// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // kdTreeBinning tutorial: bin the data in cells of equal content using a kd-tree // // Using TKDTree wrapper class as a data binning structure // Plot the 2D data using the TH2Poly class // // // Author: Bartolomeu Rabacal 11/2010 // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include #include "TKDTreeBinning.h" #include "TH2D.h" #include "TH2Poly.h" #include "TStyle.h" #include "TGraph2D.h" #include "TRandom3.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include void kdTreeBinning() { // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // C r e a t e r a n d o m s a m p l e w i t h r e g u l a r b i n n i n g p l o t t i n g // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const UInt_t DATASZ = 10000; const UInt_t DATADIM = 2; const UInt_t NBINS = 50; Double_t smp[DATASZ * DATADIM]; double mu[2] = {0,2}; double sig[2] = {2,3}; TRandom3 r; r.SetSeed(1); for (UInt_t i = 0; i < DATADIM; ++i) for (UInt_t j = 0; j < DATASZ; ++j) smp[DATASZ * i + j] = r.Gaus(mu[i], sig[i]); UInt_t h1bins = (UInt_t) sqrt(NBINS); TH2D* h1 = new TH2D("h1BinTest", "Regular binning", h1bins, -5., 5., h1bins, -5., 5.); for (UInt_t j = 0; j < DATASZ; ++j) h1->Fill(smp[j], smp[DATASZ + j]); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // C r e a t e K D T r e e B i n n i n g o b j e c t w i t h T H 2 P o l y p l o t t i n g // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TKDTreeBinning* kdBins = new TKDTreeBinning(DATASZ, DATADIM, smp, NBINS); UInt_t nbins = kdBins->GetNBins(); UInt_t dim = kdBins->GetDim(); const Double_t* binsMinEdges = kdBins->GetBinsMinEdges(); const Double_t* binsMaxEdges = kdBins->GetBinsMaxEdges(); TH2Poly* h2pol = new TH2Poly("h2PolyBinTest", "KDTree binning", kdBins->GetDataMin(0), kdBins->GetDataMax(0), kdBins->GetDataMin(1), kdBins->GetDataMax(1)); for (UInt_t i = 0; i < nbins; ++i) { UInt_t edgeDim = i * dim; h2pol->AddBin(binsMinEdges[edgeDim], binsMinEdges[edgeDim + 1], binsMaxEdges[edgeDim], binsMaxEdges[edgeDim + 1]); } for (UInt_t i = 1; i <= kdBins->GetNBins(); ++i) h2pol->SetBinContent(i, kdBins->GetBinDensity(i - 1)); std::cout << "Bin with minimum density: " << kdBins->GetBinMinDensity() << std::endl; std::cout << "Bin with maximum density: " << kdBins->GetBinMaxDensity() << std::endl; TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas("glc1", "TH2Poly from a kdTree",0,0,600,1000); c1->Divide(1,3); c1->cd(1); h1->Draw("lego"); c1->cd(2); h2pol->Draw("COLZ L"); c1->Update(); /* Draw an equivalent plot showing the data points */ /*-------------------------------------------------*/ std::vector z = std::vector(DATASZ, 0.); for (UInt_t i = 0; i < DATASZ; ++i) z[i] = (Double_t) h2pol->GetBinContent(h2pol->FindBin(smp[i], smp[DATASZ + i])); TGraph2D *g = new TGraph2D(DATASZ, smp, &smp[DATASZ], &z[0]); gStyle->SetPalette(1); g->SetMarkerStyle(20); c1->cd(3); g->Draw("pcol"); c1->Update(); // --------------------------------------------------------- // make a new TH2Poly where bins are ordered by the density // --------------------------------------------------------- TH2Poly* h2polrebin = new TH2Poly("h2PolyBinTest", "KDTree binning", kdBins->GetDataMin(0), kdBins->GetDataMax(0), kdBins->GetDataMin(1), kdBins->GetDataMax(1)); h2polrebin->SetFloat(); /*---------------------------------*/ /* Sort the bins by their density */ /*---------------------------------*/ kdBins->SortBinsByDensity(); for (UInt_t i = 0; i < kdBins->GetNBins(); ++i) { const Double_t* binMinEdges = kdBins->GetBinMinEdges(i); const Double_t* binMaxEdges = kdBins->GetBinMaxEdges(i); h2polrebin->AddBin(binMinEdges[0], binMinEdges[1], binMaxEdges[0], binMaxEdges[1]); } for (UInt_t i = 1; i <= kdBins->GetNBins(); ++i){ h2polrebin->SetBinContent(i, kdBins->GetBinDensity(i - 1));} std::cout << "Bin with minimum density: " << kdBins->GetBinMinDensity() << std::endl; std::cout << "Bin with maximum density: " << kdBins->GetBinMaxDensity() << std::endl; // now make a vector with bin number vs position for (UInt_t i = 0; i < DATASZ; ++i) z[i] = (Double_t) h2polrebin->FindBin(smp[i], smp[DATASZ + i]); TGraph2D *g2 = new TGraph2D(DATASZ, smp, &smp[DATASZ], &z[0]); g2->SetMarkerStyle(20); // plot new TH2Poly (ordered one) and TGraph2D // The new TH2Poly has to be same as old one and the TGraph2D should be similar to // the previous one. It is now made using as z value the bin number TCanvas* c4 = new TCanvas("glc4", "TH2Poly from a kdTree (Ordered)",50,50,1050,1050); c4->Divide(2,2); c4->cd(1); h2polrebin->Draw("COLZ L"); // draw as scatter plot c4->cd(2); g2->Draw("pcol"); c4->Update(); // make also the 1D binned histograms TKDTreeBinning* kdX = new TKDTreeBinning(DATASZ, 1, &smp[0], 20); TKDTreeBinning* kdY = new TKDTreeBinning(DATASZ, 1, &smp[DATASZ], 40); kdX->SortOneDimBinEdges(); kdY->SortOneDimBinEdges(); TH1* hX=new TH1F("hX", "X projection", kdX->GetNBins(), kdX->GetOneDimBinEdges()); for(int i=0; iGetNBins(); ++i){ hX->SetBinContent(i+1, kdX->GetBinDensity(i)); } TH1* hY=new TH1F("hY", "Y Projection", kdY->GetNBins(), kdY->GetOneDimBinEdges()); for(int i=0; iGetNBins(); ++i){ hY->SetBinContent(i+1, kdY->GetBinDensity(i)); } c4->cd(3); hX->Draw(); c4->cd(4); hY->Draw(); }