// @(#)root/main:$Id$ // Author: G. Ganis 2012 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // xpdtest // // // // Program used to test existence and status of a proof daemon // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Riostream.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TProof.h" #include "TString.h" //______________________________________________________________________________ // Prototypes int xpd_ping(const char *host, int port); int getsocket(struct hostent *h, int); void printhelp(); int recvn(int sock, void *buffer, int length); int sendn(int sock, const void *buffer, int length); int proof_open(const char *master, long to = 10); int parse_args(int argc, char **argv, TString &url, TString &sboxdir, time_t &span, int &test, TString &logfile, bool &keep, bool &verbose, long &to, TString &pidfile); void printhelp(); int set_timer(bool on = 1, long to = 10); //______________________________________________________________________________ // The client request structure typedef struct { int first; int second; int third; int fourth; int fifth; } clnt_HS_t; //______________________________________________________________________________ // The body received after the first handshake's header typedef struct { int msglen; int protover; int msgval; } srv_HS_t; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// PROOF daemon test program. /// Syntax /// xpdtest /// /// URL to test; default 'localhost:1093' /// directory with users sandboxes; used to find out /// users to check connection; default '/tmp/proofbox' /// check only users whose latest activity was within /// 'time_span' minutes; use -1 to check all users; /// default -1. /// /// Exits 0 on success, 1 on error int main(int argc, char **argv) { TString url, sboxdir, logfile, pidfile; time_t span = -1; int test = 0; bool keep = 0, verbose = 0; long timeout = -1; int rc = parse_args(argc, argv, url, sboxdir, span, test, logfile, keep, verbose, timeout, pidfile); if (rc < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "xpdtest: parse_args failure\n"); gSystem->Exit(1); } else if (rc > 0) { gSystem->Exit(0); } gDebug = (verbose) ? 1 : 0; rc = 0; // Set up log file if required RedirectHandle_t redirH; if (!logfile.IsNull()) { gSystem->RedirectOutput(logfile, "w", &redirH); } // Extract process ID, if a file has been passed if (!pidfile.IsNull()) { std::fstream infile(pidfile.Data(), std::ios::in); if (infile.is_open()) { TString line; line.ReadToDelim(infile); line.Remove(TString::kTrailing, '\n'); if (line.IsDigit()) { pid_t pid = (pid_t) line.Atoi(); if (kill(pid, 0) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "xpdtest: process '%d' does not exist\n", (int) pid); rc = 1; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "xpdtest: pId file does not contain pid in expected form (first line: %s)\n", line.Data()); rc = 1; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "xpdtest: pId file '%s' could not be opened\n", pidfile.Data()); rc = 1; } } // Check sandbox dir FileStat_t fst; if (rc == 0 && test > 1) { if (gSystem->GetPathInfo(sboxdir, fst) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "xpdtest: stat failure for '%s'\n", sboxdir.Data()); rc = 1; } if (rc == 0 && !R_ISDIR(fst.fMode)) { fprintf(stderr, "xpdtest: '%s' is not a directory\n", sboxdir.Data()); rc = 1; } } // Setup URL TUrl u; TString defusr; if (rc == 0) { u.SetUrl(url.Data()); defusr = u.GetUser(); if (defusr.IsNull()) { UserGroup_t *pw = gSystem->GetUserInfo(); if (pw) { defusr = pw->fUser; delete pw; } } if (!url.BeginsWith(u.GetProtocol())) { if (u.GetPort() == 80 && !strcmp(u.GetProtocol(), "http")) u.SetPort(1093); u.SetProtocol("proof"); } } // Do ping if (rc == 0) { set_timer(1, timeout); if ((rc = xpd_ping(u.GetHost(), u.GetPort())) != 0) fprintf(stderr, "xpdtest: failure pinging '%s'\n", url.Data()); set_timer(0); } if (test > 0) { // Do TProof::Open in "masteronly" mode if (rc == 0) { if (!logfile.IsNull()) gSystem->RedirectOutput(0, 0, &redirH); rc = proof_open(u.GetUrl(), timeout); if (!logfile.IsNull()) gSystem->RedirectOutput(logfile, "a", &redirH); if (rc != 0) fprintf(stderr, "xpdtest: TProof::Open failure for default user '%s'\n", u.GetUrl()); } if (test > 1) { if (rc == 0) { // Scan sandbox dir time_t now = time(0); void *dirp = gSystem->OpenDirectory(sboxdir.Data()); const char *ent = 0; TString dent; while ((ent = gSystem->GetDirEntry(dirp))) { if (!strcmp(ent, "..") || !strcmp(ent, ".")) continue; if (defusr == ent) continue; FileStat_t st; if (span > 0) { dent.Form("%s/%s", sboxdir.Data(), ent); if (gSystem->GetPathInfo(dent, st) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "xpdtest: stat failure for '%s'\n", dent.Data()); rc = 1; break; } } if (span < 0 || st.fMtime > (now - span)) { u.SetUser(ent); fprintf(stderr, "proof_open: url: '%s'\n", u.GetUrl()); if (!logfile.IsNull()) gSystem->RedirectOutput(0, 0, &redirH); rc = proof_open(u.GetUrl(), timeout); if (!logfile.IsNull()) gSystem->RedirectOutput(logfile, "a", &redirH); if (rc != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "xpdtest: failure scanning sandbox dir '%s'\n", sboxdir.Data()); break; } } } gSystem->FreeDirectory(dirp); } } } if (!logfile.IsNull()) { gSystem->RedirectOutput(0, 0, &redirH); if (rc == 0 && !keep) gSystem->Unlink(logfile); } gSystem->Exit(rc); } // Auxilliary functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Extract control info from arguments int parse_args(int argc, char **argv, TString &url, TString &sboxdir, time_t &span, int &test, TString &logfile, bool &keep, bool &verbose, long &to, TString &pidfile) { url = "localhost:1093"; sboxdir = "/tmp/proofbox"; span = -1; test = 0; logfile= ""; keep = 0; // Check environment settings first if (getenv("XPDTEST_URL")) { url = getenv("XPDTEST_URL"); } if (getenv("XPDTEST_SBOXDIR")) { sboxdir = getenv("XPDTEST_SBOXDIR"); } if (getenv("XPDTEST_TIMESPAN")) { errno = 0; long xspan = strtol(getenv("XPDTEST_TIMESPAN"), 0, 10); if (errno == 0) span = (time_t) xspan; } if (getenv("XPDTEST_TEST")) { errno = 0; long xtest = strtol(getenv("XPDTEST_TEST"), 0, 10); if (errno == 0 && xtest >= 0 && xtest <= 2) sscanf(getenv("XPDTEST_TEST"), "%d", &test); } if (getenv("XPDTEST_LOGFILE")) { logfile = getenv("XPDTEST_LOGFILE"); } if (getenv("XPDTEST_KEEP")) { keep = 1; } if (getenv("XPDTEST_VERBOSE")) { verbose = 1; } if (getenv("XPDTEST_TIMEOUT")) { errno = 0; long xto = strtol(getenv("XPDTEST_TIMEOUT"), 0, 10); if (errno == 0 && xto > 0) sscanf(getenv("XPDTEST_TIMEOUT"), "%ld", &to); } if (getenv("XPDTEST_PIDFILE")) { pidfile = getenv("XPDTEST_PIDFILE"); } // -u url -d sboxdir -s span -t test for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (argv[i]) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-h") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--help")) { printhelp(); return 1; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-u")) { if (argv[++i]) { url = argv[i]; } else { fprintf(stderr, "parse_args: '-u' requires the specification of the URL!\n"); printhelp(); return -1; } } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-d")) { if (argv[++i]) { sboxdir = argv[i]; } else { fprintf(stderr, "parse_args: '-d' requires the specification of the sandbox directory!\n"); printhelp(); return -1; } } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-l")) { if (argv[++i]) { logfile = argv[i]; } else { fprintf(stderr, "parse_args: '-l' requires the specification of the logfile!\n"); printhelp(); return -1; } } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-k")) { keep = 1; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-s")) { if (argv[++i]) { errno = 0; long xspan = strtol(argv[i], 0, 10); if (errno == 0 && xspan > 0) { span = (time_t) xspan; } else { fprintf(stderr, "parse_args: time span must be a positive integer! (argv: %s, xspan: %ld)\n", argv[i], xspan); printhelp(); return -1; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "parse_args: '-s' requires the specification of the time span!\n"); printhelp(); return -1; } } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-t")) { if (argv[++i]) { errno = 0; long xtest = strtol(argv[i], 0, 10); if (errno == 0 && xtest >= 0 && xtest <= 2) { sscanf(argv[i], "%d", &test); } else { fprintf(stderr, "parse_args: test must be an integer in [0,2]! (argv: %s, xtest: %ld)\n", argv[i], xtest); printhelp(); return -1; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "parse_args: '-t' requires the specification of the test!\n"); printhelp(); return -1; } } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-T")) { if (argv[++i]) { errno = 0; long xto = strtol(argv[i], 0, 10); if (errno == 0 && xto > 0) { to = (time_t) xto; } else { fprintf(stderr, "parse_args: timeout must be a positive integer! (argv: %s, xto: %ld)\n", argv[i], xto); printhelp(); return -1; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "parse_args: '-T' requires the specification of the timeout (in secs)!\n"); printhelp(); return -1; } } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-p")) { if (argv[++i]) { pidfile = argv[i]; } else { fprintf(stderr, "parse_args: '-p' requires the specification of the file with the process ID!\n"); printhelp(); return -1; } } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-v")) { verbose = 1; } } } // Done return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Help function void printhelp() { fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, " xpdtest: test xproofd service on (remote) host\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, " Syntax:\n"); fprintf(stderr, " xpdtest [-u url] [-t test] [-d sbdir] [-s span] [-T timeout] [-l logfile]\n"); fprintf(stderr, " [-p pidfile] [-k] [-v] [-h|--help]\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, " url: URL where the xproofd under test responds [localhost:1093]\n"); fprintf(stderr, " test: type of test [0]\n"); fprintf(stderr, " 0 ping\n"); fprintf(stderr, " 1 '0' + check connection for default user\n"); fprintf(stderr, " 2 '1' + check connection for all recent users\n"); fprintf(stderr, " sbdir: sandbox directory used to find out the users of the facility\n"); fprintf(stderr, " when test is 2 ['/tmp/proofbox']\n"); fprintf(stderr, " span: define the time interval to define 'recent' users when test\n"); fprintf(stderr, " is 2: only users who connected within this interval are checked;\n"); fprintf(stderr, " use -1 for infinite [-1]\n"); fprintf(stderr, " timeout: max time waited for a successful session start in seconds [10 secs]\n"); fprintf(stderr, " logfile: log file if not screen; deleted if the test fails unless '-k' is\n"); fprintf(stderr, " specified (see below) [terminal]\n"); fprintf(stderr, " pidfile: file with the daemon process id; if specified, an initial test of the\n"); fprintf(stderr, " process existence is done (using kill(pid, 0))\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -k: keep log file at path given via '-l' in all cases [do not keep]\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -v: set gDebug = 1 for ROOT\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -h, --help: print this screen\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, " Return: 0 the required test succeeded\n"); fprintf(stderr, " 1 the test failed\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Test proof open. /// Return 0 on success, 1 on failure int proof_open(const char *master, long to) { int rc = 0; RedirectHandle_t rh; TString popenfile = TString::Format("%s/xpdtest_popen_file", gSystem->TempDirectory()); gSystem->RedirectOutput(popenfile, "w", &rh); set_timer(1, to); TProof *p = TProof::Open(master, "masteronly"); set_timer(0); gSystem->RedirectOutput(0, 0, &rh); if (!p || (p && !p->IsValid())) { TMacro m; m.ReadFile(popenfile); if (!m.GetLineWith("Server not allowed to be top master")) rc = 1; } if (p) delete p; return rc; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// If we are called it means that we failed static void handle_sigalarm(int) { gSystem->Exit(1); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Do nothing static void ignore_signal(int) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Start an asynchronous firing after 'to' seconds /// Return /// 0 on success /// 1 otherwise int set_timer(bool on, long to) { struct itimerval itv; bool sett = (on && to > 0) ? 1 : 0; itv.it_value.tv_sec = (sett) ? time_t(to) : time_t(0); itv.it_value.tv_usec = 0; itv.it_interval.tv_sec = 0; itv.it_interval.tv_usec = 0; // Enable/disable handling of the related signal if (sett) { signal(SIGALRM, handle_sigalarm); } else { signal(SIGALRM, ignore_signal); } errno = 0; return setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &itv, 0); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Non-blocking check for a PROOF service at 'url' /// Return /// 0 if a XProofd daemon is listening at 'url' /// 1 otherwise int xpd_ping(const char *host, int port) { // Check arguments if (!host || (host && strlen(host) <= 0)) { fprintf(stderr,"xpd_ping: host must be given!\n"); return 1; } struct hostent *h = gethostbyname(host); if (!h) { fprintf(stderr,"xpd_ping: unknown host '%s'\n", host); return 1; } // Get socket and listen to it int sd = getsocket(h,port); if (sd == -1) { fprintf(stderr,"xpd_ping: problems creating socket ... exit\n"); return 1; } // Send the first bytes clnt_HS_t initHS; memset(&initHS, 0, sizeof(initHS)); int len = sizeof(initHS); initHS.third = (int)htonl((int)1); if (sendn(sd, &initHS, len) != len) { fprintf(stderr,"xpd_ping: problems sending first set of handshake bytes\n"); close(sd); return 1; } // These 8 bytes are need by 'rootd/proofd' and discarded by XRD/XPD int dum[2]; dum[0] = (int)htonl((int)4); dum[1] = (int)htonl((int)2012); if (sendn(sd, &dum[0], sizeof(dum)) != sizeof(dum)) { fprintf(stderr,"xpd_ping: problems sending second set of handshake bytes\n"); close(sd); return 1; } // Read first server response int type; len = sizeof(type); int nr = 0; if ((nr = recvn(sd, &type, len)) != len) { // 4 bytes fprintf(stderr, "xpd_ping: 1st: wrong number of bytes read: %d (expected: %d)\n", nr, len); close(sd); return 1; } // To host byte order type = ntohl(type); // Check if the server is the eXtended proofd if (type == 0) { srv_HS_t xbody; len = sizeof(xbody); if ((nr = recvn(sd, &xbody, len)) != len) { // 12(4+4+4) bytes fprintf(stderr, "xpd_ping: 2nd: wrong number of bytes read: %d (expected: %d)\n", nr, len); close(sd); return 1; } xbody.protover = ntohl(xbody.protover); xbody.msgval = ntohl(xbody.msglen); xbody.msglen = ntohl(xbody.msgval); } else if (type == 8) { // Standard proofd fprintf(stderr, "xpd_ping: server is PROOFD\n"); close(sd); return 1; } else { // We don't know the server type fprintf(stderr, "xpd_ping: unknown server type: %d\n", type); close(sd); return 1; } // Cleanup close(sd); // Done return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int getsocket(struct hostent *h, int port) { int sd, rc; struct sockaddr_in localAddr = sockaddr_in(); struct sockaddr_in servAddr = sockaddr_in(); servAddr.sin_family = h->h_addrtype; memcpy((char *) &servAddr.sin_addr.s_addr, h->h_addr_list[0], h->h_length); servAddr.sin_port = htons(port); /* create socket */ sd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if(sd < 0) { perror("cannot open socket "); return -1; } /* bind any port number */ localAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; localAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); localAddr.sin_port = htons(0); rc = bind(sd, (struct sockaddr *) &localAddr, sizeof(localAddr)); if(rc < 0) { perror("error "); close(sd); return -1; } /* connect to server */ rc = connect(sd, (struct sockaddr *) &servAddr, sizeof(servAddr)); if(rc < 0) { perror("cannot connect "); close(sd); return -1; } return sd; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Send exactly length bytes from buffer. int sendn(int sock, const void *buffer, int length) { if (sock < 0) return -1; int n, nsent = 0; const char *buf = (const char *)buffer; for (n = 0; n < length; n += nsent) { if ((nsent = send(sock, buf+n, length-n, 0)) <= 0) { perror("problems sending "); return nsent; } } return n; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Receive exactly length bytes into buffer. Returns number of bytes /// received. Returns -1 in case of error. int recvn(int sock, void *buffer, int length) { if (sock < 0) return -1; int n, nrecv = 0; char *buf = (char *)buffer; for (n = 0; n < length; n += nrecv) { while ((nrecv = recv(sock, buf+n, length-n, 0)) == -1 && errno == EINTR) errno = 0; // probably a SIGCLD that was caught if (nrecv < 0) { perror("problems receiving "); return nrecv; } else if (nrecv == 0) break; // EOF } return n; }