// @(#)root/rpdutils:$Id$ // Author: Gerardo Ganis 7/4/2003 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Set of utilities for rootd/proofd daemon SSH authentication. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "RConfig.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if (defined(R__AIX) && !defined(_AIX43)) || \ (defined(R__SUNGCC3) && !defined(__arch64__)) # define USE_SIZE_T #elif defined(R__GLIBC) || defined(R__FBSD) || \ (defined(R__SUNGCC3) && defined(__arch64__)) || \ defined(R__OBSD) || defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4) || \ (defined(R__AIX) && defined(_AIX43)) || \ (defined(R__SOLARIS) && defined(_SOCKLEN_T)) # define USE_SOCKLEN_T #endif #include "rpdp.h" extern int gDebug; namespace ROOT { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Allocates internal UNIX socket for SSH-like authentication. /// Sets socket ownership to user for later use. /// On success returns ID of allocated socket and related pipe, -1 otherwise. int SshToolAllocateSocket(unsigned int Uid, unsigned int Gid, char **pipe) { if (gDebug > 2) ErrorInfo("SshToolAllocateSocket: enter: Uid:%d Gid:%d", Uid, Gid); // Open socket int sd; if ((sd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) { ErrorInfo("SshToolAllocateSocket: error opening socket"); return -1; } // Prepare binding ... struct sockaddr_un servAddr; servAddr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; int nAtt0 = 0; tryagain: // Determine unique pipe path: try with /tmp/rootdSSH_ char fsun[25] = {0}; if (access("/tmp",W_OK) == 0) { strncpy(fsun, "/tmp/rootdSSH_XXXXXX", 24); } else { strncpy(fsun, "rootdSSH_XXXXXX", 24); } mode_t oldumask = umask(0700); int itmp = mkstemp(fsun); Int_t nAtt = 0; while (itmp == -1 && nAtt < kMAXRSATRIES) { nAtt++; if (gDebug > 0) ErrorInfo("SshToolAllocateSocket: mkstemp failure (nAtt: %d, errno: %d)", nAtt,errno); itmp = mkstemp(fsun); } umask(oldumask); if (itmp == -1) { ErrorInfo("SshToolAllocateSocket: mkstemp failed %d times - return", kMAXRSATRIES); return -1; } else { close(itmp); unlink(fsun); } nAtt0++; if (gDebug > 2) ErrorInfo("SshToolAllocateSocket: unique pipe name is %s (try: %d)", fsun, nAtt0); // Save path ... strncpy(servAddr.sun_path, fsun, 104); // bind to socket if (bind(sd, (struct sockaddr *) &servAddr, sizeof(servAddr)) < 0) { if (errno == EADDRINUSE && nAtt0 < kMAXRSATRIES) { if (gDebug > 2) ErrorInfo ("SshToolAllocateSocket: address in use: try again (try: %d)"); goto tryagain; } else { ErrorInfo ("SshToolAllocateSocket: unable to bind to socket %d (errno: %d)", sd, errno); return -1; } } // Activate listening if (listen(sd, 5)) { ErrorInfo ("SshToolAllocateSocket: can't activate listening (errno: %d)", errno); return -1; } // Change ownerships: // This operaton is possible only as root ... but not always is needed // so, do not stop in case of failure. struct stat sst; // The socket ... fstat(sd, &sst); if ((unsigned int)sst.st_uid != Uid || (unsigned int)sst.st_gid != Gid) { if (fchown(sd, Uid, Gid)) { if (gDebug > 0) { ErrorInfo("SshToolAllocateSocket: fchown: could not change socket" " %d ownership (errno= %d) ",sd, errno); ErrorInfo("SshToolAllocateSocket: socket (uid,gid) are: %d %d", sst.st_uid, sst.st_gid); ErrorInfo("SshToolAllocateSocket: may follow authentication problems"); } } } // The path ... if (chown(fsun, Uid, Gid) != 0) { if (gDebug > 0) { ErrorInfo("SshToolAllocateSocket: chown: could not change path" " '%s' ownership (errno= %d)",fsun, errno); ErrorInfo("SshToolAllocateSocket: path (uid,gid) are: %d %d", sst.st_uid, sst.st_gid); ErrorInfo("SshToolAllocateSocket: may follow authentication problems"); } return -1; } // Change permissions to access pipe to avoid hacking from a different // user account. // This is essential for security, so stop if you can't do it if (chmod(fsun, 0600)) { if (gDebug > 0) { ErrorInfo("SshToolAllocateSocket: chmod: could not change" " '%s' permission (errno= %d)",fsun, errno); ErrorInfo("SshToolAllocateSocket: path (uid,gid) are: %d %d", sst.st_uid, sst.st_gid); SshToolDiscardSocket(fsun,sd); return -1; } } // Fill output *pipe = strdup(fsun); // return socket fd return sd; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Discards socket. void SshToolDiscardSocket(const char *pipe, int sockfd) { if (gDebug > 2) ErrorInfo ("SshToolDiscardSocket: discarding socket: pipe: %s, fd: %d", pipe, sockfd); // Unlink pipe if (unlink(pipe) == -1) { if (GetErrno() != ENOENT) { ErrorInfo("SshToolDiscardSocket: unable to unlink %s" "(errno: %d, ENOENT= %d)", pipe, GetErrno(), ENOENT); } } // close socket close(sockfd); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Notifies failure of SSH authentication to relevant rootd/proofd process. int SshToolNotifyFailure(const char *Pipe) { if (gDebug > 2) ErrorInfo("SshToolNotifyFailure: notifying failure to pipe %s\n", Pipe); // Preparing socket connection int sd; struct sockaddr_un servAddr; servAddr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; memcpy(servAddr.sun_path, Pipe, sizeof(servAddr.sun_path)-1); servAddr.sun_path[sizeof(servAddr.sun_path)-1] = '\0'; if ((sd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) { ErrorInfo("SshToolNotifyFailure: cannot open socket: exiting "); return 1; } // Connecting to socket int rc; if ((rc = connect(sd, (struct sockaddr *) &servAddr, sizeof(servAddr))) < 0) { ErrorInfo("SshToolNotifyFailure: cannot connect socket: exiting "); close(sd); return 1; } // Sending "KO" ... const char *okbuf = "KO"; rc = send(sd, okbuf, strlen(okbuf), 0); if (rc != 2) { ErrorInfo ("SshToolNotifyFailure: sending might have been unsuccessful (bytes send: %d)", rc); } close(sd); return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int SshToolGetAuth(int UnixFd, const char *User) { int auth = 0; if (gDebug > 2) ErrorInfo("SshToolGetAuth: accepting connections on socket %d" " for user %s",UnixFd,User); // Wait for verdict form sshd (via ssh2rpd ...) struct sockaddr sunAddr; #if defined(USE_SIZE_T) size_t sunAddrLen = sizeof(sunAddr); #elif defined(USE_SOCKLEN_T) socklen_t sunAddrLen = sizeof(sunAddr); #else int sunAddrLen = sizeof(sunAddr); #endif int newUnixFd = accept(UnixFd, (struct sockaddr *) &sunAddr, &sunAddrLen); if (newUnixFd < 0) { ErrorInfo ("SshToolGetAuth: problems while accepting new connection (errno: %d)", (int) errno); return auth; } int lenr[1], nr, len = 0; if ((nr = NetRecvRaw(newUnixFd, lenr, sizeof(lenr))) < 0) { ErrorInfo ("SshToolGetAuth: incorrect recv from ssh2rpd: bytes:%d, buffer:%d", nr, lenr[0]); return auth; } // Transform in human readable form len = ntohl(lenr[0]) + 1; char *sshAuth = 0; if (len > 0) { sshAuth = new char[len]; if (sshAuth) { if ((nr = NetRecvRaw(newUnixFd, sshAuth, len)) != len) { ErrorInfo ("SshToolGetAuth: incorrect recv from ssh2rpd: nr:%d, buf:%s", nr, sshAuth); } else sshAuth[len-1] = 0; if (gDebug > 2) ErrorInfo("SshToolGetAuth: got: %s",sshAuth); // Check authentication and notify to client if (strncmp(sshAuth, "OK", 2) != 0) { ErrorInfo("SshToolGetAuth: user did not authenticate to sshd: %s (%d)", sshAuth, strncmp(sshAuth, "OK", 2)); } else { if (len > 3) { if (strcmp((const char *)(sshAuth+3), User) != 0) { ErrorInfo("SshToolGetAuth: authenticated user not the same" " as requested login username: %s (%s)", sshAuth+3, User); auth = -1; } else { auth = 1; } } else auth = -1; } delete[] sshAuth; } } // Close local socket close(newUnixFd); return auth; } } // namespace ROOT