# # Copyright 2001-2002,2004 The Apache Software Foundation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # # # $Id: Makefile.in 176366 2005-04-05 09:21:57Z gareth $ # PLATFORM = @platform@ CC = @cc@ CXX = @cxx@ CXXVER = @cxxver@ GCC = @GCC@ GXX = @GXX@ CXXFLAGS = @cxxflags@ CFLAGS = @cflags@ PREFIX = @prefix@ PREFIX_INCLUDE = @prefix_include@ LDFLAGS = @ldflags@ LIBS = @libs@ OSVER = @osver@ USELIBWWW = @uselibwww@ MESSAGELOADER = @messageloader@ TRANSCODER = @transcoder@ THREADS = @threads@ MODULE = dom include ../Makefile.incl DOM_CPP_PUBHEADERS = \ DOM.hpp \ DOMAttr.hpp \ DOMBuilder.hpp \ DOMCDATASection.hpp \ DOMCharacterData.hpp \ DOMComment.hpp \ DOMConfiguration.hpp \ DOMDocument.hpp \ DOMDocumentRange.hpp \ DOMDocumentTraversal.hpp \ DOMDocumentFragment.hpp \ DOMDocumentType.hpp \ DOMElement.hpp \ DOMEntity.hpp \ DOMEntityReference.hpp \ DOMEntityResolver.hpp \ DOMError.hpp \ DOMErrorHandler.hpp \ DOMException.hpp \ DOMImplementation.hpp \ DOMImplementationLS.hpp \ DOMImplementationRegistry.hpp \ DOMImplementationSource.hpp \ DOMInputSource.hpp \ DOMLocator.hpp \ DOMNamedNodeMap.hpp \ DOMNode.hpp \ DOMNodeFilter.hpp \ DOMNodeIterator.hpp \ DOMNodeList.hpp \ DOMNotation.hpp \ DOMProcessingInstruction.hpp \ DOMPSVITypeInfo.hpp \ DOMRange.hpp \ DOMRangeException.hpp \ DOMText.hpp \ DOMTreeWalker.hpp \ DOMTypeInfo.hpp \ DOMUserDataHandler.hpp \ DOMWriter.hpp \ DOMWriterFilter.hpp \ StDOMNode.hpp \ DOMXPathNamespace.hpp \ DOMXPathNSResolver.hpp \ DOMXPathResult.hpp \ DOMXPathEvaluator.hpp \ DOMXPathException.hpp \ DOMXPathExpression.hpp DOM_CPP_PRIVHEADERS = DOM_C_FILES = DOM_CPP_OBJECTS = \ DOMException.$(TO) \ DOMRangeException.$(TO) \ DOMXPathException.$(TO) all:: includes $(DOM_CPP_OBJECTS) impl deprecated includes:: pubheaders $(DOM_C_FILES) ${MAKE} -C impl $@ ${MAKE} -C deprecated $@ impl:: ${MAKE} -C impl deprecated:: ${MAKE} -C deprecated pubheaders:: $Qmkdir -p $(XML_INC_DIR)/$(MODULE) @echo " (CP) $(XML_INC_DIR)/$(MODULE)" $Q$(CP) $(DOM_CPP_PUBHEADERS) $(DOM_C_FILES) $(XML_INC_DIR)/$(MODULE) # this may generate unnecessary dependencies, but it makes life easier depend:: includes @echo " (DEP)" $Q$(MAKE_DEPEND) $(XML_INCL) *.cpp > $(DEPFILE) clean:: @echo "Making clean in $(MODULE) ..." $(RM2) $(addprefix $(XML_OBJ_DIR)/,$(DOM_CPP_OBJECTS)) ${MAKE} -C impl $@ ${MAKE} -C deprecated $@ distclean:: clean $(RM) Makefile $(DEPFILE) @echo "Removing all $(MODULE) header files ..." $(RM2) $(addprefix $(XML_INC_DIR)/$(MODULE)/,$(DOM_CPP_PUBHEADERS)) ${MAKE} -C impl $@ ${MAKE} -C deprecated $@ install:: -mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX_INCLUDE)/$(MODULE) $(CP) $(DOM_CPP_PUBHEADERS) $(DOM_C_FILES) $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX_INCLUDE)/$(MODULE) ${MAKE} -C impl $@ ${MAKE} -C deprecated $@