// @(#)root/oracle:$Id$ // Author: Yan Liu and Shaowen Wang 23/11/04 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2005, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // TOracleServer // // // // This class implements an OCCI interface to Oracle data bases. // // It uses the instantclient10 software available from Oracle. // // To install this client software do: // // 1) Download Instant Client Packages (4 files) from: // // http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/tech/oci/instantclient/index.html // 2) Unzip the files into instantclient10_2 (Mac OS X example here): // // unzip instantclient-basic-macosx- // // unzip instantclient-sqlplus-macosx- // // unzip instantclient-sdk-macosx- // // unzip instantclient-jdbc-macosx- // // 3) Create two symbolic links for the files that have the version // // appended: // // ln -s libclntsh.dylib.10.1 libclntsh.dylib // // ln -s libocci.dylib.10.1 libocci.dylib // // 4) Add instantclient10_1 directory to your (DY)LD_LIBRARY_PATH // // in your .profile: // // export (DY)LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/instantclient10_2" // // Use DY only on Mac OS X. // // 5) If you also want to use the sqlplus command line app add also // // export SQLPATH="/instantclient10_2" // // 6) If you want to connect to a remote db server you will also need // // to create a tnsname.ora file which describes the local_name for // // the remote db servers (at CERN most public machines have this // // file in /etc). If it is not in /etc create TNS_ADMIN: // // export TNS_ADMIN="" // // 7) Test it our with the sqlplus command line app: // // sqlplus [username][/password]@ // // or // // sqlplus [username][/password]@//[hostname][:port][/database] // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TOracleServer.h" #include "TOracleResult.h" #include "TOracleStatement.h" #include "TSQLColumnInfo.h" #include "TSQLTableInfo.h" #include "TUrl.h" #include "TList.h" #include "TObjString.h" ClassImp(TOracleServer) using namespace std; using namespace oracle::occi; const char* TOracleServer::fgDatimeFormat = "MM/DD/YYYY, HH24:MI:SS"; // Reset error and check that server connected #define CheckConnect(method, res) \ ClearError(); \ if (!IsConnected()) { \ SetError(-1,"Oracle database is not connected",method); \ return res; \ } // catch Oracle exception after try block #define CatchError(method) \ catch (SQLException &oraex) { \ SetError(oraex.getErrorCode(), oraex.getMessage().c_str(), method); \ } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Open a connection to a Oracle DB server. The db arguments should be /// of the form "oracle://connection_identifier[/]", e.g.: /// "oracle://cmscald.fnal.gov/test". The uid is the username and pw /// the password that should be used for the connection. TOracleServer::TOracleServer(const char *db, const char *uid, const char *pw) { fEnv = 0; fConn = 0; if (gDebug>0) { // this code is necessary to guarantee, that libclntsh.so will be // linked to libOracle.so. sword major_version(0), minor_version(0), update_num(0), patch_num(0), port_update_num(0); OCIClientVersion(&major_version, &minor_version, &update_num, &patch_num, &port_update_num); Info("TOracleServer","Oracle Call Interface version %u.%u.%u.%u.%u", (unsigned) major_version, (unsigned) minor_version, (unsigned) update_num, (unsigned) patch_num, (unsigned) port_update_num); } TUrl url(db); if (!url.IsValid()) { TString errmsg = "Malformed db argument "; errmsg+=db; SetError(-1, errmsg.Data(), "TOracleServer"); MakeZombie(); return; } if (strncmp(url.GetProtocol(), "oracle", 6)) { SetError(-1, "protocol in db argument should be oracle://", "TOracleServer"); MakeZombie(); return; } const char *conn_str = url.GetFile(); if (conn_str!=0) if (*conn_str == '/') conn_str++; //skip leading "/" if appears try { // found out whether to use objet mode TString options = url.GetOptions(); Int_t pos = options.Index("ObjectMode"); // create environment accordingly if (pos != kNPOS) { fEnv = Environment::createEnvironment(Environment::OBJECT); } else { fEnv = Environment::createEnvironment(); } fConn = fEnv->createConnection(uid, pw, conn_str ? conn_str : ""); fType = "Oracle"; fHost = url.GetHost(); fDB = conn_str; fPort = url.GetPort(); fPort = (fPort>0) ? fPort : 1521; return; } CatchError("TOracleServer") MakeZombie(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Close connection to Oracle DB server. TOracleServer::~TOracleServer() { if (IsConnected()) Close(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Close connection to Oracle DB server. void TOracleServer::Close(Option_t *) { ClearError(); try { if (fConn) fEnv->terminateConnection(fConn); if (fEnv) Environment::terminateEnvironment(fEnv); } CatchError("Close") fPort = -1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TSQLStatement *TOracleServer::Statement(const char *sql, Int_t niter) { CheckConnect("Statement",0); if (!sql || !*sql) { SetError(-1, "no query string specified","Statement"); return 0; } try { oracle::occi::Statement *stmt = fConn->createStatement(sql); Blob parblob(fConn); return new TOracleStatement(fEnv, fConn, stmt, niter, fErrorOut); } CatchError("Statement") return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Execute SQL command. Result object must be deleted by the user. /// Returns a pointer to a TSQLResult object if successful, 0 otherwise. TSQLResult *TOracleServer::Query(const char *sql) { CheckConnect("Query",0); if (!sql || !*sql) { SetError(-1, "no query string specified","Query"); return 0; } try { oracle::occi::Statement *stmt = fConn->createStatement(); // NOTE: before special COUNT query was executed to define number of // rows in result set. Now it is not requried, while TOracleResult class // will automatically fetch all rows from resultset when // GetRowCount() will be called first time. // It is better do not use GetRowCount() to avoid unnecessary memory usage. stmt->setSQL(sql); stmt->setPrefetchRowCount(1000); stmt->setPrefetchMemorySize(1000000); stmt->execute(); TOracleResult *res = new TOracleResult(fConn, stmt); return res; } CatchError("Query") return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Execute sql command wich does not produce any result set. /// Return kTRUE if successful Bool_t TOracleServer::Exec(const char* sql) { CheckConnect("Exec", kFALSE); if (!sql || !*sql) { SetError(-1, "no query string specified","Exec"); return kFALSE; } oracle::occi::Statement *stmt = 0; Bool_t res = kFALSE; try { stmt = fConn->createStatement(sql); stmt->execute(); res = kTRUE; } CatchError("Exec") try { fConn->terminateStatement(stmt); } CatchError("Exec") return res; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// List all tables in the specified database. Wild is for wildcarding /// "t%" list all tables starting with "t". /// Returns a pointer to a TSQLResult object if successful, 0 otherwise. /// The result object must be deleted by the user. TSQLResult *TOracleServer::GetTables(const char *dbname, const char * /*wild*/) { // In Oracle 9 and above, table is accessed in schema.table format. // GetTables returns tables in all schemas accessible for the user. // Assumption: table ALL_OBJECTS is accessible for the user, which is true in Oracle 10g // The returned TSQLResult has two columns: schema_name, table_name // "dbname": if specified, return table list of this schema, or return all tables // "wild" is not used in this implementation CheckConnect("GetTables",0); TString sqlstr("SELECT object_name,owner FROM ALL_OBJECTS WHERE object_type='TABLE'"); if (dbname && dbname[0]) sqlstr = sqlstr + " AND owner='" + dbname + "'"; return Query(sqlstr.Data()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TList* TOracleServer::GetTablesList(const char* wild) { CheckConnect("GetTablesList",0); TString cmd("SELECT table_name FROM user_tables"); if ((wild!=0) && (*wild!=0)) cmd+=Form(" WHERE table_name LIKE '%s'", wild); TSQLStatement* stmt = Statement(cmd); if (stmt==0) return 0; TList* lst = 0; if (stmt->Process()) { stmt->StoreResult(); while (stmt->NextResultRow()) { const char* tablename = stmt->GetString(0); if (tablename==0) continue; if (lst==0) { lst = new TList; lst->SetOwner(kTRUE); } lst->Add(new TObjString(tablename)); } } delete stmt; return lst; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Produces SQL table info /// Object must be deleted by user TSQLTableInfo *TOracleServer::GetTableInfo(const char* tablename) { CheckConnect("GetTableInfo",0); if ((tablename==0) || (*tablename==0)) return 0; TString table(tablename); table.ToUpper(); TString sql; sql.Form("SELECT COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE, DATA_LENGTH, DATA_PRECISION, DATA_SCALE, NULLABLE, CHAR_COL_DECL_LENGTH FROM user_tab_columns WHERE table_name = '%s' ORDER BY COLUMN_ID", table.Data()); TSQLStatement* stmt = Statement(sql.Data(), 10); if (stmt==0) return 0; if (!stmt->Process()) { delete stmt; return 0; } TList* lst = 0; stmt->StoreResult(); while (stmt->NextResultRow()) { const char* columnname = stmt->GetString(0); TString data_type = stmt->GetString(1); Int_t data_length = stmt->GetInt(2); // this is size in bytes Int_t data_precision = stmt->GetInt(3); Int_t data_scale = stmt->GetInt(4); const char* nstr = stmt->GetString(5); Int_t char_col_decl_length = stmt->GetInt(6); Int_t data_sign = -1; // no info about sign Int_t sqltype = kSQL_NONE; if (data_type=="NUMBER") { sqltype = kSQL_NUMERIC; if (data_precision<=0) { data_precision = -1; data_scale = -1; } else if (data_scale<=0) data_scale = -1; data_sign = 1; } else if (data_type=="CHAR") { sqltype = kSQL_CHAR; data_precision = char_col_decl_length; data_scale = -1; } else if ((data_type=="VARCHAR") || (data_type=="VARCHAR2")) { sqltype = kSQL_VARCHAR; data_precision = char_col_decl_length; data_scale = -1; } else if (data_type=="FLOAT") { sqltype = kSQL_FLOAT; data_scale = -1; if (data_precision==126) data_precision = -1; data_sign = 1; } else if (data_type=="BINARY_FLOAT") { sqltype = kSQL_FLOAT; data_scale = -1; data_precision = -1; data_sign = 1; } else if (data_type=="BINARY_DOUBLE") { sqltype = kSQL_DOUBLE; data_scale = -1; data_precision = -1; data_sign = 1; } else if (data_type=="LONG") { sqltype = kSQL_VARCHAR; data_length = 0x7fffffff; // size of LONG 2^31-1 data_precision = -1; data_scale = -1; } else if (data_type.Contains("TIMESTAMP")) { sqltype = kSQL_TIMESTAMP; data_precision = -1; } Bool_t IsNullable = kFALSE; if (nstr!=0) IsNullable = (*nstr=='Y') || (*nstr=='y'); TSQLColumnInfo* info = new TSQLColumnInfo(columnname, data_type, IsNullable, sqltype, data_length, data_precision, data_scale, data_sign); if (lst==0) lst = new TList; lst->Add(info); } delete stmt; return new TSQLTableInfo(tablename, lst); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// List all columns in specified table in the specified database. /// Wild is for wildcarding "t%" list all columns starting with "t". /// Returns a pointer to a TSQLResult object if successful, 0 otherwise. /// The result object must be deleted by the user. TSQLResult *TOracleServer::GetColumns(const char * /*dbname*/, const char *tablename, const char * wild) { CheckConnect("GetColumns",0); // make no sense, while method is not implemented // if (SelectDataBase(dbname) != 0) { // SetError(-1, "Database is not connected","GetColumns"); // return 0; // } TString sql; TString table(tablename); table.ToUpper(); if (wild && wild[0]) sql.Form("select COLUMN_NAME, concat(concat(concat(data_type,'('),data_length),')') \"Type\" FROM user_tab_columns WHERE table_name like '%s' ORDER BY COLUMN_ID", wild); else sql.Form("select COLUMN_NAME, concat(concat(concat(data_type,'('),data_length),')') \"Type\" FROM user_tab_columns WHERE table_name = '%s' ORDER BY COLUMN_ID", table.Data()); return Query(sql); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Select a database. Returns 0 if successful, non-zero otherwise. /// NOT IMPLEMENTED. Int_t TOracleServer::SelectDataBase(const char * /*dbname*/) { CheckConnect("SelectDataBase", -1); // do nothing and return success code return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// List all available databases. Wild is for wildcarding "t%" list all /// databases starting with "t". /// Returns a pointer to a TSQLResult object if successful, 0 otherwise. /// The result object must be deleted by the user. /// NOT IMPLEMENTED. TSQLResult *TOracleServer::GetDataBases(const char * /*wild*/) { CheckConnect("GetDataBases",0); return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Create a database. Returns 0 if successful, non-zero otherwise. /// NOT IMPLEMENTED. Int_t TOracleServer::CreateDataBase(const char * /*dbname*/) { CheckConnect("CreateDataBase",-1); return -1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Drop (i.e. delete) a database. Returns 0 if successful, non-zero /// otherwise. /// NOT IMPLEMENTED. Int_t TOracleServer::DropDataBase(const char * /*dbname*/) { CheckConnect("DropDataBase",-1); return -1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Reload permission tables. Returns 0 if successful, non-zero /// otherwise. User must have reload permissions. /// NOT IMPLEMENTED. Int_t TOracleServer::Reload() { CheckConnect("Reload", -1); return -1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Shutdown the database server. Returns 0 if successful, non-zero /// otherwise. User must have shutdown permissions. /// NOT IMPLEMENTED. Int_t TOracleServer::Shutdown() { CheckConnect("Shutdown", -1); return -1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Return Oracle server version info. const char *TOracleServer::ServerInfo() { CheckConnect("ServerInfo", 0); fInfo = "Oracle"; TSQLStatement* stmt = Statement("select * from v$version"); if (stmt!=0) { stmt->EnableErrorOutput(kFALSE); if (stmt->Process()) { fInfo = ""; stmt->StoreResult(); while (stmt->NextResultRow()) { if (fInfo.Length()>0) fInfo += "\n"; fInfo += stmt->GetString(0); } } delete stmt; } return fInfo.Data(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Call Commit() to submit all chanes, done before. /// Commit() ot Rollback() must be used to complete submitted actions or cancel them Bool_t TOracleServer::StartTransaction() { return Commit(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Commits all changes made since the previous Commit() or Rollback() /// Return kTRUE if OK Bool_t TOracleServer::Commit() { CheckConnect("Commit", kFALSE); try { fConn->commit(); return kTRUE; } CatchError("Commit") return kFALSE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Drops all changes made since the previous Commit() or Rollback() /// Return kTRUE if OK Bool_t TOracleServer::Rollback() { CheckConnect("Rollback", kFALSE); try { fConn->rollback(); return kTRUE; } CatchError("Rollback") return kFALSE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// set format for converting timestamps or date field into string /// default value is "MM/DD/YYYY, HH24:MI:SS" void TOracleServer::SetDatimeFormat(const char* fmt) { if (fmt==0) fmt = "MM/DD/YYYY, HH24:MI:SS"; fgDatimeFormat = fmt; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// return value of actul convertion format from timestamps or date to string const char* TOracleServer::GetDatimeFormat() { return fgDatimeFormat; }