/* * Copyright 2001-2002,2004 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * $Id: DOMCharacterDataImpl.cpp 176280 2005-01-07 15:32:34Z amassari $ */ #include "DOMCharacterDataImpl.hpp" #include #include #include "DOMRangeImpl.hpp" #include "DOMDocumentImpl.hpp" #include "DOMCasts.hpp" #include "DOMStringPool.hpp" #include XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_BEGIN DOMCharacterDataImpl::DOMCharacterDataImpl(DOMDocument *doc, const XMLCh *dat) : fDataBuf(0) , fDoc(0) { fDoc = (DOMDocumentImpl*)doc; fDataBuf = fDoc->popBuffer(); if (!fDataBuf) fDataBuf = new (fDoc) DOMBuffer(fDoc, dat); else fDataBuf->set(dat); } DOMCharacterDataImpl::DOMCharacterDataImpl(const DOMCharacterDataImpl &other) : fDataBuf(0) , fDoc(0) { fDoc = (DOMDocumentImpl*)other.fDoc; fDataBuf = fDoc->popBuffer(); if (!fDataBuf) fDataBuf = new (fDoc) DOMBuffer(fDoc, other.fDataBuf->getRawBuffer()); else fDataBuf->set(other.fDataBuf->getRawBuffer()); } DOMCharacterDataImpl::~DOMCharacterDataImpl() { } const XMLCh * DOMCharacterDataImpl::getNodeValue() const { return fDataBuf->getRawBuffer(); } void DOMCharacterDataImpl::setNodeValue(const DOMNode *node, const XMLCh *value) { if (castToNodeImpl(node)->isReadOnly()) throw DOMException(DOMException::NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, 0, GetDOMCharacterDataImplMemoryManager); fDataBuf->set(value); if (node->getOwnerDocument() != 0) { Ranges* ranges = ((DOMDocumentImpl *)node->getOwnerDocument())->getRanges(); if (ranges != 0) { XMLSize_t sz = ranges->size(); if (sz != 0) { for (XMLSize_t i =0; ielementAt(i)->receiveReplacedText((DOMNode*)node); } } } } } void DOMCharacterDataImpl::appendData(const DOMNode *node, const XMLCh *dat) { if(castToNodeImpl(node)->isReadOnly()) throw DOMException( DOMException::NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, 0, GetDOMCharacterDataImplMemoryManager); fDataBuf->append(dat); } void DOMCharacterDataImpl::deleteData(const DOMNode *node, XMLSize_t offset, XMLSize_t count) { if (castToNodeImpl(node)->isReadOnly()) throw DOMException(DOMException::NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, 0, GetDOMCharacterDataImplMemoryManager); // Note: the C++ XMLCh * operation throws the correct DOMExceptions // when parameter values are bad. // XMLSize_t len = this->fDataBuf->getLen(); if (offset > len) throw DOMException(DOMException::INDEX_SIZE_ERR, 0, GetDOMCharacterDataImplMemoryManager); // Cap the value of delLength to avoid trouble with overflows // in the following length computations. if (count > len) count = len; // If the length of data to be deleted would extend off the end // of the string, cut it back to stop at the end of string. if (offset + count >= len) count = len - offset; XMLSize_t newLen = len - count; XMLCh* newString; XMLCh temp[4000]; if (newLen >= 3999) newString = (XMLCh*) XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager->allocate ( (newLen+1) * sizeof(XMLCh) );//new XMLCh[newLen+1]; else newString = temp; XMLString::copyNString(newString, fDataBuf->getRawBuffer(), offset); XMLString::copyString(newString+offset, fDataBuf->getRawBuffer()+offset+count); fDataBuf->set(newString); if (newLen >= 3999) XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager->deallocate(newString);//delete[] newString; // We don't delete the old string (doesn't work), or alter // the old string (may be shared) // It just hangs around, possibly orphaned. if (node->getOwnerDocument() != 0) { Ranges* ranges = ((DOMDocumentImpl *)node->getOwnerDocument())->getRanges(); if (ranges != 0) { XMLSize_t sz = ranges->size(); if (sz != 0) { for (XMLSize_t i =0; ielementAt(i)->updateRangeForDeletedText( (DOMNode*)node, offset, count); } } } } } const XMLCh *DOMCharacterDataImpl::getData() const { return fDataBuf->getRawBuffer(); } // // getCharDataLength - return the length of the character data string. // XMLSize_t DOMCharacterDataImpl::getLength() const { return fDataBuf->getLen(); } void DOMCharacterDataImpl::insertData(const DOMNode *node, XMLSize_t offset, const XMLCh *dat) { if (castToNodeImpl(node)->isReadOnly()) throw DOMException( DOMException::NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, 0, GetDOMCharacterDataImplMemoryManager); // Note: the C++ XMLCh * operation throws the correct DOMExceptions // when parameter values are bad. // XMLSize_t len = fDataBuf->getLen(); if (offset > len) throw DOMException(DOMException::INDEX_SIZE_ERR, 0, GetDOMCharacterDataImplMemoryManager); XMLSize_t datLen = XMLString::stringLen(dat); XMLSize_t newLen = len + datLen; XMLCh* newString; XMLCh temp[4000]; if (newLen >= 3999) newString = (XMLCh*) XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager->allocate ( (newLen + 1) * sizeof(XMLCh) );//new XMLCh[newLen+1]; else newString = temp; XMLString::copyNString(newString, fDataBuf->getRawBuffer(), offset); XMLString::copyNString(newString+offset, dat, datLen); XMLString::copyString(newString+offset+datLen, fDataBuf->getRawBuffer()+offset); fDataBuf->set(newString); if (newLen >= 3999) XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager->deallocate(newString);//delete[] newString; if (node->getOwnerDocument() != 0) { Ranges* ranges = ((DOMDocumentImpl *)node->getOwnerDocument())->getRanges(); if (ranges != 0) { XMLSize_t sz = ranges->size(); if (sz != 0) { for (XMLSize_t i =0; ielementAt(i)->updateRangeForInsertedText( (DOMNode*)node, offset, datLen); } } } } } void DOMCharacterDataImpl::replaceData(const DOMNode *node, XMLSize_t offset, XMLSize_t count, const XMLCh *dat) { if (castToNodeImpl(node)->isReadOnly()) throw DOMException( DOMException::NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, 0, GetDOMCharacterDataImplMemoryManager); deleteData(node, offset, count); insertData(node, offset, dat); } void DOMCharacterDataImpl::setData(const DOMNode *node, const XMLCh *arg) { setNodeValue(node, arg); } const XMLCh * DOMCharacterDataImpl::substringData(const DOMNode *node, XMLSize_t offset, XMLSize_t count) const { // Note: the C++ XMLCh * operation throws the correct DOMExceptions // when parameter values are bad. // XMLSize_t len = fDataBuf->getLen(); if (offset > len) throw DOMException(DOMException::INDEX_SIZE_ERR, 0, GetDOMCharacterDataImplMemoryManager); XMLCh* newString; XMLCh temp[4000]; if (len >= 3999) newString = (XMLCh*) ((DOMDocumentImpl *)node->getOwnerDocument())->getMemoryManager()->allocate ( (len + 1) * sizeof(XMLCh) );//new XMLCh[len+1]; else newString = temp; XMLString::copyNString(newString, fDataBuf->getRawBuffer()+offset, count); newString[count] = chNull; const XMLCh* retString = ((DOMDocumentImpl *)node->getOwnerDocument())->getPooledString(newString); if (len >= 3999) ((DOMDocumentImpl *)node->getOwnerDocument())->getMemoryManager()->deallocate(newString);//delete[] newString; return retString; } void DOMCharacterDataImpl::releaseBuffer() { fDoc->releaseBuffer(fDataBuf); } XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_END