/* * Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * $Id: xml4com.idl 231421 2005-08-11 10:33:15Z amassari $ */ // This file will be processed by the MIDL tool to // produce the type library (xml4com.tlb) and marshalling code. import "oaidl.idl"; [ uuid(C4775B62-ECD6-11d4-94B4-00A0CC57CBCB), // // Format for version is major.minor // no support for additional parts (like 1.5.2) // Use 1.60 for subsequent release version(2.70), helpstring("Xerces XML Parser 2.7.0") ] library Xerces { importlib("stdole32.tlb"); importlib("stdole2.tlb"); // // it appears to be necessary to forward declare // this interface to lure it into the type library interface IXMLDOMNotation; // // might as well insure the rest we use are here // interface IXMLDOMAttribute; interface IXMLDOMCDATASection; interface IXMLDOMComment; interface IXMLDOMDocument; interface IXMLDOMDocumentType; interface IXMLDOMElement; interface IXMLDOMEntity; interface IXMLDOMEntityReference; interface IXMLDOMImplementation; interface IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap; interface IXMLDOMNodeList; interface IXMLDOMParseError; interface IXMLDOMProcessingInstruction; interface IXMLDOMText; interface IXMLHttpRequest; // // // if you get an "Cannot open input file" error here // then you most probably do not have a recent // Microsoft Platform SDK in your include path // // See http://xml.apache.org/xerces-c/build.html#BuildCOM import "xmldom.idl"; [ object, uuid(35ADBB42-47B2-4b22-9D2E-1DA260EE5007), hidden, oleautomation, helpstring("IIBMXMLDOMNodeIdentity Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IIBMXMLDOMNodeIdentity : IUnknown { [propget, helpstring("property NodeId")] HRESULT NodeId([out, retval] long *pVal); }; [ uuid(C4775B61-ECD6-11d4-94B4-00A0CC57CBCB), helpstring("DOMDocument Class") ] coclass DOMDocument { [default] interface IXMLDOMDocument; [default, source] dispinterface XMLDOMDocumentEvents; }; [ uuid(3A725053-15FB-4065-9171-BC02BCF3876C), helpstring("XMLHTTPRequest class.") ] coclass XMLHTTPRequest { [default] interface IXMLHttpRequest; }; };