// @(#)root/proof:$Id$ // Author: /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2005, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TProofNode // // // // PROOF worker node information // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TProofNodes.h" #include "TProof.h" #include "TList.h" #include "TMap.h" #include "TObjString.h" ClassImp(TProofNodes) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Constructor TProofNodes::TProofNodes(TProof* proof) : fProof(proof), fNodes(0), fActiveNodes(0), fMaxWrksNode(-1), fMinWrksNode(-1), fNNodes(0), fNWrks(0), fNActiveWrks(0), fNCores(0) { Build(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Destructor TProofNodes::~TProofNodes() { if (fNodes) { fNodes->SetOwner(kTRUE); SafeDelete(fNodes); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Desctiption: Build the node list, which is a list of nodes whose members /// in turn are lists of workers on the node. /// Input: Nothing /// Return: Nothing void TProofNodes::Build() { if (!fProof || !fProof->IsValid()) { Warning("Build", "the PROOF instance is undefined or invalid! Cannot continue"); return; } if (fNodes){ fNodes->SetOwner(kTRUE); SafeDelete(fNodes); } fNodes = new TMap; fNodes->SetOwner(kTRUE); TList *slaves = fProof->GetListOfSlaveInfos(); TIter nxtslave(slaves); TSlaveInfo *si = 0; TList *node = 0; TPair *pair = 0; while ((si = (TSlaveInfo *)(nxtslave()))) { TSlaveInfo *si_copy = (TSlaveInfo *)(si->Clone()); if (!(pair = (TPair *) fNodes->FindObject(si->GetName()))) { node = new TList; //si's are owned by the member fSlaveInfo of fProof node->SetOwner(kTRUE); node->SetName(si_copy->GetName()); node->Add(si_copy); fNodes->Add(new TObjString(si->GetName()), node); } else { node = (TList *) pair->Value(); node->Add(si_copy); } } // Update counters and created active nodes map if (fActiveNodes){ fActiveNodes->SetOwner(kTRUE); SafeDelete(fActiveNodes); } fActiveNodes = new TMap; fActiveNodes->SetOwner(kTRUE); TList *actnode = 0; fMaxWrksNode = -1; fMinWrksNode = -1; fNNodes = 0; fNWrks = 0; fNActiveWrks = 0; TIter nxk(fNodes); TObject *key = 0; while ((key = nxk()) != 0) { node = dynamic_cast(fNodes->GetValue(key)); if (node) { fNNodes++; // Number of cores si = (TSlaveInfo *) node->First(); fNCores += si->fSysInfo.fCpus; // Number of workers fNWrks += node->GetSize(); if (fMinWrksNode == -1 || (node->GetSize() < fMinWrksNode)) { fMinWrksNode = node->GetSize(); } if (fMaxWrksNode == -1 || (node->GetSize() > fMaxWrksNode)) { fMaxWrksNode = node->GetSize(); } TIter nxw(node); while ((si = (TSlaveInfo *) nxw())) { if (si->fStatus == TSlaveInfo::kActive) { fNActiveWrks++; TSlaveInfo *si_copy = (TSlaveInfo *)(si->Clone()); actnode = dynamic_cast(fActiveNodes->GetValue(key)); if (actnode) { actnode->Add(si_copy); } else { actnode = new TList; actnode->SetOwner(kTRUE); actnode->SetName(si_copy->GetName()); actnode->Add(si_copy); fActiveNodes->Add(new TObjString(si->GetName()), actnode); } } } } else { Warning("Build", "could not get list for node '%s'", key->GetName()); } } // Done return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Description: Activate 'nwrks' workers; calls TProof::SetParallel and /// rebuild the internal lists /// Input: number of workers /// Return: 0 is successful, <0 otherwise. Int_t TProofNodes::ActivateWorkers(Int_t nwrks) { Int_t nw = fProof->SetParallel(nwrks); if (nw > 0) { if (nw != nwrks) Warning("ActivateWorkers", "requested %d got %d", nwrks, nw); Build(); } return nw; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Description: Activate the same number of workers on all nodes. /// Input: workers: string of the form "nx" where non-negative integer n /// is the number of worker on each node to be activated. /// Return: The number of active workers per node when the operation is /// successful. /// <0 otherwise. Int_t TProofNodes::ActivateWorkers(const char *workers) { TString toactivate; TString todeactivate; // The TProof::ActivateWorker/TProof::DeactivateWorker functions were fixed / // improved starting with protocol version 33 Bool_t protocol33 = kTRUE; if (fProof->GetRemoteProtocol() < 33 || fProof->GetClientProtocol() < 33) { protocol33 = kFALSE; // This resets the lists to avoid the problem fixed in protocol 33 fProof->SetParallel(0); } //Make sure worker list is up-to-date Build(); TString sworkers = TString(workers).Strip(TString::kTrailing, 'x'); if (!sworkers.IsDigit()) { Error("ActivateWorkers", "wrongly formatted argument: %s - cannot continue", workers); return -1; } Int_t nworkersnode = sworkers.Atoi(); Int_t ret = nworkersnode; TSlaveInfo *si = 0; TList *node = 0; TObject *key = 0; TIter nxk(fNodes); while ((key = nxk()) != 0) { if ((node = dynamic_cast(fNodes->GetValue(key)))) { TIter nxtworker(node); Int_t nactiveworkers = 0; while ((si = (TSlaveInfo *)(nxtworker()))) { if (nactiveworkers < nworkersnode) { if (si->fStatus == TSlaveInfo::kNotActive) { if (protocol33) { toactivate += TString::Format("%s,", si->GetOrdinal()); } else { fProof->ActivateWorker(si->GetOrdinal()); } } nactiveworkers++; } else { if (si->fStatus == TSlaveInfo::kActive) { if (protocol33) { todeactivate += TString::Format("%s,", si->GetOrdinal()); } else { fProof->DeactivateWorker(si->GetOrdinal()); } } } } } else { Warning("ActivateWorkers", "could not get list for node '%s'", key->GetName()); } } if (!todeactivate.IsNull()) { todeactivate.Remove(TString::kTrailing, ','); if (fProof->DeactivateWorker(todeactivate) < 0) ret = -1; } if (!toactivate.IsNull()) { toactivate.Remove(TString::kTrailing, ','); if (fProof->ActivateWorker(toactivate) < 0) ret = -1; } if (ret < 0) { Warning("ActivateWorkers", "could not get the requested number of workers per node (%d)", nworkersnode); return ret; } // Rebuild Build(); // Build() destroyes fNodes so we need to re-create the iterator, resetting is not enough ... TIter nxkn(fNodes); while ((key = nxkn()) != 0) { if ((node = dynamic_cast(fNodes->GetValue(key)))) { TIter nxtworker(node); Int_t nactiveworkers = 0; while ((si = (TSlaveInfo *)(nxtworker()))) { if (si->fStatus == TSlaveInfo::kActive) nactiveworkers++; } if (nactiveworkers != nworkersnode) { Warning("ActivateWorkers", "only %d (out of %d requested) workers " "were activated on node %s", nactiveworkers, nworkersnode, node->GetName()); ret = -1; } } else { Warning("ActivateWorkers", "could not get list for node '%s'", key->GetName()); } } // Done return ret; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Description: Print node information. void TProofNodes::Print(Option_t* option) const { TIter nxk(fNodes); TObject *key = 0; while ((key = nxk()) != 0) { TList *node = dynamic_cast(fNodes->GetValue(key)); if (node) { node->Print(option); } else { Warning("Print", "could not get list for node '%s'", key->GetName()); } } }