// @(#)root/rfio:$Id$ // Author: Fons Rademakers 20/01/99 + Giulia Taurelli 29/06/2006 + Andreas Peters 07/12/2007 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ /** \class TRFIOFile \ingroup IO A ROOT file that reads/writes via a rfiod server. A TRFIOFile is like a normal TFile except that it reads and writes its data via a rfiod server. TRFIOFile file names are in standard URL format with protocol "rfio". The following are valid TRFIOFile URL's: ~~~{.bash} rfio:/afs/cern.ch/user/r/rdm/galice.root # where galice.root is a symlink of the type /shift/.../... rfio:na49db1:/data1/raw.root rfio:/castor/cern.ch/user/r/rdm/test.root ~~~ If Castor 2.1 is used the file names can be given also in the following ways: ~~~{.bash} rfio://host:port/?path=FILEPATH rfio://host/?path=FILEPATH rfio:///castor?path=FILEPATH rfio://stager_host:stager_port/?path=/castor/cern.ch/user/r/rdm/bla.root&svcClass=MYSVCLASS&castorVersion=MYCASTORVERSION rfio://stager_host/?path=/castor/cern.ch/user/r/rdm/bla.root&svcClass=MYSVCLASS&castorVersion=MYCASTORVERSION rfio:///castor?path=/castor/cern.ch/user/r/rdm/bla.root&svcClass=MYSVCLASS&castorVersion=MYCASTORVERSION ~~~ path is mandatory as parameter but all the other ones are optional. For the ultimate description of supported urls see: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/FIOgroup/RfioRootTurl */ #include "TRFIOFile.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TTimeStamp.h" #include "TVirtualPerfStats.h" #include #include #include #ifndef R__WIN32 #include #if defined(R__SUN) || defined(R__HPUX) || \ defined(R__AIX) || defined(R__LINUX) || defined(R__SOLARIS) || \ defined(R__HIUX) || defined(R__FBSD) || defined(R__MACOSX) || \ defined(R__HURD) || defined(R__OBSD) #define HAS_DIRENT #endif #endif #ifdef HAS_DIRENT #include #endif #include #include #include ClassImp(TRFIOFile) ClassImp(TRFIOSystem) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create a RFIO file object. /// /// A RFIO file is the same as a TFile /// except that it is being accessed via a rfiod server. The url /// argument must be of the form: rfio:/path/file.root (where file.root /// is a symlink of type /shift/aaa/bbb/ccc) or rfio:server:/path/file.root. /// If the file specified in the URL does not exist, is not accessable /// or can not be created the kZombie bit will be set in the TRFIOFile /// object. Use IsZombie() to see if the file is accessable. /// For a description of the option and other arguments see the TFile ctor. /// The preferred interface to this constructor is via TFile::Open(). TRFIOFile::TRFIOFile(const char *url, Option_t *option, const char *ftitle, Int_t compress) : TFile(url, "NET", ftitle, compress) { fOption = option; fOption.ToUpper(); Int_t readopt = RFIO_READBUF; ::rfiosetopt(RFIO_READOPT, &readopt, 4); if (fOption == "NEW") fOption = "CREATE"; Bool_t create = (fOption == "CREATE") ? kTRUE : kFALSE; Bool_t recreate = (fOption == "RECREATE") ? kTRUE : kFALSE; Bool_t update = (fOption == "UPDATE") ? kTRUE : kFALSE; Bool_t read = (fOption == "READ") ? kTRUE : kFALSE; if (!create && !recreate && !update && !read) { read = kTRUE; fOption = "READ"; } // to be able to use the turl starting with castor: if (!strcmp(fUrl.GetProtocol(), "castor")) fUrl.SetProtocol("rfio"); // old RFIO client does not ignore ?filetpye=raw, remove it TString opt = fUrl.GetOptions(); if (opt.Contains("&filetype=raw")) { opt.ReplaceAll("&filetype=raw", ""); fUrl.SetOptions(opt); } else if (opt.Contains("filetype=raw")) { opt.ReplaceAll("filetype=raw", ""); fUrl.SetOptions(opt); } // old RFIO client lib does not support :///, need to change to ://// Bool_t addSlash = kFALSE; if ((strstr(url, ":/") && !strstr(url, "://")) || (strstr(url, ":///") && !strstr(url, ":////"))) addSlash = kTRUE; // the complete turl in fname TString fname; if (!addSlash) fname.Form("%s://%s", fUrl.GetProtocol(), fUrl.GetFile()); else fname.Form("%s:///%s", fUrl.GetProtocol(), fUrl.GetFile()); if (strlen(fUrl.GetOptions())) fname += TString::Format("?%s", fUrl.GetOptions()); if (recreate) { if (::rfio_access((char*)fname.Data(), kFileExists) == 0) ::rfio_unlink((char*)fname.Data()); recreate = kFALSE; create = kTRUE; fOption = "CREATE"; } if (create && ::rfio_access((char*)fname.Data(), kFileExists) == 0) { Error("TRFIOFile", "file %s already exists", fname.Data()); goto zombie; } if (update) { if (::rfio_access((char*)fname.Data(), kFileExists) != 0) { update = kFALSE; create = kTRUE; } if (update && ::rfio_access((char*)fname.Data(), kWritePermission) != 0) { Error("TRFIOFile", "no write permission, could not open file %s", fname.Data()); goto zombie; } } // Connect to file system stream fRealName = fname; if (create || update) { #ifndef WIN32 fD = SysOpen(fname.Data(), O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0644); #else fD = SysOpen(fname.Data(), O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_BINARY, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE); #endif if (fD == -1) { SysError("TRFIOFile", "file %s can not be opened", fname.Data()); goto zombie; } fWritable = kTRUE; } else { #ifndef WIN32 fD = SysOpen(fname.Data(), O_RDONLY, 0644); #else fD = SysOpen(fname.Data(), O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE); #endif if (fD == -1) { SysError("TRFIOFile", "file %s can not be opened for reading", fname.Data()); goto zombie; } fWritable = kFALSE; } Init(create); return; zombie: // error in file opening occured, make this object a zombie MakeZombie(); gDirectory = gROOT; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// RFIO file dtor. Close and flush directory structure. TRFIOFile::~TRFIOFile() { Close(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Read a list of buffers given in pos[] and len[] and return it /// in a single buffer. Returns kTRUE in case of error. Bool_t TRFIOFile::ReadBuffers(char *buf, Long64_t *pos, Int_t *len, Int_t nbuf) { TTHREAD_TLS(struct iovec64 *) iov = 0; TTHREAD_TLS(Int_t) iovsize = 128; Int_t n; if (IsZombie()) { Error("ReadBuffers", "cannot read because object is in 'zombie' state"); return kTRUE; } if (!IsOpen()) { Error("ReadBuffers", "the remote file is not open"); return kTRUE; } Double_t start = 0; if (gPerfStats) start = TTimeStamp(); // we maintain a static iove64 buffer to avoid malloc/free with every call if (!iov) { if (nbuf > iovsize) iovsize = nbuf; iov = (struct iovec64*)malloc(sizeof(struct iovec64) * iovsize); if (gDebug > 1) Info("TRFIOFile", "allocating iovec64 with size %d", iovsize); if (!iov) { Error("TRFIOFile", "error allocating preseek vector of size %ld", (Long_t)sizeof(struct iovec64) * iovsize); return kTRUE; } } else { if (nbuf > iovsize) { iovsize = nbuf; iov = (struct iovec64*) realloc(iov, sizeof(struct iovec64) * iovsize); if (gDebug > 1) Info("TRFIOFile", "re-allocating iovec64 with size %d", iovsize); if (!iov) { Error("TRFIOFile", "error reallocating preseek vector of size %ld", (Long_t)sizeof(struct iovec64) * iovsize); return kTRUE; } } } for (n = 0; n < nbuf; n++) { if (gDebug>1) Info("TFIOFile", "adding chunk %d, %lld %d", n, pos[n], len[n]); iov[n].iov_base = pos[n] + fArchiveOffset; iov[n].iov_len = len[n]; } // prefetch the stuff if preseek is supported, // preseek support was removed from client and server in castor 2.1.15 if (rfio_preseek64(fD, iov, nbuf) < 0 && rfio_errno != SEOPNOTSUP) { Error("TRFIOFile", "error doing rfio_preseek64"); return kTRUE; } // read the chunks Int_t k = 0; for (n = 0; n < nbuf; n++) { if (rfio_lseek64(fD, iov[n].iov_base, SEEK_SET) < 0) { Error("TRFIOFile", "error doing rfio_lseek64"); return kTRUE; } if (rfio_read(fD, buf+k, iov[n].iov_len) < 0) { Error("TRFIOFile", "error doing rfio_read"); return kTRUE; } k += iov[n].iov_len; } fBytesRead += k; fReadCalls++; #ifdef WIN32 SetFileBytesRead(GetFileBytesRead() + k); SetFileReadCalls(GetFileReadCalls() + 1); #else fgBytesRead += k; fgReadCalls++; #endif if (gPerfStats) gPerfStats->FileReadEvent(this, k, start); return kFALSE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Interface to system open. All arguments like in POSIX open. Int_t TRFIOFile::SysOpen(const char *pathname, Int_t flags, UInt_t mode) { Int_t ret = ::rfio_open64((char*)pathname, flags, (Int_t) mode); if (ret < 0) gSystem->SetErrorStr(::rfio_serror()); return ret; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Interface to system close. All arguments like in POSIX close. Int_t TRFIOFile::SysClose(Int_t fd) { Int_t ret = ::rfio_close(fd); if (ret < 0) gSystem->SetErrorStr(::rfio_serror()); return ret; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Interface to system read. All arguments like in POSIX read. Int_t TRFIOFile::SysRead(Int_t fd, void *buf, Int_t len) { Int_t ret = ::rfio_read(fd, (char *)buf, len); if (ret < 0) gSystem->SetErrorStr(::rfio_serror()); return ret; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Interface to system write. All arguments like in POSIX write. Int_t TRFIOFile::SysWrite(Int_t fd, const void *buf, Int_t len) { Int_t ret = ::rfio_write(fd, (char *)buf, len); if (ret < 0) gSystem->SetErrorStr(::rfio_serror()); return ret; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Interface to system lseek. All arguments like in POSIX lseek /// except that the offset and return value are Long_t to be able to /// handle 64 bit file systems. Long64_t TRFIOFile::SysSeek(Int_t fd, Long64_t offset, Int_t whence) { Long64_t ret = ::rfio_lseek64(fd, offset, whence); if (ret < 0) gSystem->SetErrorStr(::rfio_serror()); return ret; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Interface to TSystem:GetPathInfo(). Generally implemented via /// stat() or fstat(). Int_t TRFIOFile::SysStat(Int_t fd, Long_t *id, Long64_t *size, Long_t *flags, Long_t *modtime) { struct stat64 statbuf; if (::rfio_fstat64(fd, &statbuf) >= 0) { if (id) *id = (statbuf.st_dev << 24) + statbuf.st_ino; if (size) *size = statbuf.st_size; if (modtime) *modtime = statbuf.st_mtime; if (flags) { *flags = 0; if (statbuf.st_mode & ((S_IEXEC)|(S_IEXEC>>3)|(S_IEXEC>>6))) *flags |= 1; if ((statbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) *flags |= 2; if ((statbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFREG && (statbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR) *flags |= 4; } return 0; } gSystem->SetErrorStr(::rfio_serror()); return 1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Method returning rfio_errno. For RFIO files must use this /// function since we need to check rfio_errno then serrno and finally errno. Int_t TRFIOFile::GetErrno() const { if (rfio_errno) return rfio_errno; if (serrno) return serrno; return TSystem::GetErrno(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Method resetting the rfio_errno, serrno and errno. void TRFIOFile::ResetErrno() const { rfio_errno = 0; serrno = 0; TSystem::ResetErrno(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create helper class that allows directory access via rfiod. /// The name must start with '-' to bypass the TSystem singleton check. TRFIOSystem::TRFIOSystem() : TSystem("-rfio", "RFIO Helper System") { SetName("rfio"); fDirp = 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Make a directory via rfiod. Int_t TRFIOSystem::MakeDirectory(const char *dir) { TUrl url(dir); Int_t ret = ::rfio_mkdir((char*)url.GetFileAndOptions(), 0755); if (ret < 0) gSystem->SetErrorStr(::rfio_serror()); return ret; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Open a directory via rfiod. Returns an opaque pointer to a dir /// structure. Returns 0 in case of error. void *TRFIOSystem::OpenDirectory(const char *dir) { if (fDirp) { Error("OpenDirectory", "invalid directory pointer (should never happen)"); fDirp = 0; } TUrl url(dir); struct stat finfo; if (::rfio_stat((char*)url.GetFileAndOptions(), &finfo) < 0) return 0; if ((finfo.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR) return 0; fDirp = (void*) ::rfio_opendir((char*)url.GetFileAndOptions()); if (!fDirp) gSystem->SetErrorStr(::rfio_serror()); return fDirp; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Free directory via rfiod. void TRFIOSystem::FreeDirectory(void *dirp) { if (dirp != fDirp) { Error("FreeDirectory", "invalid directory pointer (should never happen)"); return; } if (dirp) ::rfio_closedir((DIR*)dirp); fDirp = 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get directory entry via rfiod. Returns 0 in case no more entries. const char *TRFIOSystem::GetDirEntry(void *dirp) { if (dirp != fDirp) { Error("GetDirEntry", "invalid directory pointer (should never happen)"); return 0; } struct dirent *dp; if (dirp) { dp = (struct dirent *) ::rfio_readdir((DIR*)dirp); if (!dp) return 0; return dp->d_name; } return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get info about a file. Info is returned in the form of a FileStat_t /// structure (see TSystem.h). /// The function returns 0 in case of success and 1 if the file could /// not be stat'ed. Int_t TRFIOSystem::GetPathInfo(const char *path, FileStat_t &buf) { TUrl url(path); struct stat64 sbuf; if (path && ::rfio_stat64((char*)url.GetFileAndOptions(), &sbuf) >= 0) { buf.fDev = sbuf.st_dev; buf.fIno = sbuf.st_ino; buf.fMode = sbuf.st_mode; buf.fUid = sbuf.st_uid; buf.fGid = sbuf.st_gid; buf.fSize = sbuf.st_size; buf.fMtime = sbuf.st_mtime; buf.fIsLink = kFALSE; return 0; } return 1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Returns FALSE if one can access a file using the specified access mode. /// Mode is the same as for the Unix access(2) function. /// Attention, bizarre convention of return value!! Bool_t TRFIOSystem::AccessPathName(const char *path, EAccessMode mode) { TUrl url(path); if (::rfio_access((char*)url.GetFileAndOptions(), mode) == 0) return kFALSE; gSystem->SetErrorStr(::rfio_serror()); return kTRUE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Unlink, i.e. remove, a file or directory. Returns 0 when successful, /// -1 in case of failure. Int_t TRFIOSystem::Unlink(const char *path) { TUrl url(path); struct stat finfo; if (rfio_stat((char*)url.GetFileAndOptions(), &finfo) < 0) return -1; if (R_ISDIR(finfo.st_mode)) return rfio_rmdir((char*)url.GetFileAndOptions()); else return rfio_unlink((char*)url.GetFileAndOptions()); }