// Author: Stefan Schmitt // DESY, 14.10.2008 // Version 17.0 example for multi-dimensional unfolding // #include #include #include #include "TUnfoldBinning.h" using namespace std; /* This file is part of TUnfold. TUnfold is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. TUnfold is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with TUnfold. If not, see . */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Test program for the classes TUnfoldDensity and TUnfoldBinning // // A toy test of the TUnfold package // // This is an example of unfolding a two-dimensional distribution // also using an auxillary measurement to constrain some background // // The example comprizes several macros // testUnfold5a.C create root files with TTree objects for // signal, background and data // -> write files testUnfold5_signal.root // testUnfold5_background.root // testUnfold5_data.root // // testUnfold5b.C create a root file with the TUnfoldBinning objects // -> write file testUnfold5_binning.root // // testUnfold5c.C loop over trees and fill histograms based on the // TUnfoldBinning objects // -> read testUnfold5_binning.root // testUnfold5_signal.root // testUnfold5_background.root // testUnfold5_data.root // // -> write testUnfold5_histograms.root // // testUnfold5d.C run the unfolding // -> read testUnfold5_histograms.root // -> write testUnfold5_result.root // testUnfold5_result.ps // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void testUnfold5b() { // write binning schemes to root file TFile *binningSchemes=new TFile("testUnfold5_binning.root","recreate"); // reconstructed pt, eta, discriminator #define NBIN_PT_FINE 8 #define NBIN_ETA_FINE 10 #define NBIN_DISCR 4 // generated pt, eta #define NBIN_PT_COARSE 3 #define NBIN_ETA_COARSE 3 // pt binning Double_t ptBinsFine[NBIN_PT_FINE+1]= {3.5,4.0,4.5,5.0,6.0,7.0,8.0,10.0,13.0}; Double_t ptBinsCoarse[NBIN_PT_COARSE+1]= { 4.0, 5.0, 7.0, 10.0}; // eta binning Double_t etaBinsFine[NBIN_ETA_FINE+1]= {-3.,-2.5,-2.0,-1.,-0.5,0.0,0.5,1.,2.,2.5,3.}; Double_t etaBinsCoarse[NBIN_ETA_COARSE+1]= { -2.0, -0.5, 0.5, 2. }; // discriminator bins Double_t discrBins[NBIN_DISCR+1]={0.,0.15,0.5,0.85,1.0}; //======================================================================= // detector level binning scheme TUnfoldBinning *detectorBinning=new TUnfoldBinning("detector"); // highest discriminator bin has fine binning TUnfoldBinning *detectorDistribution= detectorBinning->AddBinning("detectordistribution"); detectorDistribution->AddAxis("pt",NBIN_PT_FINE,ptBinsFine, false, // no underflow bin (not reconstructed) true // overflow bin ); detectorDistribution->AddAxis("eta",NBIN_ETA_FINE,etaBinsFine, false, // no underflow bin (not reconstructed) false // no overflow bin (not reconstructed) ); detectorDistribution->AddAxis("discriminator",NBIN_DISCR,discrBins, false, // no underflow bin (empty) false // no overflow bin (empty) ); /* TUnfoldBinning *detectorExtra= detectorBinning->AddBinning("detectorextra",7,"one;zwei;three"); */ detectorBinning->PrintStream(cout); //======================================================================= // generator level binning TUnfoldBinning *generatorBinning=new TUnfoldBinning("generator"); // signal distribution is measured with coarse binning // underflow and overflow bins are needed ot take care of // what happens outside the phase-space TUnfoldBinning *signalBinning = generatorBinning->AddBinning("signal"); signalBinning->AddAxis("ptgen",NBIN_PT_COARSE,ptBinsCoarse, true, // underflow bin true // overflow bin ); signalBinning->AddAxis("etagen",NBIN_ETA_COARSE,etaBinsCoarse, true, // underflow bin true // overflow bin ); // background distribution is unfolded with fine binning // !!! in the reconstructed variable !!! // // This has the effect of "normalizing" the background in each // pt,eta bin to the low discriminator values // Only the shape of the discriminator in each (pt,eta) bin // is taken from Monte Carlo // // This method has been applied e.g. in // H1 Collaboration, "Prompt photons in Photoproduction" // Eur.Phys.J. C66 (2010) 17 // TUnfoldBinning *bgrBinning = generatorBinning->AddBinning("background"); bgrBinning->AddAxis("ptrec",NBIN_PT_FINE,ptBinsFine, false, // no underflow bin (not reconstructed) true // overflow bin ); bgrBinning->AddAxis("etarec",NBIN_ETA_FINE,etaBinsFine, false, // no underflow bin (not reconstructed) false // no overflow bin (not reconstructed) ); generatorBinning->PrintStream(cout); detectorBinning->Write(); generatorBinning->Write(); delete binningSchemes; }