// @(#)root/alien:$Id$ // Author: Jan Fiete Grosse-Oetringhaus 06/10/2004 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TAlienJobStatus // // // // Alien implementation of TGridJobStatus // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TGridJobStatus.h" #include "TAlienJobStatus.h" #include "TObjString.h" #include "TBrowser.h" #include "TNamed.h" #include "TAlienDirectory.h" ClassImp(TAlienJobStatus) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates a TAlienJobStatus object. /// If a status map is provided it is copied to the status information. TAlienJobStatus::TAlienJobStatus(TMap *status) { TObjString* key; TObjString* val; if (status) { TMapIter next(status); while ( (key = (TObjString*)next())) { val = (TObjString*)status->GetValue(key->GetName()); fStatus.Add(key->Clone(), val->Clone()); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Cleanup. TAlienJobStatus::~TAlienJobStatus() { fStatus.DeleteAll(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Browser interface to ob status. void TAlienJobStatus::Browse(TBrowser* b) { if (b) { TIterator *iter = fStatus.MakeIterator(); TObject *obj = 0; while ((obj = iter->Next()) != 0) { TObject* value = fStatus.GetValue(obj); TObjString* keyStr = dynamic_cast(obj); TObjString* valueStr = dynamic_cast(value); if (keyStr->GetString() == TString("jdl")) { TString valueParsed(valueStr->GetString()); valueParsed.ReplaceAll("\n", 1); valueParsed.ReplaceAll(" ", 2); b->Add(new TPair(new TObjString("jdl"), new TObjString(valueParsed))); // list sandboxes const char* outputdir = GetJdlKey("OutputDir"); TString sandbox; if (outputdir) { sandbox = outputdir; } else { sandbox = TString("/proc/") + TString(GetKey("user")) + TString("/") + TString(GetKey("queueId")) + TString("/job-output"); } b->Add(new TAlienDirectory(sandbox.Data(),"job-output")); } else { b->Add(new TNamed(valueStr->GetString(), keyStr->GetString())); } } delete iter; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Return the JDL key. const char *TAlienJobStatus::GetJdlKey(const char* key) { const char *jdl = GetKey("jdl"); if (!jdl) return 0; const char* jdltagbegin = strstr(jdl,key); const char* jdltagquote = strchr(jdltagbegin,'"'); const char* jdltagend = strchr(jdltagbegin,';'); if (!jdltagend) { return 0; } if (!jdltagquote) { return 0; } jdltagquote++; const char* jdltagquote2 = strchr(jdltagquote,'"'); if (!jdltagquote2) { return 0; } fJdlTag = TString(jdltagquote); fJdlTag = fJdlTag(0,jdltagquote2-jdltagquote); return fJdlTag.Data(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Return a key. const char *TAlienJobStatus::GetKey(const char* key) { TObject* obj = fStatus.FindObject(key); TPair* pair = dynamic_cast(obj); if (pair) { TObjString* string = dynamic_cast (pair->Value()); return string->GetName(); } return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Gets the status of the job reduced to the subset defined /// in TGridJobStatus. TGridJobStatus::EGridJobStatus TAlienJobStatus::GetStatus() const { TObject* obj = fStatus.FindObject("status"); TPair* pair = dynamic_cast(obj); if (pair) { TObjString* string = dynamic_cast (pair->Value()); if (string) { const char* status = string->GetString().Data(); if (strcmp(status, "INSERTING") == 0 || strcmp(status, "WAITING") == 0 || strcmp(status, "QUEUED") == 0 || strcmp(status, "ASSIGNED") == 0) return kWAITING; else if (strcmp(status, "STARTED") == 0 || strcmp(status, "SAVING") == 0 || strcmp(status, "SPLITTING") == 0 || strcmp(status, "RUNNING") == 0 || strcmp(status, "SPLIT") == 0) return kRUNNING; else if (strcmp(status, "EXPIRED") == 0 || string->GetString().BeginsWith("ERROR_") == kTRUE || strcmp(status, "FAILED") == 0 || strcmp(status, "ZOMBIE") == 0) return kFAIL; else if (strcmp(status, "KILLED") == 0) return kABORTED; else if (strcmp(status, "DONE") == 0) return kDONE; } } return kUNKNOWN; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Prints the job information. void TAlienJobStatus::Print(Option_t *) const { PrintJob(kTRUE); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Prints this job. /// If full is kFALSE only the status is printed, otherwise all information. void TAlienJobStatus::PrintJob(Bool_t full) const { TObject* obj = fStatus.FindObject("status"); TPair* pair = dynamic_cast(obj); if (pair) { TObjString* string = dynamic_cast (pair->Value()); if (string) { printf("The status of the job is %s\n", string->GetString().Data()); } } if (full != kTRUE) return; printf("==================================================\n"); printf("Detail Information:\n"); TIterator* iter = fStatus.MakeIterator(); while ((obj = iter->Next()) != 0) { TObject* value = fStatus.GetValue(obj); TObjString* keyStr = dynamic_cast(obj); TObjString* valueStr = dynamic_cast(value); printf("%s => %s\n", (keyStr) ? keyStr->GetString().Data() : "", (valueStr) ? valueStr->GetString().Data() : ""); } delete iter; }