// @(#)root/srputils:$Id$ // Author: Fons Rademakers 15/02/2000 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #include extern "C" { #include #include } #include "TSocket.h" #include "TAuthenticate.h" #include "THostAuth.h" #include "TError.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TEnv.h" #include "rpderr.h" Int_t SRPAuthenticate(TAuthenticate *, const char *user, const char *passwd, const char *remote, TString &, Int_t); Int_t SRPCheckSecCtx(const char *, TSecContext *); class SRPAuthInit { public: SRPAuthInit() { TAuthenticate::SetSecureAuthHook(&SRPAuthenticate); } }; static SRPAuthInit srpauth_init; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Authenticate to remote rootd/proofd server using the SRP (secure remote /// password) protocol. Returns 0 if authentication failed, 1 if /// authentication succeeded and 2 if SRP is not available and standard /// authentication should be tried. Called via TAuthenticate class. Int_t SRPAuthenticate(TAuthenticate *auth, const char *user, const char *passwd, const char *remote, TString &det, Int_t version) { Int_t result = 0; char *usr = 0; char *psswd = 0; Int_t stat, kind; TSocket *sock = auth->GetSocket(); // send user name if (user && user[0]) usr = StrDup(user); else usr = TAuthenticate::PromptUser(remote); // Should never get here ... Int_t ReUse= 1, Prompt= 0; TString Details; if (version > 1) { // Check ReUse ReUse = TAuthenticate::GetAuthReUse(); Prompt = TAuthenticate::GetPromptUser(); // Build auth details Details = Form("pt:%d ru:%d us:%s",Prompt,ReUse,usr); // Create Options string int Opt = ReUse * kAUTH_REUSE_MSK + auth->GetRSAKeyType() * kAUTH_RSATY_MSK; TString Options(Form("%d %d %s",Opt,strlen(usr),usr)); // Now we are ready to send a request to the rootd/proofd // daemons to check if we have already a valid security context // and eventually to start a negotiation to get one ... kind = kROOTD_SRPUSER; stat = ReUse; int rc = 0; if ((rc = auth->AuthExists(TString(usr), TAuthenticate::kSRP, Options, &kind, &stat, &SRPCheckSecCtx)) == 1) { // A valid authentication exists: we are done ... return 1; } if (rc == -2) { return rc; } if (kind == kROOTD_ERR) { TString Server = "sockd"; if (strstr(auth->GetProtocol(),"root")) Server = "rootd"; if (strstr(auth->GetProtocol(),"proof")) Server = "proofd"; if (stat == kErrConnectionRefused) { if (gDebug > 0) Error("SRPAuthenticate", "%s@%s does not accept connections from %s%s", Server.Data(),auth->GetRemoteHost(), auth->GetUser(),gSystem->HostName()); return -2; } else if (stat == kErrNotAllowed) { if (gDebug > 0) Error("SRPAuthenticate", "%s@%s does not accept %s authentication from %s@%s", Server.Data(),auth->GetRemoteHost(), TAuthenticate::GetAuthMethod(1), auth->GetUser(),gSystem->HostName()); } else TAuthenticate::AuthError("SRPAuthenticate", stat); return 0; } } else { sock->Send(usr, kROOTD_SRPUSER); sock->Recv(stat, kind); // stat == 2 when no SRP support compiled in remote rootd if (kind == kROOTD_SRPUSER && stat == 0) return 2; if (kind == kROOTD_ERR) { TAuthenticate::AuthError("SRPAuthenticate", stat); return 0; } } struct t_num n, g, s, B, *A; struct t_client *tc; char hexbuf[MAXHEXPARAMLEN]; UChar_t buf1[MAXPARAMLEN], buf2[MAXPARAMLEN], buf3[MAXSALTLEN]; // receive n from server sock->Recv(hexbuf, MAXHEXPARAMLEN, kind); if (kind != kROOTD_SRPN) { if (gDebug>0) ::Error("SRPAuthenticate", "expected kROOTD_SRPN message"); goto out; } n.data = buf1; n.len = t_fromb64((char*)n.data, hexbuf); // receive g from server sock->Recv(hexbuf, MAXHEXPARAMLEN, kind); if (kind != kROOTD_SRPG) { if (gDebug>0) ::Error("SRPAuthenticate", "expected kROOTD_SRPG message"); goto out; } g.data = buf2; g.len = t_fromb64((char*)g.data, hexbuf); // receive salt from server sock->Recv(hexbuf, MAXHEXPARAMLEN, kind); if (kind != kROOTD_SRPSALT) { if (gDebug>0) ::Error("SRPAuthenticate", "expected kROOTD_SRPSALT message"); goto out; } s.data = buf3; s.len = t_fromb64((char*)s.data, hexbuf); tc = t_clientopen(usr, &n, &g, &s); A = t_clientgenexp(tc); // send A to server sock->Send(t_tob64(hexbuf, (char*)A->data, A->len), kROOTD_SRPA); if (passwd && passwd[0]) psswd = StrDup(passwd); else { psswd = TAuthenticate::PromptPasswd(Form("%s@%s SRP password: ",user,remote)); if (!psswd) if (gDebug>0) ::Error("SRPAuthenticate", "password not set"); } t_clientpasswd(tc, psswd); // receive B from server sock->Recv(hexbuf, MAXHEXPARAMLEN, kind); if (kind != kROOTD_SRPB) { if (gDebug>0) ::Error("SRPAuthenticate", "expected kROOTD_SRPB message"); goto out; } B.data = buf1; B.len = t_fromb64((char*)B.data, hexbuf); t_clientgetkey(tc, &B); // send response to server sock->Send(t_tohex(hexbuf, (char*)t_clientresponse(tc), RESPONSE_LEN), kROOTD_SRPRESPONSE); t_clientclose(tc); if (version > 1) { // Receive result of the overall process sock->Recv(stat, kind); if (kind == kROOTD_ERR) { TAuthenticate::AuthError("SRPAuthenticate", stat); goto out; } // Save passwd for later use ... TAuthenticate::SetGlobalUser(user); TAuthenticate::SetGlobalPasswd(psswd); TAuthenticate::SetGlobalPwHash(kFALSE); TAuthenticate::SetGlobalSRPPwd(kTRUE); Int_t RSAKey = 0; if (ReUse == 1) { if (kind != kROOTD_RSAKEY || stat < 1 || stat > 2) Warning("SRPAuthenticate", "problems recvn RSA key flag: got message %d, flag: %d", kind,RSAKey); RSAKey = stat - 1; // Send the key securely TAuthenticate::SendRSAPublicKey(sock,RSAKey); // Receive result of the overall process sock->Recv(stat, kind); if (kind == kROOTD_ERR) TAuthenticate::AuthError("SRPAuthenticate", stat); } if (kind == kROOTD_SRPUSER && stat == 1) result = 1; if (kind == kROOTD_SRPUSER && stat > 0) { char *rfrm= new char[stat+1]; sock->Recv(rfrm,stat+1, kind); // receive user,offset) info // Parse answer char *lUser = new char[stat]; int OffSet = -1; sscanf(rfrm,"%s %d",lUser,&OffSet); // Decode Token char *Token = 0; if (ReUse == 1 && OffSet > -1) { if (TAuthenticate::SecureRecv(sock,1,RSAKey,&Token) == -1) { Warning("SRPAuthenticate", "Problems secure-receiving Token - may result in corrupted Token"); } } else { Token = StrDup(""); } // Create SecContext object TPwdCtx *pwdctx = new TPwdCtx((const char *)psswd,kFALSE); TSecContext *ctx = auth->GetHostAuth()->CreateSecContext((const char *)lUser, remote, (Int_t)TAuthenticate::kSRP,OffSet,Details, (const char *)Token, TAuthenticate::GetGlobalExpDate(), (void *)pwdctx, RSAKey); // Transmit it to TAuthenticate auth->SetSecContext(ctx); det = Details; if (Token) delete[] Token; // Receive result from remote Login process sock->Recv(stat, kind); if (stat==1 && kind==kROOTD_AUTH) { if (gDebug>0) Info("SRPAuthenticate", "Remotely authenticated as %s (OffSet:%d)",lUser,OffSet); result = 1; } } else { if (kind != kROOTD_ERR ) if (gDebug>0) Warning("SRPAuthenticate", "problems recvn (user,offset) length (%d:%d)",kind,stat); TAuthenticate::AuthError("SRPAuthenticate", stat); } } else { // Old protocol // Receive result of the overall process sock->Recv(stat, kind); if (kind == kROOTD_ERR) TAuthenticate::AuthError("SRPAuthenticate", stat); if (kind == kROOTD_AUTH && stat == 1) { // Get a SecContext for the record and avoid problems // with fSecContext undefined in TAuthenticate TSecContext *ctx = auth->GetHostAuth()->CreateSecContext((const char *)usr, remote, (Int_t)TAuthenticate::kSRP,-1,Details,0); // Transmit it to TAuthenticate auth->SetSecContext(ctx); result = 1; } } out: delete [] usr; delete [] psswd; return result; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// SRP version of CheckSecCtx to be passed to TAuthenticate::AuthExists /// Check if User is matches the one in Ctx /// Returns: 1 if ok, 0 if not /// Deactivates Ctx is not valid Int_t SRPCheckSecCtx(const char *User, TSecContext *Ctx) { Int_t rc = 0; if (Ctx->IsActive()) { if (!strcmp(User,Ctx->GetUser())) rc = 1; } return rc; }