/* * Copyright 2001-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "DOMConfigurationImpl.hpp" #include "DOMDocumentImpl.hpp" #include "DOMElementImpl.hpp" #include "DOMErrorImpl.hpp" #include "DOMEntityReferenceImpl.hpp" #include "DOMLocatorImpl.hpp" #include "DOMNormalizer.hpp" #include "DOMTextImpl.hpp" XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_BEGIN // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Local static data // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool sRegistered = false; static XMLMutex* sNormalizerMutex = 0; static XMLRegisterCleanup normalizerMutexCleanup; static XMLMsgLoader* gMsgLoader = 0; static XMLRegisterCleanup cleanupMsgLoader; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Local, static functions // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Cleanup for the message loader void DOMNormalizer::reinitMsgLoader() { delete gMsgLoader; gMsgLoader = 0; } // Cleanup for the normalizer mutex void DOMNormalizer::reinitNormalizerMutex() { delete sNormalizerMutex; sNormalizerMutex = 0; sRegistered = false; } // // We need to fault in this mutex. But, since its used for synchronization // itself, we have to do this the low level way using a compare and swap. // static XMLMutex& gNormalizerMutex() { if (!sNormalizerMutex) { XMLMutexLock lock(XMLPlatformUtils::fgAtomicMutex); // If we got here first, then register it and set the registered flag if (!sRegistered) { sNormalizerMutex = new XMLMutex(XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager); normalizerMutexCleanup.registerCleanup(DOMNormalizer::reinitNormalizerMutex); sRegistered = true; } } return *sNormalizerMutex; } static XMLMsgLoader& gNormalizerMsgLoader() { if (!gMsgLoader) { XMLMutexLock lockInit(&gNormalizerMutex()); // If we haven't loaded our message yet, then do that if (!gMsgLoader) { gMsgLoader = XMLPlatformUtils::loadMsgSet(XMLUni::fgXMLErrDomain); if (!gMsgLoader) XMLPlatformUtils::panic(PanicHandler::Panic_CantLoadMsgDomain); // Register this object to be cleaned up at termination cleanupMsgLoader.registerCleanup(DOMNormalizer::reinitMsgLoader); } } return *gMsgLoader; } void XMLInitializer::initializeDOMNormalizerMsgLoader() { gMsgLoader = XMLPlatformUtils::loadMsgSet(XMLUni::fgXMLErrDomain); // Register this object to be cleaned up at termination if (gMsgLoader) { cleanupMsgLoader.registerCleanup(DOMNormalizer::reinitMsgLoader); } } DOMNormalizer::DOMNormalizer(MemoryManager* const manager) : fDocument(0) , fConfiguration(0) , fErrorHandler(0) , fNSScope(0) , fNewNamespaceCount(1) , fMemoryManager(manager) { fNSScope = new (fMemoryManager) InScopeNamespaces(fMemoryManager); } DOMNormalizer::~DOMNormalizer() { delete fNSScope; } void DOMNormalizer::normalizeDocument(DOMDocumentImpl *doc) { fDocument = doc; fConfiguration = (DOMConfigurationImpl*)doc->getDOMConfiguration(); DOMConfigurationImpl *dci = (DOMConfigurationImpl*)fDocument->getDOMConfiguration(); if(dci) fErrorHandler = dci->getErrorHandler(); else fErrorHandler = 0; DOMNode *child = 0; DOMNode *next = 0; ((DOMNormalizer *)this)->fNewNamespaceCount = 1; for(child = doc->getFirstChild();child != 0; child = next) { next = child->getNextSibling(); child = normalizeNode(child); if(child != 0) { next = child; } } } DOMNode * DOMNormalizer::normalizeNode(DOMNode *node) const { switch(node->getNodeType()) { case DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE: { fNSScope->addScope(fMemoryManager); DOMNamedNodeMap *attrMap = node->getAttributes(); if(fConfiguration->featureValues & DOMConfigurationImpl::FEATURE_NAMESPACES) { namespaceFixUp((DOMElementImpl*)node); } else { //this is done in namespace fixup so no need to do it if namespace is on if(attrMap) { for(XMLSize_t i = 0; i < attrMap->getLength(); i++) { attrMap->item(i)->normalize(); } } } DOMNode *child = node->getFirstChild(); DOMNode *next = 0; for (; child != 0; child = next) { next = child->getNextSibling(); child = normalizeNode(child); if(child != 0) { next = child; } } fNSScope->removeScope(); break; } case DOMNode::COMMENT_NODE: { if (!(fConfiguration->featureValues & DOMConfigurationImpl::FEATURE_COMMENTS)) { DOMNode *prevSibling = node->getPreviousSibling(); DOMNode *parent = node->getParentNode(); // remove the comment node parent->removeChild(node); if (prevSibling != 0 && prevSibling->getNodeType() == DOMNode::TEXT_NODE) { DOMNode *nextSibling = prevSibling->getNextSibling(); if (nextSibling != 0 && nextSibling->getNodeType() == DOMNode::TEXT_NODE) { ((DOMTextImpl*)nextSibling)->insertData(0, prevSibling->getNodeValue()); parent->removeChild(prevSibling); return nextSibling; } } } break; } case DOMNode::CDATA_SECTION_NODE: { if (!(fConfiguration->featureValues & DOMConfigurationImpl::FEATURE_CDATA_SECTIONS)) { // convert CDATA to TEXT nodes DOMText *text = fDocument->createTextNode(node->getNodeValue()); DOMNode *parent = node->getParentNode(); DOMNode *prevSibling = node->getPreviousSibling(); node = parent->replaceChild(text, node); if (prevSibling != 0 && prevSibling->getNodeType() == DOMNode::TEXT_NODE) { text->insertData(0, prevSibling->getNodeValue()); parent->removeChild(prevSibling); } return text; // Don't advance; } break; } case DOMNode::TEXT_NODE: { DOMNode *next = node->getNextSibling(); if(next != 0 && next->getNodeType() == DOMNode::TEXT_NODE) { ((DOMText*)node)->appendData(next->getNodeValue()); node->getParentNode()->removeChild(next); return node; } else if (XMLString::stringLen(node->getNodeValue()) == 0) { node->getParentNode()->removeChild(node); } } } return 0; } void DOMNormalizer::namespaceFixUp(DOMElementImpl *ele) const { DOMAttrMapImpl *attrMap = ele->fAttributes; int len = attrMap->getLength(); //get the ns info from the attrs for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) { DOMAttr *at = (DOMAttr*)attrMap->item(i); //normalize the attr whatever happens at->normalize(); const XMLCh *uri = at->getNamespaceURI(); const XMLCh *value = at->getNodeValue(); if(XMLString::equals(XMLUni::fgXMLNSURIName, uri)) { if(XMLString::equals(XMLUni::fgXMLNSURIName, value)) { error(XMLErrs::NSDeclInvalid, ele); } else { const XMLCh *prefix = at->getPrefix(); if(XMLString::equals(prefix, XMLUni::fgXMLNSString)) { fNSScope->addOrChangeBinding(at->getLocalName(), value, fMemoryManager); } else { fNSScope->addOrChangeBinding(XMLUni::fgZeroLenString, value, fMemoryManager); } } } } const XMLCh* prefix = ele->getPrefix(); prefix ? prefix : prefix = XMLUni::fgZeroLenString; const XMLCh* uri = ele->getNamespaceURI(); uri ? uri : uri = XMLUni::fgZeroLenString; if(!XMLString::equals(uri, XMLUni::fgZeroLenString)) { if(!fNSScope->isValidBinding(prefix, uri)) { addOrChangeNamespaceDecl(prefix, uri, ele); fNSScope->addOrChangeBinding(prefix, uri, fMemoryManager); } } else { if(ele->getLocalName() == 0) { error(XMLErrs::DOMLevel1Node, ele); } else if(!fNSScope->isValidBinding(XMLUni::fgZeroLenString, XMLUni::fgZeroLenString)) { addOrChangeNamespaceDecl(XMLUni::fgZeroLenString, XMLUni::fgZeroLenString, ele); fNSScope->addOrChangeBinding(XMLUni::fgZeroLenString, XMLUni::fgZeroLenString, fMemoryManager); } } //fix up non ns attrs len = attrMap->getLength(); // hp aCC complains this i is a redefinition of the i on line 283 for(int j = 0; j < len; j++) { DOMAttr *at = (DOMAttr*)attrMap->item(j); const XMLCh *uri = at->getNamespaceURI(); const XMLCh* prefix = at->getPrefix(); if(!XMLString::equals(XMLUni::fgXMLNSURIName, uri)) { if(uri != 0) { if(prefix == 0 || !fNSScope->isValidBinding(prefix, uri)) { const XMLCh* newPrefix = fNSScope->getPrefix(uri); if(newPrefix != 0) { at->setPrefix(newPrefix); } else { if(prefix != 0 && !fNSScope->getUri(prefix)) { fNSScope->addOrChangeBinding(prefix, uri, fMemoryManager); addOrChangeNamespaceDecl(prefix, uri, ele); } else { newPrefix = addCustomNamespaceDecl(uri, ele); fNSScope->addOrChangeBinding(newPrefix, uri, fMemoryManager); at->setPrefix(newPrefix); } } } } else if(at->getLocalName() == 0) { error(XMLErrs::DOMLevel1Node, at); } } } } const XMLCh * DOMNormalizer::integerToXMLCh(unsigned int i) const { XMLCh *buf = (XMLCh*) fMemoryManager->allocate(15 * sizeof(XMLCh));//new XMLCh[15]; XMLCh *pos = buf + sizeof(buf) - sizeof(XMLCh); *pos = chNull; do { switch(i % 10) { case 0 : *--pos = chDigit_0;break; case 1 : *--pos = chDigit_1;break; case 2 : *--pos = chDigit_2;break; case 3 : *--pos = chDigit_3;break; case 4 : *--pos = chDigit_4;break; case 5 : *--pos = chDigit_5;break; case 6 : *--pos = chDigit_6;break; case 7 : *--pos = chDigit_7;break; case 8 : *--pos = chDigit_8;break; case 9 : *--pos = chDigit_9;break; default:; } i /= 10; } while (i); const XMLCh *copy = fDocument->getPooledString(pos); fMemoryManager->deallocate(buf);//delete[] buf; return copy; } void DOMNormalizer::addOrChangeNamespaceDecl(const XMLCh* prefix, const XMLCh* uri, DOMElementImpl* element) const { if (XMLString::equals(prefix, XMLUni::fgZeroLenString)) { element->setAttributeNS(XMLUni::fgXMLNSURIName, XMLUni::fgXMLNSString, uri); } else { XMLBuffer buf(1023, fMemoryManager); buf.set(XMLUni::fgXMLNSString); buf.append(chColon); buf.append(prefix); element->setAttributeNS(XMLUni::fgXMLNSURIName, buf.getRawBuffer(), uri); } } const XMLCh* DOMNormalizer::addCustomNamespaceDecl(const XMLCh* uri, DOMElementImpl *element) const { XMLBuffer preBuf(1023, fMemoryManager); preBuf.append(chLatin_N); preBuf.append(chLatin_S); preBuf.append(integerToXMLCh(fNewNamespaceCount)); ((DOMNormalizer *)this)->fNewNamespaceCount++; while(fNSScope->getUri(preBuf.getRawBuffer())) { preBuf.reset(); preBuf.append(chLatin_N); preBuf.append(chLatin_S); preBuf.append(integerToXMLCh(fNewNamespaceCount)); ((DOMNormalizer *)this)->fNewNamespaceCount++; } XMLBuffer buf(1023, fMemoryManager); buf.set(XMLUni::fgXMLNSString); buf.append(chColon); buf.append(preBuf.getRawBuffer()); element->setAttributeNS(XMLUni::fgXMLNSURIName, buf.getRawBuffer(), uri); return element->getAttributeNodeNS(XMLUni::fgXMLNSURIName, preBuf.getRawBuffer())->getLocalName(); } int DOMNormalizer::InScopeNamespaces::size() { return fScopes->size(); } DOMNormalizer::InScopeNamespaces::InScopeNamespaces(MemoryManager* const manager) : lastScopeWithBindings(0) { fScopes = new (manager) RefVectorOf(10, true, manager); } DOMNormalizer::InScopeNamespaces::~InScopeNamespaces() { delete fScopes; } void DOMNormalizer::InScopeNamespaces::addOrChangeBinding(const XMLCh *prefix, const XMLCh *uri, MemoryManager* const manager) { unsigned int s = fScopes->size(); if(!s) addScope(manager); Scope *curScope = fScopes->elementAt(s - 1); curScope->addOrChangeBinding(prefix, uri, manager); lastScopeWithBindings = curScope; } void DOMNormalizer::InScopeNamespaces::addScope(MemoryManager* const manager) { Scope *s = new (manager) Scope(lastScopeWithBindings); fScopes->addElement(s); } void DOMNormalizer::InScopeNamespaces::removeScope() { lastScopeWithBindings = fScopes->elementAt(fScopes->size() - 1)->fBaseScopeWithBindings; Scope *s = fScopes->orphanElementAt(fScopes->size() - 1); delete s; } bool DOMNormalizer::InScopeNamespaces::isValidBinding(const XMLCh* prefix, const XMLCh* uri) const { const XMLCh* actual = fScopes->elementAt(fScopes->size() - 1)->getUri(prefix); if(actual == 0 || !XMLString::equals(actual, uri)) return false; return true; } const XMLCh* DOMNormalizer::InScopeNamespaces::getPrefix(const XMLCh* uri) const { return fScopes->elementAt(fScopes->size() - 1)->getPrefix(uri); } const XMLCh* DOMNormalizer::InScopeNamespaces::getUri(const XMLCh* prefix) const { return fScopes->elementAt(fScopes->size() - 1)->getUri(prefix); } DOMNormalizer::InScopeNamespaces::Scope::Scope(Scope *baseScopeWithBindings) : fBaseScopeWithBindings(baseScopeWithBindings), fPrefixHash(0), fUriHash(0) { } DOMNormalizer::InScopeNamespaces::Scope::~Scope() { delete fPrefixHash; delete fUriHash; } void DOMNormalizer::InScopeNamespaces::Scope::addOrChangeBinding(const XMLCh *prefix, const XMLCh *uri, MemoryManager* const manager) { //initialize and copy forward now we need to if(!fUriHash) { fPrefixHash = new (manager) RefHashTableOf(10, (bool) false, manager); fUriHash = new (manager) RefHashTableOf(10, (bool) false, manager); if(fBaseScopeWithBindings) { RefHashTableOfEnumerator preEnumer(fBaseScopeWithBindings->fPrefixHash, false, manager); while(preEnumer.hasMoreElements()) { const XMLCh* prefix = (XMLCh*) preEnumer.nextElementKey(); const XMLCh* uri = fBaseScopeWithBindings->fPrefixHash->get((void*)prefix); //have to cast here because otherwise we have delete problems under windows :( fPrefixHash->put((void *)prefix, (XMLCh*)uri); } RefHashTableOfEnumerator uriEnumer(fBaseScopeWithBindings->fUriHash, false, manager); while(uriEnumer.hasMoreElements()) { const XMLCh* uri = (XMLCh*) uriEnumer.nextElementKey(); const XMLCh* prefix = fBaseScopeWithBindings->fUriHash->get((void*)uri); //have to cast here because otherwise we have delete problems under windows :( fUriHash->put((void *)uri, (XMLCh*)prefix); } } } const XMLCh *oldUri = fPrefixHash->get(prefix); if(oldUri) { fUriHash->removeKey(oldUri); } fPrefixHash->put((void *)prefix, (XMLCh*)uri); fUriHash->put((void *)uri, (XMLCh*)prefix); } const XMLCh* DOMNormalizer::InScopeNamespaces::Scope::getUri(const XMLCh *prefix) const { const XMLCh* uri = 0; if(fPrefixHash) { uri = fPrefixHash->get(prefix); } else if(fBaseScopeWithBindings) { uri = fBaseScopeWithBindings->getUri(prefix); } return uri ? uri : 0; } const XMLCh* DOMNormalizer::InScopeNamespaces::Scope::getPrefix(const XMLCh* uri) const { const XMLCh* prefix = 0; if(fUriHash) { prefix = fUriHash->get(uri); } else if(fBaseScopeWithBindings) { prefix = fBaseScopeWithBindings->getPrefix(uri); } return prefix ? prefix : 0; } void DOMNormalizer::error(const XMLErrs::Codes code, const DOMNode *node) const { if (fErrorHandler) { // Load the message into alocal and replace any tokens found in // the text. const unsigned int maxChars = 2047; XMLCh errText[maxChars + 1]; if (!gNormalizerMsgLoader().loadMsg(code, errText, maxChars)) { // Should probably load a default message here } DOMErrorImpl domError(code, 0, errText, (void*)node); if (!fErrorHandler->handleError(domError)) throw (XMLErrs::Codes) code; } } XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_END