// @(#)root/eg:$Id$ // Author: Ola Nordmann 21/09/95 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TGenerator // // // // Is an base class, that defines the interface of ROOT to various // // event generators. Every event generator should inherit from // // TGenerator or its subclasses. // // // // Derived class can overload the member function GenerateEvent // // to do the actual event generation (e.g., call PYEVNT or similar). // // // // The derived class should overload the member function // // ImportParticles (both types) to read the internal storage of the // // generated event into either the internal TObjArray or the passed // // TClonesArray of TParticles. // // // // If the generator code stores event data in the /HEPEVT/ common block // // Then the default implementation of ImportParticles should suffice. // // The common block /HEPEVT/ is structed like // // // // /* C */ // // typedef struct { // // Int_t nevhep; // Event number // // Int_t nhep; // # of particles // // Int_t isthep[4000]; // Status flag of i'th particle // // Int_t idhep[4000]; // PDG # of particle // // Int_t jmohep[4000][2]; // 1st & 2nd mother particle # // // Int_t jdahep[4000][2]; // 1st & 2nd daughter particle # // // Double_t phep[4000][5]; // 4-momentum and 1 word // // Double_t vhep[4000][4]; // 4-position of production // // } HEPEVT_DEF; // // // // // // C Fortran // // COMMON/HEPEVT/NEVHEP,NHEP,ISTHEP(4000),IDHEP(4000), // // + JMOHEP(2,4000),JDAHEP(2,4000),PHEP(5,4000),VHEP(4,4000) // // INTEGER NEVHEP,NHEP,ISTHEP,IDHEP,JMOHEP,JDAHEP // // DOUBLE PRECISION PHEP,VHEP // // // // The generic member functions SetParameter and GetParameter can be // // overloaded to set and get parameters of the event generator. // // // // Note, if the derived class interfaces a (set of) Fortran common // // blocks (like TPythia, TVenus does), one better make the derived // // class a singleton. That is, something like // // // // class MyGenerator : public TGenerator // // { // // public: // // static MyGenerator* Instance() // // { // // if (!fgInstance) fgInstance = new MyGenerator; // // return fgInstance; // // } // // void GenerateEvent() { ... } // // void ImportParticles(TClonesArray* a, Option_t opt="") {...} // // Int_t ImportParticles(Option_t opt="") { ... } // // Int_t SetParameter(const char* name, Double_t val) { ... } // // Double_t GetParameter(const char* name) { ... } // // virtual ~MyGenerator() { ... } // // protected: // // MyGenerator() { ... } // // MyGenerator(const MyGenerator& o) { ... } // // MyGenerator& operator=(const MyGenerator& o) { ... } // // static MyGenerator* fgInstance; // // ClassDef(MyGenerator,0); // // }; // // // // Having multiple objects accessing the same common blocks is not // // safe. // // // // concrete TGenerator classes can be loaded in scripts and subseqent- // // ly used in compiled code: // // // // // MyRun.h // // class MyRun : public TObject // // { // // public: // // static MyRun* Instance() { ... } // // void SetGenerator(TGenerator* g) { fGenerator = g; } // // void Run(Int_t n, Option_t* option="") // // { // // TFile* file = TFile::Open("file.root","RECREATE"); // // TTree* tree = new TTree("T","T"); // // TClonesArray* p = new TClonesArray("TParticles"); // // tree->Branch("particles", &p); // // for (Int_t event = 0; event < n; event++) { // // fGenerator->GenerateEvent(); // // fGenerator->ImportParticles(p,option); // // tree->Fill(); // // } // // file->Write(); // // file->Close(); // // } // // ... // // protected: // // TGenerator* fGenerator; // // ClassDef(MyRun,0); // // }; // // // // // Config.C // // void Config() // // { // // MyRun* run = MyRun::Instance(); // // run->SetGenerator(MyGenerator::Instance()); // // } // // // // // main.cxx // // int // // main(int argc, char** argv) // // { // // TApplication app("", 0, 0); // // gSystem->ProcessLine(".x Config.C"); // // MyRun::Instance()->Run(10); // // return 0; // // } // // // // This is especially useful for example with TVirtualMC or similar. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TROOT.h" #include "TGenerator.h" #include "TDatabasePDG.h" #include "TParticlePDG.h" #include "TParticle.h" #include "TObjArray.h" #include "Hepevt.h" #include "TVirtualPad.h" #include "TView.h" #include "TText.h" #include "TPaveText.h" #include "TClonesArray.h" #include "Riostream.h" ClassImp(TGenerator) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Event generator default constructor /// TGenerator::TGenerator(const char *name,const char *title): TNamed(name,title) { // Initialize particles table TDatabasePDG::Instance(); //TDatabasePDG *pdg = TDatabasePDG::Instance(); //if (!pdg->ParticleList()) pdg->Init(); fPtCut = 0; fShowNeutrons = kTRUE; fParticles = new TObjArray(10000); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Event generator default destructor /// TGenerator::~TGenerator() { //do nothing if (fParticles) { fParticles->Delete(); delete fParticles; fParticles = 0; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// must be implemented in concrete class (see eg TPythia6) void TGenerator::GenerateEvent() { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// It reads the /HEPEVT/ common block which has been filled by the /// GenerateEvent method. If the event generator does not use the /// HEPEVT common block, This routine has to be overloaded by the /// subclasses. /// /// The default action is to store only the stable particles (ISTHEP = /// 1) This can be demanded explicitly by setting the option = "Final" /// If the option = "All", all the particles are stored. /// TObjArray* TGenerator::ImportParticles(Option_t *option) { fParticles->Clear(); Int_t numpart = HEPEVT.nhep; if (!strcmp(option,"") || !strcmp(option,"Final")) { for (Int_t i = 0; iAdd(p); } } } else if (!strcmp(option,"All")) { for (Int_t i = 0; iAdd(p); } } return fParticles; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// It reads the /HEPEVT/ common block which has been filled by the /// GenerateEvent method. If the event generator does not use the /// HEPEVT common block, This routine has to be overloaded by the /// subclasses. /// /// The function loops on the generated particles and store them in /// the TClonesArray pointed by the argument particles. The default /// action is to store only the stable particles (ISTHEP = 1) This can /// be demanded explicitly by setting the option = "Final" If the /// option = "All", all the particles are stored. /// Int_t TGenerator::ImportParticles(TClonesArray *particles, Option_t *option) { if (particles == 0) return 0; TClonesArray &clonesParticles = *particles; clonesParticles.Clear(); Int_t numpart = HEPEVT.nhep; if (!strcmp(option,"") || !strcmp(option,"Final")) { for (Int_t i = 0; iUpdate(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Compute distance from point px,py to objects in event*-*-*-* ///*-* ===================================================== ///*-* Int_t TGenerator::DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py) { const Int_t big = 9999; const Int_t inview = 0; Int_t dist = big; if (px > 50 && py > 50) dist = inview; return dist; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Insert one event in the pad list /// void TGenerator::Draw(Option_t *option) { // Create a default canvas if a canvas does not exist if (!gPad) { gROOT->MakeDefCanvas(); if (gPad->GetVirtCanvas()) gPad->GetVirtCanvas()->SetFillColor(13); } static Float_t rbox = 1000; Float_t rmin[3],rmax[3]; TView *view = gPad->GetView(); if (!strstr(option,"same")) { if (view) { view->GetRange(rmin,rmax); rbox = rmax[2];} gPad->Clear(); } AppendPad(option); view = gPad->GetView(); // compute 3D view if (view) { view->GetRange(rmin,rmax); rbox = rmax[2]; } else { view = TView::CreateView(1,0,0); if (view) view->SetRange(-rbox,-rbox,-rbox, rbox,rbox,rbox ); } const Int_t kColorProton = 4; const Int_t kColorNeutron = 5; const Int_t kColorAntiProton= 3; const Int_t kColorPionPlus = 6; const Int_t kColorPionMinus = 2; const Int_t kColorKaons = 7; const Int_t kColorElectrons = 0; const Int_t kColorGamma = 18; Int_t nProtons = 0; Int_t nNeutrons = 0; Int_t nAntiProtons= 0; Int_t nPionPlus = 0; Int_t nPionMinus = 0; Int_t nKaons = 0; Int_t nElectrons = 0; Int_t nGammas = 0; Int_t ntracks = fParticles->GetEntriesFast(); Int_t i,lwidth,color,lstyle; TParticlePDG *ap; TParticle *p; const char *name; Double_t etot,vx,vy,vz; Int_t ninvol = 0; for (i=0;iUncheckedAt(i); if(!p) continue; ap = (TParticlePDG*)p->GetPDG(); vx = p->Vx(); vy = p->Vy(); vz = p->Vz(); if (vx*vx+vy*vy+vz*vz > rbox*rbox) continue; Float_t pt = p->Pt(); if (pt < fPtCut) continue; etot = p->Energy(); if (etot > 0.1) lwidth = Int_t(6*TMath::Log10(etot)); else lwidth = 1; if (lwidth < 1) lwidth = 1; lstyle = 1; color = 0; name = ap->GetName(); if (!strcmp(name,"n")) { if (!fShowNeutrons) continue; color = kColorNeutron; nNeutrons++;} if (!strcmp(name,"p")) { color = kColorProton; nProtons++;} if (!strcmp(name,"p bar")) { color = kColorAntiProton; nAntiProtons++;} if (!strcmp(name,"pi+")) { color = kColorPionPlus; nPionPlus++;} if (!strcmp(name,"pi-")) { color = kColorPionMinus; nPionMinus++;} if (!strcmp(name,"e+")) { color = kColorElectrons; nElectrons++;} if (!strcmp(name,"e-")) { color = kColorElectrons; nElectrons++;} if (!strcmp(name,"gamma")) { color = kColorGamma; nGammas++; lstyle = 3; } if ( strstr(name,"K")) { color = kColorKaons; nKaons++;} p->SetLineColor(color); p->SetLineStyle(lstyle); p->SetLineWidth(lwidth); p->AppendPad(); ninvol++; } // event title TPaveText *pt = new TPaveText(-0.94,0.85,-0.25,0.98,"br"); pt->AddText((char*)GetName()); pt->AddText((char*)GetTitle()); pt->SetFillColor(42); pt->Draw(); // Annotate color codes Int_t tcolor = 5; if (gPad->GetFillColor() == 10) tcolor = 4; TText *text = new TText(-0.95,-0.47,"Particles"); text->SetTextAlign(12); text->SetTextSize(0.025); text->SetTextColor(tcolor); text->Draw(); text->SetTextColor(kColorGamma); text->DrawText(-0.95,-0.52,"(on screen)"); text->SetTextColor(kColorGamma); text->DrawText(-0.95,-0.57,"Gamma"); text->SetTextColor(kColorProton); text->DrawText(-0.95,-0.62,"Proton"); text->SetTextColor(kColorNeutron); text->DrawText(-0.95,-0.67,"Neutron"); text->SetTextColor(kColorAntiProton); text->DrawText(-0.95,-0.72,"AntiProton"); text->SetTextColor(kColorPionPlus); text->DrawText(-0.95,-0.77,"Pion +"); text->SetTextColor(kColorPionMinus); text->DrawText(-0.95,-0.82,"Pion -"); text->SetTextColor(kColorKaons); text->DrawText(-0.95,-0.87,"Kaons"); text->SetTextColor(kColorElectrons); text->DrawText(-0.95,-0.92,"Electrons,etc."); text->SetTextColor(tcolor); text->SetTextAlign(32); char tcount[32]; snprintf(tcount,12,"%d",ntracks); text->DrawText(-0.55,-0.47,tcount); snprintf(tcount,12,"%d",ninvol); text->DrawText(-0.55,-0.52,tcount); snprintf(tcount,12,"%d",nGammas); text->DrawText(-0.55,-0.57,tcount); snprintf(tcount,12,"%d",nProtons); text->DrawText(-0.55,-0.62,tcount); snprintf(tcount,12,"%d",nNeutrons); text->DrawText(-0.55,-0.67,tcount); snprintf(tcount,12,"%d",nAntiProtons); text->DrawText(-0.55,-0.72,tcount); snprintf(tcount,12,"%d",nPionPlus); text->DrawText(-0.55,-0.77,tcount); snprintf(tcount,12,"%d",nPionMinus); text->DrawText(-0.55,-0.82,tcount); snprintf(tcount,12,"%d",nKaons); text->DrawText(-0.55,-0.87,tcount); snprintf(tcount,12,"%d",nElectrons); text->DrawText(-0.55,-0.92,tcount); text->SetTextAlign(12); if (nPionPlus+nPionMinus) { snprintf(tcount,31,"Protons/Pions= %4f",Float_t(nProtons)/Float_t(nPionPlus+nPionMinus)); } else { strlcpy(tcount,"Protons/Pions= inf",31); } text->DrawText(-0.45,-0.92,tcount); if (nPionPlus+nPionMinus) { snprintf(tcount,12,"Kaons/Pions= %4f",Float_t(nKaons)/Float_t(nPionPlus+nPionMinus)); } else { strlcpy(tcount,"Kaons/Pions= inf",31); } text->DrawText(0.30,-0.92,tcount); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Execute action corresponding to one event*-*-*-* ///*-* ========================================= void TGenerator::ExecuteEvent(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py) { if (gPad->GetView()) { gPad->GetView()->ExecuteRotateView(event, px, py); return; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Return the number of particles in the stack Int_t TGenerator::GetNumberOfParticles() const { return fParticles->GetLast()+1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Returns pointer to primary number i; /// TParticle *TGenerator::GetParticle(Int_t i) const { if (!fParticles) return 0; Int_t n = fParticles->GetLast(); if (i < 0 || i > n) return 0; return (TParticle*)fParticles->UncheckedAt(i); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Paint one event /// void TGenerator::Paint(Option_t *) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Set Pt threshold below which primaries are not drawn /// void TGenerator::SetPtCut(Float_t ptcut) { fPtCut = ptcut; Draw(); gPad->Update(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Set lower and upper values of the view range /// void TGenerator::SetViewRadius(Float_t rbox) { SetViewRange(-rbox,-rbox,-rbox,rbox,rbox,rbox); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Set lower and upper values of the view range /// void TGenerator::SetViewRange(Float_t xmin, Float_t ymin, Float_t zmin, Float_t xmax, Float_t ymax, Float_t zmax) { TView *view = gPad->GetView(); if (!view) return; view->SetRange(xmin,ymin,zmin,xmax,ymax,zmax); Draw(); gPad->Update(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Set flag to display or not neutrons /// void TGenerator::ShowNeutrons(Bool_t show) { fShowNeutrons = show; Draw(); gPad->Update(); }