// $Id$ // Author: Sergey Linev 21/12/2013 #include "TCivetweb.h" #include "../civetweb/civetweb.h" #include #include #include "THttpServer.h" #include "TUrl.h" static int log_message_handler(const struct mg_connection *conn, const char *message) { const struct mg_context *ctx = mg_get_context(conn); TCivetweb* engine = (TCivetweb*) mg_get_user_data(ctx); if (engine) return engine->ProcessLog(message); // provide debug output if ((gDebug>0) || (strstr(message,"cannot bind to")!=0)) fprintf(stderr, "Error in %s\n",message); return 0; } static int begin_request_handler(struct mg_connection *conn) { TCivetweb *engine = (TCivetweb *) mg_get_request_info(conn)->user_data; if (engine == 0) return 0; THttpServer *serv = engine->GetServer(); if (serv == 0) return 0; const struct mg_request_info *request_info = mg_get_request_info(conn); THttpCallArg arg; TString filename; Bool_t execres = kTRUE, debug = engine->IsDebugMode(); if (!debug && serv->IsFileRequested(request_info->uri, filename)) { if ((filename.Index(".js") != kNPOS) || (filename.Index(".css") != kNPOS)) { Int_t length = 0; char *buf = THttpServer::ReadFileContent(filename.Data(), length); if (buf == 0) { arg.Set404(); } else { arg.SetContentType(THttpServer::GetMimeType(filename.Data())); arg.SetBinData(buf, length); arg.AddHeader("Cache-Control", "max-age=3600"); arg.SetZipping(2); } } else { arg.SetFile(filename.Data()); } } else { arg.SetPathAndFileName(request_info->uri); // path and file name arg.SetQuery(request_info->query_string); // query arguments arg.SetTopName(engine->GetTopName()); arg.SetMethod(request_info->request_method); // method like GET or POST if (request_info->remote_user!=0) arg.SetUserName(request_info->remote_user); TString header; for (int n = 0; n < request_info->num_headers; n++) header.Append(TString::Format("%s: %s\r\n", request_info->http_headers[n].name, request_info->http_headers[n].value)); arg.SetRequestHeader(header); const char* len = mg_get_header(conn, "Content-Length"); Int_t ilen = len!=0 ? TString(len).Atoi() : 0; if (ilen>0) { void* buf = malloc(ilen+1); // one byte more for null-termination Int_t iread = mg_read(conn, buf, ilen); if (iread==ilen) arg.SetPostData(buf, ilen); else free(buf); } if (debug) { TString cont; cont.Append("Civetweb echo"); cont.Append("

Civetweb echo

\n"); static int count = 0; cont.Append(TString::Format("Request %d:
\n", ++count));
         cont.Append(TString::Format("  Method   : %s\n", arg.GetMethod()));
         cont.Append(TString::Format("  PathName : %s\n", arg.GetPathName()));
         cont.Append(TString::Format("  FileName : %s\n", arg.GetFileName()));
         cont.Append(TString::Format("  Query    : %s\n", arg.GetQuery()));
         cont.Append(TString::Format("  PostData : %ld\n", arg.GetPostDataLength()));
         if (arg.GetUserName())
         cont.Append(TString::Format("  User     : %s\n", arg.GetUserName()));


\n"); cont.Append("Environment:

         for (int n = 0; n < request_info->num_headers; n++)
            cont.Append(TString::Format("  %s = %s\n", request_info->http_headers[n].name, request_info->http_headers[n].value));

\n"); arg.SetContentType("text/html"); arg.SetContent(cont); } else { execres = serv->ExecuteHttp(&arg); } } if (!execres || arg.Is404()) { TString hdr; arg.FillHttpHeader(hdr, "HTTP/1.1"); mg_printf(conn, "%s", hdr.Data()); } else if (arg.IsFile()) { mg_send_file(conn, (const char *) arg.GetContent()); } else { Bool_t dozip = arg.GetZipping() > 0; switch (arg.GetZipping()) { case 2: if (arg.GetContentLength() < 10000) { dozip = kFALSE; break; } case 1: // check if request header has Accept-Encoding dozip = kFALSE; for (int n = 0; n < request_info->num_headers; n++) { TString name = request_info->http_headers[n].name; if (name.Index("Accept-Encoding", 0, TString::kIgnoreCase) != 0) continue; TString value = request_info->http_headers[n].value; dozip = (value.Index("gzip", 0, TString::kIgnoreCase) != kNPOS); break; } break; case 3: dozip = kTRUE; break; } if (dozip) arg.CompressWithGzip(); TString hdr; arg.FillHttpHeader(hdr, "HTTP/1.1"); mg_printf(conn, "%s", hdr.Data()); if (arg.GetContentLength() > 0) mg_write(conn, arg.GetContent(), (size_t) arg.GetContentLength()); } // Returning non-zero tells civetweb that our function has replied to // the client, and civetweb should not send client any more data. return 1; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TCivetweb // // // // http server implementation, based on civetweb embedded server // // It is default kind of engine, created for THttpServer // // // // Following additional options can be specified // // top=foldername - name of top folder, seen in the browser // // thrds=N - use N threads to run civetweb server (default 5) // // auth_file - global authentication file // // auth_domain - domain name, used for authentication // // // // Example: // // new THttpServer("http:8080?top=MyApp&thrds=3"); // // // // Authentication: // // When auth_file and auth_domain parameters are specified, access // // to running http server will be possible only after user // // authentication, using so-call digest method. To generate // // authentication file, htdigest routine should be used: // // // // [shell] htdigest -c .htdigest domain_name user // // // // When creating server, parameters should be: // // // // new THttpServer("http:8080?auth_file=.htdigets&auth_domain=domain_name"); // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ClassImp(TCivetweb) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// constructor TCivetweb::TCivetweb() : THttpEngine("civetweb", "compact embedded http server"), fCtx(0), fCallbacks(0), fTopName(), fDebug(kFALSE) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// destructor TCivetweb::~TCivetweb() { if (fCtx != 0) mg_stop((struct mg_context *) fCtx); if (fCallbacks != 0) free(fCallbacks); fCtx = 0; fCallbacks = 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// process civetweb log message, can be used to detect critical errors Int_t TCivetweb::ProcessLog(const char* message) { if ((gDebug>0) || (strstr(message,"cannot bind to")!=0)) Error("Log", "%s", message); return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Creates embedded civetweb server /// As main argument, http port should be specified like "8090". /// Or one can provide combination of ipaddress and portnumber like /// Extra parameters like in URL string could be specified after '?' mark: /// thrds=N - there N is number of threads used by the civetweb (default is 5) /// top=name - configure top name, visible in the web browser /// auth_file=filename - authentication file name, created with htdigets utility /// auth_domain=domain - authentication domain /// loopback - bind specified port to loopback address /// debug - enable debug mode, server always returns html page with request info Bool_t TCivetweb::Create(const char *args) { fCallbacks = malloc(sizeof(struct mg_callbacks)); memset(fCallbacks, 0, sizeof(struct mg_callbacks)); ((struct mg_callbacks *) fCallbacks)->begin_request = begin_request_handler; ((struct mg_callbacks *) fCallbacks)->log_message = log_message_handler; TString sport = "8080"; TString num_threads = "5"; TString auth_file, auth_domain, log_file; // extract arguments if ((args != 0) && (strlen(args) > 0)) { // first extract port number sport = ""; while ((*args != 0) && (*args != '?') && (*args != '/')) sport.Append(*args++); // than search for extra parameters while ((*args != 0) && (*args != '?')) args++; if (*args == '?') { TUrl url(TString::Format("http://localhost/folder%s", args)); if (url.IsValid()) { url.ParseOptions(); const char *top = url.GetValueFromOptions("top"); if (top != 0) fTopName = top; const char *log = url.GetValueFromOptions("log"); if (log != 0) log_file = log; Int_t thrds = url.GetIntValueFromOptions("thrds"); if (thrds > 0) num_threads.Form("%d", thrds); const char *afile = url.GetValueFromOptions("auth_file"); if (afile != 0) auth_file = afile; const char *adomain = url.GetValueFromOptions("auth_domain"); if (adomain != 0) auth_domain = adomain; if (url.HasOption("debug")) fDebug = kTRUE; if (url.HasOption("loopback") && (sport.Index(":")==kNPOS)) sport = TString("") + sport; } } } const char *options[20]; int op(0); Info("Create", "Starting HTTP server on port %s", sport.Data()); options[op++] = "listening_ports"; options[op++] = sport.Data(); options[op++] = "num_threads"; options[op++] = num_threads.Data(); if ((auth_file.Length() > 0) && (auth_domain.Length() > 0)) { options[op++] = "global_auth_file"; options[op++] = auth_file.Data(); options[op++] = "authentication_domain"; options[op++] = auth_domain.Data(); } if (log_file.Length() > 0) { options[op++] = "error_log_file"; options[op++] = log_file.Data(); } options[op++] = 0; // Start the web server. fCtx = mg_start((struct mg_callbacks *) fCallbacks, this, options); return fCtx != 0; }