriangles. Bool_t TGLFaceSet::GetEnforceTriangles() { return fgEnforceTriangles; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set state of static flag EnforceTriangles. /// When this is set, all tesselations will be automatically converted into /// triangle-only meshes. /// This is needed to export TGeo shapes and CSG meshes to external /// triangle-mesh libraries that can not handle arbitrary polygons. void TGLFaceSet::SetEnforceTriangles(Bool_t e) { fgEnforceTriangles = e; }