/// \file /// \ingroup tutorial_tree /// /// Copy a subset of a Tree to a new Tree, one branch in a separate file /// /// One branch of the new Tree is written to a separate file /// The input file has been generated by the program in $ROOTSYS/test/Event /// with the command `Event 1000 1 1 1` /// \macro_code /// \author Rene Brun void copytree2() { gSystem->Load("$ROOTSYS/test/libEvent"); //Get old file, old tree and set top branch address TFile *oldfile = new TFile("$ROOTSYS/test/Event.root"); TTree *oldtree = (TTree*)oldfile->Get("T"); Event *event = new Event(); oldtree->SetBranchAddress("event",&event); oldtree->SetBranchStatus("*",0); oldtree->SetBranchStatus("event",1); oldtree->SetBranchStatus("fNtrack",1); oldtree->SetBranchStatus("fNseg",1); oldtree->SetBranchStatus("fH",1); //Create a new file + a clone of old tree header. Do not copy events TFile *newfile = new TFile("small.root","recreate"); TTree *newtree = oldtree->CloneTree(0); //Divert branch fH to a separate file and copy all events newtree->GetBranch("fH")->SetFile("small_fH.root"); newtree->CopyEntries(oldtree); newtree->Print(); newfile->Write(); delete oldfile; delete newfile; }