// @(#)root/alien:$Id$ // Author: Andreas Peters 11/09/2003 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2003, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TAlienFile // // // // A TAlienFile is like a normal TFile except that it reads and writes // // it's data via TXNetFile and gets authorization and the TXNetFile // // URL from an alien service. // // // // Filenames are standard URL format with protocol "alien". // // The following are valid TAlienFile URL's: // // // // alien:///alice/cern.ch/user/p/peters/test.root // // /alien/alice/cern.ch/user/p/peters/test.root // // // // - notice that URLs like /alien/alice... are converted internally // // to alien://alice... // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TAlienFile.h" #include "TAlienResult.h" #include "TAlien.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TObjString.h" #include "TMap.h" #include "TObjArray.h" #include "TString.h" #include "Rtypes.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TStopwatch.h" #include "TVirtualMonitoring.h" #include "TVirtualMutex.h" #include "TProcessUUID.h" #include "TUrl.h" #include "TError.h" #include ClassImp(TAlienFile) #define MAX_FILE_IMAGES 16 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create an Alien File Object. An AliEn File is the same as a TFile /// except that its real tranfer URL is resolved via an Alien service. The url /// argument must be of the form: alien:/[machine]/path/file.root /// Using the option access, another access protocol (PFN) can be /// specified for an LFN e.g.: /// "alien:///alice/test.root" /// If you want to write a file on specific storage element use the syntax /// "alien:///alice/test.root?&se=Alice::CERN::Storage" /// The default SE is specified by the environment variable alien_CLOSE_SE /// /// If you read a file, the closest file image to alien_CLOSE_SE is taken. /// If the file cannot opened from the closest image, the next image is tried, /// until there is no image location left to be tried. /// /// If the file specified in the URL does not exist, is not accessable /// or can not be created the kZombie bit will be set in the TAlienFile /// object. Use IsZombie() to see if the file is accessable. /// For a description of the option and other arguments see the TFile ctor. /// The preferred interface to this constructor is via TFile::Open(). /// /// Warning: TAlienFile objects should only be created through the factory functions: /// TFile::Open("alien://..."); /// or /// TAlienFile::Open("alien://..."); /// /// Don't use "new TAlienFile" directly unless you know, what you are doing /// TAlienFile::TAlienFile(const char *purl, Option_t *option, const char *ftitle, Int_t compress, Bool_t parallelopen, const char *lurl, const char *authz) : TXNetFile(purl, option, ftitle, compress, 0, parallelopen, lurl) { TUrl logicalurl(lurl); fLfn = logicalurl.GetFile(); fAuthz = authz; fGUID = ""; fUrl = ""; fPfn = ""; fSE = ""; fImage = 0; fNreplicas = 0; fOpenedAt = time(0); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Static method used to create a TAlienFile object. For options see /// TAlienFile ctor. TAlienFile *TAlienFile::Open(const char *url, Option_t *option, const char *ftitle, Int_t compress, Bool_t parallelopen) { if (!gGrid) { ::Error("TAlienFileAccess", "No GRID connection available!"); return 0; } TUrl lUrl(url); // Report this open phase as a temp one, since we have no object yet if (gMonitoringWriter) gMonitoringWriter->SendFileOpenProgress(0, 0, "alienopen", kFALSE); TString name(TString("alien://") + TString(lUrl.GetFile())); TString fAName = name; TString fAOption = option; TUrl fAUrl; TString sguid, pfnStr; Int_t nreplicas = 0; Bool_t fAWritable; fAWritable = kFALSE; TString authz; // Access a URL. TString stmp; Bool_t create; Bool_t recreate; Bool_t update; Bool_t read; TUrl purl(url); // find out the storage element and the lfn from the given url TString storageelement; storageelement = ""; TString file = purl.GetFile(); Bool_t publicaccess = kFALSE; storageelement = gSystem->Getenv("alien_CLOSE_SE"); // get the options and set the storage element TString urloptions = purl.GetOptions(); TObjArray *objOptions = urloptions.Tokenize("&"); for (Int_t n = 0; n < objOptions->GetEntries(); n++) { TString loption = ((TObjString *) objOptions->At(n))->GetName(); TObjArray *objTags = loption.Tokenize("="); if (objTags->GetEntries() == 2) { TString key = ((TObjString *) objTags->At(0))->GetName(); TString value = ((TObjString *) objTags->At(1))->GetName(); if (!key.CompareTo("se", TString::kIgnoreCase)) { storageelement = value; } if (!key.CompareTo("publicaccess")) { if (atoi(value.Data())) publicaccess = kTRUE; } } delete objTags; } delete objOptions; fAOption = option; fAOption.ToUpper(); TObjString *urlStr = 0; TString urlStrs; TObjString *authzStr = 0; TObjString *seStr = 0; TString seStrs, snreplicas; TString command; TString repcommand; TIterator *iter = 0; TObject *object = 0; TGridResult *result; TAlienResult *alienResult; TList *list; TString stringurl; TString anchor; TObjArray *tokens; anchor = ""; TString newurl; if (fAOption == "NEW") fAOption = "CREATE"; create = (fAOption == "CREATE") ? kTRUE : kFALSE; recreate = (fAOption == "RECREATE") ? kTRUE : kFALSE; update = (fAOption == "UPDATE") ? kTRUE : kFALSE; read = (fAOption == "READ") ? kTRUE : kFALSE; if (!create && !recreate && !update && !read) { read = kTRUE; fAOption = "READ"; } if (create || recreate || update) { fAWritable = kTRUE; } if (recreate) { fAOption = "RECREATE"; create = kTRUE; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // first get an active Grid connection if (!gGrid) { // no TAlien existing .... ::Error("TAlienFile::Open", "no active GRID connection found"); fAUrl = ""; // Reset the temp monitoring info if (gMonitoringWriter) gMonitoringWriter->SendFileOpenProgress(0, 0, 0, kFALSE); return 0; } else { if ((strcmp(gGrid->GetGrid(), "alien"))) { ::Error("TAlienFile::Open", "you don't have an active grid!"); fAUrl = ""; // Reset the temp monitoring info if (gMonitoringWriter) gMonitoringWriter->SendFileOpenProgress(0, 0, 0, kFALSE); return 0; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // get the authorization from the catalogue if (read) { // get the read access if (publicaccess) command = TString("access -p read "); else command = TString("access read "); } if (create) { command = TString("access write-once "); } if (recreate) { command = TString("access write-version "); } if (update) { command = TString("access write-version "); } command += file; if (fAWritable) { // append the storage element environment variable command += " "; command += storageelement; } TString fALfn = file; int imagenr = 0; do { imagenr++; repcommand = command; if (!fAWritable) { // in the read case, try all image locations if (storageelement != "") { repcommand += " "; repcommand += storageelement; } else { repcommand += " "; repcommand += "unknown"; } repcommand += " 0 "; repcommand += imagenr; } if (gSystem->Getenv("ALIEN_SITE")) { repcommand += " 0 "; repcommand += gSystem->Getenv("ALIEN_SITE"); } result = gGrid->Command(repcommand.Data(), kFALSE, TAlien::kOUTPUT); alienResult = dynamic_cast < TAlienResult * >(result); list = dynamic_cast < TList * >(alienResult); if (!list) { if (seStr) ::Error("TAlienFile::Open", "cannot get the access envelope for %s and image %u in SE <%s>", purl.GetUrl(), imagenr, seStr->GetName()); else ::Error("TAlienFile::Open", "cannot get the access envelope for %s and image %u", purl.GetUrl(), imagenr); fAUrl = ""; if (result) { delete result; } // Reset the temp monitoring info if (gMonitoringWriter) gMonitoringWriter->SendFileOpenProgress(0, 0, 0, kFALSE); return 0; } iter = list->MakeIterator(); object = 0; Bool_t imageeof = kFALSE; while ((object = iter->Next()) != 0) { TMap *map = dynamic_cast < TMap * >(object); TObject *urlObject = map->GetValue("url"); urlStr = dynamic_cast < TObjString * >(urlObject); if (urlStr) urlStrs = urlStr->GetName(); TObject *authzObject = map->GetValue("envelope"); authzStr = dynamic_cast < TObjString * >(authzObject); TObject *seObject = map->GetValue("se"); seStr = dynamic_cast < TObjString * >(seObject); if (seStr) seStrs = seStr->GetName(); TObject *nreplicasObject = map->GetValue("nSEs"); if (nreplicasObject) { snreplicas = nreplicasObject->GetName(); nreplicas = snreplicas.Atoi(); } TObject *guidObject = map->GetValue("guid"); if (guidObject) sguid = guidObject->GetName(); TObject *pfnObject = map->GetValue("pfn"); if (pfnObject) pfnStr = pfnObject->GetName(); if (map->GetValue("eof")) { imageeof = kTRUE; // there is only one result line .... in case it is at all .... } break; } if ((!urlStr) || (!authzStr)) { if (fAWritable) { ::Error("TAlienFile::Open", "didn't get the authorization to write %s", purl.GetUrl()); } else { if (!imageeof) { ::Error("TAlienFile::Open", "didn't get the authorization to read %s from location %u", purl.GetUrl(), imagenr); } } if (!imageeof) { ::Info("TAlienFile::Open", "Command::Stdout !!!"); gGrid->Stdout(); ::Info("TAlienFile::Open", "Command::Stderr !!!"); gGrid->Stderr(); ::Info("TAlienFile::Open", "End of Output !!!"); } delete iter; delete result; fAUrl = ""; if (!imageeof) { continue; } else { // if the service signals eof, it makes no sense to check more replicas ::Error("TAlienFile::Open", "No more images to try - giving up"); // Reset the temp monitoring info if (gMonitoringWriter) gMonitoringWriter->SendFileOpenProgress(0, 0, 0, kFALSE); return 0; } } delete iter; authz = authzStr->GetName(); stringurl = urlStr->GetName(); tokens = stringurl.Tokenize("#"); if (tokens->GetEntries() == 2) { anchor = ((TObjString *) tokens->At(1))->GetName(); urlStr->SetString(((TObjString *) tokens->At(0))->GetName()); } delete tokens; newurl = urlStr->GetName(); stmp = purl.GetAnchor(); newurl += TString("?&authz="); newurl += authzStr->GetName(); if (!fAWritable) { if (seStr) ::Info("TAlienFile::Open", "Accessing image %u of %s in SE <%s>", imagenr, purl.GetUrl(), seStr->GetName()); else ::Info("TAlienFile::Open", "Accessing image %u of %s", imagenr, purl.GetUrl()); } // the treatement of ZIP files is done in the following way: // LFNs in AliEn pointing to files in ZIP archives don't contain the .zip suffix in the file name // to tell TArchiveFile about the ZIP nature, we add to the URL options 'zip=' // This options are not visible in the file name, they are passed through TXNetFile to TNetFile to TArchiveFile if (stmp != "") { newurl += "#"; newurl += purl.GetAnchor(); TString lUrlfile = lUrl.GetFile(); TString lUrloption; lUrloption = "zip="; lUrloption += purl.GetAnchor(); lUrloption += "&mkpath=1"; lUrl.SetFile(lUrlfile); lUrl.SetOptions(lUrloption); } else { if (anchor.Length()) { newurl += "#"; newurl += anchor; TString lUrlfile = lUrl.GetFile(); TString lUrloption; lUrloption = "zip="; lUrloption += anchor; lUrloption += "&mkpath=1"; lUrl.SetFile(lUrlfile); // lUrl.SetAnchor(anchor); lUrl.SetOptions(lUrloption); } else { TString loption; loption = lUrl.GetOptions(); if (loption.Length()) { loption += "&mkpath=1"; lUrl.SetOptions(loption.Data()); } else { lUrl.SetOptions("mkpath=1"); } } } fAUrl = TUrl(newurl); // append the original options TString oldopt; TString newopt; if (TString(fAUrl.GetUrl()) == "") { // error in file opening occured // Reset the temp monitoring info if (gMonitoringWriter) gMonitoringWriter->SendFileOpenProgress(0, 0, 0, kFALSE); return 0; } TUrl nUrl = fAUrl; TUrl oUrl(url); oldopt = oUrl.GetOptions(); newopt = nUrl.GetOptions(); // add the original options from the alien URL if (oldopt.Length()) { nUrl.SetOptions(newopt + TString("&") + oldopt); } else { nUrl.SetOptions(newopt); } fAUrl = nUrl; delete result; if (gDebug > 1) ::Info("TAlienFile","Opening AUrl <%s> lUrl <%s>",fAUrl.GetUrl(),lUrl.GetUrl()); TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); TAlienFile *alienfile = new TAlienFile(fAUrl.GetUrl(), fAOption, ftitle, compress, parallelopen, lUrl.GetUrl(), authz); timer.Stop(); if (alienfile->IsZombie()) { delete alienfile; if (fAWritable) { // for the moment we support only 1 try during writing - no alternative locations break; } continue; } else { alienfile->SetSE(seStrs); alienfile->SetPfn(pfnStr); alienfile->SetImage(imagenr); alienfile->SetNreplicas(nreplicas); alienfile->SetGUID(sguid); alienfile->SetUrl(urlStrs); alienfile->SetElapsed(timer.RealTime()); return alienfile; } } while (imagenr < MAX_FILE_IMAGES); if (!fAWritable) { ::Error("TAlienFile::Open", "Couldn't open any of the file images of %s", lUrl.GetUrl()); } // Reset the temp monitoring info if (gMonitoringWriter) gMonitoringWriter->SendFileOpenProgress(0, 0, 0, kFALSE); return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// TAlienFile file dtor. TAlienFile::~TAlienFile() { if (IsOpen()) { Close(); } if (gDebug) Info("~TAlienFile", "dtor called for %s", GetName()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Close the file. void TAlienFile::Close(Option_t * option) { if (!IsOpen()) return; // Close file TXNetFile::Close(option); if (fOption == "READ") return; // set GCLIENT_EXTRA_ARG environment gSystem->Setenv("GCLIENT_EXTRA_ARG", fAuthz.Data()); // commit the envelope TString command("commit "); Long64_t siz = GetSize(); if (siz <= 0) Error("Close", "the reported size of the written file is <= 0"); command += siz; command += " "; command += fLfn; TGridResult *result = gGrid->Command(command, kFALSE, TAlien::kOUTPUT); TAlienResult *alienResult = dynamic_cast < TAlienResult * >(result); TList *list = dynamic_cast < TList * >(alienResult); if (!list) { if (result) { delete result; } Error("Close", "cannot commit envelope for %s", fLfn.Data()); gSystem->Unlink(fLfn); } TIterator *iter = list->MakeIterator(); TObject *object = 0; if (fWritable) { while ((object = iter->Next()) != 0) { TMap *map = dynamic_cast < TMap * >(object); TObject *commitObject = map->GetValue(fLfn.Data()); if (commitObject) { TObjString *commitStr = dynamic_cast < TObjString * >(commitObject); if (!(strcmp(commitStr->GetName(), "1"))) { // the file has been committed break; } } Error("Close", "cannot register %s!", fLfn.Data()); gSystem->Unlink(fLfn); // there is only one result line .... in case it is at all .... break; } } delete iter; delete result; gSystem->Unsetenv("GCLIENT_EXTRA_ARG"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get surl from lfn by asking AliEn catalog. TString TAlienFile::SUrl(const char *lfn) { TString command; TString surl; if (!lfn) { return surl; } TUrl lurl(lfn); command = "access -p read "; command += lurl.GetFile(); TGridResult* result; if (!gGrid) { ::Error("TAlienFile::SUrl","no grid connection"); return surl; } result = gGrid->Command(command.Data(), kFALSE, TAlien::kOUTPUT); if (!result) { ::Error("TAlienFile::SUrl","couldn't get access URL for alien file %s", lfn); return surl; } TIterator *iter = result->MakeIterator(); TObject *object=0; TObjString *urlStr=0; object = iter->Next(); if (object) { TMap *map = dynamic_cast < TMap * >(object); TObject *urlObject = map->GetValue("url"); urlStr = dynamic_cast < TObjString * >(urlObject); if (urlStr) { surl = urlStr->GetName(); delete object; return surl; } } ::Error("TAlienFile::SUrl","couldn't get surl for alien file %s", lfn); return surl; }