//Author: Timur Pocheptsov, 20.01.2014. // //This macro is testing new "compacting" algorithm in TPadPainter //(it reduces the number of polygon's vertices using actual pixel coordinates). //In principle, this test case is what our histograms (fringe cases) are: //"saw-like" polygon (bins == teeth). // //Includes for ACLiC. #include #include #include "TRandom.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "Rtypes.h" #include "TNamed.h" class PolyTest2 : public TNamed, public TAttLine, public TAttFill { public: PolyTest2(); void Paint(const Option_t *notUsed); private: enum TestSize { kNSawPoints = 10000 }; //Part 1. std::vector fXs1; std::vector fYs1; //Part 2. std::vector fXs2; std::vector fYs2; }; //_____________________________________________________________ PolyTest2::PolyTest2() : TNamed("polygon_compression_test2", "polygon_compression_test2") { //Polygon 1, n of points is 10003, after 'compression' : 1897 //Polygon 2, n of points is 10003, after 'compression' : 2093 //Some canvas must already exist by this point. assert(gPad != 0 && "PolyTest2, gPad is null"); //We need a gRandom to exist. assert(gRandom != 0 && "PolyTest2, gRandom is null"); Double_t xMin = 0., xMax = 0., yMin = 0., yMax = 0.; gPad->GetRange(xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax); assert(xMax - xMin > 0 && yMax - yMin > 0 && "PolyTest2, invalid canvas' ranges"); // .(0/the last)--------.(1) // | / // | \ // | / // .(kNSawPoints + 1)--.(kNSawPoints) const unsigned nVertices = 3 + kNSawPoints; { //Polygon 1, "vertical saw": fXs1.resize(nVertices); fYs1.resize(nVertices); fXs1[0] = 0.; fYs1[0] = 0.; const Double_t w1 = 0.2 * (xMax - xMin); const Double_t saw1ToothSize = 0.1 * w1; const Double_t yStep = (yMax - yMin) / (kNSawPoints - 1); for (unsigned i = 1; i <= kNSawPoints; ++i) { fXs1[i] = w1 + gRandom->Rndm() * saw1ToothSize; fYs1[i] = yMin + yStep * (i - 1); } fXs1[nVertices - 2] = 0.; fYs1[nVertices - 2] = yMax; //Let's close it. fXs1[nVertices - 1] = fXs1[0]; fYs1[nVertices - 1] = fYs1[0]; } //Polygon 2, "horizontal saw": { const Double_t x2Min = xMin + 0.25 * (xMax - xMin); const Double_t h2 = 0.1 * (yMax - yMin); const Double_t saw2ToothSize = 0.1 * h2; const Double_t xStep = (xMax - x2Min) / (kNSawPoints - 1); fXs2.resize(nVertices); fYs2.resize(nVertices); fXs2[0] = x2Min; fYs2[0] = 0.; for (unsigned i = 1; i <= kNSawPoints; ++i) { fXs2[i] = x2Min + xStep * i; fYs2[i] = h2 + gRandom->Rndm() * saw2ToothSize; } fXs2[nVertices - 2] = xMax; fYs2[nVertices - 2] = 0.; fXs2[nVertices - 1] = fXs2[0]; fYs2[nVertices - 1] = fYs2[0]; } } //_____________________________________________________________ void PolyTest2::Paint(const Option_t * /*notUsed*/) { assert(gPad != 0 && "Paint, gPad is null"); SetFillColor(kGreen); TAttFill::Modify(); gPad->PaintFillArea((Int_t)fXs1.size(), &fXs1[0], &fYs1[0]); SetLineColor(kBlue); TAttLine::Modify(); gPad->PaintPolyLine((Int_t)fXs1.size(), &fXs1[0], &fYs1[0]); SetFillColor(kOrange); TAttFill::Modify(); gPad->PaintFillArea((Int_t)fXs2.size(), &fXs2[0], &fYs2[0]); SetLineColor(kMagenta); TAttLine::Modify(); gPad->PaintPolyLine((Int_t)fXs2.size(), &fXs2[0], &fYs2[0]); } void polytest2() { TCanvas * const cnv = new TCanvas; cnv->cd(); PolyTest2 * polygon = new PolyTest2; polygon->Draw();//Attach a polygon to a canvas. }