#include "RooStats/HistFactory/Measurement.h" #include "RooStats/HistFactory/MakeModelAndMeasurementsFast.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TROOT.h" using namespace RooStats; using namespace HistFactory; /* A ROOT script demonstrating an example of writing a HistFactory model using c++ only. This example was written to match the example.xml analysis in $ROOTSYS/tutorials/histfactory/ Written by George Lewis */ void example() { std::string InputFile = "./data/example.root"; // in case the file is not found bool bfile = gSystem->AccessPathName(InputFile.c_str()); if (bfile) { std::cout << "Input file is not found - run prepareHistFactory script " << std::endl; gROOT->ProcessLine(".! prepareHistFactory ."); bfile = gSystem->AccessPathName(InputFile.c_str()); if (bfile) { std::cout << "Still no " << InputFile << ", giving up.\n"; exit(1); } } // Create the measurement Measurement meas("meas", "meas"); meas.SetOutputFilePrefix( "./results/example_UsingC" ); meas.SetPOI( "SigXsecOverSM" ); meas.AddConstantParam("alpha_syst1"); meas.AddConstantParam("Lumi"); meas.SetLumi( 1.0 ); meas.SetLumiRelErr( 0.10 ); meas.SetExportOnly( false ); meas.SetBinHigh( 2 ); // Create a channel Channel chan( "channel1" ); chan.SetData( "data", InputFile ); chan.SetStatErrorConfig( 0.05, "Poisson" ); // Now, create some samples // Create the signal sample Sample signal( "signal", "signal", InputFile ); signal.AddOverallSys( "syst1", 0.95, 1.05 ); signal.AddNormFactor( "SigXsecOverSM", 1, 0, 3 ); chan.AddSample( signal ); // Background 1 Sample background1( "background1", "background1", InputFile ); background1.ActivateStatError( "background1_statUncert", InputFile ); background1.AddOverallSys( "syst2", 0.95, 1.05 ); chan.AddSample( background1 ); // Background 1 Sample background2( "background2", "background2", InputFile ); background2.ActivateStatError(); background2.AddOverallSys( "syst3", 0.95, 1.05 ); chan.AddSample( background2 ); // Done with this channel // Add it to the measurement: meas.AddChannel( chan ); // Collect the histograms from their files, // print some output, meas.CollectHistograms(); meas.PrintTree(); // One can print XML code to an // output directory: // meas.PrintXML( "xmlFromCCode", meas.GetOutputFilePrefix() ); // Now, do the measurement MakeModelAndMeasurementFast( meas ); }