/* * Copyright 2003,2004 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * $Id: XSModel.cpp 191054 2005-06-17 02:56:35Z jberry $ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_BEGIN // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XSModel: Constructors and Destructor // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- XSModel::XSModel( XMLGrammarPool *grammarPool , MemoryManager* const manager) : fMemoryManager(manager) , fNamespaceStringList(0) , fXSNamespaceItemList(0) , fURIStringPool(0) , fXSAnnotationList(0) , fHashNamespace(0) , fObjFactory(0) , fDeleteNamespace(0) , fParent(0) , fDeleteParent(false) , fAddedS4SGrammar(false) { fURIStringPool = grammarPool->getURIStringPool(); fObjFactory = new (fMemoryManager) XSObjectFactory(manager); // Populate XSNamedMaps by going through the components for (unsigned int i=0; i ( 20, // size 29, // modulus fURIStringPool, false, // adoptElems fMemoryManager ); break; default: // ATTRIBUTE_USE // MODEL_GROUP // PARTICLE // IDENTITY_CONSTRAINT // WILDCARD // ANNOTATION // FACET // MULTIVALUE fComponentMap[i] = 0; break; } fIdVector[i] = new (fMemoryManager) RefVectorOf(30, false, fMemoryManager); } fNamespaceStringList = new (manager) RefArrayVectorOf (10, true, manager); fXSNamespaceItemList = new (manager) RefVectorOf (10, true, manager); fXSAnnotationList = new (manager) RefVectorOf (10, false, manager); fHashNamespace = new (manager) RefHashTableOf (11, false, manager); // Loop through all grammars in the grammar pool to create the XSNamespaceItem's // which will have access to Annotation Information which can be used later when // we create all the XS components. XSNamespaceItem* namespaceItem = 0; RefHashTableOfEnumerator grammarEnum = grammarPool->getGrammarEnumerator(); while (grammarEnum.hasMoreElements()) { SchemaGrammar& sGrammar = (SchemaGrammar&) grammarEnum.nextElement(); if (sGrammar.getGrammarType() != Grammar::SchemaGrammarType || XMLString::equals(sGrammar.getTargetNamespace(), SchemaSymbols::fgURI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA)) continue; // NOTE: In the grammarpool, preprocessed grammars without targetnamespace // will use an empty string... XMLCh* NameSpace = XMLString::replicate(sGrammar.getTargetNamespace(), manager); fNamespaceStringList->addElement(NameSpace); namespaceItem = new (manager) XSNamespaceItem(this, &sGrammar, manager); fXSNamespaceItemList->addElement(namespaceItem); fHashNamespace->put(NameSpace, namespaceItem); } // Now loop through all of the NamespaceItem's // First, we add S4S namespace (irrespective of whether we have any grammars) namespaceItem = new (manager) XSNamespaceItem ( this, SchemaSymbols::fgURI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, manager ); fNamespaceStringList->addElement ( XMLString::replicate(SchemaSymbols::fgURI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA,manager) ); fXSNamespaceItemList->addElement(namespaceItem); fHashNamespace->put ( (void*) SchemaSymbols::fgURI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA , namespaceItem ); DatatypeValidatorFactory dvFactory(manager); dvFactory.expandRegistryToFullSchemaSet(); addS4SToXSModel ( namespaceItem , dvFactory.getBuiltInRegistry() ); // don't include S4S (thus the -1) unsigned int numberOfNamespaces = fXSNamespaceItemList->size() -1; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < numberOfNamespaces; j++) addGrammarToXSModel(fXSNamespaceItemList->elementAt(j)); } XSModel::XSModel( XSModel *baseModel , GrammarResolver *grammarResolver , MemoryManager* const manager) : fMemoryManager(manager) , fNamespaceStringList(0) , fXSNamespaceItemList(0) , fURIStringPool(0) , fXSAnnotationList(0) , fHashNamespace(0) , fObjFactory(0) , fDeleteNamespace(0) , fParent(baseModel) , fDeleteParent(true) , fAddedS4SGrammar(false) { fURIStringPool = grammarResolver->getStringPool(); fObjFactory = new (manager) XSObjectFactory(manager); unsigned int i; // Populate XSNamedMaps by going through the components for (i=0; i ( 20, // size 29, // modulus fURIStringPool, false, // adoptElems fMemoryManager ); break; default: // ATTRIBUTE_USE // MODEL_GROUP // PARTICLE // IDENTITY_CONSTRAINT // WILDCARD // ANNOTATION // FACET // MULTIVALUE fComponentMap[i] = 0; break; } fIdVector[i] = new (fMemoryManager) RefVectorOf(30, false, fMemoryManager); } fNamespaceStringList = new (manager) RefArrayVectorOf (10, true, manager); fXSNamespaceItemList = new (manager) RefVectorOf (10, false, manager); fDeleteNamespace = new (manager) RefVectorOf (10, true, manager); fXSAnnotationList = new (manager) RefVectorOf (10, false, manager); fHashNamespace = new (manager) RefHashTableOf (11, false, manager); if (fParent) { if (fParent->fAddedS4SGrammar) fAddedS4SGrammar = true; // Need to copy information from parent so it can be returned in this object... for (i=0; ifXSNamespaceItemList->size(); i++) { XSNamespaceItem* namespaceItem = fParent->fXSNamespaceItemList->elementAt(i); fXSNamespaceItemList->addElement(namespaceItem); fNamespaceStringList->addElement ( XMLString::replicate ( namespaceItem->getSchemaNamespace(), manager ) ); } for (i=0; ifComponentMap[i]->getLength(); j++) { XSObject* copyObj = fParent->fComponentMap[i]->item(j); fComponentMap[i]->addElement(copyObj, copyObj->getName(), copyObj->getNamespace()); } break; } for (unsigned int j=0; jfIdVector[i]->size(); j++) { fIdVector[i]->addElement(fParent->fIdVector[i]->elementAt(j)); } } for (i=0; ifXSAnnotationList->size(); i++) { fXSAnnotationList->addElement(fParent->fXSAnnotationList->elementAt(i)); } } // end of copying parent info // Now add information from the new grammars but first create the // XSNamespaceItem's so we can have access to the XSAnnotations... ValueVectorOf* grammarsToAdd = grammarResolver->getGrammarsToAddToXSModel(); unsigned int numberOfNamespaces = fXSNamespaceItemList->size(); unsigned int numberOfNamespacesToAdd = 0; for (i=0; i < grammarsToAdd->size(); i++) { SchemaGrammar* lGrammar = grammarsToAdd->elementAt(i); if (lGrammar->getGrammarType() != Grammar::SchemaGrammarType || XMLString::equals(lGrammar->getTargetNamespace(), SchemaSymbols::fgURI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA)) continue; XMLCh* NameSpace = XMLString::replicate(lGrammar->getTargetNamespace(), manager); fNamespaceStringList->addElement(NameSpace); XSNamespaceItem* namespaceItem = new (manager) XSNamespaceItem(this, lGrammar, manager); fXSNamespaceItemList->addElement(namespaceItem); fHashNamespace->put(NameSpace, namespaceItem); fDeleteNamespace->addElement(namespaceItem); ++numberOfNamespacesToAdd; } // Add S4S namespace if needed if (!fAddedS4SGrammar) { DatatypeValidatorFactory dvFactory(manager); dvFactory.expandRegistryToFullSchemaSet(); XSNamespaceItem* namespaceItem = new (manager) XSNamespaceItem ( this, SchemaSymbols::fgURI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, manager ); fNamespaceStringList->addElement ( XMLString::replicate(SchemaSymbols::fgURI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA,manager) ); fXSNamespaceItemList->addElement(namespaceItem); fHashNamespace->put ( (void*) SchemaSymbols::fgURI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA , namespaceItem ); fDeleteNamespace->addElement(namespaceItem); addS4SToXSModel ( namespaceItem , dvFactory.getBuiltInRegistry() ); } // Now loop through all of the newly created NamespaceItem's for (i=numberOfNamespaces; i<(numberOfNamespaces+numberOfNamespacesToAdd); i++) { addGrammarToXSModel(fXSNamespaceItemList->elementAt(i)); } // end of namespaceItem loop } XSModel::~XSModel() { for (unsigned int i=0; ifDeleteParent) delete fParent; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XSModel: Helper methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void XSModel::addComponentToIdVector(XSObject* const component, int componentIndex) { component->setId(fIdVector[componentIndex]->size()); fIdVector[componentIndex]->addElement(component); } void XSModel::addComponentToNamespace(XSNamespaceItem* const namespaceItem, XSObject* const component, int componentIndex, bool addToXSModel) { namespaceItem->fComponentMap[componentIndex]->addElement ( component, component->getName(), namespaceItem->getSchemaNamespace() ); namespaceItem->fHashMap[componentIndex]->put ( (void *) component->getName(), component ); if (addToXSModel) { fComponentMap[componentIndex]->addElement ( component, component->getName(), namespaceItem->getSchemaNamespace() ); } } void XSModel::addS4SToXSModel(XSNamespaceItem* const namespaceItem, RefHashTableOf* const builtInDV) { addComponentToNamespace ( namespaceItem , fObjFactory->addOrFind ( ComplexTypeInfo::getAnyType ( fURIStringPool->getId(XMLUni::fgZeroLenString) ) , this ) , XSConstants::TYPE_DEFINITION - 1 ); // Loop through built-in simple types // First add 'anySimpleType' which is the base for the other built-ins DatatypeValidator* dv = builtInDV->get(SchemaSymbols::fgDT_ANYSIMPLETYPE); addComponentToNamespace ( namespaceItem , fObjFactory->addOrFind(dv, this, true) , XSConstants::TYPE_DEFINITION - 1 ); // add remaining built-in RefHashTableOfEnumerator simpleEnum = RefHashTableOfEnumerator (builtInDV, false, fMemoryManager); while (simpleEnum.hasMoreElements()) { DatatypeValidator& curSimple = simpleEnum.nextElement(); if (&curSimple == dv) continue; addComponentToNamespace ( namespaceItem , fObjFactory->addOrFind(&curSimple, this) , XSConstants::TYPE_DEFINITION - 1 ); } // Set flag to indicate that we have added S4S grammar info fAddedS4SGrammar = true; } void XSModel::addGrammarToXSModel(XSNamespaceItem* namespaceItem) { // Loop through top-level attribute declarations in the grammar... RefHashTableOf* attDeclRegistry = namespaceItem->fGrammar->getAttributeDeclRegistry(); if(attDeclRegistry) { RefHashTableOfEnumerator attrEnum = RefHashTableOfEnumerator (attDeclRegistry, false, fMemoryManager); while (attrEnum.hasMoreElements()) { XSAttributeDeclaration* xsAttrDecl = fObjFactory->addOrFind ( (SchemaAttDef*) &(attrEnum.nextElement()), this ); addComponentToNamespace ( namespaceItem, xsAttrDecl, XSConstants::ATTRIBUTE_DECLARATION - 1 ); } // end of attribute loop } // Loop through top-level elements in the grammar... RefHash3KeysIdPoolEnumerator elemEnum = namespaceItem->fGrammar->getElemEnumerator(); while (elemEnum.hasMoreElements()) { SchemaElementDecl& curElem = elemEnum.nextElement(); if (curElem.getEnclosingScope() == Grammar::TOP_LEVEL_SCOPE) { XSElementDeclaration* xsElemDecl = fObjFactory->addOrFind ( &curElem, this ); addComponentToNamespace ( namespaceItem, xsElemDecl, XSConstants::ELEMENT_DECLARATION -1 ); } } // end of element loop // Now loop through top-level User Defined simple type definitions in the grammar... DVHashTable* dvHT = namespaceItem->fGrammar->getDatatypeRegistry()->getUserDefinedRegistry(); if (dvHT) { RefHashTableOfEnumerator simpleUserEnum = RefHashTableOfEnumerator (dvHT, false, fMemoryManager); while (simpleUserEnum.hasMoreElements()) { DatatypeValidator& curSimple = simpleUserEnum.nextElement(); if (!curSimple.getAnonymous()) { addComponentToNamespace ( namespaceItem , fObjFactory->addOrFind(&curSimple, this) , XSConstants::TYPE_DEFINITION - 1 ); } } // end of simple User loop } // Loop through top-level COMPLEX type definitions in the grammar... RefHashTableOf* complexTypeRegistry = namespaceItem->fGrammar->getComplexTypeRegistry(); if(complexTypeRegistry) { RefHashTableOfEnumerator complexEnum = RefHashTableOfEnumerator (complexTypeRegistry, false, fMemoryManager); while (complexEnum.hasMoreElements()) { ComplexTypeInfo& curComplex = complexEnum.nextElement(); if (!curComplex.getAnonymous()) { addComponentToNamespace ( namespaceItem , fObjFactory->addOrFind(&curComplex, this) , XSConstants::TYPE_DEFINITION - 1 ); } } // end of type definition loop } // Loop through top-level attribute group definitions in the grammar... RefHashTableOf* attGroupInfoRegistry = namespaceItem->fGrammar->getAttGroupInfoRegistry(); if(attGroupInfoRegistry) { RefHashTableOfEnumerator attrGroupEnum = RefHashTableOfEnumerator (attGroupInfoRegistry, false, fMemoryManager); while (attrGroupEnum.hasMoreElements()) { addComponentToNamespace ( namespaceItem , fObjFactory->createXSAttGroupDefinition ( &(attrGroupEnum.nextElement()), this ) , XSConstants::ATTRIBUTE_GROUP_DEFINITION - 1 ); } // end of attribute group loop } // Loop through top-level model group definitions in the grammar... RefHashTableOf* groupInfoRegistry = namespaceItem->fGrammar->getGroupInfoRegistry(); if(groupInfoRegistry) { RefHashTableOfEnumerator modelGroupEnum = RefHashTableOfEnumerator (groupInfoRegistry, false, fMemoryManager); while (modelGroupEnum.hasMoreElements()) { addComponentToNamespace ( namespaceItem , fObjFactory->createXSModelGroupDefinition ( &(modelGroupEnum.nextElement()), this ) , XSConstants::MODEL_GROUP_DEFINITION - 1 ); } // end of model group loop } // Loop through notations in the grammar... NameIdPoolEnumerator notationEnum = namespaceItem->fGrammar->getNotationEnumerator(); while (notationEnum.hasMoreElements()) { addComponentToNamespace ( namespaceItem , fObjFactory->addOrFind(&(notationEnum.nextElement()), this) , XSConstants::NOTATION_DECLARATION - 1 ); } // end of notation loop // Loop through annotations in the grammar... // As annotations are already created as XSAnnotations no need to create them // or store them in the XercesToXSMap. XSAnnotation* annot = namespaceItem->fGrammar->getAnnotation(); while (annot) { fXSAnnotationList->addElement(annot); namespaceItem->fXSAnnotationList->addElement(annot); addComponentToIdVector(annot, XSConstants::ANNOTATION -1); annot = annot->getNext(); } // end of annotation loop } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XSModel: Access methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * [schema components]: a list of top-level components, i.e. element * declarations, attribute declarations, etc. * @param objectType The type of the declaration, i.e. * ELEMENT_DECLARATION, * TYPE_DEFINITION and any other component type that * may be a property of a schema component. * @return A list of top-level definition of the specified type in * objectType or null. */ XSNamedMap *XSModel::getComponents(XSConstants::COMPONENT_TYPE objectType) { return fComponentMap[objectType -1]; } /** * Convenience method. Returns a list of top-level component declarations * that are defined within the specified namespace, i.e. element * declarations, attribute declarations, etc. * @param objectType The type of the declaration, i.e. * ELEMENT_DECLARATION. * @param compNamespace The namespace to which declaration belong or * null (for components with no target namespace). * @return A list of top-level definitions of the specified type in * objectType and defined in the specified * namespace or null. */ XSNamedMap *XSModel::getComponentsByNamespace(XSConstants::COMPONENT_TYPE objectType, const XMLCh *compNamespace) { XSNamespaceItem* namespaceItem; if (compNamespace) namespaceItem = getNamespaceItem(compNamespace); else namespaceItem = getNamespaceItem(XMLUni::fgZeroLenString); if (namespaceItem) return namespaceItem->getComponents(objectType); return 0; } /** * [annotations]: a set of annotations. */ XSAnnotationList *XSModel::getAnnotations() { return fXSAnnotationList; } /** * Convenience method. Returns a top-level element declaration. * @param name The name of the declaration. * @param compNamespace The namespace of the declaration, null if absent. * @return A top-level element declaration or null if such * declaration does not exist. */ XSElementDeclaration *XSModel::getElementDeclaration(const XMLCh *name , const XMLCh *compNamespace) { XSNamespaceItem* namespaceItem; if (compNamespace) namespaceItem = getNamespaceItem(compNamespace); else namespaceItem = getNamespaceItem(XMLUni::fgZeroLenString); if (namespaceItem) return namespaceItem->getElementDeclaration(name); return 0; } /** * Convenience method. Returns a top-level attribute declaration. * @param name The name of the declaration. * @param compNamespace The namespace of the declaration, null if absent. * @return A top-level attribute declaration or null if such * declaration does not exist. */ XSAttributeDeclaration *XSModel::getAttributeDeclaration(const XMLCh *name , const XMLCh *compNamespace) { XSNamespaceItem* namespaceItem; if (compNamespace) namespaceItem = getNamespaceItem(compNamespace); else namespaceItem = getNamespaceItem(XMLUni::fgZeroLenString); if (namespaceItem) return namespaceItem->getAttributeDeclaration(name); return 0; } /** * Convenience method. Returns a top-level simple or complex type * definition. * @param name The name of the definition. * @param compNamespace The namespace of the declaration, null if absent. * @return An XSTypeDefinition or null if such * definition does not exist. */ XSTypeDefinition *XSModel::getTypeDefinition(const XMLCh *name , const XMLCh *compNamespace) { XSNamespaceItem* namespaceItem; if (compNamespace) namespaceItem = getNamespaceItem(compNamespace); else namespaceItem = getNamespaceItem(XMLUni::fgZeroLenString); if (namespaceItem) return namespaceItem->getTypeDefinition(name); return 0; } /** * Convenience method. Returns a top-level attribute group definition. * @param name The name of the definition. * @param compNamespace The namespace of the declaration, null if absent. * @return A top-level attribute group definition or null if * such definition does not exist. */ XSAttributeGroupDefinition *XSModel::getAttributeGroup(const XMLCh *name , const XMLCh *compNamespace) { XSNamespaceItem* namespaceItem; if (compNamespace) namespaceItem = getNamespaceItem(compNamespace); else namespaceItem = getNamespaceItem(XMLUni::fgZeroLenString); if (namespaceItem) return namespaceItem->getAttributeGroup(name); return 0; } /** * Convenience method. Returns a top-level model group definition. * @param name The name of the definition. * @param compNamespace The namespace of the declaration, null if absent. * @return A top-level model group definition definition or * null if such definition does not exist. */ XSModelGroupDefinition *XSModel::getModelGroupDefinition(const XMLCh *name , const XMLCh *compNamespace) { XSNamespaceItem* namespaceItem; if (compNamespace) namespaceItem = getNamespaceItem(compNamespace); else namespaceItem = getNamespaceItem(XMLUni::fgZeroLenString); if (namespaceItem) return namespaceItem->getModelGroupDefinition(name); return 0; } /** * Convenience method. Returns a top-level notation declaration. * @param name The name of the declaration. * @param compNamespace The namespace of the declaration, null if absent. * @return A top-level notation declaration or null if such * declaration does not exist. */ XSNotationDeclaration *XSModel::getNotationDeclaration(const XMLCh *name , const XMLCh *compNamespace) { XSNamespaceItem* namespaceItem; if (compNamespace) namespaceItem = getNamespaceItem(compNamespace); else namespaceItem = getNamespaceItem(XMLUni::fgZeroLenString); if (namespaceItem) return namespaceItem->getNotationDeclaration(name); return 0; } /** * Optional. Return a component given a component type and a unique Id. * May not be supported for all component types. * @param compId unique Id of the component within its type * @param compType type of the component * @return the component of the given type with the given Id, or 0 * if no such component exists or this is unsupported for * this type of component. */ XSObject *XSModel::getXSObjectById(unsigned int compId , XSConstants::COMPONENT_TYPE compType) { if (compId < fIdVector[compType -1]->size()) return fIdVector[compType -1]->elementAt(compId); return 0; } XSNamespaceItem* XSModel::getNamespaceItem(const XMLCh* const key) { XSNamespaceItem* xsName = fHashNamespace->get(key); if (xsName) return xsName; if (fParent) return fParent->getNamespaceItem(key); return 0; } XSObject* XSModel::getXSObject(void* key) { XSObject* xsObj = fObjFactory->getObjectFromMap(key); if (!xsObj && fParent) xsObj = fParent->getXSObject(key); return xsObj; } XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_END