// @(#)root/qt:$Name: $:$Id$ // Author: Valeri Fine 23/03/2006 #ifndef __CINT__ # include # include # include # include # include # include "TObjString.h" # include "TList.h" # include #endif TList *QtMultiFileDialog(const char *style="") { // This is a small ROOT macro to use Qt 3.3 class :begin_html QFileDialog end_html // See: begin_html http://doc.trolltech.com/3.3/qfiledialog.html#getOpenFileNames end_html // // To use, invoke ACLiC from the ROOT prompt: // root [] .x QtMultiFileDialog.C++ // // To use it with no ACLiC, omit the trailing "++" // root [] .x QtMultiFileDialog.C // // The QtMultiFileDialog creates TList of TObjString objects and // returns its pointer. // // The "QtFileDialog.C" macro provides the simplified version of the "QtMultiFileDialog.C" // // Option: you can change the look and feel of the Qt file dialog // ======= by providing the optional parameter "style": // The number of the available styles is defined by your local // Qt installation. // Try: "windows", "motif", "kde", "platinum" etc // // The full list of the Qt classes available from Cint is defined by // begin_html by $ROOTSYS/cint/lib/qtclasses.h end_html // // All Qt classes can be used from ACLiC though. #ifdef __CINT__ // Load the qt cint dictionary. // One is recommended to do that at once somewhere. // For example from one's custom rootlogon.C script gSystem->Load("$ROOTSYS/cint/cint/include/qtcint"); #endif QStyle *saveStyle = 0; if (!QString(style).isEmpty()) { saveStyle = QApplication::style(); QApplication::setStyle(style); } TList *listOfNames = new TList(); QStringList files = QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames (); QStringList::Iterator it = files.begin(); while ( it != files.end() ) { std::string flnm = (*it).toStdString(); printf ("Next file selected: %s\n", flnm.c_str() ); // Convert QString to TObjString and add it to the output listOfNames->Add(new TObjString(flnm.c_str())); ++it; } // Restore the style if (saveStyle) QApplication::setStyle(saveStyle); printf ("\nThe TList of the file names contains:"); printf ("\n-------------------------------------\n"); listOfNames->ls(); return listOfNames; }