// @(#)root/gl:$Id$ // Author: Richard Maunder 04/10/2005 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2005, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #include "TGLRotateManip.h" #include "TGLPhysicalShape.h" #include "TGLCamera.h" #include "TGLIncludes.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TError.h" /** \class TGLRotateManip \ingroup opengl Rotate manipulator - attaches to physical shape and draws local axes widgets - rings drawn from attached physical center, in plane defined by axis. User can mouse over (turns yellow) and L click/drag to rotate attached physical round the ring center. Widgets use standard 3D package axes colours: X red, Y green, Z blue. */ ClassImp(TGLRotateManip); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Calculate unsigned angle between vectors v1 and v2 Double_t TGLRotateManip::Angle(const TGLVector3& v1, const TGLVector3& v2) { return TMath::ACos(Dot(v1, v2) / (v1.Mag() * v2.Mag())); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Calculate signed angle between vectors v1 and v2, using ref to define right handed coord system /// - If v1.v2 parallel to ref vector: +ive for clockwise, -ive for anticlockwise /// - If v1.v2 antiparallel to ref vector: -ive for clockwise, +ive for anticlockwise Double_t TGLRotateManip::Angle(const TGLVector3& v1, const TGLVector3& v2, const TGLVector3& ref) { TGLVector3 cross = Cross(v1, v2); if (Dot(cross,ref) > 0.0) { return Angle(v1, v2); } else { return -Angle(v1, v2); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Construct rotation manipulator not bound to any physical shape. TGLRotateManip::TGLRotateManip() : fShallowRing(kFALSE), fShallowFront(kTRUE), fActiveRingPlane(TGLVector3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), TGLVertex3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), fActiveRingCenter(TGLVertex3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), fRingLine(TGLVertex3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), TGLVertex3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), fRingLineOld(TGLVertex3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), TGLVertex3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Construct rotation manipulator bound to TGLPhysicalShape 'shape'. TGLRotateManip::TGLRotateManip(TGLPhysicalShape* shape) : TGLManip(shape), fShallowRing(kFALSE), fShallowFront(kTRUE), fActiveRingPlane(TGLVector3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), TGLVertex3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), fActiveRingCenter(TGLVertex3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), fRingLine(TGLVertex3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), TGLVertex3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), fRingLineOld(TGLVertex3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), TGLVertex3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Destroy the rotation manipulator TGLRotateManip::~TGLRotateManip() { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Draw rotate manipulator - axis rings drawn from attached /// physical center, in plane defined by axis as normal, in red(X), /// green(Y) and blue(Z), with white center sphere. If selected /// widget (mouse over) this is drawn in active colour (yellow). void TGLRotateManip::Draw(const TGLCamera& camera) const { if (!fShape) { return; } // Get draw scales const TGLBoundingBox& box = fShape->BoundingBox(); Double_t baseScale; TGLVector3 axisScale[3]; CalcDrawScale(box, camera, baseScale, axisScale); Double_t ringRadius = baseScale*10.0; // Get permitted manipulations on shape TGLPhysicalShape::EManip manip = fShape->GetManip(); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); TGLUtil::TDrawQualityScaler hiRes(3); // Draw three axis rings where permitted // Not drawing will prevent interaction // GL name loading for hit testing - 0 reserved for no selection if (manip & TGLPhysicalShape::kRotateX) { glPushName(1); TGLUtil::DrawRing(box.Center(), box.Axis(0, kTRUE), ringRadius*1.004, ColorFor(1)); glPopName(); } else { TGLUtil::DrawRing(box.Center(), box.Axis(0, kTRUE), ringRadius*1.004, TGLUtil::fgGrey); } if (manip & TGLPhysicalShape::kRotateY) { glPushName(2); TGLUtil::DrawRing(box.Center(), box.Axis(1, kTRUE), ringRadius*1.002, ColorFor(2)); glPopName(); } else { TGLUtil::DrawRing(box.Center(), box.Axis(1, kTRUE), ringRadius*1.002, TGLUtil::fgGrey); } if (manip & TGLPhysicalShape::kRotateZ) { glPushName(3); TGLUtil::DrawRing(box.Center(), box.Axis(2, kTRUE), ringRadius, ColorFor(3)); glPopName(); } else { TGLUtil::DrawRing(box.Center(), box.Axis(2, kTRUE), ringRadius, TGLUtil::fgGrey); } // Draw white center sphere TGLUtil::DrawSphere(box.Center(), ringRadius/20.0, TGLUtil::fgWhite); // Indicate we are in ring follow (non-shallow) mode // by drawing line from center to dragged ring point if (fActive) { if (fShallowRing) { TGLVertex3 eyeOnRing; if (fShallowFront) { eyeOnRing = fActiveRingCenter - (camera.EyeDirection()*ringRadius); } else { eyeOnRing = fActiveRingCenter + (camera.EyeDirection()*ringRadius); } eyeOnRing = fActiveRingPlane.NearestOn(eyeOnRing); TGLVector3 arrowDir = Cross(fActiveRingPlane.Norm(), eyeOnRing - fActiveRingCenter); arrowDir.Normalise(); TGLUtil::DrawLine(eyeOnRing, arrowDir*ringRadius*1.3, TGLUtil::kLineHeadArrow, baseScale, TGLUtil::fgYellow); TGLUtil::DrawLine(eyeOnRing, -arrowDir*ringRadius*1.3, TGLUtil::kLineHeadArrow, baseScale, TGLUtil::fgYellow); } else { TGLVector3 activeVector = fRingLine.Vector(); activeVector.Normalise(); activeVector *= ringRadius; TGLUtil::DrawLine(fRingLine.Start(), activeVector, TGLUtil::kLineHeadNone, baseScale, TGLUtil::fgYellow); } } glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); glDisable(GL_BLEND); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Handle mouse button event over manipulator - returns kTRUE if /// redraw required kFALSE otherwise. Bool_t TGLRotateManip::HandleButton(const Event_t& event, const TGLCamera& camera) { Bool_t captured = TGLManip::HandleButton(event, camera); if (captured) { // Find active selected axis UInt_t axisIndex = fSelectedWidget - 1; // Ugg sort out axis / widget id mapping TGLVector3 widgetAxis = fShape->BoundingBox().Axis(axisIndex, kTRUE); // Construct plane for the axis ring, using normal and center point fActiveRingPlane.Set(widgetAxis, fShape->BoundingBox().Center()); fActiveRingCenter.Set(fShape->BoundingBox().Center()); fRingLineOld = fRingLine = CalculateRingLine(fLastMouse, camera); // Is plane at shallow angle to eye line if angle between normal of plane and // eye line is ~90 deg (PI/4) Double_t planeEyeAngle = Angle(fActiveRingPlane.Norm(), camera.EyeDirection()) - TMath::ASin(1.0); Double_t shallowDelta = 0.15; if ((planeEyeAngle > -shallowDelta) && (planeEyeAngle < shallowDelta)) { fShallowRing = kTRUE; // Work out ring follow direction - if clicked on back or front of ring. // If plane/eye angle very shallow force to front /* DISABLED - Force onto front always */ fShallowFront = kTRUE; /* if ((planeEyeAngle > -shallowDelta/3.0) && (planeEyeAngle < shallowDelta/3.0) || Dot(fRingLine.Vector(), camera.FrustumPlane(TGLCamera::kNear).Norm()) < 0.0) { fShallowFront = kTRUE; } else { fShallowFront = kFALSE; }*/ } else { fShallowRing = kFALSE; } } return captured; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Handle mouse motion over manipulator - if active (selected /// widget) rotate physical around selected ring widget plane /// normal. Returns kTRUE if redraw required kFALSE otherwise. Bool_t TGLRotateManip::HandleMotion(const Event_t& event, const TGLCamera& camera) { if (fActive) { TPoint newMouse(event.fX, event.fY); // Calculate singed angle delta between old and new ring position using Double_t angle = CalculateAngleDelta(newMouse, camera); fShape->Rotate(fActiveRingCenter, fActiveRingPlane.Norm(), angle); fLastMouse = newMouse; return kTRUE; } return kFALSE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Calculate angle delta for rotation based on new mouse position. Double_t TGLRotateManip::CalculateAngleDelta(const TPoint& mouse, const TGLCamera& camera) { if (fShallowRing) { std::pair nearLineIntersection = Intersection(fActiveRingPlane, camera.FrustumPlane(TGLCamera::kNear)); if (!nearLineIntersection.first) { Error("TGLRotateManip::CalculateAngleDelta", "active ring plane parallel to near clip?"); return 1.0; } TGLLine3 nearLine = nearLineIntersection.second; TGLVector3 activePlaneNear = camera.WorldDeltaToViewport(nearLine.Start(), nearLine.Vector()); activePlaneNear.Normalise(); TGLVector3 mouseDelta(mouse.GetX() - fLastMouse.GetX(), -(mouse.GetY() - fLastMouse.GetY()), 0.0); Double_t angle = Dot(activePlaneNear, mouseDelta) / 150.0; if (fShallowFront) { return -angle; } else { return angle; } } else { fRingLineOld = fRingLine; fRingLine = CalculateRingLine(fLastMouse, camera); return Angle(fRingLineOld.Vector(), fRingLine.Vector(), fActiveRingPlane.Norm()); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Calculated interaction line between 'mouse' viewport point, and /// current selected widget (ring), under supplied 'camera' /// projection. TGLLine3 TGLRotateManip::CalculateRingLine(const TPoint& mouse, const TGLCamera& camera) const { // Find mouse position in viewport coords TPoint mouseViewport(mouse); camera.WindowToViewport(mouseViewport); // Find projection of mouse into world TGLLine3 viewportProjection = camera.ViewportToWorld(mouseViewport); // Find rotation line from ring center to this intersection on plane std::pair ringPlaneInter = Intersection(fActiveRingPlane, viewportProjection, kTRUE); // If intersection fails then ring is parallel to eye line - in this case // force line to run from center back towards viewer (opposite eye line) if (!ringPlaneInter.first) { return TGLLine3(fActiveRingCenter, -camera.EyeDirection()); } return TGLLine3(fActiveRingCenter, ringPlaneInter.second); }