TCanvas *statsEditing() { // This example shows: // - how to remove a stat element from the stat box // - how to add a new one // // Author: Olivier Couet // Create and plot a test histogram with stats TCanvas *se = new TCanvas; TH1F *h = new TH1F("h","test",100,-3,3); h->FillRandom("gaus",3000); gStyle->SetOptStat(); h->Draw(); se->Update(); // Retrieve the stat box TPaveStats *ps = (TPaveStats*)se->GetPrimitive("stats"); ps->SetName("mystats"); TList *list = ps->GetListOfLines(); // Remove the RMS line TText *tconst = ps->GetLineWith("RMS"); list->Remove(tconst); // Add a new line in the stat box. // Note that "=" is a control character TLatex *myt = new TLatex(0,0,"Test = 10"); myt ->SetTextFont(42); myt ->SetTextSize(0.04); myt ->SetTextColor(kRed); list->Add(myt); // the following line is needed to avoid that the automatic redrawing of stats h->SetStats(0); se->Modified(); return se; }