#ifndef NodeImpl_HEADER_GUARD_ #define NodeImpl_HEADER_GUARD_ /* * Copyright 1999-2002,2004 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * $Id: NodeImpl.hpp 176026 2004-09-08 13:57:07Z peiyongz $ */ // // This file is part of the internal implementation of the C++ XML DOM. // It should NOT be included or used directly by application programs. // // Applications should include the file for the entire // DOM API, or DOM_*.hpp for individual DOM classes, where the class // name is substituded for the *. // /** * A NodeImpl doesn't have any children, and can therefore only be directly * inherited by classes of nodes that never have any, such as Text nodes. For * other types, such as Element, classes must inherit from ParentNode. *

* All nodes in a single document must originate * in that document. (Note that this is much tighter than "must be * same implementation") Nodes are all aware of their ownerDocument, * and attempts to mismatch will throw WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR. *

* However, to save memory not all nodes always have a direct reference * to their ownerDocument. When a node is owned by another node it relies * on its owner to store its ownerDocument. Parent nodes always store it * though, so there is never more than one level of indirection. * And when a node doesn't have an owner, ownerNode refers to its * ownerDocument. **/ #include #include "NodeListImpl.hpp" #include "DOMString.hpp" XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_BEGIN class NamedNodeMapImpl; class NodeListImpl; class DocumentImpl; // define 'null' is used extensively in the DOM implementation code, // as a consequence of its Java origins. // MSVC 5.0 compiler has problems with overloaded function resolution // when using the const int definition. // #if defined(XML_CSET) const int null = 0; #else #define null 0 #endif class DEPRECATED_DOM_EXPORT NodeImpl: public NodeListImpl { public: NodeImpl *ownerNode; // typically the parent but not always! // data unsigned short flags; static const unsigned short READONLY; static const unsigned short SYNCDATA; static const unsigned short SYNCCHILDREN; static const unsigned short OWNED; static const unsigned short FIRSTCHILD; static const unsigned short SPECIFIED; static const unsigned short IGNORABLEWS; static const unsigned short SETVALUE; static const unsigned short ID_ATTR; static const unsigned short USERDATA; static const unsigned short HASSTRING; static int gLiveNodeImpls; // Counters for debug & tuning. static int gTotalNodeImpls; public: NodeImpl(DocumentImpl *ownerDocument); NodeImpl(const NodeImpl &other); virtual ~NodeImpl(); // Dynamic Cast replacement functions. virtual bool isAttrImpl(); virtual bool isCDATASectionImpl(); virtual bool isDocumentFragmentImpl(); virtual bool isDocumentImpl(); virtual bool isDocumentTypeImpl(); virtual bool isElementImpl(); virtual bool isEntityReference(); virtual bool isTextImpl(); virtual void changed(); virtual int changes(); virtual NodeImpl *appendChild(NodeImpl *newChild); virtual NodeImpl * cloneNode(bool deep) = 0; static void deleteIf(NodeImpl *thisNode); virtual NamedNodeMapImpl * getAttributes(); virtual NodeListImpl *getChildNodes(); virtual NodeImpl * getFirstChild(); virtual NodeImpl * getLastChild(); virtual unsigned int getLength(); virtual NodeImpl * getNextSibling(); virtual DOMString getNodeName() = 0; virtual short getNodeType() = 0; virtual DOMString getNodeValue(); virtual DocumentImpl * getOwnerDocument(); virtual NodeImpl * getParentNode(); virtual NodeImpl* getPreviousSibling(); virtual void *getUserData(); virtual bool hasChildNodes(); virtual NodeImpl *insertBefore(NodeImpl *newChild, NodeImpl *refChild); static bool isKidOK(NodeImpl *parent, NodeImpl *child); virtual NodeImpl *item(unsigned int index); virtual void referenced(); virtual NodeImpl * removeChild(NodeImpl *oldChild); virtual NodeImpl *replaceChild(NodeImpl *newChild, NodeImpl *oldChild); virtual void setNodeValue(const DOMString &value); virtual void setReadOnly(bool readOnly, bool deep); virtual void setUserData(void *value); virtual DOMString toString(); virtual void unreferenced(); //Introduced in DOM Level 2 virtual void normalize(); virtual bool isSupported(const DOMString &feature, const DOMString &version); virtual DOMString getNamespaceURI(); virtual DOMString getPrefix(); virtual DOMString getLocalName(); virtual void setPrefix(const DOMString &prefix); virtual bool hasAttributes(); protected: //Utility, not part of DOM Level 2 API static const DOMString& mapPrefix(const DOMString &prefix, const DOMString &namespaceURI, short nType); static DOMString getXmlnsString(); static DOMString getXmlnsURIString(); static DOMString getXmlString(); static DOMString getXmlURIString(); public: // should really be protected - ALH virtual void setOwnerDocument(DocumentImpl *doc); // NON-DOM // unlike getOwnerDocument this never returns null, even for Document nodes virtual DocumentImpl * getDocument(); /* * Flags setters and getters */ inline bool isReadOnly() const { return (flags & READONLY) != 0; } inline void isReadOnly(bool value) { flags = (value ? flags | READONLY : flags & ~READONLY); } inline bool needsSyncData() const { return (flags & SYNCDATA) != 0; } inline void needsSyncData(bool value) { flags = (value ? flags | SYNCDATA : flags & ~SYNCDATA); } inline bool needsSyncChildren() const { return (flags & SYNCCHILDREN) != 0; } inline void needsSyncChildren(bool value) { flags = (value ? flags | SYNCCHILDREN : flags & ~SYNCCHILDREN); } inline bool isOwned() const { return (flags & OWNED) != 0; } inline void isOwned(bool value) { flags = (value ? flags | OWNED : flags & ~OWNED); } inline bool isFirstChild() const { return (flags & FIRSTCHILD) != 0; } inline void isFirstChild(bool value) { flags = (value ? flags | FIRSTCHILD : flags & ~FIRSTCHILD); } inline bool isSpecified() const { return (flags & SPECIFIED) != 0; } inline void isSpecified(bool value) { flags = (value ? flags | SPECIFIED : flags & ~SPECIFIED); } inline bool ignorableWhitespace() const { return (flags & IGNORABLEWS) != 0; } inline void ignorableWhitespace(bool value) { flags = (value ? flags | IGNORABLEWS : flags & ~IGNORABLEWS); } inline bool setValueCalled() const { return (flags & SETVALUE) != 0; } inline void setValueCalled(bool value) { flags = (value ? flags | SETVALUE : flags & ~SETVALUE); } inline bool isIdAttr() const { return (flags & ID_ATTR) != 0; } inline void isIdAttr(bool value) { flags = (value ? flags | ID_ATTR : flags & ~ID_ATTR); } inline bool hasUserData() const { return (flags & USERDATA) != 0; } inline void hasUserData(bool value) { flags = (value ? flags | USERDATA : flags & ~USERDATA); } inline bool hasStringValue() const { return (flags & HASSTRING) != 0; } inline void hasStringValue(bool value) { flags = (value ? flags | HASSTRING : flags & ~HASSTRING); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Notification that lazy data has been deleted // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- static void reinitNodeImpl(); }; XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_END #endif