//+ Example of a simple script creating 2 threads each with one canvas. // This script can only be executed via ACliC .x threadsh2.C++. // The canvases are saved in a animated gif file. #include "TROOT.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TRootCanvas.h" #include "TFrame.h" #include "TH1F.h" #include "TRandom.h" #include "TThread.h" #include "TMethodCall.h" TCanvas *c1, *c2; TH1F *hpx, *total, *hmain, *s1, *s2; TThread *thread1, *thread2, *threadj; Bool_t finished; void *handle1(void *) { int nfills = 10000; int upd = 500; TThread::Lock(); hpx = new TH1F("hpx", "This is the px distribution", 100, -4, 4); hpx->SetFillColor(48); TThread::UnLock(); Float_t px, py, pz; gRandom->SetSeed(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < nfills; i++) { gRandom->Rannor(px, py); pz = px*px + py*py; hpx->Fill(px); if (i && (i%upd) == 0) { if (i == upd) { c1->cd(); hpx->Draw(); } c1->Modified(); c1->Update(); gSystem->Sleep(10); TMethodCall c(c1->IsA(), "Print", ""); void *arr[4]; arr[1] = &c; arr[2] = (void *)c1; arr[3] = (void*)"\"hpxanim.gif+50\""; (*gThreadXAR)("METH", 4, arr, NULL); } } c1->Modified(); c1->Update(); TMethodCall c(c1->IsA(), "Print", ""); void *arr[4]; arr[1] = &c; arr[2] = (void *)c1; arr[3] = (void*)"\"hpxanim.gif++\""; (*gThreadXAR)("METH", 4, arr, NULL); return 0; } void *handle2(void *) { int nfills = 10000; int upd = 500; TThread::Lock(); total = new TH1F("total","This is the total distribution",100,-4,4); hmain = new TH1F("hmain","Main contributor",100,-4,4); s1 = new TH1F("s1","This is the first signal",100,-4,4); s2 = new TH1F("s2","This is the second signal",100,-4,4); total->Sumw2(); // this makes sure that the sum of squares of weights will be stored total->SetMarkerStyle(21); total->SetMarkerSize(0.7); hmain->SetFillColor(16); s1->SetFillColor(42); s2->SetFillColor(46); TThread::UnLock(); Float_t xs1, xs2, xmain; gRandom->SetSeed(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < nfills; i++) { xmain = gRandom->Gaus(-1,1.5); xs1 = gRandom->Gaus(-0.5,0.5); xs2 = gRandom->Landau(1,0.15); hmain->Fill(xmain); s1->Fill(xs1,0.3); s2->Fill(xs2,0.2); total->Fill(xmain); total->Fill(xs1,0.3); total->Fill(xs2,0.2); if (i && (i%upd) == 0) { if (i == upd) { c2->cd(); total->Draw("e1p"); hmain->Draw("same"); s1->Draw("same"); s2->Draw("same"); } c2->Modified(); c2->Update(); gSystem->Sleep(10); TMethodCall c(c2->IsA(), "Print", ""); void *arr[4]; arr[1] = &c; arr[2] = (void *)c2; arr[3] = (void*)"\"hsumanim.gif+50\""; (*gThreadXAR)("METH", 4, arr, NULL); } } total->Draw("sameaxis"); // to redraw axis hidden by the fill area c2->Modified(); c2->Update(); // make infinite animation by adding "++" to the file name TMethodCall c(c2->IsA(), "Print", ""); void *arr[4]; arr[1] = &c; arr[2] = (void *)c2; arr[3] = (void*)"\"hsumanim.gif++\""; (*gThreadXAR)("METH", 4, arr, NULL); return 0; } void *joiner(void *) { thread1->Join(); thread2->Join(); finished = kTRUE; return 0; } void tryclosing(Int_t id) { // allow to close the canvas only after the threads are done if (!finished) return; if (id == 1) ((TRootCanvas *)c1->GetCanvasImp())->CloseWindow(); else if (id == 2) ((TRootCanvas *)c2->GetCanvasImp())->CloseWindow(); } #include "TClass.h" void threadsh2() { #ifdef __CINT__ printf("This script can only be executed via ACliC: .x threadsh2.C++\n"); return; #endif if (gROOT->IsBatch()) { return; } c1 = new TCanvas("c1","Dynamic Filling Example", 100, 30, 400, 300); c1->SetFillColor(42); c1->GetFrame()->SetFillColor(21); c1->GetFrame()->SetBorderSize(6); c1->GetFrame()->SetBorderMode(-1); // connect to the CloseWindow() signal and prevent to close the canvas // while the thread is running TRootCanvas *rc = dynamic_cast(c1->GetCanvasImp()); if (!rc) return; rc->Connect("CloseWindow()", 0, 0, "tryclosing(Int_t=1)"); rc->DontCallClose(); c2 = new TCanvas("c2","Dynamic Filling Example", 515, 30, 400, 300); c2->SetGrid(); // connect to the CloseWindow() signal and prevent to close the canvas // while the thread is running rc = dynamic_cast(c2->GetCanvasImp()); if (!rc) return; rc->Connect("CloseWindow()", 0, 0, "tryclosing(Int_t=2)"); rc->DontCallClose(); finished = kFALSE; //gDebug = 1; gSystem->Unlink("hpxanim.gif"); gSystem->Unlink("hsumanim.gif"); printf("Starting Thread 0\n"); thread1 = new TThread("t0", handle1, (void*) 0); thread1->Run(); printf("Starting Thread 1\n"); thread2 = new TThread("t1", handle2, (void*) 1); thread2->Run(); printf("Starting Joiner Thread \n"); threadj = new TThread("t4", joiner, (void*) 3); threadj->Run(); TThread::Ps(); while (!finished) { gSystem->Sleep(100); gSystem->ProcessEvents(); } threadj->Join(); TThread::Ps(); delete thread1; delete thread2; delete threadj; }