# ruby-root testsuite # # Original $ROOT/tutorials/surfaces.C using ruby-root. # # 15/12/2004 --elathan c1 = TCanvas.new("c1","Surfaces Drawing Options",200,10,700,900) c1.SetFillColor(42) title = TPaveText.new(0.2,0.96,0.8,0.995) title.SetFillColor(33) title.AddText(0, 0, "Examples of Surface options") title.Draw pad1 = TPad.new("pad1","Gouraud shading",0.03,0.50,0.98,0.95,21) pad2 = TPad.new("pad2","Color mesh",0.03,0.02,0.98,0.48,21) pad1.Draw pad2.Draw # We generate a 2-D function f2 = TF2.new("f2","x**2 + y**2 - x**3 -8*x*y**4",-1,1.2,-1.5,1.5) f2.SetContour 48 f2.SetFillColor(45) # Draw this function in pad1 with Gouraud shading option pad1.cd pad1.SetPhi(-80) pad1.SetLogz f2.Draw("surf4") # Draw this function in pad2 with color mesh option pad2.cd pad2.SetTheta(25) pad2.SetPhi(-110) pad2.SetLogz f2.Draw("surf1") gApplication.Run