#!/usr/bin/env python # ROOT command line tools: rootprint # Author: Julien Ripoche # Mail: julien.ripoche@u-psud.fr # Date: 20/08/15 """Command line to print ROOT files contents on ps,pdf or png,gif...""" import cmdLineUtils import sys # Help strings COMMAND_HELP = "Print ROOT files contents on ps,pdf or pictures files" DIRECTORY_HELP = "put output files in a subdirectory named DIRECTORY." DIVIDE_HELP = "divide the canvas ont the format 'x','y' (ex: 2,2)" DRAW_HELP = "specify draw option" FORMAT_HELP = "specify output format (ex: pdf, png)." OUTPUT_HELP = "merge files in a file named OUTPUT (only for ps and pdf)." SIZE_HELP = "specify canvas size on the format 'width'x'height' (ex: 600x400)" STYLE_HELP = "specify a C file name which define a style" VERBOSE_HELP = "print informations about the running" EPILOG = """Examples: - rootprint example.root:hist Create a pdf file named 'hist.pdf' which contain the histogram 'hist'. - rootprint -d histograms example.root:hist Create a pdf file named 'hist.pdf' which contain the histogram 'hist' and put it in the directory 'histograms' (create it if not already exists). - rootprint -f png example.root:hist Create a png file named 'hist.png' which contain the histogram 'hist'. - rootprint -o histograms.pdf example.root:hist* Create a pdf file named 'histograms.pdf' which contain all histograms whose name starts with 'hist'. It works also with postscript. """ def execute(): # Collect arguments with the module argparse parser = cmdLineUtils.getParserFile(COMMAND_HELP, EPILOG) parser.add_argument("-d", "--directory", help=DIRECTORY_HELP) parser.add_argument("--divide", help=DIVIDE_HELP) parser.add_argument("-D", "--draw", default="", help=DRAW_HELP) parser.add_argument("-f", "--format", help=FORMAT_HELP) parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", help=OUTPUT_HELP) parser.add_argument("-s", "--size", help=SIZE_HELP) parser.add_argument("-S", "--style", help=STYLE_HELP) parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help=VERBOSE_HELP) # Put arguments in shape sourceList, optDict = cmdLineUtils.getSourceListOptDict(parser) # Process rootPrint return cmdLineUtils.rootPrint(sourceList, directoryOption = optDict["directory"], \ divideOption = optDict["divide"], drawOption = optDict["draw"], \ formatOption = optDict["format"], \ outputOption = optDict["output"], sizeOption = optDict["size"], \ styleOption = optDict["style"], verboseOption = optDict["verbose"]) sys.exit(execute())