// @(#)root/html:$Id$ // Author: Axel Naumann 2007-01-09 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #include "TDocParser.h" #include "Riostream.h" #include "TBaseClass.h" #include "TClass.h" #include "TClassDocOutput.h" #include "TDataMember.h" #include "TDataType.h" #include "TDatime.h" #include "TDocDirective.h" #include "TEnv.h" #include "TGlobal.h" #include "THtml.h" #include "TInterpreter.h" #include "TMethod.h" #include "TMethodArg.h" #include "TPRegexp.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TVirtualMutex.h" #include namespace { class TMethodWrapperImpl: public TDocMethodWrapper { public: TMethodWrapperImpl(TMethod* m, int overloadIdx): fMeth(m), fOverloadIdx(overloadIdx) {} static void SetClass(const TClass* cl) { fgClass = cl; } const char* GetName() const { return fMeth->GetName(); } ULong_t Hash() const { return fMeth->Hash();} Int_t GetNargs() const { return fMeth->GetNargs(); } virtual TMethod* GetMethod() const { return fMeth; } Bool_t IsSortable() const { return kTRUE; } Int_t GetOverloadIdx() const { return fOverloadIdx; } Int_t Compare(const TObject *obj) const { const TMethodWrapperImpl* m = dynamic_cast(obj); if (!m) return 1; Int_t ret = strcasecmp(GetName(), m->GetName()); if (ret == 0) { if (GetNargs() < m->GetNargs()) return -1; else if (GetNargs() > m->GetNargs()) return 1; if (GetMethod()->GetClass()->InheritsFrom(m->GetMethod()->GetClass())) return -1; else return 1; } const char* l(GetName()); const char* r(m->GetName()); if (l[0] == '~' && r[0] == '~') { ++l; ++r; } TClass *lcl = 0; TClass *rcl = 0; if (fMeth->Property() & (kIsConstructor|kIsDestructor)) { lcl = TClass::GetClass(l); } if (m->fMeth->Property() & (kIsConstructor|kIsDestructor)) { rcl = TClass::GetClass(r); } if (lcl && fgClass->InheritsFrom(lcl)) { if (rcl && fgClass->InheritsFrom(rcl)) { if (lcl->InheritsFrom(rcl)) return -1; else return 1; } else return -1; } else if (rcl && fgClass->InheritsFrom(rcl)) return 1; if (l[0] == '~') return -1; if (r[0] == '~') return 1; return (ret < 0) ? -1 : 1; } private: static const TClass* fgClass; // current class, defining inheritance sort order TMethod* fMeth; // my method Int_t fOverloadIdx; // this is the n-th overload }; const TClass* TMethodWrapperImpl::fgClass = 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Parse C++ source or header, and extract documentation. // // Also handles special macros like /* Begin_Macro(GUI, source) { TGMainFrame* f = new TGMainFrame(0, 100, 100); f->SetName("testMainFrame"); // that's part of the name of the image TGButton* b = new TGTextButton(f, "Test Button"); f->AddFrame(b); f->MapSubwindows(); f->Resize(f->GetDefaultSize()); f->MapWindow(); return f; // *HIDE* } End_Macro */ // or multiline Latex aligned at =: /* Begin_Latex(separator='=',align=rcl) C = d #sqrt{#frac{2}{#lambdaD}} #int^{x}_{0}cos(#frac{#pi}{2}t^{2})dt D(x) = d End_Latex */ // even without alignment: Begin_Latex // x=sin^2(y) // y = #sqrt{sin(x)} // End_Latex and what about running an external macro? /* BEGIN_MACRO(source) testmacro.C END_MACRO and some nested stuff which doesn't work yet: */ // BEGIN_HTML /* BEGIN_LATEX Wow,^{an}_{image}^{inside}_{a}^{html}_{block} END_LATEX */ // END_HTML //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ClassImp(TDocParser); std::set TDocParser::fgKeywords; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Constructor called for parsing class sources TDocParser::TDocParser(TClassDocOutput& docOutput, TClass* cl): fHtml(docOutput.GetHtml()), fDocOutput(&docOutput), fLineNo(0), fCurrentClass(cl), fRecentClass(0), fCurrentModule(0), fDirectiveCount(0), fLineNumber(0), fDocContext(kIgnore), fCheckForMethod(kFALSE), fClassDocState(kClassDoc_Uninitialized), fCommentAtBOL(kFALSE), fAllowDirectives(kTRUE) { InitKeywords(); fSourceInfoTags[kInfoLastUpdate] = fHtml->GetLastUpdateTag(); fSourceInfoTags[kInfoAuthor] = fHtml->GetAuthorTag(); fSourceInfoTags[kInfoCopyright] = fHtml->GetCopyrightTag(); fClassDescrTag = fHtml->GetClassDocTag(); TMethodWrapperImpl::SetClass(cl); for (int ia = 0; ia < 3; ++ia) { fMethods[ia].Rehash(101); } AddClassMethodsRecursively(0); AddClassDataMembersRecursively(0); // needed for list of methods,... fParseContext.push_back(kCode); // create an array of method names TMethod *method; TIter nextMethod(fCurrentClass->GetListOfMethods()); fMethodCounts.clear(); while ((method = (TMethod *) nextMethod())) { ++fMethodCounts[method->GetName()]; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// constructor called for parsing text files with Convert() TDocParser::TDocParser(TDocOutput& docOutput): fHtml(docOutput.GetHtml()), fDocOutput(&docOutput), fLineNo(0), fCurrentClass(0), fRecentClass(0), fDirectiveCount(0), fLineNumber(0), fDocContext(kIgnore), fCheckForMethod(kFALSE), fClassDocState(kClassDoc_Uninitialized), fCommentAtBOL(kFALSE), fAllowDirectives(kFALSE) { InitKeywords(); fSourceInfoTags[kInfoLastUpdate] = fHtml->GetLastUpdateTag(); fSourceInfoTags[kInfoAuthor] = fHtml->GetAuthorTag(); fSourceInfoTags[kInfoCopyright] = fHtml->GetCopyrightTag(); fClassDescrTag = fHtml->GetClassDocTag(); TMethodWrapperImpl::SetClass(0); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// destructor, checking whether all methods have been found for gDebug > 3 TDocParser::~TDocParser() { if (gDebug > 3) { for (std::map::const_iterator iMethod = fMethodCounts.begin(); iMethod != fMethodCounts.end(); ++iMethod) if (iMethod->second) Info("~TDocParser", "Implementation of method %s::%s could not be found.", fCurrentClass ? fCurrentClass->GetName() : "", iMethod->first.c_str()); TIter iDirective(&fDirectiveHandlers); TDocDirective* directive = 0; while ((directive = (TDocDirective*) iDirective())) { TString directiveName; directive->GetName(directiveName); Warning("~TDocParser", "Missing \"%s\" for macro %s", directive->GetEndTag(), directiveName.Data()); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Add accessible (i.e. non-private) methods of base class bc /// and its base classes' methods to methodNames. /// If bc==0, we add fCurrentClass's methods (and also private functions). void TDocParser::AddClassMethodsRecursively(TBaseClass* bc) { // make a loop on member functions TClass *cl = fCurrentClass; if (bc) cl = bc->GetClassPointer(kFALSE); if (!cl) return; TMethod *method; TIter nextMethod(cl->GetListOfMethods()); std::map methOverloads; while ((method = (TMethod *) nextMethod())) { if (!strcmp(method->GetName(), "Dictionary") || !strcmp(method->GetName(), "Class_Version") || !strcmp(method->GetName(), "Class_Name") || !strcmp(method->GetName(), "DeclFileName") || !strcmp(method->GetName(), "DeclFileLine") || !strcmp(method->GetName(), "ImplFileName") || !strcmp(method->GetName(), "ImplFileLine") || (bc && (method->GetName()[0] == '~' // d'tor || !strcmp(method->GetName(), method->GetReturnTypeName()))) // c'tor ) continue; Int_t mtype = 0; if (kIsPrivate & method->Property()) mtype = 0; else if (kIsProtected & method->Property()) mtype = 1; else if (kIsPublic & method->Property()) mtype = 2; if (bc) { if (mtype == 0) continue; if (bc->Property() & kIsPrivate) mtype = 0; else if ((bc->Property() & kIsProtected) && mtype == 2) mtype = 1; } Bool_t hidden = kFALSE; for (Int_t access = 0; !hidden && access < 3; ++access) { TMethodWrapperImpl* other = (TMethodWrapperImpl*) fMethods[access].FindObject(method->GetName()); hidden |= (other) && (other->GetMethod()->GetClass() != method->GetClass()); } if (!hidden) { fMethods[mtype].Add(new TMethodWrapperImpl(method, methOverloads[method->GetName()])); ++methOverloads[method->GetName()]; } } TIter iBase(cl->GetListOfBases()); TBaseClass* base = 0; while ((base = (TBaseClass*)iBase())) AddClassMethodsRecursively(base); if (!bc) for (Int_t access = 0; access < 3; ++access) { fMethods[access].SetOwner(); fMethods[access].Sort(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Add data members of fCurrentClass and of bc to datamembers, recursively. /// Real data members are in idx 0..2 (public, protected, private access), /// enum constants in idx 3..5. void TDocParser::AddClassDataMembersRecursively(TBaseClass* bc) { // make a loop on member functions TClass *cl = fCurrentClass; if (bc) cl = bc->GetClassPointer(kFALSE); if (!cl) return; TDataMember *dm; TIter nextDM(cl->GetListOfDataMembers()); while ((dm = (TDataMember *) nextDM())) { if (!strcmp(dm->GetName(), "fgIsA")) continue; Int_t mtype = 0; if (kIsPrivate & dm->Property()) mtype = 0; else if (kIsProtected & dm->Property()) mtype = 1; else if (kIsPublic & dm->Property()) mtype = 2; if (bc) { if (mtype == 0) continue; if (bc->Property() & kIsPrivate) mtype = 0; else if ((bc->Property() & kIsProtected) && mtype == 2) mtype = 1; } const Int_t flagEnumConst = kIsEnum | kIsConstant | kIsStatic; if ((dm->Property() & flagEnumConst) == flagEnumConst && dm->GetDataType() && dm->GetDataType()->GetType() == kInt_t) { mtype = 5; // The access of the enum constant is defined by the access of the enum: // for CINT, all enum constants are public. // There is no TClass or TDataType for enum types; instead, use CINT: /* No - CINT does not know their access restriction. With CINT5 we have no way of determining it... ClassInfo_t* enumCI = gInterpreter->ClassInfo_Factory(dm->GetTypeName()); if (enumCI) { Long_t prop = gInterpreter->ClassInfo_Property(enumCI); if (kIsPrivate & prop) mtype = 3; else if (kIsProtected & prop) mtype = 4; else if (kIsPublic & prop) mtype = 5; gInterpreter->ClassInfo_Delete(enumCI); } */ } fDataMembers[mtype].Add(dm); } TIter iBase(cl->GetListOfBases()); TBaseClass* base = 0; while ((base = (TBaseClass*)iBase())) AddClassDataMembersRecursively(base); if (!bc) for (Int_t access = 0; access < 6; ++access) { fDataMembers[access].SetOwner(kFALSE); if (access < 3) // don't sort enums; we keep them in enum tag order fDataMembers[access].Sort(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create an anchor from the given line, by hashing it and /// convertig the hash into a custom base64 string. void TDocParser::AnchorFromLine(const TString& line, TString& anchor) { const char base64String[65] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_."; // use hash of line instead of e.g. line number. // advantages: more stable (lines can move around, we still find them back), // no need for keeping a line number context UInt_t hash = ::Hash(line); anchor.Remove(0); // force first letter to be [A-Za-z], to be id compatible anchor += base64String[hash % 52]; hash /= 52; while (hash) { anchor += base64String[hash % 64]; hash /= 64; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Parse text file "in", add links etc, and write output to "out". /// If "isCode", "in" is assumed to be C++ code. void TDocParser::Convert(std::ostream& out, std::istream& in, const char* relpath, Bool_t isCode, Bool_t interpretDirectives) { fLineNumber = 0; fParseContext.clear(); if (isCode) fParseContext.push_back(kCode); else fParseContext.push_back(kComment); // so we can find "BEGIN_HTML"/"END_HTML" in plain text while (!in.eof()) { fLineRaw.ReadLine(in, kFALSE); ++fLineNumber; if (in.eof()) break; // remove leading spaces fLineComment = ""; fLineSource = fLineRaw; fLineStripped = fLineRaw; Strip(fLineStripped); DecorateKeywords(fLineSource); // Changes in this bit of code have consequences for: // * module index, // * source files, // * THtml::Convert() e.g. in tutorials/html/MakeTutorials.C if (!interpretDirectives) { // Only write the raw, uninterpreted directive code: if (!InContext(kDirective)) { GetDocOutput()->AdjustSourcePath(fLineSource, relpath); out << fLineSource << std::endl; } } else { // Write source for source and interpreted directives if they exist. if (fLineComment.Length() ) { GetDocOutput()->AdjustSourcePath(fLineComment, relpath); out << fLineComment << std::endl; } else if (!InContext(kDirective)) { GetDocOutput()->AdjustSourcePath(fLineSource, relpath); out << fLineSource << std::endl; } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Expand keywords in text, writing to out. void TDocParser::DecorateKeywords(std::ostream& out, const char *text) { TString str(text); DecorateKeywords(str); out << str; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Find keywords in line and create URLs around them. Escape characters with a /// special meaning for HTML. Protect "Begin_Html"/"End_Html" pairs, and set the /// parsing context. Evaluate sequences like a::b->c. /// Skip regions where directives are active. void TDocParser::DecorateKeywords(TString& line) { std::list currentType; enum { kNada, kMember, kScope, kNumAccesses } scoping = kNada; currentType.push_back(0); Ssiz_t i = 0; while (isspace((UChar_t)line[i])) ++i; Ssiz_t startOfLine = i; // changed when the end of a directive is encountered, i.e. // from where fLineSource needs to be appended to fLineComment Ssiz_t copiedToCommentUpTo = 0; if (InContext(kDirective) && fDirectiveHandlers.Last()) { // we're only waiting for an "End_Whatever" and ignoring everything else TDocDirective* directive = (TDocDirective*)fDirectiveHandlers.Last(); const char* endTag = directive->GetEndTag(); Ssiz_t posEndTag = i; while (kNPOS != (posEndTag = line.Index(endTag, posEndTag, TString::kIgnoreCase))) if (posEndTag == 0 || line[posEndTag - 1] != '"') // escaping '"' break; if (posEndTag != kNPOS) i = posEndTag; else { Ssiz_t start = 0; if (!InContext(kComment) || (InContext(kComment) & kCXXComment)) { // means we are in a C++ comment while (isspace((UChar_t)fLineRaw[start])) ++start; if (fLineRaw[start] == '/' && fLineRaw[start + 1] == '/') start += 2; else start = 0; } directive->AddLine(fLineRaw(start, fLineRaw.Length())); while(i < line.Length()) fDocOutput->ReplaceSpecialChars(line, i); copiedToCommentUpTo = i; } } for (; i < line.Length(); ++i) { if (!currentType.back()) scoping = kNada; // evaluate scope relation if (Context() == kCode || Context() == kComment) { if (currentType.back()) switch (line[i]) { case ':': if (line[i + 1] == ':') { scoping = kScope; i += 1; continue; } break; case '-': if (line[i + 1] == '>') { scoping = kMember; i += 1; continue; } break; case '.': if (line[i + 1] != '.') { // prevent "..." scoping = kMember; continue; } break; } switch (line[i]) { case '(': currentType.push_back(0); scoping = kNada; continue; break; case ')': if (currentType.size() > 1) currentType.pop_back(); scoping = kMember; continue; break; } if (i >= line.Length()) break; } else // code or comment currentType.back() = 0; if (!IsWord(line[i])){ Bool_t haveHtmlEscapedChar = Context() == kString && i > 2 && line[i] == '\'' && line[i-1] == ';'; if (haveHtmlEscapedChar) { Ssiz_t posBegin = i - 2; while (posBegin > 0 && IsWord(line[posBegin])) --posBegin; haveHtmlEscapedChar = posBegin > 0 && line[posBegin] == '&' && line[posBegin - 1] == '\''; } EParseContext context = Context(); Bool_t closeString = context == kString && ( line[i] == '"' || (line[i] == '\'' && ( (i > 1 && line[i - 2] == '\'') || (i > 3 && line[i - 2] == '\\' && line[i - 3] == '\''))) || haveHtmlEscapedChar) && (i == 0 || line[i - 1] != '\\'); // but not "foo \"str... if (context == kCode || context == kComment) { if (line[i] == '"' || (line[i] == '\'' && ( // 'a' (line.Length() > i + 2 && line[i + 2] == '\'') || // '\a' (line.Length() > i + 3 && line[i + 1] == '\'' && line[i + 3] == '\'')))) { fDocOutput->DecorateEntityBegin(line, i, kString); fParseContext.push_back(kString); currentType.back() = 0; closeString = kFALSE; } else if (context == kCode && line[i] == '/' && (line[i+1] == '/' || line[i+1] == '*')) { fParseContext.push_back(kComment); if (line[i+1] == '/') fParseContext.back() |= kCXXComment; currentType.back() = 0; fDocOutput->DecorateEntityBegin(line, i, kComment); ++i; } else if (context == kComment && !(fParseContext.back() & kCXXComment) && line.Length() > i + 1 && line[i] == '*' && line[i+1] == '/') { if (fParseContext.size()>1) fParseContext.pop_back(); currentType.back() = 0; i += 2; fDocOutput->DecorateEntityEnd(line, i, kComment); if (!fCommentAtBOL) { if (InContext(kDirective)) ((TDocDirective*)fDirectiveHandlers.Last())->AddLine(line(copiedToCommentUpTo, i)); else fLineComment += line(copiedToCommentUpTo, i); copiedToCommentUpTo = i; } } else if (startOfLine == i && line[i] == '#' && context == kCode) { ExpandCPPLine(line, i); } } // if context is comment or code if (i < line.Length()) fDocOutput->ReplaceSpecialChars(line, i); if (closeString) { fDocOutput->DecorateEntityEnd(line, i, kString); if (fParseContext.size()>1) fParseContext.pop_back(); currentType.back() = 0; } --i; // i already moved by ReplaceSpecialChar continue; } // end of "not a word" // get the word Ssiz_t endWord = i; while (endWord < line.Length() && IsName(line[endWord])) endWord++; if (Context() == kString || Context() == kCPP) { // don't replace in strings, cpp, etc i = endWord - 1; continue; } TString word(line(i, endWord - i)); // '"' escapes handling of "Begin_..."/"End_..." if ((i == 0 || (i > 0 && line[i - 1] != '"')) && HandleDirective(line, i, word, copiedToCommentUpTo)) { // something special happened; the currentType is gone. currentType.back() = 0; continue; } // don't replace keywords in comments if (Context() == kCode && fgKeywords.find(word.Data()) != fgKeywords.end()) { fDocOutput->DecorateEntityBegin(line, i, kKeyword); i += word.Length(); fDocOutput->DecorateEntityEnd(line, i, kKeyword); --i; // -1 for ++i currentType.back() = 0; continue; } // Now decorate scopes and member, referencing their documentation: // generic layout: // A::B::C::member[arr]->othermember // we iterate through this, first scope is A, and currentType will be set toA, // next we see ::B, "::" signals to use currentType,... TDataType* subType = 0; TClass* subClass = 0; TDataMember *datamem = 0; TMethod *meth = 0; const char* globalTypeName = 0; if (!currentType.size()) { Warning("DecorateKeywords", "type context is empty!"); currentType.push_back(0); } TClass* lookupScope = currentType.back(); if (scoping == kNada) { if (fCurrentClass) lookupScope = fCurrentClass; else lookupScope = fRecentClass; } if (scoping == kNada) { subType = gROOT->GetType(word); if (!subType) subClass = fHtml->GetClass(word); if (!subType && !subClass) { TGlobal *global = gROOT->GetGlobal(word); if (global) { // cannot doc globals; take at least their type... globalTypeName = global->GetTypeName(); subClass = fHtml->GetClass(globalTypeName); if (!subClass) subType = gROOT->GetType(globalTypeName); else // hack to prevent current THtml obj from showing up - we only want gHtml if (subClass == THtml::Class() && word != "gHtml") subClass = 0; } } if (!subType && !subClass) { // too bad - cannot doc yet... //TFunction *globFunc = gROOT->GetGlobalFunctionWithPrototype(word); //globFunc = 0; } if (!subType && !subClass) { // also try template while (isspace(line[endWord])) ++endWord; if (line[endWord] == '<' || line[endWord] == '>') { // check for possible template Ssiz_t endWordT = endWord + 1; int templateLevel = 1; while (endWordT < line.Length() && (templateLevel || IsName(line[endWordT]) || line[endWordT] == '<' || line[endWordT] == '>')) { if (line[endWordT] == '<') ++templateLevel; else if (line[endWordT] == '>') --templateLevel; endWordT++; } subClass = fHtml->GetClass(line(i, endWordT - i).Data()); if (subClass) word = line(i, endWordT - i); } } } if (lookupScope && !subType && !subClass) { if (scoping == kScope) { TString subClassName(lookupScope->GetName()); subClassName += "::"; subClassName += word; subClass = fHtml->GetClass(subClassName); if (!subClass) subType = gROOT->GetType(subClassName); } if (!subClass && !subType) { // also try A::B::c() datamem = lookupScope->GetDataMember(word); if (!datamem) meth = lookupScope->GetMethodAllAny(word); } if (!subClass && !subType && !datamem && !meth) { // also try template while (isspace(line[endWord])) ++endWord; if (line[endWord] == '<' || line[endWord] == '>') { // check for possible template Ssiz_t endWordT = endWord + 1; int templateLevel = 1; while (endWordT < line.Length() && (templateLevel || IsName(line[endWordT]) || line[endWordT] == '<' || line[endWordT] == '>')) { if (line[endWordT] == '<') ++templateLevel; else if (line[endWordT] == '>') --templateLevel; endWordT++; } TString subClassName(lookupScope->GetName()); subClassName += "::"; subClassName += line(i, endWordT - i); subClass = fHtml->GetClass(subClassName); if (subClass) word = line(i, endWordT - i); } } } // create the link TString mangledWord(word); fDocOutput->ReplaceSpecialChars(mangledWord); line.Replace(i, word.Length(), mangledWord); TSubString substr(line(i, mangledWord.Length())); if (subType) { fDocOutput->ReferenceEntity(substr, subType, globalTypeName ? globalTypeName : subType->GetName()); currentType.back() = 0; } else if (subClass) { fDocOutput->ReferenceEntity(substr, subClass, globalTypeName ? globalTypeName : subClass->GetName()); currentType.back() = subClass; fRecentClass = subClass; } else if (datamem || meth) { if (datamem) { fDocOutput->ReferenceEntity(substr, datamem); if (datamem->GetTypeName()) currentType.back() = fHtml->GetClass(datamem->GetTypeName()); } else { fDocOutput->ReferenceEntity(substr, meth); TString retTypeName = meth->GetReturnTypeName(); if (retTypeName.BeginsWith("const ")) retTypeName.Remove(0,6); Ssiz_t pos=0; while (IsWord(retTypeName[pos]) || retTypeName[pos]=='<' || retTypeName[pos]=='>' || retTypeName[pos]==':') ++pos; retTypeName.Remove(pos, retTypeName.Length()); if (retTypeName.Length()) currentType.back() = fHtml->GetClass(retTypeName); } } else currentType.back() = 0; //i += mangledWord.Length(); i += substr.Length(); --i; // due to ++i } // while i < line.Length() if (i > line.Length()) i = line.Length(); // clean up, no strings across lines if (Context() == kString) { fDocOutput->DecorateEntityEnd(line, i, kString); if (fParseContext.size()>1) fParseContext.pop_back(); currentType.back() = 0; } // HandleDirective already copied the chunk before the directive // from fLineSource to fLineComment. So we're done up to "i" in // fLineSource; next time we encounter a directive we just need // to copy from startOfComment on. if ((InContext(kComment) || fCommentAtBOL) && copiedToCommentUpTo < line.Length()) { if (InContext(kDirective)) ((TDocDirective*)fDirectiveHandlers.Last())->AddLine(line(copiedToCommentUpTo, line.Length())); else fLineComment += line(copiedToCommentUpTo, line.Length()); } // Do this after we append to fLineComment, otherwise the closing // gets sent to the directive. // clean up, no CPP comment across lines if (InContext(kComment) & kCXXComment) { fDocOutput->DecorateEntityEnd(line, i, kComment); if (fLineComment.Length()) { Ssiz_t pos = fLineComment.Length(); fDocOutput->DecorateEntityEnd(fLineComment, pos, kComment); } RemoveCommentContext(kTRUE); currentType.back() = 0; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// reduce method count for method called name, /// removing it from fMethodCounts once the count reaches 0. void TDocParser::DecrementMethodCount(const char* name) { typedef std::map MethodCount_t; MethodCount_t::iterator iMethodName = fMethodCounts.find(name); if (iMethodName != fMethodCounts.end()) { --(iMethodName->second); if (iMethodName->second <= 0) fMethodCounts.erase(iMethodName); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Delete output generated by prior runs of all known directives; /// the output file names might have changes. void TDocParser::DeleteDirectiveOutput() const { TIter iClass(gROOT->GetListOfClasses()); TClass* cl = 0; while ((cl = (TClass*) iClass())) if (cl != TDocDirective::Class() && cl->InheritsFrom(TDocDirective::Class())) { TDocDirective* directive = (TDocDirective*) cl->New(); if (!directive) continue; directive->SetParser(const_cast(this)); directive->DeleteOutput(); delete directive; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Expand preprocessor statements /// /// /// Input: line - line containing the CPP statement, /// pos - position of '#' /// /// NOTE: Looks for the #include statements and /// creates link to the corresponding file /// if such file exists /// void TDocParser::ExpandCPPLine(TString& line, Ssiz_t& pos) { Bool_t linkExist = kFALSE; Ssiz_t posEndOfLine = line.Length(); Ssiz_t posHash = pos; Ssiz_t posInclude = line.Index("include", pos); if (posInclude != kNPOS) { TString filename; Ssiz_t posStartFilename = posInclude + 7; if (line.Tokenize(filename, posStartFilename, "[<\"]")) { Ssiz_t posEndFilename = posStartFilename; if (line.Tokenize(filename, posEndFilename, "[>\"]")) { R__LOCKGUARD(fHtml->GetMakeClassMutex()); TString filesysFileName; if (fHtml->GetPathDefinition().GetFileNameFromInclude(filename, filesysFileName)) { fDocOutput->CopyHtmlFile(filesysFileName); TString endOfLine(line(posEndFilename - 1, line.Length())); line.Remove(posStartFilename, line.Length()); for (Ssiz_t i = pos; i < line.Length();) fDocOutput->ReplaceSpecialChars(line, i); line += "BaseName(filename); line += "\">"; line += filename + "" + endOfLine[0]; // add include file's closing '>' or '"' posEndOfLine = line.Length() - 1; // set the "processed up to" to it fDocOutput->ReplaceSpecialChars(line, posEndOfLine); // and run replace-special-char on it line += endOfLine(1, endOfLine.Length()); // add the unprocessed part of the line back linkExist = kTRUE; } } } } if (!linkExist) { fDocOutput->ReplaceSpecialChars(line); posEndOfLine = line.Length(); } Ssiz_t posHashAfterDecoration = posHash; fDocOutput->DecorateEntityBegin(line, posHashAfterDecoration, kCPP); posEndOfLine += posHashAfterDecoration - posHash; fDocOutput->DecorateEntityEnd(line, posEndOfLine, kCPP); pos = posEndOfLine; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Return the name of module for which sources are currently parsed. void TDocParser::GetCurrentModule(TString& out_module) const { if (fCurrentModule) out_module = fCurrentModule; else if (fCurrentClass) fHtml->GetModuleNameForClass(out_module, fCurrentClass); else out_module = "(UNKNOWN MODULE WHILE PARSING)"; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Process directives to the documentation engine, like "Begin_Html" / "End_Html", /// "Begin_Macro" / "End_Macro", and "Begin_Latex" / "End_Latex". Bool_t TDocParser::HandleDirective(TString& line, Ssiz_t& pos, TString& word, Ssiz_t& copiedToCommentUpTo) { Bool_t begin = kTRUE; TClass* clDirective = IsDirective(line, pos, word, begin); if (!clDirective) return kFALSE; // we'll need end later on: afer the begin block, both end _and_ begin can be true. Bool_t end = !begin; TDocDirective* directive = 0; // allow re-use of object from begin block in end if (begin) { // copy from fLineSource to fLineComment, starting at copiedToCommentUpTo if (InContext(kDirective)) ((TDocDirective*)fDirectiveHandlers.Last())->AddLine(fLineSource(copiedToCommentUpTo, pos - copiedToCommentUpTo)); else fLineComment += fLineSource(copiedToCommentUpTo, pos - copiedToCommentUpTo); copiedToCommentUpTo = pos; pos += word.Length(); // skip the keyword directive = (TDocDirective*) clDirective->New(); if (!directive) return kFALSE; directive->SetParser(this); if (fCurrentMethodTag.Length()) directive->SetTag(fCurrentMethodTag); directive->SetCounter(fDirectiveCount++); // parse parameters TString params; if (begin && line[pos] == '(') { std::list waitForClosing; Ssiz_t endParam = pos + 1; for (; endParam < line.Length() && (line[endParam] != ')' || !waitForClosing.empty()); ++endParam) { const char c = line[endParam]; if (!waitForClosing.empty() && waitForClosing.back() == c) { waitForClosing.pop_back(); continue; } switch (c) { case '"': if (waitForClosing.empty() || waitForClosing.back() != '\'') waitForClosing.push_back('"'); break; case '\'': if (waitForClosing.empty() || waitForClosing.back() != '"') waitForClosing.push_back('\''); break; case '(': if (waitForClosing.empty() || (waitForClosing.back() != '"' && waitForClosing.back() != '\'')) waitForClosing.push_back(')'); break; case '\\': ++endParam; // skip next char default: break; }; } if (waitForClosing.empty()) { params = line(pos + 1, endParam - (pos + 1)); pos += params.Length() + 2; // params + parentheses } directive->SetParameters(params); } // check for end tag in current line Ssiz_t posEndTag = pos; const char* endTag = directive->GetEndTag(); Ssiz_t lenEndTag = strlen(endTag); while (kNPOS != (posEndTag = line.Index(endTag, posEndTag, TString::kIgnoreCase))) { if (line[posEndTag - 1] == '"') { posEndTag += lenEndTag; continue; // escaping '"' } break; } if (posEndTag != kNPOS) { end = kTRUE; // we just continue below! } else { fDirectiveHandlers.AddLast(directive); fParseContext.push_back(kDirective); if (InContext(kComment) & kCXXComment) fParseContext.back() |= kCXXComment; posEndTag = line.Length(); } directive->AddLine(line(pos, posEndTag - pos)); TString remainder(line(posEndTag, line.Length())); line.Remove(posEndTag, line.Length()); while (pos < line.Length()) fDocOutput->ReplaceSpecialChars(line, pos); pos = line.Length(); // skip the remainder of the line copiedToCommentUpTo = line.Length(); line += remainder; } // no else - "end" can also be set by begin having an end tag! if (end) { if (!begin) pos += word.Length(); // skip the keyword else pos += word.Length() - 2; // "Begin" is 2 chars longer than "End" if (!directive) directive = (TDocDirective*) fDirectiveHandlers.Last(); if (!directive) { Warning("HandleDirective", "Cannot find directive handler object %s !", fLineRaw.Data()); return kFALSE; } if (!begin) { Ssiz_t start = 0; if (!InContext(kComment) || (InContext(kComment) & kCXXComment)) { // means we are in a C++ comment while (isspace((UChar_t)fLineRaw[start])) ++start; if (fLineRaw[start] == '/' && fLineRaw[start + 1] == '/') start += 2; else start = 0; } directive->AddLine(line(start, pos - word.Length() - start)); TString remainder(line(pos, line.Length())); line.Remove(pos, line.Length()); fDocOutput->ReplaceSpecialChars(line); pos = line.Length(); line += remainder; } copiedToCommentUpTo = pos; TString result; directive->GetResult(result); if (!begin) fDirectiveHandlers.Remove(fDirectiveHandlers.LastLink()); delete directive; if (!begin) { // common to all directives: pop context Bool_t isInCxxComment = InContext(kDirective) & kCXXComment; if (fParseContext.size()>1) fParseContext.pop_back(); if (isInCxxComment && !InContext(kComment)) { fParseContext.push_back(kComment | kCXXComment); fDocOutput->DecorateEntityBegin(line, pos, kComment); } } if (InContext(kDirective) && fDirectiveHandlers.Last()) ((TDocDirective*)fDirectiveHandlers.Last())->AddLine(result(0, result.Length())); else fLineComment += result; /* NO - this can happen e.g. for "BEGIN_HTML / *..." (see doc in this class) if (Context() != kComment) { Warning("HandleDirective", "Popping back a directive context, but enclosing context is not a comment! At:\n%s", fLineRaw.Data()); fParseContext.push_back(kComment); } */ } return kTRUE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// checks whether we are in a parse context, return the entry closest /// to the current context. /// If context is a EParseContextFlag just look for the first match in /// the flags UInt_t TDocParser::InContext(Int_t context) const { UInt_t lowerContext = context & kParseContextMask; UInt_t contextFlag = context & kParseContextFlagMask; for (std::list::const_reverse_iterator iPC = fParseContext.rbegin(); iPC != fParseContext.rend(); ++iPC) if (!lowerContext || ((lowerContext && ((*iPC & kParseContextMask) == lowerContext)) && (!contextFlag || (contextFlag && (*iPC & contextFlag))))) return *iPC; return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// fill C++ keywords into fgKeywords void TDocParser::InitKeywords() const { if (!fgKeywords.empty()) return; fgKeywords.insert("asm"); fgKeywords.insert("auto"); fgKeywords.insert("bool"); fgKeywords.insert("break"); fgKeywords.insert("case"); fgKeywords.insert("catch"); fgKeywords.insert("char"); fgKeywords.insert("class"); fgKeywords.insert("const"); fgKeywords.insert("const_cast"); fgKeywords.insert("continue"); fgKeywords.insert("default"); fgKeywords.insert("delete"); fgKeywords.insert("do"); fgKeywords.insert("double"); fgKeywords.insert("dynamic_cast"); fgKeywords.insert("else"); fgKeywords.insert("enum"); fgKeywords.insert("explicit"); fgKeywords.insert("export"); fgKeywords.insert("extern"); fgKeywords.insert("false"); fgKeywords.insert("float"); fgKeywords.insert("for"); fgKeywords.insert("friend"); fgKeywords.insert("goto"); fgKeywords.insert("if"); fgKeywords.insert("inline"); fgKeywords.insert("int"); fgKeywords.insert("long"); fgKeywords.insert("mutable"); fgKeywords.insert("namespace"); fgKeywords.insert("new"); fgKeywords.insert("operator"); fgKeywords.insert("private"); fgKeywords.insert("protected"); fgKeywords.insert("public"); fgKeywords.insert("register"); fgKeywords.insert("reinterpret_cast"); fgKeywords.insert("return"); fgKeywords.insert("short"); fgKeywords.insert("signed"); fgKeywords.insert("sizeof"); fgKeywords.insert("static"); fgKeywords.insert("static_cast"); fgKeywords.insert("struct"); fgKeywords.insert("switch"); fgKeywords.insert("template"); fgKeywords.insert("this"); fgKeywords.insert("throw"); fgKeywords.insert("true"); fgKeywords.insert("try"); fgKeywords.insert("typedef"); fgKeywords.insert("typeid"); fgKeywords.insert("typename"); fgKeywords.insert("union"); fgKeywords.insert("unsigned"); fgKeywords.insert("using"); fgKeywords.insert("virtual"); fgKeywords.insert("void"); fgKeywords.insert("volatile"); fgKeywords.insert("wchar_t"); fgKeywords.insert("while"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// return whether word at line's pos is a valid directive, and returns its /// TDocDirective's TClass object, or 0 if it's not a directive. Set begin /// to kTRUE for "Begin_..." /// You can implement your own handlers by implementing a class deriving /// from TDocHandler, and calling it TDocTagDirective for "BEGIN_TAG", /// "END_TAG" blocks. TClass* TDocParser::IsDirective(const TString& line, Ssiz_t pos, const TString& word, Bool_t& begin) const { // '"' serves as escape char if (pos > 0 && line[pos - 1] == '"') return 0; begin = word.BeginsWith("begin_", TString::kIgnoreCase); Bool_t end = word.BeginsWith("end_", TString::kIgnoreCase); if (!begin && !end) return 0; /* NO - we can have "BEGIN_HTML / * ..." if (!InContext(kComment)) return 0; */ TString tag = word( begin ? 6 : 4, word.Length()); if (!tag.Length()) return 0; tag.ToLower(); tag[0] -= 'a' - 'A'; // first char is caps tag.Prepend("TDoc"); tag += "Directive"; TClass* clDirective = TClass::GetClass(tag, kFALSE); if (gDebug > 0 && !clDirective) Warning("IsDirective", "Unknown THtml directive %s in line %d!", word.Data(), fLineNo); return clDirective; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Check if c is a valid C++ name character /// /// /// Input: c - a single character /// /// Output: TRUE if c is a valid C++ name character /// and FALSE if it's not. /// /// NOTE: Valid name characters are [a..zA..Z0..9_~], /// Bool_t TDocParser::IsName(UChar_t c) { Bool_t ret = kFALSE; if (isalnum(c) || c == '_' || c == '~') ret = kTRUE; return ret; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Check if c is a valid first character for C++ name /// /// /// Input: c - a single character /// /// Output: TRUE if c is a valid first character for C++ name, /// and FALSE if it's not. /// /// NOTE: Valid first characters are [a..zA..Z_~] /// Bool_t TDocParser::IsWord(UChar_t c) { Bool_t ret = kFALSE; if (isalpha(c) || c == '_' || c == '~') ret = kTRUE; return ret; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Search for a method starting at posMethodName, and return its return type, /// its name, and its arguments. If the end of arguments is not found in the /// current line, get a new line from sourceFile, beautify it to srcOut, creating /// an anchor as necessary. When this function returns, posMethodName points to the /// end of the function declaration, i.e. right after the arguments' closing bracket. /// If posMethodName == kNPOS, we look for the first matching method in fMethodCounts. TMethod* TDocParser::LocateMethodInCurrentLine(Ssiz_t &posMethodName, TString& ret, TString& name, TString& params, Bool_t& isconst, std::ostream &srcOut, TString &anchor, std::ifstream& sourceFile, Bool_t allowPureVirtual) { typedef std::map MethodCount_t; isconst = false; if (posMethodName == kNPOS) { name.Remove(0); TMethod * meth = 0; Ssiz_t posBlock = fLineRaw.Index('{'); Ssiz_t posQuote = fLineRaw.Index('"'); if (posQuote != kNPOS && (posBlock == kNPOS || posQuote < posBlock)) posBlock = posQuote; if (posBlock == kNPOS) posBlock = fLineRaw.Length(); for (MethodCount_t::iterator iMethodName = fMethodCounts.begin(); !name.Length() && iMethodName != fMethodCounts.end(); ++iMethodName) { TString lookFor(iMethodName->first); posMethodName = fLineRaw.Index(lookFor); if (posMethodName != kNPOS && posMethodName < posBlock && (posMethodName == 0 || !IsWord(fLineRaw[posMethodName - 1]))) { // check whether the method name is followed by optional spaces and // an opening parathesis Ssiz_t posMethodEnd = posMethodName + lookFor.Length(); while (isspace((UChar_t)fLineRaw[posMethodEnd])) ++posMethodEnd; if (fLineRaw[posMethodEnd] == '(') { meth = LocateMethodInCurrentLine(posMethodName, ret, name, params, isconst, srcOut, anchor, sourceFile, allowPureVirtual); if (name.Length()) return meth; } } } return 0; } name = fLineRaw(posMethodName, fLineRaw.Length() - posMethodName); // extract return type ret = fLineRaw(0, posMethodName); if (ret.Length()) { while (ret.Length() && (IsName(ret[ret.Length() - 1]) || ret[ret.Length()-1] == ':')) ret.Remove(ret.Length() - 1, 1); Strip(ret); Bool_t didSomething = kTRUE; while (didSomething) { didSomething = kFALSE; if (ret.BeginsWith("inline ")) { didSomething = kTRUE; ret.Remove(0, 7); } if (ret.BeginsWith("static ")) { didSomething = kTRUE; ret.Remove(0, 7); } if (ret.BeginsWith("virtual ")) { didSomething = kTRUE; ret.Remove(0, 8); } } // while replacing static, virtual, inline Strip(ret); } // extract parameters Ssiz_t posParam = name.First('('); if (posParam == kNPOS || // no strange return types, please ret.Contains("{") || ret.Contains("}") || ret.Contains("(") || ret.Contains(")") || ret.Contains("=")) { ret.Remove(0); name.Remove(0); params.Remove(0); return 0; } if (name.BeginsWith("operator")) { // op () (...) Ssiz_t checkOpBracketParam = posParam + 1; while (isspace((UChar_t)name[checkOpBracketParam])) ++checkOpBracketParam; if (name[checkOpBracketParam] == ')') { ++checkOpBracketParam; while (isspace((UChar_t)name[checkOpBracketParam])) ++checkOpBracketParam; if (name[checkOpBracketParam] == '(') posParam = checkOpBracketParam; } } // check for op () (...) if (posParam == kNPOS) { ret.Remove(0); name.Remove(0); params.Remove(0); return 0; } params = name(posParam, name.Length() - posParam); name.Remove(posParam); while (name.Length() && isspace((UChar_t)name[name.Length() - 1])) name.Remove(name.Length() - 1); if (!name.Length()) { ret.Remove(0); name.Remove(0); params.Remove(0); return 0; } MethodCount_t::const_iterator iMethodName = fMethodCounts.find(name.Data()); if (iMethodName == fMethodCounts.end() || iMethodName->second <= 0) { ret.Remove(0); name.Remove(0); params.Remove(0); return 0; } // find end of param Ssiz_t posParamEnd = 1; Int_t bracketLevel = 1; while (bracketLevel) { const char* paramEnd = strpbrk(params.Data() + posParamEnd, ")(\"'"); if (!paramEnd) { // func with params over multiple lines // gotta write out this line before it gets lost if (!anchor.Length()) { // request an anchor, just in case... AnchorFromLine(fLineStripped, anchor); if (srcOut) srcOut << ""; } ++fLineNumber; if (srcOut) WriteSourceLine(srcOut); fLineRaw.ReadLine(sourceFile, kFALSE); if (sourceFile.eof()) { Error("LocateMethodInCurrentLine", "Cannot find end of signature for function %s!", name.Data()); break; } fCommentAtBOL = kFALSE; // replace class names etc fLineStripped = fLineRaw; Strip(fLineStripped); fLineSource = fLineRaw; DecorateKeywords(fLineSource); posParamEnd = params.Length(); params += fLineRaw; } else posParamEnd = paramEnd - params.Data(); switch (params[posParamEnd]) { case '(': ++bracketLevel; ++posParamEnd; break; case ')': --bracketLevel; ++posParamEnd; break; case '"': // skip ")" ++posParamEnd; while (params.Length() > posParamEnd && params[posParamEnd] != '"') { // skip '\"' if (params[posParamEnd] == '\\') ++posParamEnd; ++posParamEnd; } if (params.Length() <= posParamEnd) { // something is seriously wrong - skip :-/ ret.Remove(0); name.Remove(0); params.Remove(0); return 0; } ++posParamEnd; // skip trailing '"' break; case '\'': // skip ')' ++posParamEnd; if (params[posParamEnd] == '\\') ++posParamEnd; posParamEnd += 2; break; default: ++posParamEnd; } } // while bracketlevel, i.e. (...(..)...) { TString pastParams(params(posParamEnd, params.Length())); pastParams = pastParams.Strip(TString::kLeading); isconst = pastParams.BeginsWith("const") && !(isalnum(pastParams[5]) || pastParams[5] == '_'); } Ssiz_t posBlock = params.Index('{', posParamEnd); Ssiz_t posSemicolon = params.Index(';', posParamEnd); Ssiz_t posPureVirt = params.Index('=', posParamEnd); if (posSemicolon != kNPOS) if ((posBlock == kNPOS || (posSemicolon < posBlock)) && (posPureVirt == kNPOS || !allowPureVirtual) && !allowPureVirtual) // allow any "func();" if pv is allowed params.Remove(0); if (params.Length()) params.Remove(posParamEnd); if (!params.Length()) { ret.Remove(0); name.Remove(0); return 0; } // update posMethodName to point behind the method posMethodName = posParam + posParamEnd; if (fCurrentClass) { TMethod* meth = fCurrentClass->GetMethodAny(name); if (meth) { fDirectiveCount = 0; fCurrentMethodTag = name + "_"; fCurrentMethodTag += fMethodCounts[name.Data()]; return meth; } } return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Locate methods, starting in the source file, then inline, then /// immediately inside the class declaration. While doing that also /// find the class description and special tags like the macro tag etc. void TDocParser::Parse(std::ostream& out) { fClassDocState = kClassDoc_LookingNothingFound; DeleteDirectiveOutput(); LocateMethodsInSource(out); LocateMethodsInHeaderInline(out); LocateMethodsInHeaderClassDecl(out); if (!fSourceInfo[kInfoLastUpdate].Length()) { TDatime date; fSourceInfo[kInfoLastUpdate] = date.AsString(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Collect methods from the source or header file called filename. /// It generates a beautified version of the source file on the fly; /// the output file is given by the fCurrentClass's name, and sourceExt. /// Documentation is extracted to out. /// lookForSourceInfo: if set, author, lastUpdate, and copyright are /// extracted (i.e. the values contained in fSourceInfo) /// useDocxxStyle: if set, documentation can be in front of the method /// name, not only inside the method. Useful doc Doc++/Doxygen style, /// and inline methods. /// lookForClassDescr: if set, the first line matching the class description /// rules is assumed to be the class description for fCurrentClass; the /// description is written to out. /// methodPattern: if set, methods have to be prepended by this tag. Usually /// the class name + "::". In header files, looking for in-place function /// definitions, this should be 0. In that case, only functions in /// fMethodCounts are searched for. void TDocParser::LocateMethods(std::ostream& out, const char* filename, Bool_t lookForSourceInfo /*= kTRUE*/, Bool_t useDocxxStyle /*= kFALSE*/, Bool_t allowPureVirtual /*= kFALSE*/, const char* methodPattern /*= 0*/, const char* sourceExt /*= 0 */) { TString sourceFileName(filename); fCurrentFile = filename; if (!sourceFileName.Length()) { fHtml->GetImplFileName(fCurrentClass, kFALSE, sourceFileName); Error("LocateMethods", "Can't find source file '%s' for class %s!", sourceFileName.Data(), fCurrentClass->GetName()); return; } std::ifstream sourceFile(sourceFileName.Data()); if (!sourceFile || !sourceFile.good()) { Error("LocateMethods", "Can't open file '%s' for reading!", sourceFileName.Data()); return; } TPMERegexp patternRE(methodPattern ? methodPattern : ""); TString codeOneLiner; TString methodRet; TString methodName; TString methodParam; Bool_t methodIsConst = kFALSE; TString anchor; TString docxxComment; Bool_t wroteMethodNowWaitingForOpenBlock = kFALSE; std::ofstream srcHtmlOut; TString srcHtmlOutName; if (sourceExt && sourceExt[0]) { static_cast(fDocOutput)->CreateSourceOutputStream(srcHtmlOut, sourceExt, srcHtmlOutName); fLineNumber = 0; } else { sourceExt = 0; srcHtmlOutName = fCurrentClass->GetName(); fDocOutput->NameSpace2FileName(srcHtmlOutName); gSystem->PrependPathName("src", srcHtmlOutName); srcHtmlOutName += ".h.html"; } fParseContext.clear(); fParseContext.push_back(kCode); fDocContext = kIgnore; fLineNo = 0; while (!sourceFile.eof()) { Bool_t needAnchor = kFALSE; ++fLineNo; // we count fortrany fLineRaw.ReadLine(sourceFile, kFALSE); if (sourceFile.eof()) break; fCommentAtBOL = InContext(kComment); // replace class names etc fLineStripped = fLineRaw; Strip(fLineStripped); fLineSource = fLineRaw; fLineComment = ""; DecorateKeywords(fLineSource); if (!ProcessComment()) { // not a commented line if (fDocContext == kDocClass && fClassDocState < kClassDoc_Written) { TString strippedComment(fComment); Strip(strippedComment); if (strippedComment.Length() > 0) { fLastClassDoc = fComment; if (fClassDocState == kClassDoc_LookingNothingFound) { fFirstClassDoc = fComment; fClassDocState = kClassDoc_LookingHaveSomething; } } fDocContext = kIgnore; } Ssiz_t impIdx = fLineStripped.Index("ClassImp("); if (impIdx == 0 && fClassDocState == kClassDoc_LookingHaveSomething) { TString name(fCurrentClass->GetName()); // take unscoped version Ssiz_t posLastScope = kNPOS; while ((posLastScope = name.Index("::")) != kNPOS) name.Remove(0, posLastScope + 2); Ssiz_t posName = fLineStripped.Index(name, impIdx); if (posName != kNPOS) { Ssiz_t posClosingParen = posName + name.Length(); while (isspace(fLineStripped[posClosingParen])) ++posClosingParen; if (fLineStripped[posClosingParen] == ')') { WriteClassDoc(out, kFALSE); fDocContext = kIgnore; } } } if (fLineStripped.Length()) // remove last class doc if it not followed by ClassImp // (with optional empty lines in between) fLastClassDoc = ""; // write previous method if (methodName.Length() && !wroteMethodNowWaitingForOpenBlock) { TString savedComment; if (useDocxxStyle && docxxComment.Length()) { savedComment = fComment; fComment = docxxComment; } WriteMethod(out, methodRet, methodName, methodParam, methodIsConst, gSystem->BaseName(srcHtmlOutName), anchor, codeOneLiner); docxxComment.Remove(0); if (savedComment[0]) { fComment = savedComment; } } if (!wroteMethodNowWaitingForOpenBlock) { // check for method Ssiz_t posPattern = kNPOS; if (methodPattern) { posPattern = fLineRaw.Index((TPRegexp&)patternRE); } if (posPattern != kNPOS && methodPattern) { // no strings, no blocks in front of function declarations / implementations static const char vetoChars[] = "{\""; for (int ich = 0; posPattern != kNPOS && vetoChars[ich]; ++ich) { Ssiz_t posVeto = fLineRaw.Index(vetoChars[ich]); if (posVeto != kNPOS && posVeto < posPattern) posPattern = kNPOS; } } if (posPattern != kNPOS || !methodPattern) { if (methodPattern) { patternRE.Match(fLineRaw); posPattern += patternRE[0].Length(); } LocateMethodInCurrentLine(posPattern, methodRet, methodName, methodParam, methodIsConst, srcHtmlOut, anchor, sourceFile, allowPureVirtual); if (methodName.Length()) { fDocContext = kDocFunc; needAnchor = !anchor.Length(); if (useDocxxStyle) docxxComment = fComment; fComment.Remove(0); codeOneLiner.Remove(0); wroteMethodNowWaitingForOpenBlock = fLineRaw.Index("{", posPattern) == kNPOS; wroteMethodNowWaitingForOpenBlock &= fLineRaw.Index(";", posPattern) == kNPOS; } else if (fLineRaw.First("{};") != kNPOS) // these chars reset the preceding comment fComment.Remove(0); } // pattern matches - could be a method else fComment.Remove(0); } else { wroteMethodNowWaitingForOpenBlock &= fLineRaw.Index("{") == kNPOS; wroteMethodNowWaitingForOpenBlock &= fLineRaw.Index(";") == kNPOS; } // if !wroteMethodNowWaitingForOpenBlock if (methodName.Length() && !wroteMethodNowWaitingForOpenBlock) { // make sure we don't have more '{' in commentLine than in fLineRaw if (!codeOneLiner.Length() && fLineSource.CountChar('{') == 1 && fLineSource.CountChar('}') == 1) { // a one-liner codeOneLiner = fLineSource; codeOneLiner.Remove(0, codeOneLiner.Index('{')); codeOneLiner.Remove(codeOneLiner.Index('}') + 1); } } // if method name and '{' // else not a comment, and we don't need the previous one: else if (!methodName.Length() && !useDocxxStyle) fComment.Remove(0); if (needAnchor || fExtraLinesWithAnchor.find(fLineNo) != fExtraLinesWithAnchor.end()) { AnchorFromLine(fLineStripped, anchor); if (sourceExt) srcHtmlOut << ""; } // else anchor.Remove(0); - NO! WriteMethod will need it later! } // if !comment // check for last update,... Ssiz_t posTag = kNPOS; if (lookForSourceInfo) for (Int_t si = 0; si < (Int_t) kNumSourceInfos; ++si) if (!fSourceInfo[si].Length() && (posTag = fLineRaw.Index(fSourceInfoTags[si])) != kNPOS) { fSourceInfo[si] = fLineRaw(posTag + strlen(fSourceInfoTags[si]), fLineRaw.Length() - posTag); if (si == kInfoAuthor) fDocOutput->FixupAuthorSourceInfo(fSourceInfo[kInfoAuthor]); } // write to .cxx.html ++fLineNumber; if (srcHtmlOut) WriteSourceLine(srcHtmlOut); else if (needAnchor) fExtraLinesWithAnchor.insert(fLineNo); } // while !sourceFile.eof() // deal with last func if (methodName.Length()) { if (useDocxxStyle && docxxComment.Length()) fComment = docxxComment; WriteMethod(out, methodRet, methodName, methodParam, methodIsConst, gSystem->BaseName(srcHtmlOutName), anchor, codeOneLiner); docxxComment.Remove(0); } else WriteClassDoc(out); srcHtmlOut << "" << std::endl; fDocOutput->WriteLineNumbers(srcHtmlOut, fLineNumber, gSystem->BaseName(fCurrentFile)); srcHtmlOut << "" << std::endl; fDocOutput->WriteHtmlFooter(srcHtmlOut, "../"); fParseContext.clear(); fParseContext.push_back(kCode); fDocContext = kIgnore; fCurrentFile = ""; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Given fCurrentClass, look for methods in its source file, /// and extract documentation to out, while beautifying the source /// file in parallel. void TDocParser::LocateMethodsInSource(std::ostream& out) { // for Doc++ style Bool_t useDocxxStyle = (fHtml->GetDocStyle() == "Doc++"); TString pattern(fCurrentClass->GetName()); // take unscoped version Ssiz_t posLastScope = kNPOS; while ((posLastScope = pattern.Index("::")) != kNPOS) pattern.Remove(0, posLastScope + 2); pattern += "::"; TString implFileName; if (fHtml->GetImplFileName(fCurrentClass, kTRUE, implFileName)) { LocateMethods(out, implFileName, kFALSE /*source info*/, useDocxxStyle, kFALSE /*allowPureVirtual*/, pattern, ".cxx.html"); Ssiz_t posGt = pattern.Index('>'); if (posGt != kNPOS) { // template! Re-run with pattern '...<.*>::' Ssiz_t posLt = pattern.Index('<'); if (posLt != kNPOS && posLt < posGt) { pattern.Replace(posLt + 1, posGt - posLt - 1, ".*"); LocateMethods(out, implFileName, kFALSE /*source info*/, useDocxxStyle, kFALSE /*allowPureVirtual*/, pattern, ".cxx.html"); } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Given fCurrentClass, look for methods in its header file, /// and extract documentation to out. void TDocParser::LocateMethodsInHeaderInline(std::ostream& out) { // for inline methods, always allow doc before func Bool_t useDocxxStyle = kTRUE; TString pattern(fCurrentClass->GetName()); // take unscoped version Ssiz_t posLastScope = kNPOS; while ((posLastScope = pattern.Index("::")) != kNPOS) pattern.Remove(0, posLastScope + 1); pattern += "::"; TString declFileName; if (fHtml->GetDeclFileName(fCurrentClass, kTRUE, declFileName)) { LocateMethods(out, declFileName, kTRUE /*source info*/, useDocxxStyle, kFALSE /*allowPureVirtual*/, pattern, 0); Ssiz_t posGt = pattern.Index('>'); if (posGt != kNPOS) { // template! Re-run with pattern '...<.*>::' Ssiz_t posLt = pattern.Index('<'); if (posLt != kNPOS && posLt < posGt) { pattern.Replace(posLt + 1, posGt - posLt - 1, ".*"); LocateMethods(out, declFileName, kTRUE /*source info*/, useDocxxStyle, kFALSE /*allowPureVirtual*/, pattern, 0); } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Given fCurrentClass, look for methods in its header file's /// class declaration block, and extract documentation to out, /// while beautifying the header file in parallel. void TDocParser::LocateMethodsInHeaderClassDecl(std::ostream& out) { TString declFileName; if (fHtml->GetDeclFileName(fCurrentClass, kTRUE, declFileName)) LocateMethods(out, declFileName, kTRUE/*source info*/, kTRUE /*useDocxxStyle*/, kTRUE /*allowPureVirtual*/, 0, ".h.html"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Parse the current line as a comment, handling directives and re-formatting /// the comment: remove "/*", "*/", "//", similar characters surrounding lines, /// etc. /// /// Return kFALSE if the line is not a comment. Bool_t TDocParser::ProcessComment() { if (!fCommentAtBOL && !(fLineStripped[0] == '/' && (fLineStripped[1] == '/' || fLineStripped[1] == '*')) && !InContext(kComment) && !InContext(kDirective)) { fLineComment = ""; return kFALSE; } //if (InContext(kDirective)) // return kTRUE; - NO! we might have a comment from a previous directive! // don't write out empty lines if the current directive is eating the line if (InContext(kDirective) && !fLineComment.Length()) return kTRUE; TString commentLine(fLineComment.Strip()); // remove all tags Bool_t mustDealWithCommentAtBOL = fCommentAtBOL; // whether we had a closing "*/" Ssiz_t posComment = kNPOS; if (!fCommentAtBOL) posComment = commentLine.Index("", 0, TString::kIgnoreCase); Ssiz_t posSpanEnd = commentLine.Index("", posComment == kNPOS?0:posComment, TString::kIgnoreCase); while ((mustDealWithCommentAtBOL && posSpanEnd != kNPOS) || posComment != kNPOS) { Int_t spanLevel = 1; Ssiz_t posSpan = commentLine.Index(" 1 || (posSpan != kNPOS && posSpan < posSpanEnd)) { // another span was opened, take the next if (posSpan != kNPOS && posSpan < posSpanEnd) { ++spanLevel; posSpan = commentLine.Index("", posSpanEnd + 1, TString::kIgnoreCase); } if (posSpanEnd != kNPOS) { // only remove span if if it exists (or we end up with unbalanced spans) commentLine.Remove(posSpanEnd, 7); if (posComment != kNPOS) commentLine.Remove(posComment, 22); else { mustDealWithCommentAtBOL = kFALSE; // now remove C comments posComment = 0; } posComment = commentLine.Index("", posComment, TString::kIgnoreCase); } else break; } if (posComment != kNPOS) commentLine.Remove(posComment, 22); // don't strip in C comments, do strip if opening: if (!InContext(kComment) || (InContext(kComment) & kCXXComment) || (fLineStripped[0] == '/' && fLineStripped[1] == '*')) Strip(commentLine); // look for start tag of class description if ((fClassDocState == kClassDoc_LookingNothingFound || fClassDocState == kClassDoc_LookingHaveSomething) && !fComment.Length() && fDocContext == kIgnore && commentLine.Contains(fClassDescrTag)) { fDocContext = kDocClass; } char start_or_end = 0; // remove leading /*, // if (commentLine.Length()>1 && commentLine[0] == '/' && (commentLine[1] == '/' || commentLine[1] == '*')) { start_or_end = commentLine[1]; commentLine.Remove(0, 2); } // remove trailing */ if (start_or_end != '/' && commentLine.Length()>1 && commentLine[commentLine.Length() - 2] == '*' && commentLine[commentLine.Length() - 1] == '/') { start_or_end = commentLine[commentLine.Length() - 2]; commentLine.Remove(commentLine.Length()-2); } // remove repeating characters from the end of the line if (start_or_end && commentLine.Length() > 3) { TString lineAllOneChar(commentLine.Strip()); Ssiz_t len = lineAllOneChar.Length(); if (len > 2) { Char_t c = lineAllOneChar[len - 1]; if (c == lineAllOneChar[len - 2] && c == lineAllOneChar[len - 3]) { TString lineAllOneCharStripped = lineAllOneChar.Strip(TString::kTrailing, c); Strip(lineAllOneCharStripped); if (!lineAllOneCharStripped.Length()) { commentLine.Remove(0); // also a class doc signature: line consists of //// if ((fClassDocState == kClassDoc_LookingNothingFound || fClassDocState == kClassDoc_LookingHaveSomething) && !fComment.Length() && fDocContext == kIgnore && start_or_end=='/') { fDocContext = kDocClass; } } } } } // remove leading and trailing chars from e.g. // some doc // if (commentLine.Length() > 0 && start_or_end == commentLine[commentLine.Length() - 1]) // we already removed it as part of // or / *; also remove the trailing commentLine = commentLine.Strip(TString::kTrailing, start_or_end); if (commentLine.Length() > 2 && Context() != kDirective) while (commentLine.Length() > 2 && !IsWord(commentLine[0]) && commentLine[0] == commentLine[commentLine.Length() - 1]) commentLine = commentLine.Strip(TString::kBoth, commentLine[0]); // remove leading '/' if we had // or '*' if we had / * while (start_or_end && commentLine[0] == start_or_end) commentLine.Remove(0, 1); fComment += commentLine + "\n"; return kTRUE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// remove the top-most comment context that matches cxxcomment, void TDocParser::RemoveCommentContext(Bool_t cxxcomment) { UInt_t lookFor = kComment; if (cxxcomment) lookFor |= kCXXComment; std::list::iterator iComment = fParseContext.end(); for (std::list::iterator iContext = fParseContext.begin(); iContext != fParseContext.end(); ++ iContext) if (*iContext == lookFor) iComment =iContext; if (iComment != fParseContext.end()) fParseContext.erase(iComment); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// strips ' ', tabs, and newlines from both sides of str Bool_t TDocParser::Strip(TString& str) { Bool_t changed = str[0] == ' ' || str[0] == '\t' || str[0] == '\n'; changed |= str.Length() && (str[str.Length() - 1] == ' ' || str[str.Length() - 1] == '\t' || str[str.Length() - 1] == '\n'); if (!changed) return kFALSE; Ssiz_t i = 0; while (str[i] == ' ' || str[i] == '\t' || str[i] == '\n') ++i; str.Remove(0,i); i = str.Length() - 1; while (i >= 0 && (str[i] == ' ' || str[i] == '\t' || str[i] == '\n')) --i; str.Remove(i + 1, str.Length()); return kTRUE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Write the class description depending (among others) on fClassDocState. void TDocParser::WriteClassDoc(std::ostream& out, Bool_t first /*= kTRUE*/) { if (fClassDocState == kClassDoc_LookingHaveSomething || fClassDocState == kClassDoc_LookingNothingFound) { TString& classDoc = first || !fLastClassDoc.Length() ? fFirstClassDoc : fLastClassDoc; static_cast(fDocOutput)->WriteClassDescription(out, classDoc); fClassDocState = kClassDoc_Written; } } namespace { static void RemoveUnneededSpaces(TString& s) { // Remove spaces except between identifier characters. // Assumes s is stripped (does not start nor end with space). for (Ssiz_t i = 1; i < s.Length() - 1; ++i) { if (s[i] == ' ') { char p = s[i - 1]; char n = s[i + 1]; if (((isalnum(p) || p == '_') && (isalnum(n) || n == '_')) || (p == '>' && n == '>')) { // "id id" or "> >": keep space } else { while (isspace(s[i])) { s.Remove(i, 1); } } } } } static void ParseParameters(TString& strippedParams, TList& paramArr) { // Extract a list of strings (the parameters without initializers) from // the signature. int nest = 0; bool init = false; bool quoted = false; Ssiz_t len = strippedParams.Length(); TString arg; for (Ssiz_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { switch (strippedParams[i]) { case '<': // fallthrough case '(': // fallthrough case '[': ++nest; break; case '>': // fallthrough case ')': // fallthrough case ']': --nest; break; case '=': init = true; break; case '\'': ++i; if (strippedParams[i] == '\\') ++i; ++i; continue; case '\\': ++i; continue; break; case '"': quoted = !quoted; break; case ',': { if (!quoted && !nest) { TString strippedArg(arg.Strip(TString::kBoth)); paramArr.AddLast(new TObjString(strippedArg)); init = false; arg.Remove(0); continue; } } } if (!init) { arg += strippedParams[i]; } } TString strippedLastArg(arg.Strip(TString::kBoth)); if (strippedLastArg.Length()) { paramArr.AddLast(new TObjString(strippedLastArg)); } } void MatchOverloadSignatures(TCollection* candidates, TList* paramArr) { // Check type identity of candidate signatures. For each argument, check whether it // reduces the list of candidates to > 0 elements. TList suppressed; TIter iCandidate(candidates); int nparams = paramArr->GetSize(); for (int iparam = 0; iparam < nparams && candidates->GetSize() > 1; ++iparam) { TString& srcArg = ((TObjString*)paramArr->At(iparam))->String(); TString noParName(srcArg); while (noParName.Length() && (isalnum(noParName[noParName.Length() - 1]) || noParName[noParName.Length() - 1] == '_')) noParName.Remove(noParName.Length() - 1); noParName = noParName.Strip(TString::kTrailing); if (noParName.Length()) { RemoveUnneededSpaces(noParName); } RemoveUnneededSpaces(srcArg); // comparison: // 0: strcmp // 1: source's parameter has last identifier (parameter name?) removed // 2: candidate type name contained in source parameter for (int comparison = 0; comparison < 5; ++comparison) { if (comparison == 1 && noParName == srcArg) // there is no parameter name to ignore continue; suppressed.Clear(); iCandidate.Reset(); TDocMethodWrapper* method = 0; while ((method = (TDocMethodWrapper*) iCandidate())) { TMethodArg* methArg = (TMethodArg*) method->GetMethod()->GetListOfMethodArgs()->At(iparam); TString sMethArg = methArg->GetFullTypeName(); RemoveUnneededSpaces(sMethArg); bool matches = false; switch (comparison) { case 0: matches = (srcArg == sMethArg); break; case 1: matches = (noParName == sMethArg); break; case 2: matches = srcArg.Contains(sMethArg) || sMethArg.Contains(srcArg); break; } if (!matches) { suppressed.Add(method); } } if (suppressed.GetSize() && suppressed.GetSize() < candidates->GetSize()) { candidates->RemoveAll(&suppressed); break; } if (!suppressed.GetSize()) { // we have a match, no point in trying a looser matching break; } } } if (candidates->GetSize() > 1) { // use TDocMethodWrapper::kDocumented bit suppressed.Clear(); iCandidate.Reset(); TDocMethodWrapper* method = 0; while ((method = (TDocMethodWrapper*) iCandidate())) { if (method->TestBit(TDocMethodWrapper::kDocumented)) { suppressed.AddLast(method); } } if (suppressed.GetSize() && suppressed.GetSize() < candidates->GetSize()) { candidates->RemoveAll(&suppressed); } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Write a method, forwarding to TClassDocOutput void TDocParser::WriteMethod(std::ostream& out, TString& ret, TString& name, TString& params, Bool_t isconst, const char* filename, TString& anchor, TString& codeOneLiner) { // if we haven't found the class description until now it's too late. if (fClassDocState < kClassDoc_Written) WriteClassDoc(out); TString strippedParams(params); if (strippedParams[0] == '(') { strippedParams.Remove(0, 1); strippedParams.Remove(strippedParams.Length() - 1); strippedParams = strippedParams.Strip(TString::kBoth); } TList paramArr; paramArr.SetOwner(); ParseParameters(strippedParams, paramArr); int nparams = paramArr.GetSize(); // Collect overload candidates TList candidates; for (int access = 0; access < 3; ++access) { const TList* methList = fMethods[access].GetListForObject(name); if (!methList) continue; TIter nextMethod(methList); TDocMethodWrapper* method = 0; while ((method = (TDocMethodWrapper *) nextMethod())) { if (name == method->GetName() && isconst == ((method->GetMethod()->Property() & kIsConstMethod) > 0) && method->GetMethod()->GetListOfMethodArgs()->GetSize() == nparams) { candidates.Add(method); } } } if (nparams && candidates.GetSize() > 1) { MatchOverloadSignatures(&candidates, ¶mArr); } TDocMethodWrapper* guessedMethod = 0; if (candidates.GetSize() == 1) { guessedMethod = (TDocMethodWrapper*) candidates.First(); guessedMethod->SetBit(TDocMethodWrapper::kDocumented); } static_cast(fDocOutput)->WriteMethod(out, ret, name, params, filename, anchor, fComment, codeOneLiner, guessedMethod); DecrementMethodCount(name); ret.Remove(0); name.Remove(0); params.Remove(0); anchor.Remove(0); fComment.Remove(0); fDocContext = kIgnore; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Write fLineSource to out. /// Adjust relative paths first. void TDocParser::WriteSourceLine(std::ostream& out) { fDocOutput->AdjustSourcePath(fLineSource); out << fLineSource << std::endl; }