/* * Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * $Id: XSAXMLScanner.cpp 176392 2005-04-26 17:37:50Z cargilld $ */ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Includes // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_BEGIN // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XSAXMLScanner: Constructors and Destructor // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- XSAXMLScanner::XSAXMLScanner( GrammarResolver* const grammarResolver , XMLStringPool* const uriStringPool , SchemaGrammar* const xsaGrammar , MemoryManager* const manager) : SGXMLScanner(0, grammarResolver, manager) { fSchemaGrammar = xsaGrammar; setURIStringPool(uriStringPool); } XSAXMLScanner::~XSAXMLScanner() { } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XSAXMLScanner: SGXMLScanner virtual methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This method will kick off the scanning of the primary content of the void XSAXMLScanner::scanEndTag(bool& gotData) { // Assume we will still have data until proven otherwise. It will only // ever be false if this is the end of the root element. gotData = true; // Check if the element stack is empty. If so, then this is an unbalanced // element (i.e. more ends than starts, perhaps because of bad text // causing one to be skipped.) if (fElemStack.isEmpty()) { emitError(XMLErrs::MoreEndThanStartTags); fReaderMgr.skipPastChar(chCloseAngle); ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(RuntimeException, XMLExcepts::Scan_UnbalancedStartEnd, fMemoryManager); } // Pop the stack of the element we are supposed to be ending. Remember // that we don't own this. The stack just keeps them and reuses them. unsigned int uriId = fElemStack.getCurrentURI(); // Make sure that its the end of the element that we expect const XMLCh *elemName = fElemStack.getCurrentSchemaElemName(); const ElemStack::StackElem* topElem = fElemStack.popTop(); if (!fReaderMgr.skippedString(elemName)) { emitError ( XMLErrs::ExpectedEndOfTagX, elemName ); fReaderMgr.skipPastChar(chCloseAngle); return; } // See if it was the root element, to avoid multiple calls below const bool isRoot = fElemStack.isEmpty(); // Make sure we are back on the same reader as where we started if (topElem->fReaderNum != fReaderMgr.getCurrentReaderNum()) emitError(XMLErrs::PartialTagMarkupError); // Skip optional whitespace fReaderMgr.skipPastSpaces(); // Make sure we find the closing bracket if (!fReaderMgr.skippedChar(chCloseAngle)) { emitError ( XMLErrs::UnterminatedEndTag, topElem->fThisElement->getFullName() ); } // If validation is enabled, then lets pass him the list of children and // this element and let him validate it. if (fValidate) { int res = fValidator->checkContent ( topElem->fThisElement, topElem->fChildren, topElem->fChildCount ); if (res >= 0) { // One of the elements is not valid for the content. NOTE that // if no children were provided but the content model requires // them, it comes back with a zero value. But we cannot use that // to index the child array in this case, and have to put out a // special message. if (!topElem->fChildCount) { fValidator->emitError ( XMLValid::EmptyNotValidForContent , topElem->fThisElement->getFormattedContentModel() ); } else if ((unsigned int)res >= topElem->fChildCount) { fValidator->emitError ( XMLValid::NotEnoughElemsForCM , topElem->fThisElement->getFormattedContentModel() ); } else { fValidator->emitError ( XMLValid::ElementNotValidForContent , topElem->fChildren[res]->getRawName() , topElem->fThisElement->getFormattedContentModel() ); } } } // now we can reset the datatype buffer, since the // application has had a chance to copy the characters somewhere else ((SchemaValidator *)fValidator)->clearDatatypeBuffer(); // If we have a doc handler, tell it about the end tag if (fDocHandler) { if (topElem->fPrefixColonPos != -1) fPrefixBuf.set(elemName, topElem->fPrefixColonPos); else fPrefixBuf.reset(); fDocHandler->endElement ( *topElem->fThisElement , uriId , isRoot , fPrefixBuf.getRawBuffer() ); } // If this was the root, then done with content gotData = !isRoot; if (gotData) { // Restore the grammar fGrammar = fElemStack.getCurrentGrammar(); fGrammarType = fGrammar->getGrammarType(); fValidator->setGrammar(fGrammar); // Restore the validation flag fValidate = fElemStack.getValidationFlag(); } } bool XSAXMLScanner::scanStartTag(bool& gotData) { // Assume we will still have data until proven otherwise. It will only // ever be false if this is the root and its empty. gotData = true; // Reset element content fContent.reset(); // The current position is after the open bracket, so we need to read in // in the element name. int prefixColonPos; if (!fReaderMgr.getQName(fQNameBuf, &prefixColonPos)) { if (fQNameBuf.isEmpty()) emitError(XMLErrs::ExpectedElementName); else emitError(XMLErrs::InvalidElementName, fQNameBuf.getRawBuffer()); fReaderMgr.skipToChar(chOpenAngle); return false; } // See if its the root element const bool isRoot = fElemStack.isEmpty(); // Skip any whitespace after the name fReaderMgr.skipPastSpaces(); // First we have to do the rawest attribute scan. We don't do any // normalization of them at all, since we don't know yet what type they // might be (since we need the element decl in order to do that.) const XMLCh* qnameRawBuf = fQNameBuf.getRawBuffer(); bool isEmpty; unsigned int attCount = rawAttrScan(qnameRawBuf, *fRawAttrList, isEmpty); // save the contentleafname and currentscope before addlevel, for later use ContentLeafNameTypeVector* cv = 0; XMLContentModel* cm = 0; int currentScope = Grammar::TOP_LEVEL_SCOPE; bool laxThisOne = false; if (!isRoot) { // schema validator will have correct type if validating SchemaElementDecl* tempElement = (SchemaElementDecl*) fElemStack.topElement()->fThisElement; SchemaElementDecl::ModelTypes modelType = tempElement->getModelType(); ComplexTypeInfo *currType = 0; if (fValidate) { currType = ((SchemaValidator*)fValidator)->getCurrentTypeInfo(); if (currType) modelType = (SchemaElementDecl::ModelTypes)currType->getContentType(); else // something must have gone wrong modelType = SchemaElementDecl::Any; } else { currType = tempElement->getComplexTypeInfo(); } if ((modelType == SchemaElementDecl::Mixed_Simple) || (modelType == SchemaElementDecl::Mixed_Complex) || (modelType == SchemaElementDecl::Children)) { cm = currType->getContentModel(); cv = cm->getContentLeafNameTypeVector(); currentScope = fElemStack.getCurrentScope(); } else if (modelType == SchemaElementDecl::Any) { laxThisOne = true; } } // Now, since we might have to update the namespace map for this element, // but we don't have the element decl yet, we just tell the element stack // to expand up to get ready. unsigned int elemDepth = fElemStack.addLevel(); fElemStack.setValidationFlag(fValidate); fElemStack.setPrefixColonPos(prefixColonPos); // Make an initial pass through the list and find any xmlns attributes or // schema attributes. if (attCount) scanRawAttrListforNameSpaces(attCount); // Resolve the qualified name to a URI and name so that we can look up // the element decl for this element. We have now update the prefix to // namespace map so we should get the correct element now. unsigned int uriId = resolveQNameWithColon ( qnameRawBuf, fPrefixBuf, ElemStack::Mode_Element, prefixColonPos ); //if schema, check if we should lax or skip the validation of this element bool parentValidation = fValidate; if (cv) { QName element(fPrefixBuf.getRawBuffer(), &qnameRawBuf[prefixColonPos + 1], uriId, fMemoryManager); // elementDepth will be > 0, as cv is only constructed if element is not // root. laxThisOne = laxElementValidation(&element, cv, cm, elemDepth - 1); } // Look up the element now in the grammar. This will get us back a // generic element decl object. We tell him to fault one in if he does // not find it. bool wasAdded = false; const XMLCh* nameRawBuf = &qnameRawBuf[prefixColonPos + 1]; XMLElementDecl* elemDecl = fGrammar->getElemDecl ( uriId, nameRawBuf, qnameRawBuf, currentScope ); if (!elemDecl) { // URI is different, so we try to switch grammar if (uriId != fURIStringPool->getId(fGrammar->getTargetNamespace())) { switchGrammar(getURIText(uriId), laxThisOne); } // look for a global element declaration elemDecl = fGrammar->getElemDecl( uriId, nameRawBuf, qnameRawBuf, Grammar::TOP_LEVEL_SCOPE ); if (!elemDecl) { // if still not found, look in list of undeclared elements elemDecl = fElemNonDeclPool->getByKey( nameRawBuf, uriId, Grammar::TOP_LEVEL_SCOPE); if (!elemDecl) { elemDecl = new (fMemoryManager) SchemaElementDecl ( fPrefixBuf.getRawBuffer(), nameRawBuf, uriId , SchemaElementDecl::Any, Grammar::TOP_LEVEL_SCOPE , fMemoryManager ); elemDecl->setId ( fElemNonDeclPool->put ( (void*)elemDecl->getBaseName(), uriId , Grammar::TOP_LEVEL_SCOPE, (SchemaElementDecl*)elemDecl ) ); wasAdded = true; } } } // We do something different here according to whether we found the // element or not. if (wasAdded || !elemDecl->isDeclared()) { if (laxThisOne) { fValidate = false; fElemStack.setValidationFlag(fValidate); } // If validating then emit an error if (fValidate) { // This is to tell the reuse Validator that this element was // faulted-in, was not an element in the grammar pool originally elemDecl->setCreateReason(XMLElementDecl::JustFaultIn); fValidator->emitError ( XMLValid::ElementNotDefined, elemDecl->getFullName() ); } } // Now we can update the element stack to set the current element // decl. We expanded the stack above, but couldn't store the element // decl because we didn't know it yet. fElemStack.setElement(elemDecl, fReaderMgr.getCurrentReaderNum()); fElemStack.setCurrentURI(uriId); if (isRoot) { fRootElemName = XMLString::replicate(qnameRawBuf, fMemoryManager); } // Validate the element if (fValidate) { fValidator->validateElement(elemDecl); } // squirrel away the element's QName, so that we can do an efficient // end-tag match fElemStack.setCurrentSchemaElemName(fQNameBuf.getRawBuffer()); ComplexTypeInfo* typeinfo = (fValidate) ? ((SchemaValidator*)fValidator)->getCurrentTypeInfo() : ((SchemaElementDecl*) elemDecl)->getComplexTypeInfo(); if (typeinfo) { currentScope = typeinfo->getScopeDefined(); // switch grammar if the typeinfo has a different grammar XMLCh* typeName = typeinfo->getTypeName(); int comma = XMLString::indexOf(typeName, chComma); if (comma > 0) { XMLBufBid bbPrefix(&fBufMgr); XMLBuffer& prefixBuf = bbPrefix.getBuffer(); prefixBuf.append(typeName, comma); switchGrammar(prefixBuf.getRawBuffer(), laxThisOne); } } fElemStack.setCurrentScope(currentScope); // Set element next state if (elemDepth >= fElemStateSize) { resizeElemState(); } fElemState[elemDepth] = 0; fElemStack.setCurrentGrammar(fGrammar); // If this is the first element and we are validating, check the root // element. if (!isRoot && parentValidation) { fElemStack.addChild(elemDecl->getElementName(), true); } // Now lets get the fAttrList filled in. This involves faulting in any // defaulted and fixed attributes and normalizing the values of any that // we got explicitly. // // We update the attCount value with the total number of attributes, but // it goes in with the number of values we got during the raw scan of // explictly provided attrs above. attCount = buildAttList(*fRawAttrList, attCount, elemDecl, *fAttrList); if(attCount) { // clean up after ourselves: // clear the map used to detect duplicate attributes fUndeclaredAttrRegistryNS->removeAll(); } // Since the element may have default values, call start tag now regardless if it is empty or not // If we have a document handler, then tell it about this start tag if (fDocHandler) { fDocHandler->startElement ( *elemDecl, uriId, fPrefixBuf.getRawBuffer(), *fAttrList , attCount, false, isRoot ); } // may be where we output something... // If empty, validate content right now if we are validating and then // pop the element stack top. Else, we have to update the current stack // top's namespace mapping elements. if (isEmpty) { // Pop the element stack back off since it'll never be used now fElemStack.popTop(); // If validating, then insure that its legal to have no content if (fValidate) { const int res = fValidator->checkContent(elemDecl, 0, 0); if (res >= 0) { // REVISIT: in the case of xsi:type, this may // return the wrong string... fValidator->emitError ( XMLValid::ElementNotValidForContent , elemDecl->getFullName() , elemDecl->getFormattedContentModel() ); } } // If we have a doc handler, tell it about the end tag if (fDocHandler) { fDocHandler->endElement ( *elemDecl, uriId, isRoot, fPrefixBuf.getRawBuffer() ); } // If the elem stack is empty, then it was an empty root if (isRoot) { gotData = false; } else { // Restore the grammar fGrammar = fElemStack.getCurrentGrammar(); fGrammarType = fGrammar->getGrammarType(); fValidator->setGrammar(fGrammar); // Restore the validation flag fValidate = fElemStack.getValidationFlag(); } } return true; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XSAXMLScanner: XMLScanner virtual methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This method will reset the scanner data structures, and related plugged // in stuff, for a new scan session. We get the input source for the primary // XML entity, create the reader for it, and push it on the stack so that // upon successful return from here we are ready to go. void XSAXMLScanner::scanReset(const InputSource& src) { fGrammar = fSchemaGrammar; fGrammarType = Grammar::SchemaGrammarType; fRootGrammar = fSchemaGrammar; fValidator->setGrammar(fGrammar); // Reset validation fValidate = true; // And for all installed handlers, send reset events. This gives them // a chance to flush any cached data. if (fDocHandler) fDocHandler->resetDocument(); if (fEntityHandler) fEntityHandler->resetEntities(); if (fErrorReporter) fErrorReporter->resetErrors(); // Clear out the id reference list resetValidationContext(); // Reset the Root Element Name if (fRootElemName) { fMemoryManager->deallocate(fRootElemName);//delete [] fRootElemName; } fRootElemName = 0; // Reset the element stack, and give it the latest ids for the special // URIs it has to know about. fElemStack.reset ( fEmptyNamespaceId, fUnknownNamespaceId, fXMLNamespaceId, fXMLNSNamespaceId ); if (!fSchemaNamespaceId) fSchemaNamespaceId = fURIStringPool->addOrFind(SchemaSymbols::fgURI_XSI); // Reset some status flags fInException = false; fStandalone = false; fErrorCount = 0; fHasNoDTD = true; fSeeXsi = false; fDoNamespaces = true; fDoSchema = true; // Reset the validators fSchemaValidator->reset(); fSchemaValidator->setErrorReporter(fErrorReporter); fSchemaValidator->setExitOnFirstFatal(fExitOnFirstFatal); fSchemaValidator->setGrammarResolver(fGrammarResolver); // Handle the creation of the XML reader object for this input source. // This will provide us with transcoding and basic lexing services. XMLReader* newReader = fReaderMgr.createReader ( src , true , XMLReader::RefFrom_NonLiteral , XMLReader::Type_General , XMLReader::Source_External , fCalculateSrcOfs ); if (!newReader) { if (src.getIssueFatalErrorIfNotFound()) ThrowXMLwithMemMgr1(RuntimeException, XMLExcepts::Scan_CouldNotOpenSource, src.getSystemId(), fMemoryManager); else ThrowXMLwithMemMgr1(RuntimeException, XMLExcepts::Scan_CouldNotOpenSource_Warning, src.getSystemId(), fMemoryManager); } // Push this read onto the reader manager fReaderMgr.pushReader(newReader, 0); // and reset security-related things if necessary: if(fSecurityManager != 0) { fEntityExpansionLimit = fSecurityManager->getEntityExpansionLimit(); fEntityExpansionCount = 0; } fElemCount = 0; if (fUIntPoolRowTotal >= 32) { // 8 KB tied up with validating attributes... fAttDefRegistry->removeAll(); recreateUIntPool(); } else { // note that this will implicitly reset the values of the hashtables, // though their buckets will still be tied up resetUIntPool(); } fUndeclaredAttrRegistryNS->removeAll(); } void XSAXMLScanner::scanRawAttrListforNameSpaces(int attCount) { // Make an initial pass through the list and find any xmlns attributes or // schema attributes. // When we find one, send it off to be used to update the element stack's // namespace mappings. int index = 0; for (index = 0; index < attCount; index++) { // each attribute has the prefix:suffix="value" const KVStringPair* curPair = fRawAttrList->elementAt(index); const XMLCh* rawPtr = curPair->getKey(); // If either the key begins with "xmlns:" or its just plain // "xmlns", then use it to update the map. if (!XMLString::compareNString(rawPtr, XMLUni::fgXMLNSColonString, 6) || XMLString::equals(rawPtr, XMLUni::fgXMLNSString)) { const XMLCh* valuePtr = curPair->getValue(); updateNSMap(rawPtr, valuePtr, fRawAttrColonList[index]); // if the schema URI is seen in the the valuePtr, set the boolean seeXsi if (XMLString::equals(valuePtr, SchemaSymbols::fgURI_XSI)) { fSeeXsi = true; } } } // walk through the list again to deal with "xsi:...." if (fSeeXsi) { // Schema Xsi Type yyyy (e.g. xsi:type="yyyyy") XMLBufBid bbXsi(&fBufMgr); XMLBuffer& fXsiType = bbXsi.getBuffer(); QName attName(fMemoryManager); for (index = 0; index < attCount; index++) { // each attribute has the prefix:suffix="value" const KVStringPair* curPair = fRawAttrList->elementAt(index); const XMLCh* rawPtr = curPair->getKey(); attName.setName(rawPtr, fEmptyNamespaceId); const XMLCh* prefPtr = attName.getPrefix(); // if schema URI has been seen, scan for the schema location and uri // and resolve the schema grammar; or scan for schema type if (resolvePrefix(prefPtr, ElemStack::Mode_Attribute) == fSchemaNamespaceId) { const XMLCh* valuePtr = curPair->getValue(); const XMLCh* suffPtr = attName.getLocalPart(); if (XMLString::equals(suffPtr, SchemaSymbols::fgXSI_TYPE)) { fXsiType.set(valuePtr); } else if (XMLString::equals(suffPtr, SchemaSymbols::fgATT_NILL) && XMLString::equals(valuePtr, SchemaSymbols::fgATTVAL_TRUE)) { ((SchemaValidator*)fValidator)->setNillable(true); } } } if (!fXsiType.isEmpty()) { int colonPos = -1; unsigned int uriId = resolveQName ( fXsiType.getRawBuffer(), fPrefixBuf, ElemStack::Mode_Element, colonPos ); ((SchemaValidator*)fValidator)->setXsiType(fPrefixBuf.getRawBuffer(), fXsiType.getRawBuffer() + colonPos + 1, uriId); } } } void XSAXMLScanner::switchGrammar( const XMLCh* const uriStr , bool laxValidate) { Grammar* tempGrammar = 0; if (XMLString::equals(uriStr, SchemaSymbols::fgURI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA)) { tempGrammar = fSchemaGrammar; } else { tempGrammar = fGrammarResolver->getGrammar(uriStr); } if (tempGrammar && tempGrammar->getGrammarType() == Grammar::SchemaGrammarType) { fGrammar = tempGrammar; fGrammarType = Grammar::SchemaGrammarType; fValidator->setGrammar(fGrammar); } else if(!laxValidate) { fValidator->emitError(XMLValid::GrammarNotFound, uriStr); } } XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_END