// @(#)root/eg:$Id$ // Author: Pasha Murat 12/02/99 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #include "RConfigure.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TEnv.h" #include "THashList.h" #include "TExMap.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TDatabasePDG.h" #include "TDecayChannel.h" #include "TParticlePDG.h" #include //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Particle database manager class // // This manager creates a list of particles which by default is // initialised from with the constants used by PYTHIA6 (plus some // other particles added). See definition and the format of the default // particle list in $ROOTSYS/etc/pdg_table.txt // // there are 2 ways of redefining the name of the file containing the // particle properties // // 1. one can define the name in .rootrc file: // // Root.DatabasePDG: $(HOME)/my_pdg_table.txt // // 2. one can use TDatabasePDG::ReadPDGTable method explicitly: // // - TDatabasePDG *pdg = new TDatabasePDG(); // - pdg->ReadPDGtable(filename) // // See TParticlePDG for the description of a static particle properties. // See TParticle for the description of a dynamic particle particle. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ClassImp(TDatabasePDG) TDatabasePDG* TDatabasePDG::fgInstance = 0; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create PDG database. Initialization of the DB has to be done via explicit /// call to ReadDataBasePDG (also done by GetParticle methods) TDatabasePDG::TDatabasePDG(): TNamed("PDGDB","The PDG particle data base") { fParticleList = 0; fPdgMap = 0; fListOfClasses = 0; if (fgInstance) { Warning("TDatabasePDG", "object already instantiated"); } else { fgInstance = this; gROOT->GetListOfSpecials()->Add(this); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Cleanup the PDG database. TDatabasePDG::~TDatabasePDG() { if (fParticleList) { fParticleList->Delete(); delete fParticleList; // this deletes all objects in the list if (fPdgMap) delete fPdgMap; } // classes do not own particles... if (fListOfClasses) { fListOfClasses->Delete(); delete fListOfClasses; } gROOT->GetListOfSpecials()->Remove(this); fgInstance = 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///static function TDatabasePDG* TDatabasePDG::Instance() { return (fgInstance) ? (TDatabasePDG*) fgInstance : new TDatabasePDG(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Build fPdgMap mapping pdg-code to particle. /// /// Initial size is set so as to be able to hold at least 600 /// particles: 521 in default table, ALICE adds 54 more. /// To be revisited after LHC discovers SUSY. void TDatabasePDG::BuildPdgMap() const { fPdgMap = new TExMap(4*TMath::Max(600, fParticleList->GetEntries())/3 + 3); TIter next(fParticleList); TParticlePDG *p; while ((p = (TParticlePDG*)next())) { fPdgMap->Add((Long_t)p->PdgCode(), (Long_t)p); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Particle definition normal constructor. If the particle is set to be /// stable, the decay width parameter does have no meaning and can be set to /// any value. The parameters granularity, LowerCutOff and HighCutOff are /// used for the construction of the mean free path look up tables. The /// granularity will be the number of logwise energy points for which the /// mean free path will be calculated. /// TParticlePDG* TDatabasePDG::AddParticle(const char *name, const char *title, Double_t mass, Bool_t stable, Double_t width, Double_t charge, const char* ParticleClass, Int_t PDGcode, Int_t Anti, Int_t TrackingCode) { TParticlePDG* old = GetParticle(PDGcode); if (old) { printf(" *** TDatabasePDG::AddParticle: particle with PDGcode=%d already defined\n",PDGcode); return 0; } TParticlePDG* p = new TParticlePDG(name, title, mass, stable, width, charge, ParticleClass, PDGcode, Anti, TrackingCode); fParticleList->Add(p); if (fPdgMap) fPdgMap->Add((Long_t)PDGcode, (Long_t)p); TParticleClassPDG* pclass = GetParticleClass(ParticleClass); if (!pclass) { pclass = new TParticleClassPDG(ParticleClass); fListOfClasses->Add(pclass); } pclass->AddParticle(p); return p; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// assuming particle has already been defined TParticlePDG* TDatabasePDG::AddAntiParticle(const char* Name, Int_t PdgCode) { TParticlePDG* old = GetParticle(PdgCode); if (old) { printf(" *** TDatabasePDG::AddAntiParticle: can't redefine parameters\n"); return NULL; } Int_t pdg_code = abs(PdgCode); TParticlePDG* p = GetParticle(pdg_code); if (!p) { printf(" *** TDatabasePDG::AddAntiParticle: particle with pdg code %d not known\n", pdg_code); return NULL; } TParticlePDG* ap = AddParticle(Name, Name, p->Mass(), 1, p->Width(), -p->Charge(), p->ParticleClass(), PdgCode, 1, p->TrackingCode()); return ap; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Get a pointer to the particle object according to the name given /// TParticlePDG *TDatabasePDG::GetParticle(const char *name) const { if (fParticleList == 0) ((TDatabasePDG*)this)->ReadPDGTable(); TParticlePDG *def = (TParticlePDG *)fParticleList->FindObject(name); // if (!def) { // Error("GetParticle","No match for %s exists!",name); // } return def; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Get a pointer to the particle object according to the MC code number /// TParticlePDG *TDatabasePDG::GetParticle(Int_t PDGcode) const { if (fParticleList == 0) ((TDatabasePDG*)this)->ReadPDGTable(); if (fPdgMap == 0) BuildPdgMap(); return (TParticlePDG*) (Long_t)fPdgMap->GetValue((Long_t)PDGcode); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Print contents of PDG database. void TDatabasePDG::Print(Option_t *option) const { if (fParticleList == 0) ((TDatabasePDG*)this)->ReadPDGTable(); TIter next(fParticleList); TParticlePDG *p; while ((p = (TParticlePDG *)next())) { p->Print(option); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Converts Geant3 particle codes to PDG convention. (Geant4 uses /// PDG convention already) /// Source: BaBar User Guide, Neil I. Geddes, /// ///Begin_Html Int_t TDatabasePDG::ConvertGeant3ToPdg(Int_t Geant3number) const { /* see Conversion table */ //End_Html // with some fixes by PB, marked with (PB) below. Checked against // PDG listings from 2000. // // Paul Balm, Nov 19, 2001 switch(Geant3number) { case 1 : return 22; // photon case 25 : return -2112; // anti-neutron case 2 : return -11; // e+ case 26 : return -3122; // anti-Lambda case 3 : return 11; // e- case 27 : return -3222; // Sigma- case 4 : return 12; // e-neutrino (NB: flavour undefined by Geant) case 28 : return -3212; // Sigma0 case 5 : return -13; // mu+ case 29 : return -3112; // Sigma+ (PB)*/ case 6 : return 13; // mu- case 30 : return -3322; // Xi0 case 7 : return 111; // pi0 case 31 : return -3312; // Xi+ case 8 : return 211; // pi+ case 32 : return -3334; // Omega+ (PB) case 9 : return -211; // pi- case 33 : return -15; // tau+ case 10 : return 130; // K long case 34 : return 15; // tau- case 11 : return 321; // K+ case 35 : return 411; // D+ case 12 : return -321; // K- case 36 : return -411; // D- case 13 : return 2112; // n case 37 : return 421; // D0 case 14 : return 2212; // p case 38 : return -421; // D0 case 15 : return -2212; // anti-proton case 39 : return 431; // Ds+ case 16 : return 310; // K short case 40 : return -431; // anti Ds- case 17 : return 221; // eta case 41 : return 4122; // Lamba_c+ case 18 : return 3122; // Lambda case 42 : return 24; // W+ case 19 : return 3222; // Sigma+ case 43 : return -24; // W- case 20 : return 3212; // Sigma0 case 44 : return 23; // Z case 21 : return 3112; // Sigma- case 45 : return 0; // deuteron case 22 : return 3322; // Xi0 case 46 : return 0; // triton case 23 : return 3312; // Xi- case 47 : return 0; // alpha case 24 : return 3334; // Omega- (PB) case 48 : return 0; // G nu ? PDG ID 0 is undefined default : return 0; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Converts pdg code to geant3 id Int_t TDatabasePDG::ConvertPdgToGeant3(Int_t pdgNumber) const { switch(pdgNumber) { case 22 : return 1; // photon case -2112 : return 25; // anti-neutron case -11 : return 2; // e+ case -3122 : return 26; // anti-Lambda case 11 : return 3; // e- case -3222 : return 27; // Sigma- case 12 : return 4; // e-neutrino (NB: flavour undefined by Geant) case -3212 : return 28; // Sigma0 case -13 : return 5; // mu+ case -3112 : return 29; // Sigma+ (PB)*/ case 13 : return 6; // mu- case -3322 : return 30; // Xi0 case 111 : return 7; // pi0 case -3312 : return 31; // Xi+ case 211 : return 8; // pi+ case -3334 : return 32; // Omega+ (PB) case -211 : return 9; // pi- case -15 : return 33; // tau+ case 130 : return 10; // K long case 15 : return 34; // tau- case 321 : return 11; // K+ case 411 : return 35; // D+ case -321 : return 12; // K- case -411 : return 36; // D- case 2112 : return 13; // n case 421 : return 37; // D0 case 2212 : return 14; // p case -421 : return 38; // D0 case -2212 : return 15; // anti-proton case 431 : return 39; // Ds+ case 310 : return 16; // K short case -431 : return 40; // anti Ds- case 221 : return 17; // eta case 4122 : return 41; // Lamba_c+ case 3122 : return 18; // Lambda case 24 : return 42; // W+ case 3222 : return 19; // Sigma+ case -24 : return 43; // W- case 3212 : return 20; // Sigma0 case 23 : return 44; // Z case 3112 : return 21; // Sigma- case 3322 : return 22; // Xi0 case 3312 : return 23; // Xi- case 3334 : return 24; // Omega- (PB) default : return 0; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Converts the ISAJET Particle number into the PDG MC number /// Int_t TDatabasePDG::ConvertIsajetToPdg(Int_t isaNumber) const { switch (isaNumber) { case 1 : return 2; // UP .30000E+00 .67 case -1 : return -2; // UB .30000E+00 -.67 case 2 : return 1; // DN .30000E+00 -.33 case -2 : return -1; // DB .30000E+00 .33 case 3 : return 3; // ST .50000E+00 -.33 case -3 : return -3; // SB .50000E+00 .33 case 4 : return 4; // CH .16000E+01 .67 case -4 : return -4; // CB .16000E+01 -.67 case 5 : return 5; // BT .49000E+01 -.33 case -5 : return -5; // BB .49000E+01 .33 case 6 : return 6; // TP .17500E+03 .67 case -6 : return -6; // TB .17500E+03 -.67 case 9 : return 21; // GL 0. 0.00 case 80 : return 24; // W+ SIN2W=.23 1.00 case -80 : return -24; // W- SIN2W=.23 -1.00 case 90 : return 23; // Z0 SIN2W=.23 0.00 case 230 : return 311; // K0 .49767E+00 0.00 case -230 : return -311; // AK0 .49767E+00 0.00 case 330 : return 331; // ETAP .95760E+00 0.00 case 340 : return 0; // F- .20300E+01 -1.00 case -340 : return 0; // F+ .20300E+01 1.00 case 440 : return 441; // ETAC .29760E+01 0.00 case 111 : return 113; // RHO0 .77000E+00 0.00 case 121 : return 213; // RHO+ .77000E+00 1.00 case -121 : return -213; // RHO- .77000E+00 -1.00 case 221 : return 223; // OMEG .78260E+00 0.00 case 131 : return 323; // K*+ .88810E+00 1.00 case -131 : return -323; // K*- .88810E+00 -1.00 case 231 : return 313; // K*0 .89220E+00 0.00 case -231 : return -313; // AK*0 .89220E+00 0.00 case 331 : return 333; // PHI .10196E+01 0.00 case -140 : return 421; // D0 case 140 : return -421; // D0 bar case 141 : return -423; // AD*0 .20060E+01 0.00 case -141 : return 423; // D*0 .20060E+01 0.00 case -240 : return -411; // D+ case 240 : return 411; // D- case 241 : return -413; // D*- .20086E+01 -1.00 case -241 : return 413; // D*+ .20086E+01 1.00 case 341 : return 0; // F*- .21400E+01 -1.00 case -341 : return 0; // F*+ .21400E+01 1.00 case 441 : return 443; // JPSI .30970E+01 0.00 // B-mesons, Bc still missing case 250 : return 511; // B0 case -250 : return -511; // B0 bar case 150 : return 521; // B+ case -150 : return -521; // B- case 350 : return 531; // Bs 0 case -350 : return -531; // Bs bar case 351 : return 533; // Bs* 0 case -351 : return -533; // Bs* bar case 450 : return 541; // Bc + case -450 : return -541; // Bc bar case 1140 : return 4222; // SC++ .24300E+01 2.00 case -1140 : return -4222; // ASC-- .24300E+01 -2.00 case 1240 : return 4212; // SC+ .24300E+01 1.00 case -1240 : return -4212; // ASC- .24300E+01 -1.00 case 2140 : return 4122; // LC+ .22600E+01 1.00 case -2140 : return -4122; // ALC- .22600E+01 -1.00 case 2240 : return 4112; // SC0 .24300E+01 0.00 case -2240 : return -4112; // ASC0 .24300E+01 0.00 case 1340 : return 0; // USC. .25000E+01 1.00 case -1340 : return 0; // AUSC. .25000E+01 -1.00 case 3140 : return 0; // SUC. .24000E+01 1.00 case -3140 : return 0; // ASUC. .24000E+01 -1.00 case 2340 : return 0; // DSC. .25000E+01 0.00 case -2340 : return 0; // ADSC. .25000E+01 0.00 case 3240 : return 0; // SDC. .24000E+01 0.00 case -3240 : return 0; // ASDC. .24000E+01 0.00 case 3340 : return 0; // SSC. .26000E+01 0.00 case -3340 : return 0; // ASSC. .26000E+01 0.00 case 1440 : return 0; // UCC. .35500E+01 2.00 case -1440 : return 0; // AUCC. .35500E+01 -2.00 case 2440 : return 0; // DCC. .35500E+01 1.00 case -2440 : return 0; // ADCC. .35500E+01 -1.00 case 3440 : return 0; // SCC. .37000E+01 1.00 case -3440 : return 0; // ASCC. .37000E+01 -1.00 case 1111 : return 2224; // DL++ .12320E+01 2.00 case -1111 : return -2224; // ADL-- .12320E+01 -2.00 case 1121 : return 2214; // DL+ .12320E+01 1.00 case -1121 : return -2214; // ADL- .12320E+01 -1.00 case 1221 : return 2114; // DL0 .12320E+01 0.00 case -1221 : return -2114; // ADL0 .12320E+01 0.00 case 2221 : return 1114; // DL- .12320E+01 -1.00 case -2221 : return -1114; // ADL+ .12320E+01 1.00 case 1131 : return 3224; // S*+ .13823E+01 1.00 case -1131 : return -3224; // AS*- .13823E+01 -1.00 case 1231 : return 3214; // S*0 .13820E+01 0.00 case -1231 : return -3214; // AS*0 .13820E+01 0.00 case 2231 : return 3114; // S*- .13875E+01 -1.00 case -2231 : return -3114; // AS*+ .13875E+01 1.00 case 1331 : return 3324; // XI*0 .15318E+01 0.00 case -1331 : return -3324; // AXI*0 .15318E+01 0.00 case 2331 : return 3314; // XI*- .15350E+01 -1.00 case -2331 : return -3314; // AXI*+ .15350E+01 1.00 case 3331 : return 3334; // OM- .16722E+01 -1.00 case -3331 : return -3334; // AOM+ .16722E+01 1.00 case 1141 : return 0; // UUC* .26300E+01 2.00 case -1141 : return 0; // AUUC* .26300E+01 -2.00 case 1241 : return 0; // UDC* .26300E+01 1.00 case -1241 : return 0; // AUDC* .26300E+01 -1.00 case 2241 : return 0; // DDC* .26300E+01 0.00 case -2241 : return 0; // ADDC* .26300E+01 0.00 case 1341 : return 0; // USC* .27000E+01 1.00 case -1341 : return 0; // AUSC* .27000E+01 -1.00 case 2341 : return 0; // DSC* .27000E+01 0.00 case -2341 : return 0; // ADSC* .27000E+01 0.00 case 3341 : return 0; // SSC* .28000E+01 0.00 case -3341 : return 0; // ASSC* .28000E+01 0.00 case 1441 : return 0; // UCC* .37500E+01 2.00 case -1441 : return 0; // AUCC* .37500E+01 -2.00 case 2441 : return 0; // DCC* .37500E+01 1.00 case -2441 : return 0; // ADCC* .37500E+01 -1.00 case 3441 : return 0; // SCC* .39000E+01 1.00 case -3441 : return 0; // ASCC* .39000E+01 -1.00 case 4441 : return 0; // CCC* .48000E+01 2.00 case -4441 : return 0; // ACCC* .48000E+01 -2.00 case 10 : return 22; // Photon case 12 : return 11; // Electron case -12 : return -11; // Positron case 14 : return 13; // Muon- case -14 : return -13; // Muon+ case 16 : return 15; // Tau- case -16 : return -15; // Tau+ case 11 : return 12; // Neutrino e case -11 : return -12; // Anti Neutrino e case 13 : return 14; // Neutrino Muon case -13 : return -14; // Anti Neutrino Muon case 15 : return 16; // Neutrino Tau case -15 : return -16; // Anti Neutrino Tau case 110 : return 111; // Pion0 case 120 : return 211; // Pion+ case -120 : return -211; // Pion- case 220 : return 221; // Eta case 130 : return 321; // Kaon+ case -130 : return -321; // Kaon- case -20 : return 130; // Kaon Long case 20 : return 310; // Kaon Short // baryons case 1120 : return 2212; // Proton case -1120 : return -2212; // Anti Proton case 1220 : return 2112; // Neutron case -1220 : return -2112; // Anti Neutron case 2130 : return 3122; // Lambda case -2130 : return -3122; // Lambda bar case 1130 : return 3222; // Sigma+ case -1130 : return -3222; // Sigma bar - case 1230 : return 3212; // Sigma0 case -1230 : return -3212; // Sigma bar 0 case 2230 : return 3112; // Sigma- case -2230 : return -3112; // Sigma bar + case 1330 : return 3322; // Xi0 case -1330 : return -3322; // Xi bar 0 case 2330 : return 3312; // Xi- case -2330 : return -3312; // Xi bar + default : return 0; // isajet or pdg number does not exist } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// read list of particles from a file /// if the particle list does not exist, it is created, otherwise /// particles are added to the existing list /// See $ROOTSYS/etc/pdg_table.txt to see the file format void TDatabasePDG::ReadPDGTable(const char *FileName) { if (fParticleList == 0) { fParticleList = new THashList; fListOfClasses = new TObjArray; } TString default_name; const char *fn; if (!FileName[0]) { #ifdef ROOTETCDIR default_name.Form("%s/pdg_table.txt", ROOTETCDIR); #else default_name.Form("%s/etc/pdg_table.txt", gSystem->Getenv("ROOTSYS")); #endif fn = gEnv->GetValue("Root.DatabasePDG", default_name.Data()); } else { fn = FileName; } FILE* file = fopen(fn,"r"); if (file == 0) { Error("ReadPDGTable","Could not open PDG particle file %s",fn); return; } char c[512]; Int_t class_number, anti, isospin, i3, spin, tracking_code; Int_t ich, kf, nch, charge; char name[30], class_name[30]; Double_t mass, width, branching_ratio; Int_t dau[20]; Int_t idecay, decay_type, flavor, ndau, stable; Int_t input; while ( (input=getc(file)) != EOF) { c[0] = input; if (c[0] != '#') { ungetc(c[0],file); // read channel number // coverity [secure_coding : FALSE] if (fscanf(file,"%i",&ich)) {;} // coverity [secure_coding : FALSE] if (fscanf(file,"%s",name )) {;} // coverity [secure_coding : FALSE] if (fscanf(file,"%i",&kf )) {;} // coverity [secure_coding : FALSE] if (fscanf(file,"%i",&anti )) {;} if (kf < 0) { AddAntiParticle(name,kf); // nothing more on this line if (fgets(c,200,file)) {;} } else { // coverity [secure_coding : FALSE] if (fscanf(file,"%i",&class_number)) {;} // coverity [secure_coding : FALSE] if (fscanf(file,"%s",class_name)) {;} // coverity [secure_coding : FALSE] if (fscanf(file,"%i",&charge)) {;} // coverity [secure_coding : FALSE] if (fscanf(file,"%le",&mass)) {;} // coverity [secure_coding : FALSE] if (fscanf(file,"%le",&width)) {;} // coverity [secure_coding : FALSE] if (fscanf(file,"%i",&isospin)) {;} // coverity [secure_coding : FALSE] if (fscanf(file,"%i",&i3)) {;} // coverity [secure_coding : FALSE] if (fscanf(file,"%i",&spin)) {;} // coverity [secure_coding : FALSE] if (fscanf(file,"%i",&flavor)) {;} // coverity [secure_coding : FALSE] if (fscanf(file,"%i",&tracking_code)) {;} // coverity [secure_coding : FALSE] if (fscanf(file,"%i",&nch)) {;} // nothing more on this line if (fgets(c,200,file)) {;} if (width > 1e-10) stable = 0; else stable = 1; // create particle TParticlePDG* part = AddParticle(name, name, mass, stable, width, charge, class_name, kf, anti, tracking_code); if (nch) { // read in decay channels ich = 0; Int_t c_input = 0; while ( ((c_input=getc(file)) != EOF) && (ich AddDecayChannel(decay_type,branching_ratio,ndau,dau); ich++; } // skip end of line if (fgets(c,200,file)) {;} } } } } else { // skip end of line if (fgets(c,200,file)) {;} } } // in the end loop over the antiparticles and // define their decay lists TIter it(fParticleList); Int_t code[20]; TParticlePDG *ap, *p, *daughter; TDecayChannel *dc; while ((p = (TParticlePDG*) it.Next())) { // define decay channels for antiparticles if (p->PdgCode() < 0) { ap = GetParticle(-p->PdgCode()); if (!ap) continue; nch = ap->NDecayChannels(); for (ich=0; ichDecayChannel(ich); if (!dc) continue; ndau = dc->NDaughters(); for (int i=0; iDaughterPdgCode(i); daughter = GetParticle(code[i]); if (daughter && daughter->AntiParticle()) { // this particle does have an // antiparticle code[i] = -code[i]; } } p->AddDecayChannel(dc->MatrixElementCode(), dc->BranchingRatio(), dc->NDaughters(), code); } p->SetAntiParticle(ap); ap->SetAntiParticle(p); } } fclose(file); return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///browse data base void TDatabasePDG::Browse(TBrowser* b) { if (fListOfClasses ) fListOfClasses->Browse(b); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// write contents of the particle DB into a file Int_t TDatabasePDG::WritePDGTable(const char *filename) { if (fParticleList == 0) { Error("WritePDGTable","Do not have a valid PDG particle list;" " consider loading it with ReadPDGTable first."); return -1; } FILE *file = fopen(filename,"w"); if (file == 0) { Error("WritePDGTable","Could not open PDG particle file %s",filename); return -1; } fprintf(file,"#--------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); fprintf(file,"# i NAME............. KF AP CLASS Q MASS WIDTH 2*I+1 I3 2*S+1 FLVR TrkCod N(dec)\n"); fprintf(file,"#--------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); Int_t nparts=fParticleList->GetEntries(); for(Int_t i=0;i(fParticleList->At(i)); if(!p) continue; Int_t ich=i+1; Int_t kf=p->PdgCode(); fprintf(file,"%5i %-20s %- 6i ", ich, p->GetName(), kf); Int_t anti=p->AntiParticle() ? 1:0; if(kf<0) { for(Int_t j=0;j(fParticleList->At(j)); if(dummy==p->AntiParticle()) { anti=j+1; break; } } fprintf(file,"%i 0\n",anti); continue; } fprintf(file,"%i ",anti); fprintf(file,"%i ",100); fprintf(file,"%s ",p->ParticleClass()); fprintf(file,"% i ",(Int_t)p->Charge()); fprintf(file,"%.5le ",p->Mass()); fprintf(file,"%.5le ",p->Width()); fprintf(file,"%i ",(Int_t)p->Isospin()); fprintf(file,"%i ",(Int_t)p->I3()); fprintf(file,"%i ",(Int_t)p->Spin()); fprintf(file,"%i ",-1); fprintf(file,"%i ",p->TrackingCode()); Int_t nch=p->NDecayChannels(); fprintf(file,"%i\n",nch); if(nch==0) { continue; } fprintf(file,"#----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); fprintf(file,"# decay type(PY6) BR Nd daughters(codes, then names)\n"); fprintf(file,"#----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); for(Int_t j=0;jDecayChannel(j); if (!dc) continue; fprintf(file,"%9i ",dc->Number()+1); fprintf(file,"%3i ",dc->MatrixElementCode()); fprintf(file,"%.5le ",dc->BranchingRatio()); Int_t ndau=dc->NDaughters(); fprintf(file,"%3i ",ndau); for (int idau=0; idauDaughterPdgCode(idau)); } for (int idau=0; idauDaughterPdgCode(idau)); if(dummy) fprintf(file,"%-10s ",dummy->GetName()); else fprintf(file,"%-10s ","???"); } fprintf(file,"\n"); } } fclose(file); return nparts; }