//Author: Timur Pocheptsov, 4/02/2014 //A demo to show transparency with TMultiGraph //(and a really interesting curve/equation). + point compression in //TPadPainter :)) //You can see all three flowers ONLY with Cococa (transparency). //The equation by Paul Burke: http://paulbourke.net/geometry/ //Point compression (before you resize): //polygon 1 from 500000 to 61071 points; //polygon 2 from 100000 to 44600 points. //OpenGL died :))) #include #include #include "TMultiGraph.h" #include "TVirtualX.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TGraph.h" #include "TError.h" #include "TColor.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "customcolor.h" namespace { typedef std::vector vector_type; typedef vector_type::size_type size_type; //______________________________________________________________________ void create_flower(vector_type &xs, vector_type &ys, size_type nPoints, Double_t r) { assert(nPoints > 100 && "create_flower, number of points is too small"); xs.resize(nPoints + 1); ys.resize(nPoints + 1); const Double_t angle = 21. * TMath::Pi() / nPoints; for (size_type i = 0; i <= nPoints; ++i) { const Double_t u = i * angle; const Double_t p4 = TMath::Sin(17 * u / 3); const Double_t p8 = TMath::Sin(2 * TMath::Cos(3 * u) - 28 * u); const Double_t rr = r * (1 + TMath::Sin(11 * u / 5)) - 4 * p4 * p4 * p4 * p4 * p8 * p8 * p8 * p8 * p8 * p8 * p8 * p8; xs[i] = rr * TMath::Cos(u); ys[i] = rr * TMath::Sin(u); } } }//unnamed namespace. void flower() { //0. Indices for custom colors. Color_t indices[3] = {}; if (ROOT::CocoaTutorials::FindFreeCustomColorIndices(indices) != 3) { ::Error("flower", "failed to create custom colors"); return; } //1. I have to create a canvas to initialize gVirtualX. TCanvas * const cnv = new TCanvas("Chrysanthemum", "Chrysanthemum", 900, 900); if (gVirtualX && !gVirtualX->InheritsFrom("TGCocoa")) { ::Error("flower", "This macro requires OS X version of ROOT with cocoa enabled"); delete cnv; return; } cnv->cd();//Just to suppress a warning if compiled. vector_type xs, ys; //2. Create graphs and custom colors for each graph. create_flower(xs, ys, 300, 6); TGraph * const gr1 = new TGraph(Int_t(xs.size()), &xs[0], &ys[0]); new TColor(indices[0], 0., 0., 0.5, "custom_blue", 0.7); gr1->SetFillColor(indices[0]); gr1->SetName("part1"); gr1->SetTitle("part1"); create_flower(xs, ys, 500000, 8); TGraph * const gr2 = new TGraph(Int_t(xs.size()), &xs[0], &ys[0]); new TColor(indices[1], 0.5, 0., 0.5, "custom_purple", 0.5); gr2->SetFillColor(indices[1]); gr2->SetName("part2"); gr2->SetTitle("part2"); create_flower(xs, ys, 100000, 10); TGraph * const gr3 = new TGraph(Int_t(xs.size()), &xs[0], &ys[0]); //If you want to see the difference, change 0.2 to 1 in the next call: new TColor(indices[2], 1., 0., 0.4, "custom_magenta", 0.2); gr3->SetFillColor(indices[2]); gr3->SetName("part3"); gr3->SetTitle("part3"); //3. Create a final multigraph. //Otcveli, uzh davno ... nu ti ponEl. TMultiGraph * const flower = new TMultiGraph("Chrysanthemum", "Chrysanthemum"); flower->Add(gr1); flower->Add(gr2); flower->Add(gr3); flower->Draw("AFP"); }