/* * Copyright 2002, 2003,2004 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * $Id: IGXMLScanner2.cpp 240237 2005-08-26 13:14:19Z cargilld $ */ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This file holds some of the grunt work methods of IGXMLScanner.cpp to keep // it a little more readable. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Includes // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_BEGIN inline XMLAttDefList& getAttDefList(bool isSchemaGrammar , ComplexTypeInfo* currType , XMLElementDecl* elemDecl); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // IGXMLScanner: Private helper methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This method is called from scanStartTagNS() to build up the list of // XMLAttr objects that will be passed out in the start tag callout. We // get the key/value pairs from the raw scan of explicitly provided attrs, // which have not been normalized. And we get the element declaration from // which we will get any defaulted or fixed attribute defs and add those // in as well. unsigned int IGXMLScanner::buildAttList(const RefVectorOf& providedAttrs , const unsigned int attCount , XMLElementDecl* elemDecl , RefVectorOf& toFill) { // If doing DTD's, Ask the element to clear the 'provided' flag on all of the att defs // that it owns, and to return us a boolean indicating whether it has // any defs. If schemas are being validated, the complexType // at the top of the SchemaValidator's stack will // know what's best. REVISIT: don't modify grammar at all; eliminate // this step... ComplexTypeInfo *currType = 0; DatatypeValidator *currDV = 0; if(fGrammar->getGrammarType() == Grammar::SchemaGrammarType && fValidate) { currType = ((SchemaValidator*)fValidator)->getCurrentTypeInfo(); if (!currType) { currDV = ((SchemaValidator*)fValidator)->getCurrentDatatypeValidator(); } } const bool hasDefs = (currType && fValidate) ? currType->hasAttDefs() : elemDecl->hasAttDefs(); // another set of attributes; increment element counter fElemCount++; // If there are no expliclitily provided attributes and there are no // defined attributes for the element, the we don't have anything to do. // So just return zero in this case. if (!hasDefs && !attCount) return 0; // Keep up with how many attrs we end up with total unsigned int retCount = 0; // And get the current size of the output vector. This lets us use // existing elements until we fill it, then start adding new ones. const unsigned int curAttListSize = toFill.size(); // We need a buffer into which raw scanned attribute values will be // normalized. XMLBufBid bbNormal(&fBufMgr); XMLBuffer& normBuf = bbNormal.getBuffer(); // // Decide if to use hash table to do duplicate checking // bool toUseHashTable = false; if (fGrammarType == Grammar::DTDGrammarType) { setAttrDupChkRegistry(attCount, toUseHashTable); } // Loop through our explicitly provided attributes, which are in the raw // scanned form, and build up XMLAttr objects. unsigned int index; for (index = 0; index < attCount; index++) { PSVIItem::VALIDITY_STATE attrValid = PSVIItem::VALIDITY_VALID; PSVIItem::ASSESSMENT_TYPE attrAssessed = PSVIItem::VALIDATION_FULL; const KVStringPair* curPair = providedAttrs.elementAt(index); // We have to split the name into its prefix and name parts. Then // we map the prefix to its URI. const XMLCh* const namePtr = curPair->getKey(); ArrayJanitor janName(0); // use a stack-based buffer when possible. XMLCh tempBuffer[100]; const int colonInd = fRawAttrColonList[index]; const XMLCh* prefPtr = XMLUni::fgZeroLenString; const XMLCh* suffPtr = XMLUni::fgZeroLenString; if (colonInd != -1) { // We have to split the string, so make a copy. if (XMLString::stringLen(namePtr) < sizeof(tempBuffer) / sizeof(tempBuffer[0])) { XMLString::copyString(tempBuffer, namePtr); tempBuffer[colonInd] = chNull; prefPtr = tempBuffer; } else { janName.reset(XMLString::replicate(namePtr, fMemoryManager), fMemoryManager); janName[colonInd] = chNull; prefPtr = janName.get(); } suffPtr = namePtr + colonInd + 1; } else { // No colon, so we just have a name with no prefix suffPtr = namePtr; } // Map the prefix to a URI id. We tell him that we are mapping an // attr prefix, so any xmlns attrs at this level will not affect it. const unsigned int uriId = resolvePrefix(prefPtr, ElemStack::Mode_Attribute); // If the uri comes back as the xmlns or xml URI or its just a name // and that name is 'xmlns', then we handle it specially. So set a // boolean flag that lets us quickly below know which we are dealing // with. const bool isNSAttr = (uriId == fXMLNSNamespaceId) || XMLString::equals(suffPtr, XMLUni::fgXMLNSString) || XMLString::equals(getURIText(uriId), SchemaSymbols::fgURI_XSI); // If its not a special case namespace attr of some sort, then we // do normal checking and processing. XMLAttDef::AttTypes attType; DatatypeValidator *attrValidator = 0; PSVIAttribute *psviAttr = 0; if (!isNSAttr || fGrammarType == Grammar::DTDGrammarType) { // Some checking for attribute wild card first (for schema) bool laxThisOne = false; bool skipThisOne = false; XMLAttDef* attDefForWildCard = 0; XMLAttDef* attDef = 0; if (fGrammarType == Grammar::SchemaGrammarType) { //retrieve the att def SchemaAttDef* attWildCard = 0; if (currType) { attDef = currType->getAttDef(suffPtr, uriId); attWildCard = currType->getAttWildCard(); } else if (!currDV) { // check explicitly-set wildcard attWildCard = ((SchemaElementDecl*)elemDecl)->getAttWildCard(); } // if not found or faulted in - check for a matching wildcard attribute // if no matching wildcard attribute, check (un)qualifed cases and flag // appropriate errors if (!attDef || (attDef->getCreateReason() == XMLAttDef::JustFaultIn)) { if (attWildCard) { //if schema, see if we should lax or skip the validation of this attribute if (anyAttributeValidation(attWildCard, uriId, skipThisOne, laxThisOne)) { if(!skipThisOne) { SchemaGrammar* sGrammar = (SchemaGrammar*) fGrammarResolver->getGrammar(getURIText(uriId)); if (sGrammar && sGrammar->getGrammarType() == Grammar::SchemaGrammarType) { RefHashTableOf* attRegistry = sGrammar->getAttributeDeclRegistry(); if (attRegistry) { attDefForWildCard = attRegistry->get(suffPtr); } } } } } else if (currType) { // not found, see if the attDef should be qualified or not if (uriId == fEmptyNamespaceId) { attDef = currType->getAttDef(suffPtr , fURIStringPool->getId(fGrammar->getTargetNamespace())); if (fValidate && attDef && attDef->getCreateReason() != XMLAttDef::JustFaultIn) { // the attribute should be qualified fValidator->emitError ( XMLValid::AttributeNotQualified , attDef->getFullName() ); if(fGrammarType == Grammar::SchemaGrammarType) { fPSVIElemContext.fErrorOccurred = true; if (getPSVIHandler()) { attrValid = PSVIItem::VALIDITY_INVALID; } } } } else { attDef = currType->getAttDef(suffPtr , fEmptyNamespaceId); if (fValidate && attDef && attDef->getCreateReason() != XMLAttDef::JustFaultIn) { // the attribute should be qualified fValidator->emitError ( XMLValid::AttributeNotUnQualified , attDef->getFullName() ); if(fGrammarType == Grammar::SchemaGrammarType) { fPSVIElemContext.fErrorOccurred = true; if (getPSVIHandler()) { attrValid = PSVIItem::VALIDITY_INVALID; } } } } } } } // Find this attribute within the parent element. We pass both // the uriID/name and the raw QName buffer, since we don't know // how the derived validator and its elements store attributes. else { if(fGrammarType == Grammar::DTDGrammarType) attDef = ((DTDElementDecl *)elemDecl)->getAttDef ( namePtr); } // now need to prepare for duplicate detection if(attDef) { unsigned int *curCountPtr = fAttDefRegistry->get(attDef); if(!curCountPtr) { curCountPtr = getNewUIntPtr(); *curCountPtr = fElemCount; fAttDefRegistry->put(attDef, curCountPtr); } else if(*curCountPtr < fElemCount) *curCountPtr = fElemCount; else { emitError ( XMLErrs::AttrAlreadyUsedInSTag , attDef->getFullName() , elemDecl->getFullName() ); fPSVIElemContext.fErrorOccurred = true; } } else { if(fGrammarType == Grammar::DTDGrammarType) { if(!fUndeclaredAttrRegistry->containsKey(namePtr)) fUndeclaredAttrRegistry->put((void *)namePtr, 0); else { emitError ( XMLErrs::AttrAlreadyUsedInSTag , namePtr , elemDecl->getFullName() ); } } else // schema grammar { if(!fUndeclaredAttrRegistryNS->containsKey(suffPtr, uriId)) fUndeclaredAttrRegistryNS->put((void *)suffPtr, uriId, 0); else { emitError ( XMLErrs::AttrAlreadyUsedInSTag , namePtr , elemDecl->getFullName() ); fPSVIElemContext.fErrorOccurred = true; } } } if(fGrammarType == Grammar::SchemaGrammarType ) { // if we've found either an attDef or an attDefForWildCard, // then we're doing full validation and it may still be valid. if(!attDef && !attDefForWildCard) { if(!laxThisOne && !skipThisOne) { fPSVIElemContext.fErrorOccurred = true; } if(getPSVIHandler()) { if(!laxThisOne && !skipThisOne) { attrValid = PSVIItem::VALIDITY_INVALID; } else if(laxThisOne) { attrValid = PSVIItem::VALIDITY_NOTKNOWN; attrAssessed = PSVIItem::VALIDATION_PARTIAL; } else { attrValid = PSVIItem::VALIDITY_NOTKNOWN; attrAssessed = PSVIItem::VALIDATION_NONE; } } } } bool errorCondition = fValidate && !attDefForWildCard && !attDef; if (errorCondition && !skipThisOne && !laxThisOne) { // // Its not valid for this element, so issue an error if we are // validating. // XMLBufBid bbMsg(&fBufMgr); XMLBuffer& bufMsg = bbMsg.getBuffer(); if (uriId != fEmptyNamespaceId) { XMLBufBid bbURI(&fBufMgr); XMLBuffer& bufURI = bbURI.getBuffer(); getURIText(uriId, bufURI); bufMsg.append(chOpenCurly); bufMsg.append(bufURI.getRawBuffer()); bufMsg.append(chCloseCurly); } bufMsg.append(suffPtr); fValidator->emitError ( XMLValid::AttNotDefinedForElement , bufMsg.getRawBuffer() , elemDecl->getFullName() ); } // Now normalize the raw value since we have the attribute type. We // don't care about the return status here. If it failed, an error // was issued, which is all we care about. if (attDefForWildCard) { normalizeAttValue( attDefForWildCard, namePtr, curPair->getValue(), normBuf ); // If we found an attdef for this one, then lets validate it. const XMLCh* xsNormalized = normBuf.getRawBuffer(); DatatypeValidator* tempDV = ((SchemaAttDef*) attDefForWildCard)->getDatatypeValidator(); if (tempDV && tempDV->getWSFacet() != DatatypeValidator::PRESERVE) { // normalize the attribute according to schema whitespace facet ((SchemaValidator*) fValidator)->normalizeWhiteSpace(tempDV, xsNormalized, fWSNormalizeBuf); xsNormalized = fWSNormalizeBuf.getRawBuffer(); if (fNormalizeData && fValidate) { normBuf.set(xsNormalized); } } if (fValidate ) { fValidator->validateAttrValue( attDefForWildCard, xsNormalized, false, elemDecl ); attrValidator = ((SchemaValidator*)fValidator)->getMostRecentAttrValidator(); if(((SchemaValidator *)fValidator)->getErrorOccurred()) { fPSVIElemContext.fErrorOccurred = true; if(getPSVIHandler()) attrValid = PSVIItem::VALIDITY_INVALID; } } else { // no decl; default DOMTypeInfo to anySimpleType attrValidator = DatatypeValidatorFactory::getBuiltInRegistry()->get(SchemaSymbols::fgDT_ANYSIMPLETYPE); } // Save the type for later use attType = attDefForWildCard->getType(); } else { normalizeAttValue( attDef, namePtr, curPair->getValue(), normBuf ); // If we found an attdef for this one, then lets validate it. if (attDef) { const XMLCh* xsNormalized = normBuf.getRawBuffer(); if (fGrammarType == Grammar::SchemaGrammarType) { DatatypeValidator* tempDV = ((SchemaAttDef*) attDef)->getDatatypeValidator(); if (tempDV && tempDV->getWSFacet() != DatatypeValidator::PRESERVE) { // normalize the attribute according to schema whitespace facet ((SchemaValidator*) fValidator)->normalizeWhiteSpace(tempDV, xsNormalized, fWSNormalizeBuf); xsNormalized = fWSNormalizeBuf.getRawBuffer(); if (fNormalizeData && fValidate && !skipThisOne) { normBuf.set(xsNormalized); } } } if (fValidate && !skipThisOne) { fValidator->validateAttrValue( attDef, xsNormalized, false, elemDecl ); if(fGrammarType == Grammar::SchemaGrammarType) { attrValidator = ((SchemaValidator*)fValidator)->getMostRecentAttrValidator(); if(((SchemaValidator *)fValidator)->getErrorOccurred()) { fPSVIElemContext.fErrorOccurred = true; if (getPSVIHandler()) attrValid = PSVIItem::VALIDITY_INVALID; } } } else if(fGrammarType == Grammar::SchemaGrammarType) { attrValidator = DatatypeValidatorFactory::getBuiltInRegistry()->get(SchemaSymbols::fgDT_ANYSIMPLETYPE); } } else // no attDef at all; default to anySimpleType { if(fGrammarType == Grammar::SchemaGrammarType) { attrValidator = DatatypeValidatorFactory::getBuiltInRegistry()->get(SchemaSymbols::fgDT_ANYSIMPLETYPE); } } // Save the type for later use attType = (attDef)?attDef->getType():XMLAttDef::CData; } // now fill in the PSVIAttributes entry for this attribute: if(getPSVIHandler() && fGrammarType == Grammar::SchemaGrammarType) { psviAttr = fPSVIAttrList->getPSVIAttributeToFill(suffPtr, fURIStringPool->getValueForId(uriId)); SchemaAttDef *actualAttDef = 0; if(attDef) actualAttDef = (SchemaAttDef *)attDef; else if (attDefForWildCard) actualAttDef = (SchemaAttDef *)attDefForWildCard; if(actualAttDef) { XSAttributeDeclaration *attrDecl = (XSAttributeDeclaration *)fModel->getXSObject(actualAttDef); DatatypeValidator * attrDataType = actualAttDef->getDatatypeValidator(); XSSimpleTypeDefinition *validatingType = (XSSimpleTypeDefinition *)fModel->getXSObject(attrDataType); if(attrValid != PSVIItem::VALIDITY_VALID) { psviAttr->reset ( fRootElemName , attrValid , attrAssessed , validatingType , 0 , actualAttDef->getValue() , false , attrDecl , 0 ); } else { XSSimpleTypeDefinition *memberType = 0; if(validatingType->getVariety() == XSSimpleTypeDefinition::VARIETY_UNION) memberType = (XSSimpleTypeDefinition *)fModel->getXSObject(attrValidator); psviAttr->reset ( fRootElemName , attrValid , attrAssessed , validatingType , memberType , actualAttDef->getValue() , false , attrDecl , (memberType)?attrValidator:attrDataType ); } } else { psviAttr->reset ( fRootElemName , attrValid , attrAssessed , 0 , 0 , 0 , false , 0 , 0 ); } } } else { // Just normalize as CDATA attType = XMLAttDef::CData; normalizeAttRawValue ( namePtr , curPair->getValue() , normBuf ); if((uriId == fXMLNSNamespaceId) || XMLString::equals(getURIText(uriId), SchemaSymbols::fgURI_XSI)) attrValidator = DatatypeValidatorFactory::getBuiltInRegistry()->get(SchemaSymbols::fgDT_ANYURI); if(getPSVIHandler() && fGrammarType == Grammar::SchemaGrammarType) { psviAttr = fPSVIAttrList->getPSVIAttributeToFill(suffPtr, fURIStringPool->getValueForId(uriId)); XSSimpleTypeDefinition *validatingType = (attrValidator) ? (XSSimpleTypeDefinition *)fModel->getXSObject(attrValidator) : 0; // no attribute declarations for these... psviAttr->reset( fRootElemName , PSVIItem::VALIDITY_NOTKNOWN , PSVIItem::VALIDATION_NONE , validatingType , 0 , 0 , false , 0 , attrValidator ); } } // Add this attribute to the attribute list that we use to pass them // to the handler. We reuse its existing elements but expand it as // required. XMLAttr* curAttr; // check for duplicate namespace attributes: // by checking for qualified names with the same local part and with prefixes // which have been bound to namespace names that are identical. if (fGrammarType == Grammar::DTDGrammarType) { if (!toUseHashTable) { for (unsigned int attrIndex=0; attrIndex < retCount; attrIndex++) { curAttr = toFill.elementAt(attrIndex); if (uriId == curAttr->getURIId() && XMLString::equals(suffPtr, curAttr->getName())) { emitError ( XMLErrs::AttrAlreadyUsedInSTag , curAttr->getName() , elemDecl->getFullName() ); } } } else { if (fAttrDupChkRegistry->containsKey((void*)suffPtr, uriId)) { emitError ( XMLErrs::AttrAlreadyUsedInSTag , suffPtr , elemDecl->getFullName() ); } } } if (retCount >= curAttListSize) { curAttr = new (fMemoryManager) XMLAttr ( uriId , suffPtr , prefPtr , normBuf.getRawBuffer() , attType , true , fMemoryManager ); toFill.addElement(curAttr); } else { curAttr = toFill.elementAt(retCount); curAttr->set ( uriId , suffPtr , prefPtr , normBuf.getRawBuffer() , attType ); curAttr->setSpecified(true); } if (toUseHashTable) { fAttrDupChkRegistry->put((void*)suffPtr, uriId, curAttr); } if(psviAttr) psviAttr->setValue(curAttr->getValue()); // Bump the count of attrs in the list retCount++; } // Now, if there are any attributes declared by this element, let's // go through them and make sure that any required ones are provided, // and fault in any fixed ones and defaulted ones that are not provided // literally. if (hasDefs) { // Check after all specified attrs are scanned // (1) report error for REQUIRED attrs that are missing (V_TAGc) // (2) add default attrs if missing (FIXED and NOT_FIXED) XMLAttDefList &attDefList = getAttDefList(fGrammarType == Grammar::SchemaGrammarType, currType, elemDecl); for(unsigned int i=0; igetDefaultType(); unsigned int *attCountPtr = fAttDefRegistry->get((void *)curDef); if (!attCountPtr || *attCountPtr < fElemCount) { // did not occur // note that since there is no attribute information // item present, there is no PSVI infoset to augment here *except* // that the element is invalid //the attribute is not provided if (fValidate) { // If we are validating and its required, then an error if ((defType == XMLAttDef::Required) || (defType == XMLAttDef::Required_And_Fixed) ) { fValidator->emitError ( XMLValid::RequiredAttrNotProvided , curDef->getFullName() ); if(fGrammarType == Grammar::SchemaGrammarType) { fPSVIElemContext.fErrorOccurred = true; } } else if ((defType == XMLAttDef::Default) || (defType == XMLAttDef::Fixed) ) { if (fStandalone && curDef->isExternal()) { // XML 1.0 Section 2.9 // Document is standalone, so attributes must not be defaulted. fValidator->emitError(XMLValid::NoDefAttForStandalone, curDef->getFullName(), elemDecl->getFullName()); if(fGrammarType == Grammar::SchemaGrammarType) { fPSVIElemContext.fErrorOccurred = true; } } } } // Fault in the value if needed, and bump the att count. if ((defType == XMLAttDef::Default) || (defType == XMLAttDef::Fixed)) { // Let the validator pass judgement on the attribute value if (fValidate) { fValidator->validateAttrValue ( curDef , curDef->getValue() , false , elemDecl ); } XMLAttr* curAtt; if (retCount >= curAttListSize) { curAtt = new (fMemoryManager) XMLAttr(fMemoryManager); fValidator->faultInAttr(*curAtt, *curDef); fAttrList->addElement(curAtt); } else { curAtt = fAttrList->elementAt(retCount); fValidator->faultInAttr(*curAtt, *curDef); } if (fGrammarType == Grammar::DTDGrammarType) { // Map the new attribute's prefix to a URI id and store // that in the attribute object. curAtt->setURIId ( resolvePrefix(curAtt->getPrefix(), ElemStack::Mode_Attribute) ); } // Indicate it was not explicitly specified and bump count curAtt->setSpecified(false); retCount++; if(getPSVIHandler() && fGrammarType == Grammar::SchemaGrammarType) { QName *attName = ((SchemaAttDef *)curDef)->getAttName(); PSVIAttribute *defAttrToFill = fPSVIAttrList->getPSVIAttributeToFill ( attName->getLocalPart(), fURIStringPool->getValueForId( attName->getURI()) ); XSAttributeDeclaration *defAttrDecl = (XSAttributeDeclaration *)fModel->getXSObject((void *)curDef); DatatypeValidator * attrDataType = ((SchemaAttDef *)curDef)->getDatatypeValidator(); XSSimpleTypeDefinition *defAttrType = (XSSimpleTypeDefinition*)fModel->getXSObject(attrDataType); // would have occurred during validation of default value if(((SchemaValidator *)fValidator)->getErrorOccurred()) { defAttrToFill->reset( fRootElemName , PSVIItem::VALIDITY_INVALID , PSVIItem::VALIDATION_FULL , defAttrType , 0 , curDef->getValue() , true , defAttrDecl , 0 ); } else { XSSimpleTypeDefinition *defAttrMemberType = 0; if(defAttrType->getVariety() == XSSimpleTypeDefinition::VARIETY_UNION) { defAttrMemberType = (XSSimpleTypeDefinition *)fModel->getXSObject ( ((SchemaValidator*)fValidator)->getMostRecentAttrValidator() ); } defAttrToFill->reset( fRootElemName , PSVIItem::VALIDITY_VALID , PSVIItem::VALIDATION_FULL , defAttrType , defAttrMemberType , curDef->getValue() , true , defAttrDecl , (defAttrMemberType)?((SchemaValidator *)fValidator)->getMostRecentAttrValidator():attrDataType ); } defAttrToFill->setValue(curDef->getValue()); } } } else if(attCountPtr) { //attribute is provided // (schema) report error for PROHIBITED attrs that are present (V_TAGc) if (defType == XMLAttDef::Prohibited && fValidate) { fValidator->emitError ( XMLValid::ProhibitedAttributePresent , curDef->getFullName() ); if(fGrammarType == Grammar::SchemaGrammarType) { fPSVIElemContext.fErrorOccurred = true; if (getPSVIHandler()) { QName *attQName = ((SchemaAttDef *)curDef)->getAttName(); // bad luck... PSVIAttribute *prohibitedAttr = fPSVIAttrList->getAttributePSVIByName ( attQName->getLocalPart(), fURIStringPool->getValueForId(attQName->getURI()) ); prohibitedAttr->updateValidity(PSVIItem::VALIDITY_INVALID); } } } } } } return retCount; } // This method will take a raw attribute value and normalize it according to // the rules of the attribute type. It will put the resulting value into the // passed buffer. // // This code assumes that escaped characters in the original value (via char // refs) are prefixed by a 0xFFFF character. This is because some characters // are legal if escaped only. And some escape chars are not subject to // normalization rules. bool IGXMLScanner::normalizeAttValue( const XMLAttDef* const attDef , const XMLCh* const attName , const XMLCh* const value , XMLBuffer& toFill) { // A simple state value for a whitespace processing state machine enum States { InWhitespace , InContent }; // Get the type and name const XMLAttDef::AttTypes type = (attDef) ?attDef->getType() :XMLAttDef::CData; // Assume its going to go fine, and empty the target buffer in preperation bool retVal = true; toFill.reset(); // Get attribute def - to check to see if it's declared externally or not bool isAttExternal = (attDef) ?attDef->isExternal() :false; // Loop through the chars of the source value and normalize it according // to the type. States curState = InContent; bool firstNonWS = false; XMLCh nextCh; const XMLCh* srcPtr = value; if (type == XMLAttDef::CData || type > XMLAttDef::Notation) { while (*srcPtr) { // Get the next character from the source. We have to watch for // escaped characters (which are indicated by a 0xFFFF value followed // by the char that was escaped.) nextCh = *srcPtr; // Do we have an escaped character ? if (nextCh == 0xFFFF) { nextCh = *++srcPtr; } else if ( (nextCh <= 0x0D) && (nextCh == 0x09 || nextCh == 0x0A || nextCh == 0x0D) ) { // Check Validity Constraint for Standalone document declaration // XML 1.0, Section 2.9 if (fStandalone && fValidate && isAttExternal) { // Can't have a standalone document declaration of "yes" if attribute // values are subject to normalisation fValidator->emitError(XMLValid::NoAttNormForStandalone, attName); } nextCh = chSpace; } else if (nextCh == chOpenAngle) { // If its not escaped, then make sure its not a < character, which is // not allowed in attribute values. emitError(XMLErrs::BracketInAttrValue, attName); retVal = false; } // Add this char to the target buffer toFill.append(nextCh); // And move up to the next character in the source srcPtr++; } } else { while (*srcPtr) { // Get the next character from the source. We have to watch for // escaped characters (which are indicated by a 0xFFFF value followed // by the char that was escaped.) nextCh = *srcPtr; // Do we have an escaped character ? if (nextCh == 0xFFFF) { nextCh = *++srcPtr; } else if (nextCh == chOpenAngle) { // If its not escaped, then make sure its not a < character, which is // not allowed in attribute values. emitError(XMLErrs::BracketInAttrValue, attName); retVal = false; } if (curState == InWhitespace) { if (!fReaderMgr.getCurrentReader()->isWhitespace(nextCh)) { if (firstNonWS) toFill.append(chSpace); curState = InContent; firstNonWS = true; } else { srcPtr++; continue; } } else if (curState == InContent) { if (fReaderMgr.getCurrentReader()->isWhitespace(nextCh)) { curState = InWhitespace; srcPtr++; // Check Validity Constraint for Standalone document declaration // XML 1.0, Section 2.9 if (fStandalone && fValidate && isAttExternal) { if (!firstNonWS || (nextCh != chSpace) || (!*srcPtr) || fReaderMgr.getCurrentReader()->isWhitespace(*srcPtr)) { // Can't have a standalone document declaration of "yes" if attribute // values are subject to normalisation fValidator->emitError(XMLValid::NoAttNormForStandalone, attName); } } continue; } firstNonWS = true; } // Add this char to the target buffer toFill.append(nextCh); // And move up to the next character in the source srcPtr++; } } return retVal; } // This method will just normalize the input value as CDATA without // any standalone checking. bool IGXMLScanner::normalizeAttRawValue( const XMLCh* const attrName , const XMLCh* const value , XMLBuffer& toFill) { // Assume its going to go fine, and empty the target buffer in preperation bool retVal = true; toFill.reset(); // Loop through the chars of the source value and normalize it according // to the type. bool escaped; XMLCh nextCh; const XMLCh* srcPtr = value; while (*srcPtr) { // Get the next character from the source. We have to watch for // escaped characters (which are indicated by a 0xFFFF value followed // by the char that was escaped.) nextCh = *srcPtr; escaped = (nextCh == 0xFFFF); if (escaped) nextCh = *++srcPtr; // If its not escaped, then make sure its not a < character, which is // not allowed in attribute values. if (!escaped && (*srcPtr == chOpenAngle)) { emitError(XMLErrs::BracketInAttrValue, attrName); retVal = false; } if (!escaped) { // NOTE: Yes this is a little redundant in that a 0x20 is // replaced with an 0x20. But its faster to do this (I think) // than checking for 9, A, and D separately. if (fReaderMgr.getCurrentReader()->isWhitespace(nextCh)) nextCh = chSpace; } // Add this char to the target buffer toFill.append(nextCh); // And move up to the next character in the source srcPtr++; } return retVal; } unsigned int IGXMLScanner::resolvePrefix( const XMLCh* const prefix , const ElemStack::MapModes mode) { // Watch for the special namespace prefixes. We always map these to // special URIs. 'xml' gets mapped to the official URI that its defined // to map to by the NS spec. xmlns gets mapped to a special place holder // URI that we define (so that it maps to something checkable.) if (XMLString::equals(prefix, XMLUni::fgXMLNSString)) return fXMLNSNamespaceId; else if (XMLString::equals(prefix, XMLUni::fgXMLString)) return fXMLNamespaceId; // Ask the element stack to search up itself for a mapping for the // passed prefix. bool unknown; unsigned int uriId = fElemStack.mapPrefixToURI(prefix, mode, unknown); // If it was unknown, then the URI was faked in but we have to issue an error if (unknown) emitError(XMLErrs::UnknownPrefix, prefix); return uriId; } unsigned int IGXMLScanner::resolvePrefix( const XMLCh* const prefix , XMLBuffer& bufToFill , const ElemStack::MapModes mode) { // Watch for the special namespace prefixes. We always map these to // special URIs. 'xml' gets mapped to the official URI that its defined // to map to by the NS spec. xmlns gets mapped to a special place holder // URI that we define (so that it maps to something checkable.) if (XMLString::equals(prefix, XMLUni::fgXMLNSString)) return fXMLNSNamespaceId; else if (XMLString::equals(prefix, XMLUni::fgXMLString)) return fXMLNamespaceId; // Ask the element stack to search up itself for a mapping for the // passed prefix. bool unknown; unsigned int uriId = fElemStack.mapPrefixToURI(prefix, mode, unknown); // If it was unknown, then the URI was faked in but we have to issue an error if (unknown) emitError(XMLErrs::UnknownPrefix, prefix); getURIText(uriId,bufToFill); return uriId; } // This method will reset the scanner data structures, and related plugged // in stuff, for a new scan session. We get the input source for the primary // XML entity, create the reader for it, and push it on the stack so that // upon successful return from here we are ready to go. void IGXMLScanner::scanReset(const InputSource& src) { // This call implicitly tells us that we are going to reuse the scanner // if it was previously used. So tell the validator to reset itself. // // But, if the fUseCacheGrammar flag is set, then don't reset it. // // NOTE: The ReaderMgr is flushed on the way out, because that is // required to insure that files are closed. fGrammarResolver->cacheGrammarFromParse(fToCacheGrammar); fGrammarResolver->useCachedGrammarInParse(fUseCachedGrammar); // fModel may need updating, as fGrammarResolver could have cleaned it if(fModel && getPSVIHandler()) fModel = fGrammarResolver->getXSModel(); { XMLDTDDescriptionImpl theDTDDescription(XMLUni::fgDTDEntityString, fMemoryManager); fDTDGrammar = (DTDGrammar*) fGrammarResolver->getGrammar(&theDTDDescription); } if (!fDTDGrammar) { fDTDGrammar = new (fGrammarPoolMemoryManager) DTDGrammar(fGrammarPoolMemoryManager); fGrammarResolver->putGrammar(fDTDGrammar); } else fDTDGrammar->reset(); fGrammar = fDTDGrammar; fGrammarType = fGrammar->getGrammarType(); fRootGrammar = 0; if (fValidatorFromUser) { if (fValidator->handlesDTD()) fValidator->setGrammar(fGrammar); else if (fValidator->handlesSchema()) { ((SchemaValidator*) fValidator)->setErrorReporter(fErrorReporter); ((SchemaValidator*) fValidator)->setGrammarResolver(fGrammarResolver); ((SchemaValidator*) fValidator)->setExitOnFirstFatal(fExitOnFirstFatal); } } else { // set fValidator as fDTDValidator fValidator = fDTDValidator; fValidator->setGrammar(fGrammar); } // Reset validation fValidate = (fValScheme == Val_Always) ? true : false; // Ignore skipDTDValidation flag if no schema processing is taking place */ fSkipDTDValidation = fSkipDTDValidation && fDoSchema; // And for all installed handlers, send reset events. This gives them // a chance to flush any cached data. if (fDocHandler) fDocHandler->resetDocument(); if (fEntityHandler) fEntityHandler->resetEntities(); if (fErrorReporter) fErrorReporter->resetErrors(); // Clear out the id reference list resetValidationContext(); // Reset the Root Element Name fMemoryManager->deallocate(fRootElemName);//delete [] fRootElemName; fRootElemName = 0; // Reset IdentityConstraints if (fICHandler) fICHandler->reset(); // Reset the element stack, and give it the latest ids for the special // URIs it has to know about. fElemStack.reset ( fEmptyNamespaceId , fUnknownNamespaceId , fXMLNamespaceId , fXMLNSNamespaceId ); if (!fSchemaNamespaceId) fSchemaNamespaceId = fURIStringPool->addOrFind(SchemaSymbols::fgURI_XSI); // Reset some status flags fInException = false; fStandalone = false; fErrorCount = 0; fHasNoDTD = true; fSeeXsi = false; // Reset PSVI context // note that we always need this around for DOMTypeInfo if (!fPSVIElement) fPSVIElement = new (fMemoryManager) PSVIElement(fMemoryManager); if (!fErrorStack) { fErrorStack = new (fMemoryManager) ValueStackOf(8, fMemoryManager); } else { fErrorStack->removeAllElements(); } resetPSVIElemContext(); // Reset the validators fDTDValidator->reset(); fDTDValidator->setErrorReporter(fErrorReporter); fSchemaValidator->reset(); fSchemaValidator->setErrorReporter(fErrorReporter); fSchemaValidator->setExitOnFirstFatal(fExitOnFirstFatal); fSchemaValidator->setGrammarResolver(fGrammarResolver); if (fValidatorFromUser) fValidator->reset(); // Handle the creation of the XML reader object for this input source. // This will provide us with transcoding and basic lexing services. XMLReader* newReader = fReaderMgr.createReader ( src , true , XMLReader::RefFrom_NonLiteral , XMLReader::Type_General , XMLReader::Source_External , fCalculateSrcOfs ); if (!newReader) { if (src.getIssueFatalErrorIfNotFound()) ThrowXMLwithMemMgr1(RuntimeException, XMLExcepts::Scan_CouldNotOpenSource, src.getSystemId(), fMemoryManager); else ThrowXMLwithMemMgr1(RuntimeException, XMLExcepts::Scan_CouldNotOpenSource_Warning, src.getSystemId(), fMemoryManager); } // Push this read onto the reader manager fReaderMgr.pushReader(newReader, 0); // and reset security-related things if necessary: if(fSecurityManager != 0) { fEntityExpansionLimit = fSecurityManager->getEntityExpansionLimit(); fEntityExpansionCount = 0; } fElemCount = 0; if(fUIntPoolRowTotal >= 32) { // 8 KB tied up with validating attributes... fAttDefRegistry->removeAll(); recreateUIntPool(); } else { // note that this will implicitly reset the values of the hashtables, // though their buckets will still be tied up resetUIntPool(); } fUndeclaredAttrRegistry->removeAll(); fUndeclaredAttrRegistryNS->removeAll(); fDTDElemNonDeclPool->removeAll(); } // This method is called between markup in content. It scans for character // data that is sent to the document handler. It watches for any markup // characters that would indicate that the character data has ended. It also // handles expansion of general and character entities. // // sendData() is a local static helper for this method which handles some // code that must be done in three different places here. void IGXMLScanner::sendCharData(XMLBuffer& toSend) { // If no data in the buffer, then nothing to do if (toSend.isEmpty()) return; // We do different things according to whether we are validating or // not. If not, its always just characters; else, it depends on the // current element's content model. if (fValidate) { // Get the raw data we need for the callback const XMLCh* rawBuf = toSend.getRawBuffer(); unsigned int len = toSend.getLen(); // And see if the current element is a 'Children' style content model const ElemStack::StackElem* topElem = fElemStack.topElement(); // Get the character data opts for the current element XMLElementDecl::CharDataOpts charOpts = XMLElementDecl::AllCharData; if(fGrammar->getGrammarType() == Grammar::SchemaGrammarType) { // And see if the current element is a 'Children' style content model ComplexTypeInfo *currType = ((SchemaValidator*)fValidator)->getCurrentTypeInfo(); if(currType) { SchemaElementDecl::ModelTypes modelType = (SchemaElementDecl::ModelTypes) currType->getContentType(); if(modelType == SchemaElementDecl::Children) charOpts = XMLElementDecl::SpacesOk; else if(modelType == SchemaElementDecl::Empty) charOpts = XMLElementDecl::NoCharData; } } else // DTD grammar charOpts = topElem->fThisElement->getCharDataOpts(); if (charOpts == XMLElementDecl::NoCharData) { // They definitely cannot handle any type of char data fValidator->emitError(XMLValid::NoCharDataInCM); if(fGrammarType == Grammar::SchemaGrammarType) { if (getPSVIHandler()) { // REVISIT: // PSVIElement->setValidity(PSVIItem::VALIDITY_INVALID); } } } else if (fReaderMgr.getCurrentReader()->isAllSpaces(rawBuf, len)) { // Its all spaces. So, if they can take spaces, then send it // as ignorable whitespace. If they can handle any char data // send it as characters. if (charOpts == XMLElementDecl::SpacesOk) { if (fDocHandler) fDocHandler->ignorableWhitespace(rawBuf, len, false); } else if (charOpts == XMLElementDecl::AllCharData) { if (fGrammarType != Grammar::SchemaGrammarType) { if (fDocHandler) fDocHandler->docCharacters(rawBuf, len, false); } else { unsigned int xsLen; const XMLCh* xsNormalized; SchemaValidator *schemaValidator = (SchemaValidator *)fValidator; DatatypeValidator* tempDV = ((SchemaValidator*) fValidator)->getCurrentDatatypeValidator(); if (tempDV && tempDV->getWSFacet() != DatatypeValidator::PRESERVE) { // normalize the character according to schema whitespace facet ((SchemaValidator*) fValidator)->normalizeWhiteSpace(tempDV, rawBuf, fWSNormalizeBuf); xsNormalized = fWSNormalizeBuf.getRawBuffer(); xsLen = fWSNormalizeBuf.getLen(); } else { xsNormalized = rawBuf; xsLen = len ; } // tell the schema validation about the character data for checkContent later schemaValidator->setDatatypeBuffer(xsNormalized); // call all active identity constraints if (toCheckIdentityConstraint() && fICHandler->getMatcherCount()) { fContent.append(xsNormalized, xsLen); } if (fDocHandler) { if (fNormalizeData) { fDocHandler->docCharacters(xsNormalized, xsLen, false); } else { fDocHandler->docCharacters(rawBuf, len, false); } } } } } else { // If they can take any char data, then send it. Otherwise, they // can only handle whitespace and can't handle this stuff so // issue an error. if (charOpts == XMLElementDecl::AllCharData) { if (fGrammarType != Grammar::SchemaGrammarType) { if (fDocHandler) fDocHandler->docCharacters(rawBuf, len, false); } else { unsigned int xsLen; const XMLCh* xsNormalized; SchemaValidator *schemaValidator = (SchemaValidator*)fValidator; DatatypeValidator* tempDV = ((SchemaValidator*) fValidator)->getCurrentDatatypeValidator(); if (tempDV && tempDV->getWSFacet() != DatatypeValidator::PRESERVE) { // normalize the character according to schema whitespace facet ((SchemaValidator*) fValidator)->normalizeWhiteSpace(tempDV, rawBuf, fWSNormalizeBuf); xsNormalized = fWSNormalizeBuf.getRawBuffer(); xsLen = fWSNormalizeBuf.getLen(); } else { xsNormalized = rawBuf; xsLen = len; } // tell the schema validation about the character data for checkContent later schemaValidator->setDatatypeBuffer(xsNormalized); // call all active identity constraints if (toCheckIdentityConstraint() && fICHandler->getMatcherCount()) { fContent.append(xsNormalized, xsLen); } if (fDocHandler) { if (fNormalizeData) { fDocHandler->docCharacters(xsNormalized, xsLen, false); } else { fDocHandler->docCharacters(rawBuf, len, false); } } } } else { fValidator->emitError(XMLValid::NoCharDataInCM); if(fGrammarType == Grammar::SchemaGrammarType) { if (getPSVIHandler()) { // REVISIT: // PSVIAttribute->setValidity(PSVIItem::VALIDITY_INVALID); } } } } } else { // call all active identity constraints if (fGrammarType == Grammar::SchemaGrammarType) { if (toCheckIdentityConstraint() && fICHandler->getMatcherCount()) fContent.append(toSend.getRawBuffer(), toSend.getLen()); } // Always assume its just char data if not validating if (fDocHandler) fDocHandler->docCharacters(toSend.getRawBuffer(), toSend.getLen(), false); } // Reset buffer toSend.reset(); } // This method is called with a key/value string pair that represents an // xmlns="yyy" or xmlns:xxx="yyy" attribute. This method will update the // current top of the element stack based on this data. We know that when // we get here, that it is one of these forms, so we don't bother confirming // it. // // But we have to ensure // 1. xxx is not xmlns // 2. if xxx is xml, then yyy must match XMLUni::fgXMLURIName, and vice versa // 3. yyy is not XMLUni::fgXMLNSURIName // 4. if xxx is not null, then yyy cannot be an empty string. void IGXMLScanner::updateNSMap(const XMLCh* const attrName , const XMLCh* const attrValue) { updateNSMap(attrName, attrValue, XMLString::indexOf(attrName, chColon)); } void IGXMLScanner::updateNSMap(const XMLCh* const attrName , const XMLCh* const attrValue , const int colonOfs) { // We need a buffer to normalize the attribute value into XMLBufBid bbNormal(&fBufMgr); XMLBuffer& normalBuf = bbNormal.getBuffer(); // Normalize the value into the passed buffer. In this case, we don't // care about the return value. An error was issued for the error, which // is all we care about here. normalizeAttRawValue(attrName, attrValue, normalBuf); XMLCh* namespaceURI = normalBuf.getRawBuffer(); // We either have the default prefix (""), or we point it into the attr // name parameter. Note that the xmlns is not the prefix we care about // here. To us, the 'prefix' is really the local part of the attrName // parameter. // // Check 1. xxx is not xmlns // 2. if xxx is xml, then yyy must match XMLUni::fgXMLURIName, and vice versa // 3. yyy is not XMLUni::fgXMLNSURIName // 4. if xxx is not null, then yyy cannot be an empty string. const XMLCh* prefPtr = XMLUni::fgZeroLenString; if (colonOfs != -1) { prefPtr = &attrName[colonOfs + 1]; if (XMLString::equals(prefPtr, XMLUni::fgXMLNSString)) emitError(XMLErrs::NoUseOfxmlnsAsPrefix); else if (XMLString::equals(prefPtr, XMLUni::fgXMLString)) { if (!XMLString::equals(namespaceURI, XMLUni::fgXMLURIName)) emitError(XMLErrs::PrefixXMLNotMatchXMLURI); } if (!namespaceURI) emitError(XMLErrs::NoEmptyStrNamespace, attrName); else if(!*namespaceURI && fXMLVersion == XMLReader::XMLV1_0) emitError(XMLErrs::NoEmptyStrNamespace, attrName); } if (XMLString::equals(namespaceURI, XMLUni::fgXMLNSURIName)) emitError(XMLErrs::NoUseOfxmlnsURI); else if (XMLString::equals(namespaceURI, XMLUni::fgXMLURIName)) { if (!XMLString::equals(prefPtr, XMLUni::fgXMLString)) emitError(XMLErrs::XMLURINotMatchXMLPrefix); } // Ok, we have to get the unique id for the attribute value, which is the // URI that this value should be mapped to. The validator has the // namespace string pool, so we ask him to find or add this new one. Then // we ask the element stack to add this prefix to URI Id mapping. fElemStack.addPrefix ( prefPtr , fURIStringPool->addOrFind(namespaceURI) ); } void IGXMLScanner::scanRawAttrListforNameSpaces(int attCount) { // Make an initial pass through the list and find any xmlns attributes or // schema attributes. // When we find one, send it off to be used to update the element stack's // namespace mappings. int index = 0; for (index = 0; index < attCount; index++) { // each attribute has the prefix:suffix="value" const KVStringPair* curPair = fRawAttrList->elementAt(index); const XMLCh* rawPtr = curPair->getKey(); // If either the key begins with "xmlns:" or its just plain // "xmlns", then use it to update the map. if (!XMLString::compareNString(rawPtr, XMLUni::fgXMLNSColonString, 6) || XMLString::equals(rawPtr, XMLUni::fgXMLNSString)) { const XMLCh* valuePtr = curPair->getValue(); updateNSMap(rawPtr, valuePtr, fRawAttrColonList[index]); // if the schema URI is seen in the the valuePtr, set the boolean seeXsi if (XMLString::equals(valuePtr, SchemaSymbols::fgURI_XSI)) { fSeeXsi = true; } } } // walk through the list again to deal with "xsi:...." if (fDoSchema && fSeeXsi) { // Schema Xsi Type yyyy (e.g. xsi:type="yyyyy") XMLBufBid bbXsi(&fBufMgr); XMLBuffer& fXsiType = bbXsi.getBuffer(); for (index = 0; index < attCount; index++) { // each attribute has the prefix:suffix="value" const KVStringPair* curPair = fRawAttrList->elementAt(index); const XMLCh* rawPtr = curPair->getKey(); const XMLCh* prefPtr = XMLUni::fgZeroLenString; int colonInd = fRawAttrColonList[index]; if (colonInd != -1) { fURIBuf.set(rawPtr, colonInd); prefPtr = fURIBuf.getRawBuffer(); } // if schema URI has been seen, scan for the schema location and uri // and resolve the schema grammar; or scan for schema type if (resolvePrefix(prefPtr, ElemStack::Mode_Attribute) == fSchemaNamespaceId) { const XMLCh* valuePtr = curPair->getValue(); const XMLCh* suffPtr = &rawPtr[colonInd + 1]; if (XMLString::equals(suffPtr, SchemaSymbols::fgXSI_SCHEMALOCACTION)) parseSchemaLocation(valuePtr); else if (XMLString::equals(suffPtr, SchemaSymbols::fgXSI_NONAMESPACESCHEMALOCACTION)) resolveSchemaGrammar(valuePtr, XMLUni::fgZeroLenString); if (XMLString::equals(suffPtr, SchemaSymbols::fgXSI_TYPE)) { fXsiType.set(valuePtr); } else if (XMLString::equals(suffPtr, SchemaSymbols::fgATT_NILL) && fValidator && fValidator->handlesSchema() && XMLString::equals(valuePtr, SchemaSymbols::fgATTVAL_TRUE)) { ((SchemaValidator*)fValidator)->setNillable(true); } } } if (fValidator && fValidator->handlesSchema()) { if (!fXsiType.isEmpty()) { int colonPos = -1; unsigned int uriId = resolveQName ( fXsiType.getRawBuffer() , fPrefixBuf , ElemStack::Mode_Element , colonPos ); ((SchemaValidator*)fValidator)->setXsiType(fPrefixBuf.getRawBuffer(), fXsiType.getRawBuffer() + colonPos + 1, uriId); } } } } void IGXMLScanner::parseSchemaLocation(const XMLCh* const schemaLocationStr) { XMLCh* locStr = XMLString::replicate(schemaLocationStr, fMemoryManager); ArrayJanitor janLoc(locStr, fMemoryManager); processSchemaLocation(locStr); unsigned int size = fLocationPairs->size(); if (size % 2 != 0 ) { emitError(XMLErrs::BadSchemaLocation); } else { for(unsigned int i=0; ielementAt(i+1), fLocationPairs->elementAt(i)); } } } void IGXMLScanner::resolveSchemaGrammar(const XMLCh* const loc, const XMLCh* const uri) { Grammar* grammar = 0; { XMLSchemaDescriptionImpl theSchemaDescription(uri, fMemoryManager); theSchemaDescription.setLocationHints(loc); grammar = fGrammarResolver->getGrammar(&theSchemaDescription); } if (!grammar || grammar->getGrammarType() == Grammar::DTDGrammarType) { XSDDOMParser parser(0, fMemoryManager, 0); parser.setValidationScheme(XercesDOMParser::Val_Never); parser.setDoNamespaces(true); parser.setUserEntityHandler(fEntityHandler); parser.setUserErrorReporter(fErrorReporter); //Normalize loc XMLBufBid nnSys(&fBufMgr); XMLBuffer& normalizedSysId = nnSys.getBuffer(); XMLString::removeChar(loc, 0xFFFF, normalizedSysId); const XMLCh* normalizedURI = normalizedSysId.getRawBuffer(); // Create a buffer for expanding the system id XMLBufBid bbSys(&fBufMgr); XMLBuffer& expSysId = bbSys.getBuffer(); // Allow the entity handler to expand the system id if they choose // to do so. InputSource* srcToFill = 0; if (fEntityHandler) { if (!fEntityHandler->expandSystemId(normalizedURI, expSysId)) expSysId.set(normalizedURI); ReaderMgr::LastExtEntityInfo lastInfo; fReaderMgr.getLastExtEntityInfo(lastInfo); XMLResourceIdentifier resourceIdentifier(XMLResourceIdentifier::SchemaGrammar, expSysId.getRawBuffer(), uri, XMLUni::fgZeroLenString, lastInfo.systemId, &fReaderMgr); srcToFill = fEntityHandler->resolveEntity(&resourceIdentifier); } else { expSysId.set(normalizedURI); } // If they didn't create a source via the entity handler, then we // have to create one on our own. if (!srcToFill) { if (fDisableDefaultEntityResolution) return; ReaderMgr::LastExtEntityInfo lastInfo; fReaderMgr.getLastExtEntityInfo(lastInfo); XMLURL urlTmp(fMemoryManager); if ((!urlTmp.setURL(lastInfo.systemId, expSysId.getRawBuffer(), urlTmp)) || (urlTmp.isRelative())) { if (!fStandardUriConformant) { XMLBufBid ddSys(&fBufMgr); XMLBuffer& resolvedSysId = ddSys.getBuffer(); XMLUri::normalizeURI(expSysId.getRawBuffer(), resolvedSysId); srcToFill = new (fMemoryManager) LocalFileInputSource ( lastInfo.systemId , resolvedSysId.getRawBuffer() , fMemoryManager ); } else ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(MalformedURLException, XMLExcepts::URL_MalformedURL, fMemoryManager); } else { if (fStandardUriConformant && urlTmp.hasInvalidChar()) ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(MalformedURLException, XMLExcepts::URL_MalformedURL, fMemoryManager); srcToFill = new (fMemoryManager) URLInputSource(urlTmp, fMemoryManager); } } // Put a janitor on the input source Janitor janSrc(srcToFill); // Should just issue warning if the schema is not found bool flag = srcToFill->getIssueFatalErrorIfNotFound(); srcToFill->setIssueFatalErrorIfNotFound(false); parser.parse(*srcToFill); // Reset the InputSource srcToFill->setIssueFatalErrorIfNotFound(flag); if (parser.getSawFatal() && fExitOnFirstFatal) emitError(XMLErrs::SchemaScanFatalError); DOMDocument* document = parser.getDocument(); //Our Grammar if (document != 0) { DOMElement* root = document->getDocumentElement();// This is what we pass to TraverserSchema if (root != 0) { const XMLCh* newUri = root->getAttribute(SchemaSymbols::fgATT_TARGETNAMESPACE); if (!XMLString::equals(newUri, uri)) { if (fValidate || fValScheme == Val_Auto) { fValidator->emitError(XMLValid::WrongTargetNamespace, loc, uri); } grammar = fGrammarResolver->getGrammar(newUri); } if (!grammar || grammar->getGrammarType() == Grammar::DTDGrammarType) { // Since we have seen a grammar, set our validation flag // at this point if the validation scheme is auto if (fValScheme == Val_Auto && !fValidate) { fValidate = true; fElemStack.setValidationFlag(fValidate); } // we have seen a schema, so set up the fValidator as fSchemaValidator if (!fValidator->handlesSchema()) { if (fValidatorFromUser) { // the fValidator is from user ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(RuntimeException, XMLExcepts::Gen_NoSchemaValidator, fMemoryManager); } else { fValidator = fSchemaValidator; } } grammar = new (fGrammarPoolMemoryManager) SchemaGrammar(fGrammarPoolMemoryManager); XMLSchemaDescription* gramDesc = (XMLSchemaDescription*) grammar->getGrammarDescription(); gramDesc->setContextType(XMLSchemaDescription::CONTEXT_PREPARSE); gramDesc->setLocationHints(srcToFill->getSystemId()); TraverseSchema traverseSchema ( root , fURIStringPool , (SchemaGrammar*) grammar , fGrammarResolver , this , srcToFill->getSystemId() , fEntityHandler , fErrorReporter , fMemoryManager ); if (fGrammarType == Grammar::DTDGrammarType) { fGrammar = grammar; fGrammarType = Grammar::SchemaGrammarType; fValidator->setGrammar(fGrammar); } if (fValidate) { // validate the Schema scan so far fValidator->preContentValidation(false); } } } } } else { // Since we have seen a grammar, set our validation flag // at this point if the validation scheme is auto if (fValScheme == Val_Auto && !fValidate) { fValidate = true; fElemStack.setValidationFlag(fValidate); } // we have seen a schema, so set up the fValidator as fSchemaValidator if (!fValidator->handlesSchema()) { if (fValidatorFromUser) { // the fValidator is from user ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(RuntimeException, XMLExcepts::Gen_NoSchemaValidator, fMemoryManager); } else { fValidator = fSchemaValidator; } } if (fGrammarType == Grammar::DTDGrammarType) { fGrammar = grammar; fGrammarType = Grammar::SchemaGrammarType; fValidator->setGrammar(fGrammar); } } // fModel may need updating: if(getPSVIHandler()) fModel = fGrammarResolver->getXSModel(); } InputSource* IGXMLScanner::resolveSystemId(const XMLCh* const sysId ,const XMLCh* const pubId) { //Normalize sysId XMLBufBid nnSys(&fBufMgr); XMLBuffer& normalizedSysId = nnSys.getBuffer(); XMLString::removeChar(sysId, 0xFFFF, normalizedSysId); const XMLCh* normalizedURI = normalizedSysId.getRawBuffer(); // Create a buffer for expanding the system id XMLBufBid bbSys(&fBufMgr); XMLBuffer& expSysId = bbSys.getBuffer(); // Allow the entity handler to expand the system id if they choose // to do so. InputSource* srcToFill = 0; if (fEntityHandler) { if (!fEntityHandler->expandSystemId(normalizedURI, expSysId)) expSysId.set(normalizedURI); ReaderMgr::LastExtEntityInfo lastInfo; fReaderMgr.getLastExtEntityInfo(lastInfo); XMLResourceIdentifier resourceIdentifier(XMLResourceIdentifier::ExternalEntity, expSysId.getRawBuffer(), 0, pubId, lastInfo.systemId, &fReaderMgr); srcToFill = fEntityHandler->resolveEntity(&resourceIdentifier); } else { expSysId.set(normalizedURI); } // If they didn't create a source via the entity handler, then we // have to create one on our own. if (!srcToFill) { if (fDisableDefaultEntityResolution) return srcToFill; ReaderMgr::LastExtEntityInfo lastInfo; fReaderMgr.getLastExtEntityInfo(lastInfo); XMLURL urlTmp(fMemoryManager); if ((!urlTmp.setURL(lastInfo.systemId, expSysId.getRawBuffer(), urlTmp)) || (urlTmp.isRelative())) { if (!fStandardUriConformant) { XMLBufBid ddSys(&fBufMgr); XMLBuffer& resolvedSysId = ddSys.getBuffer(); XMLUri::normalizeURI(expSysId.getRawBuffer(), resolvedSysId); srcToFill = new (fMemoryManager) LocalFileInputSource ( lastInfo.systemId , resolvedSysId.getRawBuffer() , fMemoryManager ); } else ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(MalformedURLException, XMLExcepts::URL_MalformedURL, fMemoryManager); } else { if (fStandardUriConformant && urlTmp.hasInvalidChar()) ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(MalformedURLException, XMLExcepts::URL_MalformedURL, fMemoryManager); srcToFill = new (fMemoryManager) URLInputSource(urlTmp, fMemoryManager); } } return srcToFill; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // IGXMLScanner: Private grammar preparsing methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grammar* IGXMLScanner::loadXMLSchemaGrammar(const InputSource& src, const bool toCache) { // Reset the validators fSchemaValidator->reset(); fSchemaValidator->setErrorReporter(fErrorReporter); fSchemaValidator->setExitOnFirstFatal(fExitOnFirstFatal); fSchemaValidator->setGrammarResolver(fGrammarResolver); if (fValidatorFromUser) fValidator->reset(); if (!fValidator->handlesSchema()) { if (fValidatorFromUser && fValidate) ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(RuntimeException, XMLExcepts::Gen_NoSchemaValidator, fMemoryManager); else { fValidator = fSchemaValidator; } } XSDDOMParser parser(0, fMemoryManager, 0); parser.setValidationScheme(XercesDOMParser::Val_Never); parser.setDoNamespaces(true); parser.setUserEntityHandler(fEntityHandler); parser.setUserErrorReporter(fErrorReporter); // Should just issue warning if the schema is not found bool flag = src.getIssueFatalErrorIfNotFound(); ((InputSource&) src).setIssueFatalErrorIfNotFound(false); parser.parse(src); // Reset the InputSource ((InputSource&) src).setIssueFatalErrorIfNotFound(flag); if (parser.getSawFatal() && fExitOnFirstFatal) emitError(XMLErrs::SchemaScanFatalError); DOMDocument* document = parser.getDocument(); //Our Grammar if (document != 0) { DOMElement* root = document->getDocumentElement();// This is what we pass to TraverserSchema if (root != 0) { SchemaGrammar* grammar = new (fGrammarPoolMemoryManager) SchemaGrammar(fGrammarPoolMemoryManager); XMLSchemaDescription* gramDesc = (XMLSchemaDescription*) grammar->getGrammarDescription(); gramDesc->setContextType(XMLSchemaDescription::CONTEXT_PREPARSE); gramDesc->setLocationHints(src.getSystemId()); TraverseSchema traverseSchema ( root , fURIStringPool , (SchemaGrammar*) grammar , fGrammarResolver , this , src.getSystemId() , fEntityHandler , fErrorReporter , fMemoryManager ); if (fValidate) { // validate the Schema scan so far fValidator->setGrammar(grammar); fValidator->preContentValidation(false, true); } if (toCache) { fGrammarResolver->cacheGrammars(); } if(getPSVIHandler()) fModel = fGrammarResolver->getXSModel(); return grammar; } } return 0; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // IGXMLScanner: Private parsing methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This method is called to do a raw scan of an attribute value. It does not // do normalization (since we don't know their types yet.) It just scans the // value and does entity expansion. // // End of entity's must be dealt with here. During DTD scan, they can come // from external entities. During content, they can come from any entity. // We just eat the end of entity and continue with our scan until we come // to the closing quote. If an unterminated value causes us to go through // subsequent entities, that will cause errors back in the calling code, // but there's little we can do about it here. bool IGXMLScanner::basicAttrValueScan(const XMLCh* const attrName, XMLBuffer& toFill) { // Reset the target buffer toFill.reset(); // Get the next char which must be a single or double quote XMLCh quoteCh; if (!fReaderMgr.skipIfQuote(quoteCh)) return false; // We have to get the current reader because we have to ignore closing // quotes until we hit the same reader again. const unsigned int curReader = fReaderMgr.getCurrentReaderNum(); // Loop until we get the attribute value. Note that we use a double // loop here to avoid the setup/teardown overhead of the exception // handler on every round. while (true) { try { while(true) { XMLCh nextCh = fReaderMgr.getNextChar(); if (nextCh != quoteCh) { if (nextCh != chAmpersand) { if ((nextCh < 0xD800) || (nextCh > 0xDFFF)) { // Its got to at least be a valid XML character if (!fReaderMgr.getCurrentReader()->isXMLChar(nextCh)) { if (nextCh == 0) ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(UnexpectedEOFException, XMLExcepts::Gen_UnexpectedEOF, fMemoryManager); XMLCh tmpBuf[9]; XMLString::binToText ( nextCh , tmpBuf , 8 , 16 , fMemoryManager ); emitError(XMLErrs::InvalidCharacterInAttrValue, attrName, tmpBuf); } } else // its a surrogate { // Deal with surrogate pairs // we expect a a leading surrogate. if (nextCh <= 0xDBFF) { toFill.append(nextCh); // process the trailing surrogate nextCh = fReaderMgr.getNextChar(); // it should be a trailing surrogate. if ((nextCh < 0xDC00) || (nextCh > 0xDFFF)) { emitError(XMLErrs::Expected2ndSurrogateChar); } } else { // Its a trailing surrogate, but we are not expecting it emitError(XMLErrs::Unexpected2ndSurrogateChar); } } } else // its a chAmpersand { // Check for an entity ref . We ignore the empty flag in // this one. bool escaped; XMLCh firstCh; XMLCh secondCh ; // If it was not returned directly, then jump back up if (scanEntityRef(true, firstCh, secondCh, escaped) == EntityExp_Returned) { // If it was escaped, then put in a 0xFFFF value. This will // be used later during validation and normalization of the // value to know that the following character was via an // escape char. if (escaped) toFill.append(0xFFFF); toFill.append(firstCh); if (secondCh) toFill.append(secondCh); } continue; } } else // its a quoteCh { // Check for our ending quote. It has to be in the same entity // as where we started. Quotes in nested entities are ignored. if (curReader == fReaderMgr.getCurrentReaderNum()) { return true; } // Watch for spillover into a previous entity if (curReader > fReaderMgr.getCurrentReaderNum()) { emitError(XMLErrs::PartialMarkupInEntity); return false; } } // add it to the buffer toFill.append(nextCh); } } catch(const EndOfEntityException&) { // Just eat it and continue. } } return true; } bool IGXMLScanner::scanAttValue( const XMLAttDef* const attDef , const XMLCh* const attrName , XMLBuffer& toFill) { enum States { InWhitespace , InContent }; // Get the type and name const XMLAttDef::AttTypes type = (attDef) ?attDef->getType() :XMLAttDef::CData; // Reset the target buffer toFill.reset(); // Get the next char which must be a single or double quote XMLCh quoteCh; if (!fReaderMgr.skipIfQuote(quoteCh)) return false; // We have to get the current reader because we have to ignore closing // quotes until we hit the same reader again. const unsigned int curReader = fReaderMgr.getCurrentReaderNum(); // Get attribute def - to check to see if it's declared externally or not bool isAttExternal = (attDef) ?attDef->isExternal() :false; // Loop until we get the attribute value. Note that we use a double // loop here to avoid the setup/teardown overhead of the exception // handler on every round. XMLCh nextCh; XMLCh secondCh = 0; States curState = InContent; bool firstNonWS = false; bool gotLeadingSurrogate = false; bool escaped; while (true) { try { while(true) { nextCh = fReaderMgr.getNextChar(); if (!nextCh) ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(UnexpectedEOFException, XMLExcepts::Gen_UnexpectedEOF, fMemoryManager); // Check for our ending quote in the same entity if (nextCh == quoteCh) { if (curReader == fReaderMgr.getCurrentReaderNum()) return true; // Watch for spillover into a previous entity if (curReader > fReaderMgr.getCurrentReaderNum()) { emitError(XMLErrs::PartialMarkupInEntity); return false; } } // Check for an entity ref now, before we let it affect our // whitespace normalization logic below. We ignore the empty flag // in this one. escaped = false; if (nextCh == chAmpersand) { if (scanEntityRef(true, nextCh, secondCh, escaped) != EntityExp_Returned) { gotLeadingSurrogate = false; continue; } } else if ((nextCh >= 0xD800) && (nextCh <= 0xDBFF)) { // Deal with surrogate pairs // Its a leading surrogate. If we already got one, then // issue an error, else set leading flag to make sure that // we look for a trailing next time. if (gotLeadingSurrogate) emitError(XMLErrs::Expected2ndSurrogateChar); else gotLeadingSurrogate = true; } else { // If its a trailing surrogate, make sure that we are // prepared for that. Else, its just a regular char so make // sure that we were not expected a trailing surrogate. if ((nextCh >= 0xDC00) && (nextCh <= 0xDFFF)) { // Its trailing, so make sure we were expecting it if (!gotLeadingSurrogate) emitError(XMLErrs::Unexpected2ndSurrogateChar); } else { // Its just a char, so make sure we were not expecting a // trailing surrogate. if (gotLeadingSurrogate) emitError(XMLErrs::Expected2ndSurrogateChar); // Its got to at least be a valid XML character if (!fReaderMgr.getCurrentReader()->isXMLChar(nextCh)) { XMLCh tmpBuf[9]; XMLString::binToText ( nextCh , tmpBuf , 8 , 16 , fMemoryManager ); emitError(XMLErrs::InvalidCharacterInAttrValue, attrName, tmpBuf); } } gotLeadingSurrogate = false; } // If its not escaped, then make sure its not a < character, which // is not allowed in attribute values. if (!escaped && (nextCh == chOpenAngle)) emitError(XMLErrs::BracketInAttrValue, attrName); // If the attribute is a CDATA type we do simple replacement of // tabs and new lines with spaces, if the character is not escaped // by way of a char ref. // // Otherwise, we do the standard non-CDATA normalization of // compressing whitespace to single spaces and getting rid of leading // and trailing whitespace. if (type == XMLAttDef::CData) { if (!escaped) { if ((nextCh == 0x09) || (nextCh == 0x0A) || (nextCh == 0x0D)) { // Check Validity Constraint for Standalone document declaration // XML 1.0, Section 2.9 if (fStandalone && fValidate && isAttExternal) { // Can't have a standalone document declaration of "yes" if attribute // values are subject to normalisation fValidator->emitError(XMLValid::NoAttNormForStandalone, attrName); } nextCh = chSpace; } } } else { if (curState == InWhitespace) { if ((escaped && nextCh != chSpace) || !fReaderMgr.getCurrentReader()->isWhitespace(nextCh)) { if (firstNonWS) toFill.append(chSpace); curState = InContent; firstNonWS = true; } else { continue; } } else if (curState == InContent) { if ((nextCh == chSpace) || (fReaderMgr.getCurrentReader()->isWhitespace(nextCh) && !escaped)) { curState = InWhitespace; // Check Validity Constraint for Standalone document declaration // XML 1.0, Section 2.9 if (fStandalone && fValidate && isAttExternal) { if (!firstNonWS || (nextCh != chSpace) || (fReaderMgr.lookingAtSpace())) { // Can't have a standalone document declaration of "yes" if attribute // values are subject to normalisation fValidator->emitError(XMLValid::NoAttNormForStandalone, attrName); } } continue; } firstNonWS = true; } } // Else add it to the buffer toFill.append(nextCh); if (secondCh) { toFill.append(secondCh); secondCh=0; } } } catch(const EndOfEntityException&) { // Just eat it and continue. gotLeadingSurrogate = false; escaped = false; } } return true; } // This method scans a CDATA section. It collects the character into one // of the temp buffers and calls the document handler, if any, with the // characters. It assumes that the getGrammarType() == Grammar::SchemaGrammarType) { // And see if the current element is a 'Children' style content model ComplexTypeInfo *currType = ((SchemaValidator*)fValidator)->getCurrentTypeInfo(); if(currType) { SchemaElementDecl::ModelTypes modelType = (SchemaElementDecl::ModelTypes) currType->getContentType(); if(modelType == SchemaElementDecl::Children) charOpts = XMLElementDecl::SpacesOk; else if(modelType == SchemaElementDecl::Empty) charOpts = XMLElementDecl::NoCharData; } } else // DTD grammar charOpts = topElem->fThisElement->getCharDataOpts(); while (true) { const XMLCh nextCh = fReaderMgr.getNextChar(); // Watch for unexpected end of file if (!nextCh) { emitError(XMLErrs::UnterminatedCDATASection); ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(UnexpectedEOFException, XMLExcepts::Gen_UnexpectedEOF, fMemoryManager); } if (fValidate && fStandalone && (fReaderMgr.getCurrentReader()->isWhitespace(nextCh))) { // This document is standalone; this ignorable CDATA whitespace is forbidden. // XML 1.0, Section 2.9 // And see if the current element is a 'Children' style content model if (topElem->fThisElement->isExternal()) { if (charOpts == XMLElementDecl::SpacesOk) // Element Content { // Error - standalone should have a value of "no" as whitespace detected in an // element type with element content whose element declaration was external fValidator->emitError(XMLValid::NoWSForStandalone); if(fGrammarType == Grammar::SchemaGrammarType) { if (getPSVIHandler()) { // REVISIT: // PSVIElement->setValidity(PSVIItem::VALIDITY_INVALID); } } } } } // If this is a close square bracket it could be our closing // sequence. if (nextCh == chCloseSquare && fReaderMgr.skippedString(CDataClose)) { // make sure we were not expecting a trailing surrogate. if (gotLeadingSurrogate) emitError(XMLErrs::Expected2ndSurrogateChar); if (fGrammarType == Grammar::SchemaGrammarType) { unsigned int xsLen = bbCData.getLen(); const XMLCh* xsNormalized = bbCData.getRawBuffer(); DatatypeValidator* tempDV = ((SchemaValidator*) fValidator)->getCurrentDatatypeValidator(); if (tempDV && tempDV->getWSFacet() != DatatypeValidator::PRESERVE) { // normalize the character according to schema whitespace facet ((SchemaValidator*) fValidator)->normalizeWhiteSpace(tempDV, xsNormalized, fWSNormalizeBuf); xsNormalized = fWSNormalizeBuf.getRawBuffer(); xsLen = fWSNormalizeBuf.getLen(); if (fNormalizeData && fValidate) { bbCData.set(xsNormalized); } } if (fValidate) { // tell the schema validation about the character data for checkContent later ((SchemaValidator*)fValidator)->setDatatypeBuffer(xsNormalized); if (charOpts != XMLElementDecl::AllCharData) { // They definitely cannot handle any type of char data fValidator->emitError(XMLValid::NoCharDataInCM); if (getPSVIHandler()) { // REVISIT: // PSVIElement->setValidity(PSVIItem::VALIDITY_INVALID); } } } // call all active identity constraints if (toCheckIdentityConstraint() && fICHandler->getMatcherCount()) { fContent.append(xsNormalized, xsLen); } } else { if (fValidate) { if (charOpts != XMLElementDecl::AllCharData) { // They definitely cannot handle any type of char data fValidator->emitError(XMLValid::NoCharDataInCM); } } } // If we have a doc handler, call it if (fDocHandler) { fDocHandler->docCharacters( bbCData.getRawBuffer(), bbCData.getLen(), true ); } // And we are done break; } // Make sure its a valid character. But if we've emitted an error // already, don't bother with the overhead since we've already told // them about it. if (!emittedError) { // Deal with surrogate pairs if ((nextCh >= 0xD800) && (nextCh <= 0xDBFF)) { // Its a leading surrogate. If we already got one, then // issue an error, else set leading flag to make sure that // we look for a trailing next time. if (gotLeadingSurrogate) emitError(XMLErrs::Expected2ndSurrogateChar); else gotLeadingSurrogate = true; } else { // If its a trailing surrogate, make sure that we are // prepared for that. Else, its just a regular char so make // sure that we were not expected a trailing surrogate. if ((nextCh >= 0xDC00) && (nextCh <= 0xDFFF)) { // Its trailing, so make sure we were expecting it if (!gotLeadingSurrogate) emitError(XMLErrs::Unexpected2ndSurrogateChar); } else { // Its just a char, so make sure we were not expecting a // trailing surrogate. if (gotLeadingSurrogate) emitError(XMLErrs::Expected2ndSurrogateChar); // Its got to at least be a valid XML character else if (!fReaderMgr.getCurrentReader()->isXMLChar(nextCh)) { XMLCh tmpBuf[9]; XMLString::binToText ( nextCh , tmpBuf , 8 , 16 , fMemoryManager ); emitError(XMLErrs::InvalidCharacter, tmpBuf); emittedError = true; } } gotLeadingSurrogate = false; } } // Add it to the buffer bbCData.append(nextCh); } } void IGXMLScanner::scanCharData(XMLBuffer& toUse) { // We have to watch for the stupid ]]> sequence, which is illegal in // character data. So this is a little state machine that handles that. enum States { State_Waiting , State_GotOne , State_GotTwo }; // Reset the buffer before we start toUse.reset(); // Turn on the 'throw at end' flag of the reader manager ThrowEOEJanitor jan(&fReaderMgr, true); // In order to be more efficient we have to use kind of a deeply nested // set of blocks here. The outer block puts on a try and catches end of // entity exceptions. The inner loop is the per-character loop. If we // put the try inside the inner loop, it would work but would require // the exception handling code setup/teardown code to be invoked for // each character. XMLCh nextCh; XMLCh secondCh = 0; States curState = State_Waiting; bool escaped = false; bool gotLeadingSurrogate = false; bool notDone = true; while (notDone) { try { while (true) { // Eat through as many plain content characters as possible without // needing special handling. Moving most content characters here, // in this one call, rather than running the overall loop once // per content character, is a speed optimization. if (curState == State_Waiting && !gotLeadingSurrogate) { fReaderMgr.movePlainContentChars(toUse); } // Try to get another char from the source // The code from here on down covers all contengencies, if (!fReaderMgr.getNextCharIfNot(chOpenAngle, nextCh)) { // If we were waiting for a trailing surrogate, its an error if (gotLeadingSurrogate) emitError(XMLErrs::Expected2ndSurrogateChar); notDone = false; break; } // Watch for a reference. Note that the escapement mechanism // is ignored in this content. escaped = false; if (nextCh == chAmpersand) { sendCharData(toUse); // Turn off the throwing at the end of entity during this ThrowEOEJanitor jan(&fReaderMgr, false); if (scanEntityRef(false, nextCh, secondCh, escaped) != EntityExp_Returned) { gotLeadingSurrogate = false; continue; } else { if (escaped && !fElemStack.isEmpty()) fElemStack.setReferenceEscaped(); } } else if ((nextCh >= 0xD800) && (nextCh <= 0xDBFF)) { // Deal with surrogate pairs // Its a leading surrogate. If we already got one, then // issue an error, else set leading flag to make sure that // we look for a trailing next time. if (gotLeadingSurrogate) emitError(XMLErrs::Expected2ndSurrogateChar); else gotLeadingSurrogate = true; } else { // If its a trailing surrogate, make sure that we are // prepared for that. Else, its just a regular char so make // sure that we were not expected a trailing surrogate. if ((nextCh >= 0xDC00) && (nextCh <= 0xDFFF)) { // Its trailing, so make sure we were expecting it if (!gotLeadingSurrogate) emitError(XMLErrs::Unexpected2ndSurrogateChar); } else { // Its just a char, so make sure we were not expecting a // trailing surrogate. if (gotLeadingSurrogate) emitError(XMLErrs::Expected2ndSurrogateChar); // Make sure the returned char is a valid XML char if (!fReaderMgr.getCurrentReader()->isXMLChar(nextCh)) { XMLCh tmpBuf[9]; XMLString::binToText ( nextCh , tmpBuf , 8 , 16 , fMemoryManager ); emitError(XMLErrs::InvalidCharacter, tmpBuf); } } gotLeadingSurrogate = false; } // Keep the state machine up to date if (!escaped) { if (nextCh == chCloseSquare) { if (curState == State_Waiting) curState = State_GotOne; else if (curState == State_GotOne) curState = State_GotTwo; } else if (nextCh == chCloseAngle) { if (curState == State_GotTwo) emitError(XMLErrs::BadSequenceInCharData); curState = State_Waiting; } else { curState = State_Waiting; } } else { curState = State_Waiting; } // Add this char to the buffer toUse.append(nextCh); if (secondCh) { toUse.append(secondCh); secondCh=0; } } } catch(const EndOfEntityException& toCatch) { // Some entity ended, so we have to send any accumulated // chars and send an end of entity event. sendCharData(toUse); gotLeadingSurrogate = false; if (fDocHandler) fDocHandler->endEntityReference(toCatch.getEntity()); } } // Check the validity constraints as per XML 1.0 Section 2.9 if (fValidate && fStandalone) { // See if the text contains whitespace // Get the raw data we need for the callback const XMLCh* rawBuf = toUse.getRawBuffer(); const unsigned int len = toUse.getLen(); const bool isSpaces = fReaderMgr.getCurrentReader()->containsWhiteSpace(rawBuf, len); if (isSpaces) { // And see if the current element is a 'Children' style content model const ElemStack::StackElem* topElem = fElemStack.topElement(); if (topElem->fThisElement->isExternal()) { // Get the character data opts for the current element XMLElementDecl::CharDataOpts charOpts = XMLElementDecl::AllCharData; if(fGrammar->getGrammarType() == Grammar::SchemaGrammarType) { // And see if the current element is a 'Children' style content model ComplexTypeInfo *currType = ((SchemaValidator*)fValidator)->getCurrentTypeInfo(); if(currType) { SchemaElementDecl::ModelTypes modelType = (SchemaElementDecl::ModelTypes) currType->getContentType(); if(modelType == SchemaElementDecl::Children) charOpts = XMLElementDecl::SpacesOk; else if(modelType == SchemaElementDecl::Empty) charOpts = XMLElementDecl::NoCharData; } } else // DTD grammar charOpts = topElem->fThisElement->getCharDataOpts(); if (charOpts == XMLElementDecl::SpacesOk) // => Element Content { // Error - standalone should have a value of "no" as whitespace detected in an // element type with element content whose element declaration was external // fValidator->emitError(XMLValid::NoWSForStandalone); if(fGrammarType == Grammar::SchemaGrammarType) { if (getPSVIHandler()) { // REVISIT: // PSVIElement->setValidity(PSVIItem::VALIDITY_INVALID); } } } } } } // Send any char data that we accumulated into the buffer sendCharData(toUse); } // This method will scan a general/character entity ref. It will either // expand a char ref and return it directly, or push a reader for a general // entity. // // The return value indicates whether the char parameters hold the value // or whether the value was pushed as a reader, or that it failed. // // The escaped flag tells the caller whether the returned parameter resulted // from a character reference, which escapes the character in some cases. It // only makes any difference if the return value indicates the value was // returned directly. IGXMLScanner::EntityExpRes IGXMLScanner::scanEntityRef( const bool inAttVal , XMLCh& firstCh , XMLCh& secondCh , bool& escaped) { // Assume no escape secondCh = 0; escaped = false; // We have to insure that its all in one entity const unsigned int curReader = fReaderMgr.getCurrentReaderNum(); // If the next char is a pound, then its a character reference and we // need to expand it always. if (fReaderMgr.skippedChar(chPound)) { // Its a character reference, so scan it and get back the numeric // value it represents. if (!scanCharRef(firstCh, secondCh)) return EntityExp_Failed; escaped = true; if (curReader != fReaderMgr.getCurrentReaderNum()) emitError(XMLErrs::PartialMarkupInEntity); return EntityExp_Returned; } // Expand it since its a normal entity ref XMLBufBid bbName(&fBufMgr); int colonPosition; bool validName = fDoNamespaces ? fReaderMgr.getQName(bbName.getBuffer(), &colonPosition) : fReaderMgr.getName(bbName.getBuffer()); if (!validName) { if (bbName.isEmpty()) emitError(XMLErrs::ExpectedEntityRefName); else emitError(XMLErrs::InvalidEntityRefName, bbName.getRawBuffer()); return EntityExp_Failed; } // Next char must be a semi-colon. But if its not, just emit // an error and try to continue. if (!fReaderMgr.skippedChar(chSemiColon)) emitError(XMLErrs::UnterminatedEntityRef, bbName.getRawBuffer()); // Make sure we ended up on the same entity reader as the & char if (curReader != fReaderMgr.getCurrentReaderNum()) emitError(XMLErrs::PartialMarkupInEntity); // Look up the name in the general entity pool XMLEntityDecl* decl = fDTDGrammar->getEntityDecl(bbName.getRawBuffer()); // If it does not exist, then obviously an error if (!decl) { // XML 1.0 Section 4.1 // Well-formedness Constraint for entity not found: // In a document without any DTD, a document with only an internal DTD subset which contains no parameter entity references, // or a document with "standalone='yes'", for an entity reference that does not occur within the external subset // or a parameter entity // // Else it's Validity Constraint if (fStandalone || fHasNoDTD) emitError(XMLErrs::EntityNotFound, bbName.getRawBuffer()); else { if (fValidate) fValidator->emitError(XMLValid::VC_EntityNotFound, bbName.getRawBuffer()); } return EntityExp_Failed; } // XML 1.0 Section 4.1 // If we are a standalone document, then it has to have been declared // in the internal subset. if (fStandalone && !decl->getDeclaredInIntSubset()) emitError(XMLErrs::IllegalRefInStandalone, bbName.getRawBuffer()); if (decl->isExternal()) { // If its unparsed, then its not valid here if (decl->isUnparsed()) { emitError(XMLErrs::NoUnparsedEntityRefs, bbName.getRawBuffer()); return EntityExp_Failed; } // If we are in an attribute value, then not valid but keep going if (inAttVal) emitError(XMLErrs::NoExtRefsInAttValue); // And now create a reader to read this entity InputSource* srcUsed; XMLReader* reader = fReaderMgr.createReader ( decl->getBaseURI() , decl->getSystemId() , decl->getPublicId() , false , XMLReader::RefFrom_NonLiteral , XMLReader::Type_General , XMLReader::Source_External , srcUsed , fCalculateSrcOfs , fDisableDefaultEntityResolution ); // Put a janitor on the source so it gets cleaned up on exit Janitor janSrc(srcUsed); // If the creation failed, and its not because the source was empty, // then emit an error and return. if (!reader) ThrowXMLwithMemMgr1(RuntimeException, XMLExcepts::Gen_CouldNotOpenExtEntity, srcUsed ? srcUsed->getSystemId() : decl->getSystemId(), fMemoryManager); // Push the reader. If its a recursive expansion, then emit an error // and return an failure. if (!fReaderMgr.pushReader(reader, decl)) { emitError(XMLErrs::RecursiveEntity, decl->getName()); return EntityExp_Failed; } // here's where we need to check if there's a SecurityManager, // how many entity references we've had if(fSecurityManager != 0 && ++fEntityExpansionCount > fEntityExpansionLimit) { XMLCh expLimStr[16]; XMLString::binToText(fEntityExpansionLimit, expLimStr, 15, 10, fMemoryManager); emitError ( XMLErrs::EntityExpansionLimitExceeded , expLimStr ); // there seems nothing better to be done than to reset the entity expansion counter fEntityExpansionCount = 0; } // Do a start entity reference event. // // For now, we supress them in att values. Later, when // the stuff is in place to correctly allow DOM to handle them // we'll turn this back on. if (fDocHandler && !inAttVal) fDocHandler->startEntityReference(*decl); // If it starts with the XML string, then parse a text decl if (checkXMLDecl(true)) scanXMLDecl(Decl_Text); } else { // If its one of the special char references, then we can return // it as a character, and its considered escaped. if (decl->getIsSpecialChar()) { firstCh = decl->getValue()[0]; escaped = true; return EntityExp_Returned; } // Create a reader over a memory stream over the entity value // We force it to assume UTF-16 by passing in an encoding // string. This way it won't both trying to predecode the // first line, looking for an XML/TextDecl. XMLReader* valueReader = fReaderMgr.createIntEntReader ( decl->getName() , XMLReader::RefFrom_NonLiteral , XMLReader::Type_General , decl->getValue() , decl->getValueLen() , false ); // Try to push the entity reader onto the reader manager stack, // where it will become the subsequent input. If it fails, that // means the entity is recursive, so issue an error. The reader // will have just been discarded, but we just keep going. if (!fReaderMgr.pushReader(valueReader, decl)) emitError(XMLErrs::RecursiveEntity, decl->getName()); // here's where we need to check if there's a SecurityManager, // how many entity references we've had if(fSecurityManager != 0 && ++fEntityExpansionCount > fEntityExpansionLimit) { XMLCh expLimStr[16]; XMLString::binToText(fEntityExpansionLimit, expLimStr, 15, 10, fMemoryManager); emitError ( XMLErrs::EntityExpansionLimitExceeded , expLimStr ); } // Do a start entity reference event. // // For now, we supress them in att values. Later, when // the stuff is in place to correctly allow DOM to handle them // we'll turn this back on. if (fDocHandler && !inAttVal) fDocHandler->startEntityReference(*decl); // If it starts with the XML string, then it's an error if (checkXMLDecl(true)) { emitError(XMLErrs::TextDeclNotLegalHere); fReaderMgr.skipPastChar(chCloseAngle); } } return EntityExp_Pushed; } bool IGXMLScanner::switchGrammar(const XMLCh* const newGrammarNameSpace) { Grammar* tempGrammar = fGrammarResolver->getGrammar(newGrammarNameSpace); if (!tempGrammar && !fSkipDTDValidation) { // This is a case where namespaces is on with a DTD grammar. tempGrammar = fDTDGrammar; } if (!tempGrammar) { return false; } else { Grammar::GrammarType tempGrammarType = tempGrammar->getGrammarType(); if (tempGrammarType == Grammar::SchemaGrammarType && !fValidator->handlesSchema()) { if (fValidatorFromUser) ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(RuntimeException, XMLExcepts::Gen_NoSchemaValidator, fMemoryManager); else { fValidator = fSchemaValidator; } } else if (tempGrammarType == Grammar::DTDGrammarType) { if (fSkipDTDValidation) { return false; } if (!fValidator->handlesDTD()) { if (fValidatorFromUser) ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(RuntimeException, XMLExcepts::Gen_NoDTDValidator, fMemoryManager); else { fValidator = fDTDValidator; } } } fGrammarType = tempGrammarType; fGrammar = tempGrammar; fValidator->setGrammar(fGrammar); return true; } } // check if we should skip or lax the validation of the element // if skip - no validation // if lax - validate only if the element if found bool IGXMLScanner::laxElementValidation(QName* element, ContentLeafNameTypeVector* cv, const XMLContentModel* const cm, const unsigned int parentElemDepth) { bool skipThisOne = false; bool laxThisOne = false; unsigned int elementURI = element->getURI(); unsigned int currState = fElemState[parentElemDepth]; if (currState == XMLContentModel::gInvalidTrans) { return laxThisOne; } SubstitutionGroupComparator comparator(fGrammarResolver, fURIStringPool); if (cv) { unsigned int i = 0; unsigned int leafCount = cv->getLeafCount(); for (; i < leafCount; i++) { QName* fElemMap = cv->getLeafNameAt(i); unsigned int uri = fElemMap->getURI(); unsigned int nextState; bool anyEncountered = false; ContentSpecNode::NodeTypes type = cv->getLeafTypeAt(i); if (type == ContentSpecNode::Leaf) { if (((uri == elementURI) && XMLString::equals(fElemMap->getLocalPart(), element->getLocalPart())) || comparator.isEquivalentTo(element, fElemMap)) { nextState = cm->getNextState(currState, i); if (nextState != XMLContentModel::gInvalidTrans) { fElemState[parentElemDepth] = nextState; break; } } } else if ((type & 0x0f) == ContentSpecNode::Any) { anyEncountered = true; } else if ((type & 0x0f) == ContentSpecNode::Any_Other) { if (uri != elementURI) { anyEncountered = true; } } else if ((type & 0x0f) == ContentSpecNode::Any_NS) { if (uri == elementURI) { anyEncountered = true; } } if (anyEncountered) { nextState = cm->getNextState(currState, i); if (nextState != XMLContentModel::gInvalidTrans) { fElemState[parentElemDepth] = nextState; if (type == ContentSpecNode::Any_Skip || type == ContentSpecNode::Any_NS_Skip || type == ContentSpecNode::Any_Other_Skip) { skipThisOne = true; } else if (type == ContentSpecNode::Any_Lax || type == ContentSpecNode::Any_NS_Lax || type == ContentSpecNode::Any_Other_Lax) { laxThisOne = true; } break; } } } // for if (i == leafCount) { // no match fElemState[parentElemDepth] = XMLContentModel::gInvalidTrans; return laxThisOne; } } // if if (skipThisOne) { fValidate = false; fElemStack.setValidationFlag(fValidate); } return laxThisOne; } // check if there is an AnyAttribute, and if so, see if we should lax or skip // if skip - no validation // if lax - validate only if the attribute if found bool IGXMLScanner::anyAttributeValidation(SchemaAttDef* attWildCard, unsigned int uriId, bool& skipThisOne, bool& laxThisOne) { XMLAttDef::AttTypes wildCardType = attWildCard->getType(); bool anyEncountered = false; skipThisOne = false; laxThisOne = false; if (wildCardType == XMLAttDef::Any_Any) anyEncountered = true; else if (wildCardType == XMLAttDef::Any_Other) { if (attWildCard->getAttName()->getURI() != uriId && uriId != fEmptyNamespaceId) anyEncountered = true; } else if (wildCardType == XMLAttDef::Any_List) { ValueVectorOf* nameURIList = attWildCard->getNamespaceList(); unsigned int listSize = (nameURIList) ? nameURIList->size() : 0; if (listSize) { for (unsigned int i=0; i < listSize; i++) { if (nameURIList->elementAt(i) == uriId) anyEncountered = true; } } } if (anyEncountered) { XMLAttDef::DefAttTypes defType = attWildCard->getDefaultType(); if (defType == XMLAttDef::ProcessContents_Skip) { // attribute should just be bypassed, skipThisOne = true; } else if (defType == XMLAttDef::ProcessContents_Lax) { laxThisOne = true; } } return anyEncountered; } inline XMLAttDefList& getAttDefList(bool isSchemaGrammar , ComplexTypeInfo* currType , XMLElementDecl* elemDecl) { if (isSchemaGrammar && currType) return currType->getAttDefList(); else return elemDecl->getAttDefList(); } XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_END