/* * Copyright 1999-2002,2004 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * $Id: EntityReferenceImpl.cpp 176291 2005-01-14 10:37:42Z amassari $ */ /** * EntityReference models the XML &entityname; syntax, when used for * entities defined by the DOM. Entities hardcoded into XML, such as * character entities, should instead have been translated into text * by the code which generated the DOM tree. *

* An XML processor has the alternative of fully expanding Entities * into the normal document tree. If it does so, no EntityReference nodes * will appear. *

* Similarly, non-validating XML processors are not required to read * or process entity declarations made in the external subset or * declared in external parameter entities. Hence, some applications * may not make the replacement value available for Parsed Entities * of these types. *

* EntityReference behaves as a read-only node, and the children of * the EntityReference (which reflect those of the Entity, and should * also be read-only) give its replacement value, if any. They are * supposed to automagically stay in synch if the DocumentType is * updated with new values for the Entity. *

* The defined behavior makes efficient storage difficult for the DOM * implementor. We can't just look aside to the Entity's definition * in the DocumentType since those nodes have the wrong parent (unless * we can come up with a clever "imaginary parent" mechanism). We * must at least appear to clone those children... which raises the * issue of keeping the reference synchronized with its parent. * This leads me back to the "cached image of centrally defined data" * solution, much as I dislike it. *

* For now I have decided, since REC-DOM-Level-1-19980818 doesn't * cover this in much detail, that synchronization doesn't have to be * considered while the user is deep in the tree. That is, if you're * looking within one of the EntityReferennce's children and the Entity * changes, you won't be informed; instead, you will continue to access * the same object -- which may or may not still be part of the tree. * This is the same behavior that obtains elsewhere in the DOM if the * subtree you're looking at is deleted from its parent, so it's * acceptable here. (If it really bothers folks, we could set things * up so deleted subtrees are walked and marked invalid, but that's * not part of the DOM's defined behavior.) *

* As a result, only the EntityReference itself has to be aware of * changes in the Entity. And it can take advantage of the same * structure-change-monitoring code I implemented to support * DeepNodeList. * * @author Rania Y. Khalaf * @author Joseph Kesselman * @since PR-DOM-Level-1-19980818. */ #include "DocumentImpl.hpp" #include "DocumentTypeImpl.hpp" #include "EntityImpl.hpp" #include "EntityReferenceImpl.hpp" #include "DOM_DOMException.hpp" #include "DOM_Node.hpp" #include "NamedNodeMapImpl.hpp" XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_BEGIN EntityReferenceImpl::EntityReferenceImpl(DocumentImpl *ownerDoc, const DOMString &entityName) : ParentNode(ownerDoc) { name = entityName.clone(); // EntityReference behaves as a read-only node, since its contents // reflect the Entity it refers to -- but see setNodeName(). //retrieve the corresponding entity content if (ownerDoc) { if (ownerDoc->getDoctype()) { if (ownerDoc->getDoctype()->getEntities()) { EntityImpl* entity = (EntityImpl*)ownerDoc->getDoctype()->getEntities()->getNamedItem(entityName); if (entity) { cloneChildren(*entity); } } } } setReadOnly(true, true); } EntityReferenceImpl::EntityReferenceImpl(const EntityReferenceImpl &other, bool deep) : ParentNode(other) { name = other.name.clone(); if (deep) cloneChildren(other); setReadOnly(true, true); } EntityReferenceImpl::~EntityReferenceImpl() { } NodeImpl *EntityReferenceImpl::cloneNode(bool deep) { return new (getOwnerDocument()->getMemoryManager()) EntityReferenceImpl(*this, deep); } DOMString EntityReferenceImpl::getNodeName() { return name; }; short EntityReferenceImpl::getNodeType() { return DOM_Node::ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE; }; bool EntityReferenceImpl::isEntityReference() { return true; } /** * EntityRef is already, and must be, a read-only node. Attempts to change * that will throw a NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR DOMException. *

* If you want to alter its contents, edit the Entity definition. * * @param readOnly boolean */ void EntityReferenceImpl::setReadOnly(bool readOnl,bool deep) { if(getOwnerDocument()->getErrorChecking() && readOnl==false) throw DOM_DOMException(DOM_DOMException::NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR,null); ParentNode::setReadOnly(readOnl,deep); } XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_END