// @(#)root/sapdb:$Id$ // Author: Mark Hemberger & Fons Rademakers 03/08/2001 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2001, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #include "TString.h" #include "TSapDBResult.h" #include "TSapDBRow.h" ClassImp(TSapDBResult) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// SapDB query result. TSapDBResult::TSapDBResult(SQLHSTMT result, SDWORD rowCount) { fResult = result; fFieldNames = 0; fFieldCount = -1; fRowCount = 0; if (fResult) { SQLLEN rowcount = 0; if (SQLRowCount(fResult, &rowcount) != SQL_SUCCESS) { Error("TSapDBResult", "no rows counted"); } // -1 means: result has been found but the number of columns is // undetermined (only for SYSTEM tables, a valid number is available) fRowCount = rowcount < 0 ? rowCount : rowcount; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Cleanup SapDB query result. TSapDBResult::~TSapDBResult() { if (fResult) Close(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Close query result. void TSapDBResult::Close(Option_t *) { if (!fResult) return; delete [] fFieldNames; fFieldNames = 0; fFieldCount = 0; fResult = 0; fRowCount = 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Check if result set is open and field index within range. Bool_t TSapDBResult::IsValid(Int_t field) { if (!fResult) { Error("IsValid", "result set closed"); return kFALSE; } if (field < 0 || field >= GetFieldCount()) { Error("IsValid", "field index out of bounds"); return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get number of fields in result. Int_t TSapDBResult::GetFieldCount() { if (!fResult) { Error("GetFieldCount", "result set closed"); return 0; } if (fFieldCount >= 0) return fFieldCount; SQLSMALLINT columnCount; if (SQLNumResultCols(fResult, &columnCount) == SQL_SUCCESS) fFieldCount = columnCount; else fFieldCount = 0; return fFieldCount; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get name of specified field. const char *TSapDBResult::GetFieldName(Int_t field) { if (!IsValid(field)) return 0; if (!fFieldNames) fFieldNames = new TString[GetFieldCount()]; if (!fFieldNames[field].IsNull()) return fFieldNames[field]; // Get name of specified field. SQLUSMALLINT columnNumber; SQLCHAR columnName[256]; SQLSMALLINT bufferLength = 256; SQLSMALLINT nameLength; SQLSMALLINT dataType; SQLULEN columnSize; SQLSMALLINT decimalDigits; SQLSMALLINT nullable; columnNumber = field + 1; if (SQLDescribeCol(fResult, columnNumber, columnName, bufferLength, &nameLength, &dataType, &columnSize, &decimalDigits, &nullable) == SQL_SUCCESS) { //printf ("ColumnNumber: %d\n", columnNumber); //printf ("ColumnName: %s\n", columnName); //printf ("DataType: %d\n", dataType); //printf ("ColumnSize: %ld\n", columnSize); fFieldNames[field] = (const char *)columnName; } else { Error("GetFieldName", "cannot get field info"); return 0; } return fFieldNames[field]; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Get next query result row. The returned object must be /// deleted by the user. TSQLRow *TSapDBResult::Next() { if (!fResult) { Error("Next", "result set closed"); return 0; } RETCODE rc = SQLFetchScroll(fResult, SQL_FETCH_NEXT, 0); if (rc == SQL_SUCCESS) return new TSapDBRow(fResult, GetFieldCount()); else if (rc == SQL_NO_DATA) return 0; else { Error("Next", "error during fetchscroll"); return 0; } return 0; }