// @(#)root/eg:$Id$ // Author: Pasha Murat 12/02/99 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ //______________________________________________________________________________ // // Description of the static properties of a particle. // The class is typically generated by the TDatabasePDG class. // It is referenced by the dynamic particle class TParticle. // Int_t fPdgCode; // PDG code of the particle // Double_t fMass; // particle mass in GeV // Double_t fCharge; // charge in units of |e|/3 // Double_t fLifetime; // proper lifetime in seconds // Double_t fWidth; // total width in GeV // Int_t fParity; // parity // Double_t fSpin; // spin // Double_t fIsospin; // isospin // Double_t fI3; // i3 // Int_t fStrangeness; // flavours are defined if i3 != -1 // Int_t fCharm; // 1 or -1 for C-particles, 0 for others // Int_t fBeauty; // Int_t fTop; // Int_t fY; // X,Y: quantum numbers for the 4-th generation // Int_t fX; // Int_t fStable; // 1 if stable, 0 otherwise // // TObjArray* fDecayList; // array of decay channels // // TString fParticleClass; // lepton, meson etc // // Int_t fTrackingCode; // G3 tracking code of the particle // TParticlePDG* fAntiParticle; // pointer to antiparticle #include "TDecayChannel.h" #include "TParticlePDG.h" #include "TDatabasePDG.h" ClassImp(TParticlePDG) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///default constructor TParticlePDG::TParticlePDG() { fPdgCode = 0; fMass = 0; fCharge = 0; fLifetime = 0; fWidth = 0; fParity = 0; fSpin = 0; fIsospin = 0; fI3 = 0; fStrangeness = 0; fCharm = 0; fBeauty = 0; fTop = 0; fY = 0; fX = 0; fStable = 0; fDecayList = 0; fTrackingCode = 0; fAntiParticle = 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TParticlePDG::TParticlePDG(const char* Name, const char* Title, Double_t aMass, Bool_t aStable, Double_t aWidth, Double_t aCharge, const char* aParticleClass, Int_t aPdgCode, Int_t Anti, Int_t aTrackingCode) : TNamed(Name,Title) { // empty for the time being fLifetime = 0; fParity = 0; fSpin = 0; fIsospin = 0; fI3 = 0; fStrangeness = 0; fCharm = 0; fBeauty = 0; fTop = 0; fY = 0; fX = 0; fStable = 0; fMass = aMass; fStable = aStable; fWidth = aWidth; fCharge = aCharge; fParticleClass = aParticleClass; fPdgCode = aPdgCode; fTrackingCode = aTrackingCode; fDecayList = NULL; if (Anti) fAntiParticle = this; else fAntiParticle = 0; const Double_t kHbar = 6.58211889e-25; // GeV s if (fWidth != 0.) fLifetime = kHbar / fWidth; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///copy constructor TParticlePDG::TParticlePDG(const TParticlePDG& pdg) : TNamed(pdg), fPdgCode(pdg.fPdgCode), fMass(pdg.fMass), fCharge(pdg.fCharge), fLifetime(pdg.fLifetime), fWidth(pdg.fWidth), fParity(pdg.fParity), fSpin(pdg.fSpin), fIsospin(pdg.fIsospin), fI3(pdg.fI3), fStrangeness(pdg.fStrangeness), fCharm(pdg.fCharm), fBeauty(pdg.fBeauty), fTop(pdg.fTop), fY(pdg.fY), fX(pdg.fX), fStable(pdg.fStable), fDecayList(pdg.fDecayList), fParticleClass(pdg.fParticleClass), fTrackingCode(pdg.fTrackingCode), fAntiParticle(pdg.fAntiParticle) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///assignement operator TParticlePDG& TParticlePDG::operator=(const TParticlePDG& pdg) { if(this!=&pdg) { TNamed::operator=(pdg); fPdgCode=pdg.fPdgCode; fMass=pdg.fMass; fCharge=pdg.fCharge; fLifetime=pdg.fLifetime; fWidth=pdg.fWidth; fParity=pdg.fParity; fSpin=pdg.fSpin; fIsospin=pdg.fIsospin; fI3=pdg.fI3; fStrangeness=pdg.fStrangeness; fCharm=pdg.fCharm; fBeauty=pdg.fBeauty; fTop=pdg.fTop; fY=pdg.fY; fX=pdg.fX; fStable=pdg.fStable; fDecayList=pdg.fDecayList; fParticleClass=pdg.fParticleClass; fTrackingCode=pdg.fTrackingCode; fAntiParticle=pdg.fAntiParticle; } return *this; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///destructor TParticlePDG::~TParticlePDG() { if (fDecayList) { fDecayList->Delete(); delete fDecayList; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// add new decay channel, Particle owns those... Int_t TParticlePDG::AddDecayChannel(Int_t Type, Double_t BranchingRatio, Int_t NDaughters, Int_t* DaughterPdgCode) { Int_t n = NDecayChannels(); if (NDecayChannels() == 0) { fDecayList = new TObjArray(5); } TDecayChannel* dc = new TDecayChannel(n,Type,BranchingRatio,NDaughters, DaughterPdgCode); fDecayList->Add(dc); return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///return pointer to decay channel object at index i TDecayChannel* TParticlePDG::DecayChannel(Int_t i) { return (TDecayChannel*) fDecayList->At(i); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///print the list of decays void TParticlePDG::PrintDecayChannel(TDecayChannel* dc, Option_t* option) const { if (strstr(option,"banner")) { // print banner printf(" Channel Code BranchingRatio Nd "); printf(" ...................Daughters.................... \n"); } if (strstr(option,"data")) { TDatabasePDG* db = TDatabasePDG::Instance(); printf("%7i %5i %12.5e %5i ", dc->Number(), dc->MatrixElementCode(), dc->BranchingRatio(), dc->NDaughters()); for (int i=0; iNDaughters(); i++) { int ic = dc->DaughterPdgCode(i); TParticlePDG* p = db->GetParticle(ic); printf(" %15s(%8i)",p->GetName(),ic); } printf("\n"); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// Print the entire information of this kind of particle /// void TParticlePDG::Print(Option_t *) const { printf("%-20s %6d\t",GetName(),fPdgCode); if (!fStable) { printf("Mass:%9.4f Width (GeV):%11.4e\tCharge: %5.1f\n", fMass, fWidth, fCharge); } else { printf("Mass:%9.4f Width (GeV): Stable\tCharge: %5.1f\n", fMass, fCharge); } if (fDecayList) { int banner_printed = 0; TIter next(fDecayList); TDecayChannel* dc; while ((dc = (TDecayChannel*)next())) { if (! banner_printed) { PrintDecayChannel(dc,"banner"); banner_printed = 1; } PrintDecayChannel(dc,"data"); } } }