// @(#)root/gl:$Id$ // Author: Timur Pocheptsov 28/07/2009 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2009, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #include #include "TKDEAdapter.h" #include "TKDEFGT.h" #include "TError.h" #include "TGL5D.h" #include "TAxis.h" namespace Rgl { namespace Fgt { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Constructor. "Half-baked" object. TKDEAdapter::TKDEAdapter() : fW(0), fH(0), fD(0), fSliceSize(0), fXMin(0.), fXStep(0.), fYMin(0.), fYStep(0.), fZMin(0.), fZStep(0.), fDE(0), fE(10.) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Set grid's dimensions. void TKDEAdapter::SetGeometry(const TGL5DDataSet *dataSet) { const TAxis *xA = dataSet->GetXAxis(); const Rgl::Range_t &xMinMax = dataSet->GetXRange(); const Double_t xRange = xMinMax.second - xMinMax.first; const TAxis *yA = dataSet->GetYAxis(); const Rgl::Range_t &yMinMax = dataSet->GetYRange(); const Double_t yRange = yMinMax.second - yMinMax.first; const TAxis *zA = dataSet->GetZAxis(); const Rgl::Range_t &zMinMax = dataSet->GetZRange(); const Double_t zRange = zMinMax.second - zMinMax.first; fW = xA->GetNbins(); fH = yA->GetNbins(); fD = zA->GetNbins(); fSliceSize = fW * fH; fXMin = (xA->GetBinLowEdge(1) - xMinMax.first) / xRange; fXStep = (xA->GetBinUpEdge(xA->GetLast()) - xA->GetBinLowEdge(xA->GetFirst())) / (fW - 1) / xRange; fYMin = (yA->GetBinLowEdge(1) - yMinMax.first) / yRange; fYStep = (yA->GetBinUpEdge(yA->GetLast()) - yA->GetBinLowEdge(yA->GetFirst())) / (fH - 1) / yRange; fZMin = (zA->GetBinLowEdge(1) - zMinMax.first) / zRange; fZStep = (zA->GetBinCenter(zA->GetLast()) - zA->GetBinLowEdge(zA->GetFirst())) / (fD - 1) / zRange; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///e for kdefgt. void TKDEAdapter::SetE(Double_t e) { fE = e; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///e for kdefgt. Double_t TKDEAdapter::GetE()const { return fE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Number of cells along X. UInt_t TKDEAdapter::GetW()const { return fW; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Number of cells along Y. UInt_t TKDEAdapter::GetH()const { return fH; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Number of cells along Z. UInt_t TKDEAdapter::GetD()const { return fD; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Set density estimator as a data source. void TKDEAdapter::SetDataSource(const TKDEFGT *de) { fDE = de; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///Do some initialization and calculate densities. void TKDEAdapter::FetchDensities()const { if (!fDE) { Error("TKDEAdapter::FetchFirstSlices", "Density estimator is a null pointer." " Set it correctly first."); throw std::runtime_error("No density estimator."); } fGrid.resize(fD * fSliceSize * 3);//3 is the number of coordinates: xyz //1D index into fGrid array. UInt_t ind = 0; //The first slice. for(UInt_t k = 0; k < fD; ++k) { for (UInt_t i = 0; i < fH; ++i) { for (UInt_t j = 0; j < fW; ++j, ind += 3) { fGrid[ind] = fXMin + j * fXStep; fGrid[ind + 1] = fYMin + i * fYStep; fGrid[ind + 2] = fZMin + k * fZStep; } } } fDensities.resize(fSliceSize * fD); //Ok, now, we can estimate densities. fDE->Predict(fGrid, fDensities, fE); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get data at given position. Float_t TKDEAdapter::GetData(UInt_t i, UInt_t j, UInt_t k)const { const UInt_t ind = k * fSliceSize + j * fW + i; return fDensities[ind]; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Free grid and density vectors. void TKDEAdapter::FreeVectors() { vector_t().swap(fGrid); vector_t().swap(fDensities); } } }