// // The "fitEllipseTGraphRMM" macro uses the "ROOT::Math::Minimizer" // interface for fitting an ellipse to a set of data points from a TGraph // // To try this macro, in a ROOT prompt, do: // .L fitEllipseTGraphRMM.cxx // or ".L fitEllipseTGraphRMM.cxx++" // fitEllipseTGraphRMM(TestGraphRMM()); // for (Int_t i=0; i<10; i++) { fitEllipseTGraphRMM(); gSystem->Sleep(333); } // // Last update: Thu Jul 31 18:00:00 UTC 2014 // // Changes: // 2014.07.31 - (initial version) // #include "TROOT.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TRandom.h" #include "TGraph.h" #include "TF2.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TEllipse.h" #include "Math/Minimizer.h" #include "Math/Factory.h" #include "Math/Functor.h" #include #include // // ellipse_fcn calculates the "normalized distance" from the ellipse's center // // x, y = point for which one wants to calculate the "normalized distance" // x0 = ellipse's "x" center // y0 = ellipse's "y" center // a = ellipse's "semimajor" axis along "x" (> 0) // b = ellipse's "semiminor" axis along "y" (> 0) // theta = ellipse's axes rotation angle (-45 ... 135 degrees) // Double_t ellipse_fcn(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t x0, Double_t y0, Double_t a, Double_t b, Double_t theta) // (in degrees) { Double_t v = 9999.9; if ((a == 0.0) || (b == 0.0)) return v; // just a precaution // shift the center x -= x0; y -= y0; // un-rotate the axes theta *= TMath::Pi() / 180.0; // degrees -> radians v = x; x = x * std::cos(theta) + y * std::sin(theta); y = y * std::cos(theta) - v * std::sin(theta); // "scale" axes x /= a; y /= b; // calculate the "normalized distance" v = x * x + y * y; v = std::sqrt(v); return v; } // // x[0] = "x" // x[1] = "y" // params[0] = ellipse's "x" center ("x0") // params[1] = ellipse's "y" center ("y0") // params[2] = ellipse's "semimajor" axis along "x" ("a" > 0) // params[3] = ellipse's "semiminor" axis along "y" ("b" > 0) // params[4] = ellipse's axes rotation angle ("theta" = -45 ... 135 degrees) // Double_t ellipse_fcn(const Double_t *x, const Double_t *params) { return ellipse_fcn(x[0], x[1], // "x", "y" params[0], params[1], // "x0", "y0" params[2], params[3], // "a", "b" params[4]); // "theta" (in degrees) } // // the TGraph to be fitted (used by the ellipse_TGraph_chi2 function below) // TGraph *ellipse_TGraph = ((TGraph *)0); // // x[0] = ellipse's "x" center ("x0") // x[1] = ellipse's "y" center ("y0") // x[2] = ellipse's "semimajor" axis along "x" ("a" > 0) // x[3] = ellipse's "semiminor" axis along "y" ("b" > 0) // x[4] = ellipse's axes rotation angle ("theta" = -45 ... 135 degrees) // Double_t ellipse_TGraph_chi2(const Double_t *x) { Double_t v = 0.0; if (!ellipse_TGraph) return v; // just a precaution for (Int_t i = 0; i < ellipse_TGraph->GetN(); i++) { Double_t r = ellipse_fcn((ellipse_TGraph->GetX())[i], // "x" (ellipse_TGraph->GetY())[i], // "y" x[0], x[1], // "x0", "y0" x[2], x[3], // "a", "b" x[4]); // "theta" (in degrees) r -= 1.0; // ellipse's "radius" in "normalized coordinates" is always 1 v += r * r; } return v; } // // http://root.cern.ch/drupal/content/numerical-minimization#multidim_minim // http://root.cern.ch/root/html534/tutorials/fit/NumericalMinimization.C.html // ROOT::Math::Minimizer *ellipse_TGraph_minimize(TGraph *g) { if (!g) return 0; // just a precaution if (g->GetN() < 6) return 0; // just a precaution // set the TGraph to be fitted (used by the ellipse_TGraph_chi2 function) ellipse_TGraph = g; // create minimizer giving a name and (optionally) a name of the algorithm #if 0 /* 0 or 1 */ ROOT::Math::Minimizer* m = ROOT::Math::Factory::CreateMinimizer("Minuit2", "Migrad"); #elif 0 /* 0 or 1 */ ROOT::Math::Minimizer* m = ROOT::Math::Factory::CreateMinimizer("Minuit2", "Simplex"); #elif 1 /* 0 or 1 */ ROOT::Math::Minimizer* m = ROOT::Math::Factory::CreateMinimizer("Minuit2", "Combined"); #else /* 0 or 1 */ ROOT::Math::Minimizer* m = ROOT::Math::Factory::CreateMinimizer("Minuit2", "Scan"); #endif /* 0 or 1 */ // set tolerance, etc. ... m->SetMaxFunctionCalls(1000000); // for Minuit and Minuit2 m->SetMaxIterations(100000); // for GSL m->SetTolerance(0.001); // edm #if 1 /* 0 or 1 */ m->SetPrintLevel(1); #endif /* 0 or 1 */ // create function wrapper for minimizer (a IMultiGenFunction type) ROOT::Math::Functor f(&ellipse_TGraph_chi2, 5); m->SetFunction(f); m->Clear(); // just a precaution // estimate all initial values (note: good initial values // are CRUCIAL for the minimizing procedure to succeed) Double_t xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax; Double_t x0, y0, a, b, theta; ellipse_TGraph->ComputeRange(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax); x0 = (xmax + xmin) / 2.0; y0 = (ymax + ymin) / 2.0; a = (ellipse_TGraph->GetX())[0] - x0; b = (ellipse_TGraph->GetY())[0] - y0; theta = ((std::abs(b) > 9999.9 * std::abs(a)) ? 9999.9 : (b / a)); a = a * a + b * b; b = a; for (Int_t i = 1; i < ellipse_TGraph->GetN(); i++) { Double_t dx = (ellipse_TGraph->GetX())[i] - x0; Double_t dy = (ellipse_TGraph->GetY())[i] - y0; Double_t d = dx * dx + dy * dy; // try to keep "a" > "b" if (a < d) { a = d; theta = ((std::abs(dy) > 9999.9 * std::abs(dx)) ? 9999.9 : (dy / dx)); } if (b > d) b = d; } a = std::sqrt(a); if (!(a > 0)) a = 0.001; b = std::sqrt(b); if (!(b > 0)) b = 0.001; theta = std::atan(theta) * 180.0 / TMath::Pi(); if (theta < -45.0) theta += 180.0; // "theta" = -45 ... 135 degrees // set the variables to be minimized m->SetVariable(0, "x0", x0, (xmax - xmin) / 100.0); m->SetVariable(1, "y0", y0, (ymax - ymin) / 100.0); m->SetVariable(2, "a", a, a / 100.0); m->SetVariable(3, "b", b, b / 100.0); m->SetVariable(4, "theta", theta, 1); #if 1 /* 0 or 1 */ // set the variables' limits m->SetVariableLimits(0, xmin, xmax); m->SetVariableLimits(1, ymin, ymax); if (theta < 45.0) { if (a < ((xmax - xmin) / 2.0)) a = (xmax - xmin) / 2.0; if (b < ((ymax - ymin) / 2.0)) b = (ymax - ymin) / 2.0; } else { if (a < ((ymax - ymin) / 2.0)) a = (ymax - ymin) / 2.0; if (b < ((xmax - xmin) / 2.0)) b = (xmax - xmin) / 2.0; } m->SetVariableLimits(2, 0, a * 3.0); m->SetVariableLimits(3, 0, b * 3.0); // m->SetVariableLimits(4, theta - 30.0, theta + 30.0); // theta -+ 30 m->SetVariableLimits(4, theta - 45.0, theta + 45.0); // theta -+ 45 #endif /* 0 or 1 */ // do the minimization m->Minimize(); #if 0 /* 0 or 1 */ const Double_t *xm = m->X(); std::cout << "Minimum ( " << xm[0] << " , " << xm[1] << " , " // "x0", "y0" << xm[2] << " , " << xm[3] << " , " // "a", "b" << xm[4] << " ) = " // "theta" (in degrees) << m->MinValue() // it's equal to ellipse_TGraph_chi2(xm) << std::endl; #endif /* 0 or 1 */ return m; } // // creates a test TGraph with an ellipse // TGraph *TestGraphRMM(Bool_t randomize = kFALSE) { Int_t i; // define the test ellipse Double_t x0 = 4; // ellipse's "x" center Double_t y0 = 3; // ellipse's "y" center Double_t a = 2; // ellipse's "semimajor" axis along "x" (> 0) Double_t b = 1; // ellipse's "semiminor" axis along "y" (> 0) Double_t theta = 100; // ellipse's axes rotation angle (-45 ... 135 degrees) // gRandom->SetSeed(0); if (randomize) { x0 = 10.0 - 20.0 * gRandom->Rndm(); y0 = 10.0 - 20.0 * gRandom->Rndm(); a = 0.5 + 4.5 * gRandom->Rndm(); b = 0.5 + 4.5 * gRandom->Rndm(); theta = 180.0 - 360.0 * gRandom->Rndm(); } const Int_t n = 100; // number of points Double_t x[n], y[n]; Double_t dt = TMath::TwoPi() / Double_t(n); Double_t tmp; theta *= TMath::PiOver2() / 90.0; // degrees -> radians for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { x[i] = a * (std::cos(dt * Double_t(i)) + 0.1 * gRandom->Rndm() - 0.05); y[i] = b * (std::sin(dt * Double_t(i)) + 0.1 * gRandom->Rndm() - 0.05); // rotate the axes tmp = x[i]; x[i] = x[i] * std::cos(theta) - y[i] * std::sin(theta); y[i] = y[i] * std::cos(theta) + tmp * std::sin(theta); // shift the center x[i] += x0; y[i] += y0; } // create the test TGraph TGraph *g = ((TGraph *)(gROOT->FindObject("g"))); if (g) delete g; g = new TGraph(n, x, y); g->SetNameTitle("g", "test ellipse"); return g; } // // "ROOT Script" entry point (the same name as the "filename's base") // void fitEllipseTGraphRMM(TGraph *g = ((TGraph *)0)) { if (!g) g = TestGraphRMM(kTRUE); // create a "random" ellipse #if 0 /* 0 or 1 */ // create the "ellipse" TF2 (just for fun) TF2 *ellipse = ((TF2 *)(gROOT->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("ellipse"))); if (ellipse) delete ellipse; ellipse = new TF2("ellipse", ellipse_fcn, -1, 1, -1, 1, 5); ellipse->SetMaximum(2.0); // just for nice graphics ellipse->SetParNames("x0", "y0", "a", "b", "theta"); ellipse->SetParameters(0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 10); #endif /* 0 or 1 */ // fit the TGraph ROOT::Math::Minimizer *m = ellipse_TGraph_minimize(g); #if 1 /* 0 or 1 */ // draw everything TCanvas *c = ((TCanvas *)(gROOT->GetListOfCanvases()->FindObject("c"))); if (c) { c->Clear(); } else { c = new TCanvas("c", "c"); } c->SetGrid(1, 1); g->Draw("A*"); if ( m && (!(m->Status())) ) { const Double_t *xm = m->X(); TEllipse *e = new TEllipse(xm[0], xm[1], // "x0", "y0" xm[2], xm[3], // "a", "b" 0, 360, xm[4]); // "theta" (in degrees) e->SetFillStyle(0); // hollow e->Draw(); } c->Modified(); c->Update(); // make sure it's really drawn #endif /* 0 or 1 */ delete m; // "cleanup" return; } // end of file fitEllipseTGraphRMM.cxx by Silesius Anonymus