// @(#)root/main:$Id$ // Author: Fons Rademakers 15/02/97 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // PMain // // // // Main program used to create PROOF server application. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #ifdef WIN32 #include #else #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "RConfig.h" #include "RConfigure.h" #ifdef R__AFS #include "TAFS.h" #endif #include "TApplication.h" #include "TInterpreter.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TSystem.h" static Int_t gLogLevel = 0; // Special type for the hook to the TXProofServ constructor, needed to avoid // using the plugin manager typedef TApplication *(*TProofServ_t)(Int_t *argc, char **argv, FILE *flog); #ifdef R__AFS // Special type for the hook to the TAFS constructor, needed to avoid // using the plugin manager typedef TAFS *(*TAFS_t)(const char *, const char *, Int_t); // Instance of the AFS token class static TAFS *gAFS = 0; #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Read envs from file 'envfile' and add them to the env space static void ReadPutEnvs(const char *envfile) { // Check inputs if (!envfile || strlen(envfile) <= 0) return; // Open the file FILE *fenv = fopen(envfile, "r"); if (!fenv) return; // Read lines char ln[4096]; while (fgets(ln, sizeof(ln), fenv)) { int l = strlen(ln); // Strip '\n' if (l > 0 && ln[l-1] == '\n') { ln[l-1] = '\0'; l--; } // Skip comments or empty line if (l <= 0 || ln[0] == '#') continue; // Skip lines not in the form '=' if (!strchr(ln, '=')) continue; // Good line char *ev = new char[l+1]; strcpy(ev, ln); putenv(ev); } // Close the file fclose(fenv); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Redirect stdout to 'logfile'. This log file will be flushed to the /// client or master after each command. /// If donotredir != 0 just reopen the file for usage in TProofServ (already redirected). /// On success return a pointer to the open log file. Return 0 on failure. static FILE *RedirectOutput(const char *logfile, const char *loc, Int_t donotredir) { if (loc) fprintf(stderr, "%s: RedirectOutput: enter: %s (do-not-redir: %d)\n", loc, logfile, donotredir); if (donotredir == 0) { if (!logfile || strlen(logfile) <= 0) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: RedirectOutput: logfile path undefined\n", loc); return 0; } if (loc) fprintf(stderr,"%s: RedirectOutput: reopen %s\n", loc, logfile); FILE *flog = freopen(logfile, "a", stdout); if (!flog) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: RedirectOutput: could not freopen stdout\n", loc); return 0; } if (loc) fprintf(stderr,"%s: RedirectOutput: dup2 ...\n", loc); if ((dup2(fileno(stdout), fileno(stderr))) < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: RedirectOutput: could not redirect stderr\n", loc); return 0; } } if (loc) fprintf(stderr,"%s: RedirectOutput: read open ...\n", loc); FILE *fLog = fopen(logfile, "r"); if (!fLog) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: RedirectOutput: could not open logfile %s\n", loc, logfile); return 0; } if (loc) fprintf(stderr,"%s: RedirectOutput: done!\n", loc); // We are done return fLog; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set limits on the address space (virtual memory) if required. static void SetMaxMemLimits(const char *prog) { #ifndef WIN32 const char *assoft = gSystem->Getenv("ROOTPROOFASSOFT"); const char *ashard = gSystem->Getenv("ROOTPROOFASHARD"); if (assoft || ashard) { struct rlimit aslim, aslimref; if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_AS, &aslimref) != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: problems getting RLIMIT_AS values (errno: %d)\n", prog, errno); exit(1); } if (gLogLevel > 0) fprintf(stderr, "%s: memory limits currently set to %lld (soft) and %lld (hard) bytes\n", prog, (Long64_t)aslimref.rlim_cur, (Long64_t)aslimref.rlim_max); aslim.rlim_cur = aslimref.rlim_cur; aslim.rlim_max = aslimref.rlim_max; if (assoft) { Long_t rlim_cur = strtol(assoft, 0, 10); if (rlim_cur < kMaxLong && rlim_cur > 0) aslim.rlim_cur = (rlim_t) rlim_cur * (1024 * 1024); } if (ashard) { Long_t rlim_max = strtol(ashard, 0, 10); if (rlim_max < kMaxLong && rlim_max > 0) aslim.rlim_max = (rlim_t) rlim_max * (1024 * 1024); } // Change the limits, if required if ((aslim.rlim_cur != aslimref.rlim_cur) || (aslim.rlim_max != aslimref.rlim_max)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: setting memory limits to %lld (soft) and %lld (hard) bytes\n", prog, (Long64_t)aslim.rlim_cur, (Long64_t)aslim.rlim_max); if (setrlimit(RLIMIT_AS, &aslim) != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: problems setting RLIMIT_AS values (errno: %d)\n", prog, errno); exit(1); } } } #endif } #ifdef R__AFS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Init AFS token using credentials at fileafs static Int_t InitAFS(const char *fileafs, const char *loc) { TString getter("GetTAFS"); char *p = 0; TString afslib = "libAFSAuth"; if ((p = gSystem->DynamicPathName(afslib, kTRUE))) { delete[] p; if (gSystem->Load(afslib) == -1) { if (loc) fprintf(stderr,"%s: can't load %s\n", loc, afslib.Data()); return -1; } } else { if (loc) fprintf(stderr,"%s: can't locate %s\n", loc, afslib.Data()); return -1; } // Locate constructor Func_t f = gSystem->DynFindSymbol(afslib, getter); if (f) { gAFS = (*((TAFS_t)f))(fileafs, 0, -1); if (!gAFS) { if (loc) fprintf(stderr,"%s: could not initialize a valid TAFS\n", loc); return -1; } } else { if (loc) fprintf(stderr,"%s: can't find %s\n", loc, getter.Data()); return -1; } // Done return 0; } #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// PROOF server main program. int main(int argc, char **argv) { #ifdef R__DEBUG int debug = 1; while (debug) ; #endif if (argc >= 6) { // Read and put system envs ReadPutEnvs(argv[5]); } gLogLevel = (argc >= 5) ? strtol(argv[4], 0, 10) : -1; if (gLogLevel < 0 && gSystem->Getenv("ROOTPROOFLOGLEVEL")) gLogLevel = atoi(gSystem->Getenv("ROOTPROOFLOGLEVEL")); if (gLogLevel > 0) fprintf(stderr,"%s: starting %s\n", argv[1], argv[0]); // Redirect the output FILE *fLog = 0; const char *loc = 0; const char *logfile = gSystem->Getenv("ROOTPROOFLOGFILE"); Int_t donotredir = 0; if (gSystem->Getenv("ROOTPROOFDONOTREDIR")) { donotredir++; TString anr(gSystem->Getenv("ROOTPROOFDONOTREDIR")); if (anr.IsDigit()) donotredir = anr.Atoi(); } if (logfile && donotredir != 1) { loc = (gLogLevel > 0) ? argv[1] : 0; if (gLogLevel > 0) fprintf(stderr,"%s: redirecting output to %s\n", argv[1], logfile); if (!(fLog = RedirectOutput(logfile, loc, donotredir))) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: problems redirecting output to file %s\n", argv[1], logfile); exit(1); } } if (gLogLevel > 0) fprintf(stderr,"%s: output redirected to: %s\n", argv[1], (logfile ? logfile : "+++not redirected+++")); SetMaxMemLimits(argv[1]); #ifdef R__AFS // Init AFS, if required if (gSystem->Getenv("ROOTPROOFAFSCREDS")) { if (InitAFS(gSystem->Getenv("ROOTPROOFAFSCREDS"), loc) != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: unable to initialize the AFS token\n", argv[1]); } else { if (gLogLevel > 0) fprintf(stderr,"%s: AFS token initialized\n", argv[1]); } } #endif gROOT->SetBatch(); TApplication *theApp = 0; // Enable autoloading gInterpreter->EnableAutoLoading(); TString getter("GetTXProofServ"); TString prooflib = "libProofx"; if (argc > 2) { if (!strcmp(argv[2], "lite")) { // Lite version for local processing: this is in libProof and has its own getter prooflib = "libProof"; getter = "GetTProofServLite"; } else if (strcmp(argv[2], "xpd")) { // Not XPD: set the appropriate names for library and getter prooflib = "libProof"; getter = "GetTProofServ"; } } char *p = 0; if ((p = gSystem->DynamicPathName(prooflib, kTRUE))) { delete[] p; if (gSystem->Load(prooflib) == -1) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: can't load %s\n", argv[1], prooflib.Data()); exit(1); } } else { fprintf(stderr,"%s: can't locate %s\n", argv[1], prooflib.Data()); exit(1); } // Locate constructor Func_t f = gSystem->DynFindSymbol(prooflib, getter); if (f) { theApp = (TApplication *) (*((TProofServ_t)f))(&argc, argv, fLog); } else { fprintf(stderr,"%s: can't find %s\n", argv[1], getter.Data()); exit(1); } // Ready to run if (gLogLevel > 0) fprintf(stderr,"%s: running the TProofServ application\n", argv[1]); theApp->Run(); #ifdef R__AFS // Cleanup if (gAFS) delete gAFS; #endif // We can exit now gSystem->Exit(0); }