// @(#)root/proof:$Id$ // Author: Sangsu Ryu 22/06/2010 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2005, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TProofBenchRunDataRead // // // // I/O-intensive PROOF benchmark test reads in event files distributed // // on the cluster. Number of events processed per second and size of // // events processed per second are plotted against number of active // // workers. Performance rate for unit packets and performance rate // // for query are plotted. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "RConfigure.h" #include "TProofBenchRunDataRead.h" #include "TProofBenchDataSet.h" #include "TProofPerfAnalysis.h" #include "TProofNodes.h" #include "TFileCollection.h" #include "TFileInfo.h" #include "TProof.h" #include "TString.h" #include "Riostream.h" #include "TMap.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TH1.h" #include "TH2D.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TProfile.h" #include "TKey.h" #include "TRegexp.h" #include "TPerfStats.h" #include "THashList.h" #include "TSortedList.h" #include "TPad.h" #include "TEnv.h" #include "TLeaf.h" #include "TQueryResult.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TStyle.h" #include "TLegend.h" #include "TROOT.h" ClassImp(TProofBenchRunDataRead) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TProofBenchRunDataRead::TProofBenchRunDataRead(TProofBenchDataSet *pbds, TPBReadType *readtype, TDirectory* dirproofbench, TProof* proof, TProofNodes* nodes, Long64_t nevents, Int_t ntries, Int_t start, Int_t stop, Int_t step, Int_t debug) : TProofBenchRun(proof, kPROOF_BenchSelDataDef), fProof(proof), fReadType(readtype), fDS(pbds), fNEvents(nevents), fNTries(ntries), fStart(start), fStop(stop), fStep(step), fDebug(debug), fFilesPerWrk(2), fReleaseCache(kTRUE), fDirProofBench(dirproofbench), fNodes(nodes), fListPerfPlots(0), fProfile_perfstat_event(0), fHist_perfstat_event(0), fProfile_perfstat_evtmax(0), fNorm_perfstat_evtmax(0), fProfile_queryresult_event(0), fNorm_queryresult_event(0), fProfile_perfstat_IO(0), fHist_perfstat_IO(0), fProfile_perfstat_IOmax(0), fNorm_perfstat_IOmax(0), fProfile_queryresult_IO(0), fNorm_queryresult_IO(0), fProfile_cpu_eff(0), fProfLegend_evt(0), fNormLegend_evt(0), fProfLegend_mb(0), fNormLegend_mb(0), fCPerfProfiles(0), fName(0) { // Default constructor if (!fProof) fProof = gProof; if (!fDS) fDS = new TProofBenchDataSet(fProof); // Set name fName = "DataRead"; if (!fNodes) fNodes = new TProofNodes(fProof); fNodes->GetMapOfActiveNodes()->Print(); if (stop == -1) fStop = fNodes->GetNWorkersCluster(); fListPerfPlots = new TList; gEnv->SetValue("Proof.StatsTrace",1); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Destructor TProofBenchRunDataRead::~TProofBenchRunDataRead() { fProof=0; fDirProofBench=0; SafeDelete(fListPerfPlots); if (fCPerfProfiles) delete fCPerfProfiles; SafeDelete(fProfLegend_evt); SafeDelete(fProfLegend_mb); SafeDelete(fNormLegend_evt); SafeDelete(fNormLegend_mb); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Run benchmark /// Input parameters /// dset: Dataset on which to run /// start: Start scan with 'start' workers. /// stop: Stop scan at 'stop workers. /// step: Scan every 'step' workers. /// ntries: Number of tries. When it is -1, data member fNTries is used. /// debug: debug switch. /// Int_t: Ignored /// Returns /// Nothing void TProofBenchRunDataRead::Run(const char *dset, Int_t start, Int_t stop, Int_t step, Int_t ntries, Int_t debug, Int_t) { if (!fProof){ Error("Run", "Proof not set"); return; } if (!dset || (dset && strlen(dset) <= 0)){ Error("Run", "dataset name not set"); return; } // Check if the dataset exists if (!fProof->ExistsDataSet(dset)) { Error("Run", "no such data set found; %s", dset); return; } start = (start == -1) ? fStart : start; stop = (stop == -1) ? fStop : stop; step = (step == -1) ? fStep : step; ntries = (ntries == -1) ? fNTries : ntries; debug = (debug == -1) ? fDebug : debug; Int_t fDebug_sav = fDebug; fDebug = debug; Bool_t nx = kFALSE; if (step == -2){ nx = kTRUE; step = 1; } if (nx){ Int_t minnworkersanode = fNodes->GetMinWrksPerNode(); if (stop > minnworkersanode) stop = minnworkersanode; } // Load the selector, if needed if (!TClass::GetClass(fSelName) || !fDS->IsProof(fProof)) { // Is it the default selector? if (fSelName == kPROOF_BenchSelDataDef) { // Load the parfile #ifdef R__HAVE_CONFIG TString par = TString::Format("%s/%s%s.par", ROOTETCDIR, kPROOF_BenchParDir, kPROOF_BenchDataSelPar); #else TString par = TString::Format("$ROOTSYS/etc/%s%s.par", kPROOF_BenchParDir, kPROOF_BenchDataSelPar); #endif Info("Run", "Uploading '%s' ...", par.Data()); if (fProof->UploadPackage(par) != 0) { Error("Run", "problems uploading '%s' - cannot continue", par.Data()); return; } Info("Run", "Enabling '%s' ...", kPROOF_BenchDataSelPar); if (fProof->EnablePackage(kPROOF_BenchDataSelPar) != 0) { Error("Run", "problems enabling '%s' - cannot continue", kPROOF_BenchDataSelPar); return; } } else { if (fParList.IsNull()) { Error("Run", "you should load the class '%s' before running the benchmark", fSelName.Data()); return; } else { TString par; Int_t from = 0; while (fParList.Tokenize(par, from, ",")) { Info("Run", "Uploading '%s' ...", par.Data()); if (fProof->UploadPackage(par) != 0) { Error("Run", "problems uploading '%s' - cannot continue", par.Data()); return; } Info("Run", "Enabling '%s' ...", par.Data()); if (fProof->EnablePackage(par) != 0) { Error("Run", "problems enabling '%s' - cannot continue", par.Data()); return; } } } } // Check if (!TClass::GetClass(fSelName)) { Error("Run", "failed to load '%s'", fSelName.Data()); return; } } // Build histograms, profiles and graphs needed for this run BuildHistos(start, stop, step, nx); TString dsname(dset); TString dsbasename = gSystem->BaseName(dset); // Get pad if (!fCPerfProfiles){ TString canvasname = TString::Format("Performance Profiles %s", GetName()); fCPerfProfiles = new TCanvas(canvasname.Data(), canvasname.Data()); } // Cleanup up the canvas fCPerfProfiles->Clear(); fCPerfProfiles->Divide(2,2); Info("Run", "Running IO-bound tests on dataset '%s'; %d ~ %d active worker(s)," " every %d worker(s).", dset, start, stop, step); Int_t npad = 1; //pad number Int_t nnodes = fNodes->GetNNodes(); // Number of machines Int_t ncores = fNodes->GetNCores(); // Number of cores Bool_t drawpf = kFALSE; Double_t ymi = -1., ymx = -1., emx =- 1, ymiio = -1., ymxio = -1., mbmx = -1.; for (Int_t nactive = start; nactive <= stop; nactive += step) { // For CPU effectiveness (ok for lite; should do it properly for standard clusters) Int_t ncoren = (nactive < ncores) ? nactive : ncores; // Actvate the wanted workers Int_t nw = -1; if (nx) { TString workers; workers.Form("%dx", nactive); nw = fNodes->ActivateWorkers(workers); } else { nw = fNodes->ActivateWorkers(nactive); } if (nw < 0){ Error("Run", "could not activate the requested number of" " workers/node on the cluster; skipping the test point" " (%d workers/node)", nactive); continue; } // Prepare the dataset for this run. possibly a subsample of // the total one TFileCollection *fc = GetDataSet(dsname, nactive, nx); if (!fc) { Error("Run", "could not retrieve dataset '%s'", dsname.Data()); continue; } fc->Print("F"); TString dsn = TString::Format("%s_%d_%d", dsbasename.Data(), nactive, (Int_t)nx); fProof->RegisterDataSet(dsn, fc, "OT"); fProof->ShowDataSet(dsn, "F"); for (Int_t j=0; jIsProof(fProof)) ? dsn.Data() : dsname.Data(); if (fReleaseCache) fDS->ReleaseCache(dsnr); DeleteParameters(); SetParameters(); Info("Run", "Processing data set %s with" " %d active worker(s).", dsn.Data(), nactive); TTime starttime = gSystem->Now(); fProof->Process(dsn, fSelName, fSelOption); DeleteParameters(); TTime endtime = gSystem->Now(); TList *l = fProof->GetOutputList(); //save perfstats TString perfstats_name = "PROOF_PerfStats"; TTree *t = 0; if (l) t = dynamic_cast(l->FindObject(perfstats_name.Data())); if (t) { drawpf = kTRUE; TTree* tnew=(TTree*)t->Clone("tnew"); FillPerfStatProfiles(tnew, nactive); TProofPerfAnalysis pfa(tnew); Double_t pf_eventrate = pfa.GetEvtRateAvgMax(); Double_t pf_IOrate = pfa.GetMBRateAvgMax(); fProfile_perfstat_evtmax->Fill(nactive, pf_eventrate); fCPerfProfiles->cd(npad); fProfile_perfstat_evtmax->SetMaximum(1.6*emx); fProfile_perfstat_evtmax->SetMinimum(0.); fProfile_perfstat_evtmax->Draw(); fProfLegend_evt->Draw(); gPad->Update(); fProfile_perfstat_IOmax->Fill(nactive, pf_IOrate); fCPerfProfiles->cd(npad + 2); fProfile_perfstat_IOmax->SetMaximum(1.6*mbmx); fProfile_perfstat_IOmax->SetMinimum(0.); fProfile_perfstat_IOmax->Draw(); fProfLegend_mb->Draw(); gPad->Update(); // The normalised histos // Use the first bin to set the Y range for the histo Double_t nert = nx ? pf_eventrate/nactive/nnodes : pf_eventrate/nactive; fNorm_perfstat_evtmax->Fill(nactive, nert); Double_t y1 = fNorm_perfstat_evtmax->GetBinContent(1); Double_t e1 = fNorm_perfstat_evtmax->GetBinError(1); Double_t dy = 5 * e1; if (dy / y1 < 0.2) dy = y1 * 0.2; if (dy > y1) dy = y1*.999999; if (ymi < 0.) ymi = y1 - dy; if (fNorm_perfstat_evtmax->GetBinContent(nactive) < ymi) ymi = fNorm_perfstat_evtmax->GetBinContent(nactive) / 2.; if (ymx < 0.) ymx = y1 + dy; if (fNorm_perfstat_evtmax->GetBinContent(nactive) > ymx) ymx = fNorm_perfstat_evtmax->GetBinContent(nactive) * 1.5; fNorm_perfstat_evtmax->SetMaximum(ymx); fNorm_perfstat_evtmax->SetMinimum(ymi); fCPerfProfiles->cd(npad + 1); fNorm_perfstat_evtmax->Draw(); gPad->Update(); // Double_t niort = nx ? pf_IOrate/nactive/nnodes : pf_IOrate/nactive; fNorm_perfstat_IOmax->Fill(nactive, niort); y1 = fNorm_perfstat_IOmax->GetBinContent(1); e1 = fNorm_perfstat_IOmax->GetBinError(1); dy = 5 * e1; if (dy / y1 < 0.2) dy = y1 * 0.2; if (dy > y1) dy = y1*.999999; if (ymiio < 0.) ymiio = y1 - dy; if (fNorm_perfstat_IOmax->GetBinContent(nactive) < ymiio) ymiio = fNorm_perfstat_IOmax->GetBinContent(nactive) / 2.; if (ymxio < 0.) ymxio = y1 + dy; if (fNorm_perfstat_IOmax->GetBinContent(nactive) > ymxio) ymxio = fNorm_perfstat_IOmax->GetBinContent(nactive) * 1.5; fNorm_perfstat_IOmax->SetMaximum(ymxio); fNorm_perfstat_IOmax->SetMinimum(ymiio); fCPerfProfiles->cd(npad + 3); fNorm_perfstat_IOmax->Draw(); gPad->Update(); //change the name TString newname = TString::Format("%s_%s_%dwrks%dthtry", t->GetName(), GetName(), nactive, j); tnew->SetName(newname); if (debug && fDirProofBench->IsWritable()){ TDirectory *curdir = gDirectory; TString dirn = nx ? "RunDataReadx" : "RunDataRead"; if (!fDirProofBench->GetDirectory(dirn)) fDirProofBench->mkdir(dirn, "RunDataRead results"); if (fDirProofBench->cd(dirn)) { tnew->SetDirectory(fDirProofBench); tnew->Write(); l->Remove(tnew); } else { Warning("Run", "cannot cd to subdirectory '%s' to store the results!", dirn.Data()); } curdir->cd(); } } else { if (l) Warning("Run", "%s: tree not found", perfstats_name.Data()); else Error("Run", "PROOF output list is empty!"); } // const char *drawopt = t ? "SAME" : ""; // Performance measures from TQueryResult TQueryResult *queryresult = fProof->GetQueryResult(); if (queryresult) { TDatime qr_start = queryresult->GetStartTime(); TDatime qr_end = queryresult->GetEndTime(); Float_t qr_proc = queryresult->GetProcTime(); Long64_t qr_bytes = queryresult->GetBytes(); Long64_t qr_entries = queryresult->GetEntries(); // Calculate and fill CPU efficiency Float_t qr_cpu_eff = -1.; if (qr_proc > 0.) { qr_cpu_eff = queryresult->GetUsedCPU() / ncoren / qr_proc ; fProfile_cpu_eff->Fill(nactive, qr_cpu_eff); Printf("cpu_eff: %f", qr_cpu_eff); } // Calculate event rate, fill and draw Double_t qr_eventrate=0; qr_eventrate = qr_entries / Double_t(qr_proc); if (qr_eventrate > emx) emx = qr_eventrate; fProfile_queryresult_event->Fill(nactive, qr_eventrate); fCPerfProfiles->cd(npad); fProfile_queryresult_event->SetMinimum(0.); fProfile_queryresult_event->Draw(drawopt); fProfLegend_evt->Draw(); gPad->Update(); // Calculate IO rate, fill and draw Double_t qr_IOrate = 0; const Double_t Dmegabytes = 1024*1024; qr_IOrate = qr_bytes / Dmegabytes / Double_t(qr_proc); if (qr_IOrate > mbmx) mbmx = qr_IOrate; fProfile_queryresult_IO->Fill(nactive, qr_IOrate); fCPerfProfiles->cd(npad + 2); fProfile_queryresult_IO->SetMinimum(0.); fProfile_queryresult_IO->Draw(drawopt); fProfLegend_mb->Draw(); gPad->Update(); // The normalised histos // Use the first bin to set the Y range for the histo Double_t nert = nx ? qr_eventrate/nactive/nnodes : qr_eventrate/nactive; fNorm_queryresult_event->Fill(nactive, nert); Double_t y1 = fNorm_queryresult_event->GetBinContent(1); Double_t e1 = fNorm_queryresult_event->GetBinError(1); Double_t dy = 5 * e1; if (dy / y1 < 0.2) dy = y1 * 0.2; if (dy > y1) dy = y1*.999999; if (ymi < 0.) ymi = y1 - dy; if (fNorm_queryresult_event->GetBinContent(nactive) < ymi) ymi = fNorm_queryresult_event->GetBinContent(nactive) / 2.; if (ymx < 0.) ymx = y1 + dy; if (fNorm_queryresult_event->GetBinContent(nactive) > ymx) ymx = fNorm_queryresult_event->GetBinContent(nactive) * 1.5; // fNorm_queryresult_event->SetMaximum(ymx); fNorm_queryresult_event->SetMinimum(ymi); fCPerfProfiles->cd(npad + 1); fNorm_queryresult_event->Draw(drawopt); fNormLegend_evt->Draw(); gPad->Update(); // Double_t niort = nx ? qr_IOrate/nactive/nnodes : qr_IOrate/nactive; fNorm_queryresult_IO->Fill(nactive, niort); y1 = fNorm_queryresult_IO->GetBinContent(1); e1 = fNorm_queryresult_IO->GetBinError(1); dy = 5 * e1; if (dy / y1 < 0.2) dy = y1 * 0.2; if (dy > y1) dy = y1*.999999; if (ymiio < 0.) ymiio = y1 - dy; if (fNorm_queryresult_IO->GetBinContent(nactive) < ymiio) ymiio = fNorm_queryresult_IO->GetBinContent(nactive) / 2.; if (ymxio < 0.) ymxio = y1 + dy; if (fNorm_queryresult_IO->GetBinContent(nactive) > ymxio) ymxio = fNorm_queryresult_IO->GetBinContent(nactive) * 1.5; // fNorm_queryresult_IO->SetMaximum(ymxio); fNorm_queryresult_IO->SetMinimum(ymiio); fCPerfProfiles->cd(npad + 3); fNorm_queryresult_IO->Draw(drawopt); fNormLegend_mb->Draw(); gPad->Update(); } fCPerfProfiles->cd(0); } // Remove temporary dataset fProof->RemoveDataSet(dsn); SafeDelete(fc); } // Make the result persistent fCPerfProfiles->cd(npad); fProfile_queryresult_event->SetMaximum(1.6*emx); fProfile_queryresult_event->DrawCopy(); if (drawpf) fProfile_perfstat_evtmax->DrawCopy("SAME"); fProfLegend_evt->Draw(); fCPerfProfiles->cd(npad + 2); fProfile_queryresult_IO->SetMaximum(1.6*mbmx); fProfile_queryresult_IO->DrawCopy(); if (drawpf) fProfile_perfstat_IOmax->DrawCopy("SAME"); fProfLegend_mb->Draw(); fCPerfProfiles->cd(npad + 1); fNorm_queryresult_event->DrawCopy(); if (drawpf) fNorm_perfstat_evtmax->DrawCopy("SAME"); fNormLegend_evt->Draw(); fCPerfProfiles->cd(npad + 3); fNorm_queryresult_IO->DrawCopy(); if (drawpf) fNorm_perfstat_IOmax->DrawCopy("SAME"); fProfLegend_mb->Draw(); gPad->Update(); //save performance profiles to file if (fDirProofBench->IsWritable()){ TDirectory *curdir = gDirectory; TString dirn = nx ? "RunDataReadx" : "RunDataRead"; if (!fDirProofBench->GetDirectory(dirn)) fDirProofBench->mkdir(dirn, "RunDataRead results"); if (fDirProofBench->cd(dirn)) { fListPerfPlots->Write(0, kOverwrite); fListPerfPlots->SetOwner(kFALSE); fListPerfPlots->Clear(); } else { Warning("Run", "cannot cd to subdirectory '%s' to store the results!", dirn.Data()); } curdir->cd(); } // Restore member data fDebug = fDebug_sav; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get a subsample of dsname suited to run with 'nact' and option 'nx'. TFileCollection *TProofBenchRunDataRead::GetDataSet(const char *dset, Int_t nact, Bool_t nx) { TFileCollection *fcsub = 0; // Dataset must exists if (!fProof || (fProof && !fProof->ExistsDataSet(dset))) { Error("GetDataSet", "dataset '%s' does not exist", dset); return fcsub; } // Get the full collection TFileCollection *fcref = fProof->GetDataSet(dset); if (!fcref) { Error("GetDataSet", "dataset '%s' could not be retrieved", dset); return fcsub; } // Is it remote ? Bool_t remote = (fcref->TestBit(TFileCollection::kRemoteCollection)) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; // Separate info per server #if ROOT_VERSION_CODE >= ROOT_VERSION(5,30,0) TMap *mpref = fcref->GetFilesPerServer(fProof->GetMaster(), kTRUE); #else TMap *mpref = fcref->GetFilesPerServer(fProof->GetMaster()); #endif if (!mpref) { SafeDelete(fcref); Error("GetDataSet", "problems classifying info on per-server base"); return fcsub; } mpref->Print(); // Get Active node information TMap *mpnodes = fNodes->GetMapOfActiveNodes(); if (!mpnodes) { SafeDelete(fcref); SafeDelete(mpref); Error("GetDataSet", "problems getting map of active nodes"); return fcsub; } mpnodes->Print(); // Number of files: fFilesPerWrk per active worker Int_t nf = fNodes->GetNActives() * fFilesPerWrk; Printf(" number of files needed (ideally): %d (%d per worker)", nf, fFilesPerWrk); // The output dataset fcsub = new TFileCollection(TString::Format("%s_%d_%d", fcref->GetName(), nact, nx), fcref->GetTitle()); // Order reference sub-collections TIter nxnd(mpnodes); TObject *key = 0; TFileInfo *fi = 0; TFileCollection *xfc = 0; TList *lswrks = 0; while ((key = nxnd())) { TIter nxsrv(mpref); TObject *ksrv = 0; while ((ksrv = nxsrv())) { TUrl urlsrv(ksrv->GetName()); if (TString(urlsrv.GetHostFQDN()).IsNull()) urlsrv.SetHost(TUrl(gProof->GetMaster()).GetHostFQDN()); if (remote || !strcmp(urlsrv.GetHostFQDN(), TUrl(key->GetName()).GetHostFQDN())) { if ((xfc = dynamic_cast(mpref->GetValue(ksrv)))) { if ((lswrks = dynamic_cast(mpnodes->GetValue(key)))) { Int_t nfnd = fFilesPerWrk * lswrks->GetSize(); while (nfnd-- && xfc->GetList()->GetSize() > 0) { if ((fi = (TFileInfo *) xfc->GetList()->First())) { xfc->GetList()->Remove(fi); fcsub->Add(fi); } } } else { Warning("GetDataSet", "could not attach to worker list for node '%s'", key->GetName()); } } else { Warning("GetDataSet", "could not attach to file collection for server '%s'", ksrv->GetName()); } } } } // Update counters fcsub->Update(); fcsub->Print(); // Make sure that the tree name is the one of the original dataset if (fcref) { TString dflt(fcref->GetDefaultTreeName()); if (!dflt.IsNull()) fcsub->SetDefaultTreeName(dflt); } // Cleanup SafeDelete(fcref); SafeDelete(mpref); // Done return fcsub; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void TProofBenchRunDataRead::FillPerfStatProfiles(TTree *t, Int_t nactive) { // Fill performance profiles using tree 't'(PROOF_PerfStats). // Input parameters // t: Proof output tree (PROOF_PerfStat) containing performance // statistics. // nactive: Number of active workers processed the query. // Return // Nothing // extract timing information TPerfEvent pe; TPerfEvent* pep = &pe; t->SetBranchAddress("PerfEvents",&pep); Long64_t entries = t->GetEntries(); const Double_t Dmegabytes = 1024.*1024.; Double_t event_rate_packet = 0; Double_t IO_rate_packet = 0; for (Long64_t k=0; kGetEntry(k); // Skip information from workers if (pe.fEvtNode.Contains(".")) continue; if (pe.fType==TVirtualPerfStats::kPacket){ if (pe.fProcTime != 0.0) { event_rate_packet = pe.fEventsProcessed / pe.fProcTime; fHist_perfstat_event->Fill(Double_t(nactive), event_rate_packet); IO_rate_packet = pe.fBytesRead / Dmegabytes / pe.fProcTime; fHist_perfstat_IO->Fill(Double_t(nactive), IO_rate_packet); } } } return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Print the content of this object void TProofBenchRunDataRead::Print(Option_t* option) const { Printf("Name = %s", fName.Data()); if (fProof) fProof->Print(option); Printf("fReadType = %s%s", "k", GetNameStem().Data()); Printf("fNEvents = %lld", fNEvents); Printf("fNTries = %d", fNTries); Printf("fStart = %d", fStart); Printf("fStop = %d", fStop); Printf("fStep = %d", fStep); Printf("fDebug = %d", fDebug); if (fDirProofBench) Printf("fDirProofBench = %s", fDirProofBench->GetPath()); if (fNodes) fNodes->Print(option); if (fListPerfPlots) fListPerfPlots->Print(option); if (fCPerfProfiles) Printf("Performance Profiles Canvas: Name = %s Title = %s", fCPerfProfiles->GetName(), fCPerfProfiles->GetTitle()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get canvas void TProofBenchRunDataRead::DrawPerfProfiles() { if (!fCPerfProfiles){ TString canvasname = TString::Format("Performance Profiles %s", GetName()); fCPerfProfiles = new TCanvas(canvasname.Data(), canvasname.Data()); } fCPerfProfiles->Clear(); // Divide the canvas as many as the number of profiles in the list Int_t nprofiles = fListPerfPlots->GetSize(); if (nprofiles <= 2){ fCPerfProfiles->Divide(nprofiles); } else { Int_t nside = (Int_t)TMath::Sqrt((Float_t)nprofiles); nside = (nside*nside < nprofiles) ? nside + 1 : nside; fCPerfProfiles->Divide(nside,nside); } Int_t npad=1; TIter nxt(fListPerfPlots); TProfile* profile=0; while ((profile=(TProfile*)(nxt()))){ fCPerfProfiles->cd(npad++); profile->Draw(); gPad->Update(); } return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get name for this run TString TProofBenchRunDataRead::GetNameStem()const { TString namestem("+++undef+++"); if (fReadType) { switch (fReadType->GetType()) { case TPBReadType::kReadFull: namestem="Full"; break; case TPBReadType::kReadOpt: namestem="Opt"; break; case TPBReadType::kReadNo: namestem="No"; break; default: break; } } return namestem; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Set parameters Int_t TProofBenchRunDataRead::SetParameters() { if (!fProof){ Error("SetParameters", "Proof not set; Doing nothing"); return 1; } if (!fReadType) fReadType = new TPBReadType(TPBReadType::kReadOpt); fProof->AddInput(fReadType); fProof->SetParameter("PROOF_BenchmarkDebug", Int_t(fDebug)); // For Mac Os X only: do not OS cache the files read fProof->SetParameter("PROOF_DontCacheFiles", Int_t(1)); return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Delete parameters set for this run Int_t TProofBenchRunDataRead::DeleteParameters() { if (!fProof){ Error("DeleteParameters", "Proof not set; Doing nothing"); return 1; } if (fProof->GetInputList()) { TObject *type = fProof->GetInputList()->FindObject("PROOF_Benchmark_ReadType"); if (type) fProof->GetInputList()->Remove(type); } fProof->DeleteParameters("PROOF_BenchmarkDebug"); return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Build histograms, profiles and graphs needed for this run void TProofBenchRunDataRead::BuildHistos(Int_t start, Int_t stop, Int_t step, Bool_t nx) { TObject *o = 0; Int_t quotient = (stop - start) / step; Int_t ndiv = quotient + 1; Double_t ns_min = start - step/2.; Double_t ns_max = quotient*step + start + step/2.; fProfLegend_evt = new TLegend(0.1, 0.8, 0.3, 0.9); fNormLegend_evt = new TLegend(0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.9); fProfLegend_mb = new TLegend(0.1, 0.8, 0.3, 0.9); fNormLegend_mb = new TLegend(0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.9); TString axtitle("Active Workers"), namelab(GetName()), sellab(GetSelName()); if (nx) { axtitle = "Active Workers/Node"; namelab.Form("x_%s", GetName()); } if (fSelName == kPROOF_BenchSelDataDef) sellab.Form("%s_%s", GetSelName(), GetNameStem().Data()); TString name, title; // Book perfstat profile (max evts) name.Form("Prof_%s_PS_MaxEvts_%s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); title.Form("Profile %s PerfStat Event- %s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); fProfile_perfstat_evtmax = new TProfile(name, title, ndiv, ns_min, ns_max); fProfile_perfstat_evtmax->SetDirectory(fDirProofBench); fProfile_perfstat_evtmax->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Events/sec"); fProfile_perfstat_evtmax->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(axtitle); fProfile_perfstat_evtmax->SetMarkerStyle(23); fProfile_perfstat_evtmax->SetMarkerStyle(2); if ((o = fListPerfPlots->FindObject(name))) { fListPerfPlots->Remove(o); delete o; } fListPerfPlots->Add(fProfile_perfstat_evtmax); fProfLegend_evt->AddEntry(fProfile_perfstat_evtmax, "Maximum"); // Book perfstat profile (evts) name.Form("Prof_%s_PS_Evts_%s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); title.Form("Profile %s PerfStat Event - %s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); fProfile_perfstat_event = new TProfile(name, title, ndiv, ns_min, ns_max); fProfile_perfstat_event->SetDirectory(fDirProofBench); fProfile_perfstat_event->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Events/sec"); fProfile_perfstat_event->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(axtitle); fProfile_perfstat_event->SetMarkerStyle(21); if ((o = fListPerfPlots->FindObject(name))) { fListPerfPlots->Remove(o); delete o; } fListPerfPlots->Add(fProfile_perfstat_event); // Book perfstat histogram (evts) name.Form("Hist_%s_PS_Evts_%s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); title.Form("Histogram %s PerfStat Event - %s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); fHist_perfstat_event = new TH2D(name, title, ndiv, ns_min, ns_max, 100, 0, 0); fHist_perfstat_event->SetDirectory(fDirProofBench); fHist_perfstat_event->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Events/sec"); fHist_perfstat_event->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(axtitle); fHist_perfstat_event->SetMarkerStyle(7); if ((o = fListPerfPlots->FindObject(name))) { fListPerfPlots->Remove(o); delete o; } fListPerfPlots->Add(fHist_perfstat_event); // Book normalized perfstat profile (max evts) name.Form("Norm_%s_PF_MaxEvts_%s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); title.Form("Profile %s Normalized QueryResult Event - %s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); fNorm_perfstat_evtmax = new TProfile(name, title, ndiv, ns_min, ns_max); fNorm_perfstat_evtmax->SetDirectory(fDirProofBench); fNorm_perfstat_evtmax->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Events/sec"); fNorm_perfstat_evtmax->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(axtitle); fNorm_perfstat_evtmax->SetMarkerStyle(23); fNorm_perfstat_evtmax->SetMarkerColor(2); if ((o = fListPerfPlots->FindObject(name))) { fListPerfPlots->Remove(o); delete o; } fListPerfPlots->Add(fNorm_perfstat_evtmax); fNormLegend_evt->AddEntry(fNorm_perfstat_evtmax, "Maximum"); // Book queryresult profile (evts) name.Form("Prof_%s_QR_Evts_%s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); title.Form("Profile %s QueryResult Event - %s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); fProfile_queryresult_event = new TProfile(name, title, ndiv, ns_min, ns_max); fProfile_queryresult_event->SetDirectory(fDirProofBench); fProfile_queryresult_event->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Events/sec"); fProfile_queryresult_event->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(axtitle); fProfile_queryresult_event->SetMarkerStyle(22); if ((o = fListPerfPlots->FindObject(name))) { fListPerfPlots->Remove(o); delete o; } fListPerfPlots->Add(fProfile_queryresult_event); fProfLegend_evt->AddEntry(fProfile_queryresult_event, "Average"); // Book normalized queryresult profile (evts) name.Form("Norm_%s_QR_Evts_%s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); title.Form("Profile %s Normalized QueryResult Event - %s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); fNorm_queryresult_event = new TProfile(name, title, ndiv, ns_min, ns_max); fNorm_queryresult_event->SetDirectory(fDirProofBench); fNorm_queryresult_event->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Events/sec"); fNorm_queryresult_event->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(axtitle); fNorm_queryresult_event->SetMarkerStyle(22); if ((o = fListPerfPlots->FindObject(name))) { fListPerfPlots->Remove(o); delete o; } fListPerfPlots->Add(fNorm_queryresult_event); fNormLegend_evt->AddEntry(fNorm_queryresult_event, "Average"); // Book perfstat profile (mbs) name.Form("Prof_%s_PS_IO_%s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); title.Form("Profile %s PerfStat I/O %s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); fProfile_perfstat_IO = new TProfile(name, title, ndiv, ns_min, ns_max); fProfile_perfstat_IO->SetDirectory(fDirProofBench); fProfile_perfstat_IO->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("MB/sec"); fProfile_perfstat_IO->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(axtitle); fProfile_perfstat_IO->SetMarkerStyle(21); if ((o = fListPerfPlots->FindObject(name))) { fListPerfPlots->Remove(o); delete o; } fListPerfPlots->Add(fProfile_perfstat_IO); // Book perfstat histogram (mbs) name.Form("Hist_%s_PS_IO_%s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); title.Form("Histogram %s PerfStat I/O - %s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); fHist_perfstat_IO = new TH2D(name, title, ndiv, ns_min, ns_max, 100, 0, 0); fHist_perfstat_IO->SetDirectory(fDirProofBench); fHist_perfstat_IO->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("MB/sec"); fHist_perfstat_IO->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(axtitle); fHist_perfstat_IO->SetMarkerStyle(7); if ((o = fListPerfPlots->FindObject(name))) { fListPerfPlots->Remove(o); delete o; } fListPerfPlots->Add(fHist_perfstat_IO); // Book perfstat profile (max mbs) name.Form("Prof_%s_PS_MaxIO_%s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); title.Form("Profile %s PerfStat I/O - %s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); fProfile_perfstat_IOmax = new TProfile(name, title, ndiv, ns_min, ns_max); fProfile_perfstat_IOmax->SetDirectory(fDirProofBench); fProfile_perfstat_IOmax->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("MB/sec"); fProfile_perfstat_IOmax->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(axtitle); fProfile_perfstat_IOmax->SetMarkerStyle(21); fProfile_perfstat_IOmax->SetMarkerColor(2); if ((o = fListPerfPlots->FindObject(name))) { fListPerfPlots->Remove(o); delete o; } fListPerfPlots->Add(fProfile_perfstat_IOmax); fProfLegend_mb->AddEntry(fProfile_perfstat_IOmax, "Maximum"); // Book normalized perfstat profile (max mbs) name.Form("Norm_%s_PS_MaxIO_%s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); title.Form("Profile %s Normalized PerfStat I/O - %s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); fNorm_perfstat_IOmax = new TProfile(name, title, ndiv, ns_min, ns_max); fNorm_perfstat_IOmax->SetDirectory(fDirProofBench); fNorm_perfstat_IOmax->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("MB/sec"); fNorm_perfstat_IOmax->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(axtitle); fNorm_perfstat_IOmax->SetMarkerStyle(23); fNorm_perfstat_IOmax->SetMarkerColor(2); if ((o = fListPerfPlots->FindObject(name))) { fListPerfPlots->Remove(o); delete o; } fListPerfPlots->Add(fNorm_perfstat_IOmax); fNormLegend_mb->AddEntry(fNorm_perfstat_IOmax, "Maximum"); // Book queryresult profile (mbs) name.Form("Prof_%s_QR_IO_%s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); title.Form("Profile %s QueryResult I/O - %s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); fProfile_queryresult_IO = new TProfile(name, title, ndiv, ns_min, ns_max); fProfile_queryresult_IO->SetDirectory(fDirProofBench); fProfile_queryresult_IO->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("MB/sec"); fProfile_queryresult_IO->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(axtitle); fProfile_queryresult_IO->SetMarkerStyle(22); if ((o = fListPerfPlots->FindObject(name))) { fListPerfPlots->Remove(o); delete o; } fListPerfPlots->Add(fProfile_queryresult_IO); fProfLegend_mb->AddEntry(fProfile_queryresult_IO, "Average"); // Book normalized queryresult profile (mbs) name.Form("Norm_%s_QR_IO_%s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); title.Form("Profile %s Normalized QueryResult I/O - %s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); fNorm_queryresult_IO = new TProfile(name, title, ndiv, ns_min, ns_max); fNorm_queryresult_IO->SetDirectory(fDirProofBench); fNorm_queryresult_IO->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("MB/sec"); fNorm_queryresult_IO->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(axtitle); fNorm_queryresult_IO->SetMarkerStyle(22); if ((o = fListPerfPlots->FindObject(name))) { fListPerfPlots->Remove(o); delete o; } fListPerfPlots->Add(fNorm_queryresult_IO); fNormLegend_mb->AddEntry(fNorm_queryresult_IO, "Average"); // Book CPU efficiency profile name.Form("Prof_%s_CPU_eff_%s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); title.Form("Profile %s CPU efficiency - %s", namelab.Data(), sellab.Data()); fProfile_cpu_eff = new TProfile(name, title, ndiv, ns_min, ns_max); fProfile_cpu_eff->SetDirectory(fDirProofBench); fProfile_cpu_eff->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency"); fProfile_cpu_eff->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(axtitle); fProfile_cpu_eff->SetMarkerStyle(22); if ((o = fListPerfPlots->FindObject(name))) { fListPerfPlots->Remove(o); delete o; } fListPerfPlots->Add(fProfile_cpu_eff); }