/* * Copyright 2002,2004 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * $Id: IGXMLScanner.hpp 191054 2005-06-17 02:56:35Z jberry $ */ #if !defined(IGXMLSCANNER_HPP) #define IGXMLSCANNER_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_BEGIN class DTDElementDecl; class DTDGrammar; class DTDValidator; class SchemaValidator; class IdentityConstraintHandler; class IdentityConstraint; class ContentLeafNameTypeVector; class SchemaAttDef; class XMLContentModel; class XSModel; class PSVIAttributeList; class PSVIElement; // This is an integrated scanner class, which does DTD/XML Schema grammar // processing. class XMLPARSER_EXPORT IGXMLScanner : public XMLScanner { public : // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructors and Destructor // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IGXMLScanner ( XMLValidator* const valToAdopt , GrammarResolver* const grammarResolver , MemoryManager* const manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager ); IGXMLScanner ( XMLDocumentHandler* const docHandler , DocTypeHandler* const docTypeHandler , XMLEntityHandler* const entityHandler , XMLErrorReporter* const errReporter , XMLValidator* const valToAdopt , GrammarResolver* const grammarResolver , MemoryManager* const manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager ); virtual ~IGXMLScanner(); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // XMLScanner public virtual methods // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual const XMLCh* getName() const; virtual NameIdPool* getEntityDeclPool(); virtual const NameIdPool* getEntityDeclPool() const; virtual unsigned int resolveQName ( const XMLCh* const qName , XMLBuffer& prefixBufToFill , const short mode , int& prefixColonPos ); virtual void scanDocument ( const InputSource& src ); virtual bool scanNext(XMLPScanToken& toFill); virtual Grammar* loadGrammar ( const InputSource& src , const short grammarType , const bool toCache = false ); virtual Grammar::GrammarType getCurrentGrammarType() const; private : // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Unimplemented constructors and operators // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IGXMLScanner(); IGXMLScanner(const IGXMLScanner&); IGXMLScanner& operator=(const IGXMLScanner&); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // XMLScanner virtual methods // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- virtual void scanCDSection(); virtual void scanCharData(XMLBuffer& toToUse); virtual EntityExpRes scanEntityRef ( const bool inAttVal , XMLCh& firstCh , XMLCh& secondCh , bool& escaped ); virtual void scanDocTypeDecl(); virtual void scanReset(const InputSource& src); virtual void sendCharData(XMLBuffer& toSend); virtual InputSource* resolveSystemId(const XMLCh* const sysId ,const XMLCh* const pubId); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private helper methods // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void commonInit(); void cleanUp(); unsigned int buildAttList ( const RefVectorOf& providedAttrs , const unsigned int attCount , XMLElementDecl* elemDecl , RefVectorOf& toFill ); bool normalizeAttValue ( const XMLAttDef* const attDef , const XMLCh* const name , const XMLCh* const value , XMLBuffer& toFill ); bool normalizeAttRawValue ( const XMLCh* const attrName , const XMLCh* const value , XMLBuffer& toFill ); unsigned int resolvePrefix ( const XMLCh* const prefix , const ElemStack::MapModes mode ); unsigned int resolvePrefix ( const XMLCh* const prefix , XMLBuffer& uriBufToFill , const ElemStack::MapModes mode ); void updateNSMap ( const XMLCh* const attrName , const XMLCh* const attrValue ); void updateNSMap ( const XMLCh* const attrName , const XMLCh* const attrValue , const int colonPosition ); void scanRawAttrListforNameSpaces(int attCount); void parseSchemaLocation(const XMLCh* const schemaLocationStr); void resolveSchemaGrammar(const XMLCh* const loc, const XMLCh* const uri); bool switchGrammar(const XMLCh* const newGrammarNameSpace); bool laxElementValidation(QName* element, ContentLeafNameTypeVector* cv, const XMLContentModel* const cm, const unsigned int parentElemDepth); bool anyAttributeValidation(SchemaAttDef* attWildCard, unsigned int uriId, bool& skipThisOne, bool& laxThisOne); void resizeElemState(); void processSchemaLocation(XMLCh* const schemaLoc); void resizeRawAttrColonList(); unsigned int resolveQNameWithColon ( const XMLCh* const qName , XMLBuffer& prefixBufToFill , const short mode , const int prefixColonPos ); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private scanning methods // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool basicAttrValueScan ( const XMLCh* const attrName , XMLBuffer& toFill ); unsigned int rawAttrScan ( const XMLCh* const elemName , RefVectorOf& toFill , bool& isEmpty ); bool scanAttValue ( const XMLAttDef* const attDef , const XMLCh* const attrName , XMLBuffer& toFill ); bool scanContent(); void scanEndTag(bool& gotData); bool scanStartTag(bool& gotData); bool scanStartTagNS(bool& gotData); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // IdentityConstraints Activation methods // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool toCheckIdentityConstraint() const; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Grammar preparsing methods // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Grammar* loadXMLSchemaGrammar(const InputSource& src, const bool toCache = false); Grammar* loadDTDGrammar(const InputSource& src, const bool toCache = false); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // PSVI handling methods // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void endElementPSVI(SchemaElementDecl* const elemDecl, DatatypeValidator* const memberDV); void resetPSVIElemContext(); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Data members // // fRawAttrList // During the initial scan of the attributes we can only do a raw // scan for key/value pairs. So this vector is used to store them // until they can be processed (and put into fAttrList.) // // fDTDValidator // The DTD validator instance. // // fSchemaValidator // The Schema validator instance. // // fSeeXsi // This flag indicates a schema has been seen. // // fElemState // fElemStateSize // Stores an element next state from DFA content model - used for // wildcard validation // // fDTDElemNonDeclPool // registry of "faulted-in" DTD element decls // fSchemaElemNonDeclPool // registry for elements without decls in the grammar // fElemCount // count of the number of start tags seen so far (starts at 1). // Used for duplicate attribute detection/processing of required/defaulted attributes // fAttDefRegistry // mapping from XMLAttDef instances to the count of the last // start tag where they were utilized. // fUndeclaredAttrRegistry // mapping of attr QNames to the count of the last start tag in which they occurred // fUndeclaredAttrRegistryNS // mapping of namespaceId/localName pairs to the count of the last // start tag in which they occurred. // fPSVIAttrList // PSVI attribute list implementation that needs to be // filled when a PSVIHandler is registered // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool fSeeXsi; Grammar::GrammarType fGrammarType; unsigned int fElemStateSize; unsigned int* fElemState; XMLBuffer fContent; RefVectorOf* fRawAttrList; unsigned int fRawAttrColonListSize; int* fRawAttrColonList; DTDValidator* fDTDValidator; SchemaValidator* fSchemaValidator; DTDGrammar* fDTDGrammar; IdentityConstraintHandler* fICHandler; ValueVectorOf* fLocationPairs; NameIdPool* fDTDElemNonDeclPool; RefHash3KeysIdPool* fSchemaElemNonDeclPool; unsigned int fElemCount; RefHashTableOf* fAttDefRegistry; RefHashTableOf* fUndeclaredAttrRegistry; RefHash2KeysTableOf* fUndeclaredAttrRegistryNS; PSVIAttributeList * fPSVIAttrList; XSModel* fModel; PSVIElement* fPSVIElement; ValueStackOf* fErrorStack; PSVIElemContext fPSVIElemContext; }; inline const XMLCh* IGXMLScanner::getName() const { return XMLUni::fgIGXMLScanner; } inline bool IGXMLScanner::toCheckIdentityConstraint() const { return fValidate && fIdentityConstraintChecking && fICHandler; } inline Grammar::GrammarType IGXMLScanner::getCurrentGrammarType() const { return fGrammarType; } XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_END #endif