/* * Copyright 2003,2004 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "DOMTypeInfoImpl.hpp" #include "DOMDocumentImpl.hpp" #include #include XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_BEGIN /*static*/ DOMTypeInfoImpl DOMTypeInfoImpl::g_DtdValidatedElement; /*static*/ DOMTypeInfoImpl DOMTypeInfoImpl::g_DtdNotValidatedAttribute; /*static*/ DOMTypeInfoImpl DOMTypeInfoImpl::g_DtdValidatedCDATAAttribute(XMLUni::fgInfosetURIName, XMLUni::fgCDATAString); /*static*/ DOMTypeInfoImpl DOMTypeInfoImpl::g_DtdValidatedIDAttribute(XMLUni::fgInfosetURIName, XMLUni::fgIDString); /*static*/ DOMTypeInfoImpl DOMTypeInfoImpl::g_DtdValidatedIDREFAttribute(XMLUni::fgInfosetURIName, XMLUni::fgIDRefString); /*static*/ DOMTypeInfoImpl DOMTypeInfoImpl::g_DtdValidatedIDREFSAttribute(XMLUni::fgInfosetURIName, XMLUni::fgIDRefsString); /*static*/ DOMTypeInfoImpl DOMTypeInfoImpl::g_DtdValidatedENTITYAttribute(XMLUni::fgInfosetURIName, XMLUni::fgEntityString); /*static*/ DOMTypeInfoImpl DOMTypeInfoImpl::g_DtdValidatedENTITIESAttribute(XMLUni::fgInfosetURIName, XMLUni::fgEntitiesString); /*static*/ DOMTypeInfoImpl DOMTypeInfoImpl::g_DtdValidatedNMTOKENAttribute(XMLUni::fgInfosetURIName, XMLUni::fgNmTokenString); /*static*/ DOMTypeInfoImpl DOMTypeInfoImpl::g_DtdValidatedNMTOKENSAttribute(XMLUni::fgInfosetURIName, XMLUni::fgNmTokensString); /*static*/ DOMTypeInfoImpl DOMTypeInfoImpl::g_DtdValidatedNOTATIONAttribute(XMLUni::fgInfosetURIName, XMLUni::fgNotationString); /*static*/ DOMTypeInfoImpl DOMTypeInfoImpl::g_DtdValidatedENUMERATIONAttribute(XMLUni::fgInfosetURIName, XMLUni::fgEnumerationString); DOMTypeInfoImpl::DOMTypeInfoImpl(const XMLCh* namespaceUri/*=0*/, const XMLCh* name/*=0*/) : fBitFields(0), fTypeName(name), fTypeNamespace(namespaceUri), fMemberTypeName(0), fMemberTypeNamespace(0), fDefaultValue(0), fNormalizedValue(0) { // by setting the fBitField to 0 we are also setting: // - [validity]=VALIDITY_NOTKNOWN // - [validitation attempted]=VALIDATION_NONE // - [schema specified]=false } const XMLCh* DOMTypeInfoImpl::getName() const { // if it's a DTD, return the data that was stored if(!getNumericProperty(PSVI_Schema_Specified)) return fTypeName; // if [validity] is "invalid" or "notKnown", the {target namespace} and {name} properties of the declared type if available, otherwise null. if(!getNumericProperty(PSVI_Validity)) return fTypeName; if(fMemberTypeName) return fMemberTypeName; return fTypeName; } const XMLCh* DOMTypeInfoImpl::getNamespace() const { // if it's a DTD, return the data that was stored if(!getNumericProperty(PSVI_Schema_Specified)) return fTypeNamespace; // if [validity] is "invalid" or "notKnown", the {target namespace} and {name} properties of the declared type if available, otherwise null. if(!getNumericProperty(PSVI_Validity)) return fTypeNamespace; if(fMemberTypeName) // we check on the name, as the URI can be NULL return fMemberTypeNamespace; return fTypeNamespace; } const XMLCh* DOMTypeInfoImpl::getStringProperty(PSVIProperty prop) const { switch(prop) { case PSVI_Type_Definition_Name: return fTypeName; case PSVI_Type_Definition_Namespace: return fTypeNamespace; case PSVI_Member_Type_Definition_Name: return fMemberTypeName; case PSVI_Member_Type_Definition_Namespace: return fMemberTypeNamespace; case PSVI_Schema_Default: return fDefaultValue; case PSVI_Schema_Normalized_Value: return fNormalizedValue; default: assert(false); /* it's not a string property */ } return 0; } int DOMTypeInfoImpl::getNumericProperty(PSVIProperty prop) const { switch(prop) { case PSVI_Validity: return (PSVIItem::VALIDITY_STATE)(fBitFields & 0x0003); case PSVI_Validitation_Attempted: return (PSVIItem::ASSESSMENT_TYPE)((fBitFields >> 2) & 0x0003); case PSVI_Type_Definition_Type: return (fBitFields & (1 << 5))?XSTypeDefinition::COMPLEX_TYPE:XSTypeDefinition::SIMPLE_TYPE; case PSVI_Type_Definition_Anonymous: return (fBitFields & (1 << 6))?true:false; case PSVI_Nil: return (fBitFields & (1 << 7))?true:false; case PSVI_Member_Type_Definition_Anonymous: return (fBitFields & (1 << 8))?true:false; case PSVI_Schema_Specified: return (fBitFields & (1 << 9))?true:false; default: assert(false); /* it's not a numeric property */ } return 0; } void DOMTypeInfoImpl::setStringProperty(PSVIProperty prop, const XMLCh* value) { switch(prop) { case PSVI_Type_Definition_Name: fTypeName=value; break; case PSVI_Type_Definition_Namespace: fTypeNamespace=value; break; case PSVI_Member_Type_Definition_Name: fMemberTypeName=value; break; case PSVI_Member_Type_Definition_Namespace: fMemberTypeNamespace=value; break; case PSVI_Schema_Default: fDefaultValue=value; break; case PSVI_Schema_Normalized_Value: fNormalizedValue=value; break; default: assert(false); /* it's not a string property */ } } void DOMTypeInfoImpl::setNumericProperty(PSVIProperty prop, int value) { switch(prop) { case PSVI_Validity: fBitFields |= (value & 0x0003); break; case PSVI_Validitation_Attempted: fBitFields |= ((value & 0x0003) << 2); break; case PSVI_Type_Definition_Type: fBitFields |= (value==XSTypeDefinition::COMPLEX_TYPE)?(1 << 5):0; break; case PSVI_Type_Definition_Anonymous: fBitFields |= (value!=0)?(1 << 6):0; break; case PSVI_Nil: fBitFields |= (value!=0)?(1 << 7):0; break; case PSVI_Member_Type_Definition_Anonymous: fBitFields |= (value!=0)?(1 << 8):0; break; case PSVI_Schema_Specified: fBitFields |= (value!=0)?(1 << 9):0; break; default: assert(false); /* it's not a numeric property */ } } XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_END /** * End of file DOMTypeInfo.cpp */