//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // class TPMERegexp - API similar to PME - PCRE Made Easy // Tries to be as close as possible to PERL syntax and functionality. // // Extension of TPRegexp class, see also macro 'regexp.C'. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void regexp_pme() { static const char *underline = "----------------------------------------------------------------\n"; // Match tests { printf("Global matching\n%s", underline); TPMERegexp re("ba[rz]", "g"); TString m("foobarbaz"); while (re.Match(m)) re.Print("all"); printf("\n"); printf("Global matching with back-refs\n%s", underline); TPMERegexp re1("(ba[rz])", "g"); TString m1("foobarbaz"); while (re1.Match(m1)) re1.Print("all"); printf("\n"); printf("Matching with nested back-refs\n%s", underline); TPMERegexp re2("([\\w\\.-]+)@((\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+))"); TString m2("matevz.tadel@"); re2.Match(m2); re2.Print("all"); printf("\n"); } // Split tests { printf("Split\n%s", underline); TPMERegexp re(":"); TString m("root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash"); re.Split(m); re.Print("all"); printf("\n"); printf("Split with maxfields=5\n%s", underline); re.Split(m, 5); re.Print("all"); printf("\n"); printf("Split with empty elements in the middle and at the end\n" "maxfields=0, so trailing empty elements are dropped\n%s", underline); m = "root::0:0:root:/root::"; re.Split(m); re.Print("all"); printf("\n"); printf("Split with empty elements at the beginning and end\n" "maxfields=-1, so trailing empty elements are kept\n%s", underline); m = ":x:0:0:root::"; re.Split(m, -1); re.Print("all"); printf("\n"); printf("Split with no pattern in string\n%s", underline); m = "A dummy line of text."; re.Split(m); re.Print("all"); printf("\n"); } { printf("Split with regexp potentially matching a null string \n%s", underline); TPMERegexp re(" *"); TString m("hi there"); re.Split(m); re.Print("all"); printf("\n"); } { printf("Split on patteren with back-refs\n%s", underline); TPMERegexp re("([,-])"); TString m("1-10,20"); re.Split(m); re.Print("all"); printf("\n"); } // Substitute tests { printf("Substitute\n%s", underline); TPMERegexp re("(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)"); TString m(""); TString r("$4.$3.$2.$1"); TString s(m); re.Substitute(s, r); re.Print(); printf("Substitute '%s','%s' => '%s'\n", m.Data(), r.Data(), s.Data()); printf("\n"); } { printf("Global substitute\n%s", underline); TPMERegexp re("(\\w+)\\.(\\w+)@[\\w\\.-]+", "g"); TString m("rene.brun@cern.ch, philippe.canal@fnal.gov, fons.rademakers@cern.ch"); TString r("\\u$1 \\U$2\\E"); TString s(m); re.Substitute(s, r); re.Print(); printf("Substitute '%s','%s' => '%s'\n", m.Data(), r.Data(), s.Data()); printf("\n"); } }