/* * Copyright 2003,2004 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * $Log$ * Revision 1.24 2005/01/06 21:39:43 amassari * Removed warnings * * Revision 1.23 2004/09/08 13:56:14 peiyongz * Apache License Version 2.0 * * Revision 1.22 2004/07/06 14:58:15 cargilld * Rename VALUE_CONSTRAINT enumeration names to avoid naming conflict with AIX system header which already uses VC_DEFAULT as a macro. Will need to document that this fix breaks source code compatibility. * * Revision 1.21 2004/03/05 16:28:21 knoaman * PSVI: prohibited attributes should not be part of attribute use. Patch by Mike Boos. * * Revision 1.20 2004/02/05 18:09:53 cargilld * Fix a seg fault with PSVI and set basetype of anysimpletype to be anytype. * * Revision 1.19 2004/01/07 02:33:56 knoaman * PSVI: inherit facets from base type * * Revision 1.18 2004/01/06 15:24:42 neilg * make sure locally-declared attributes have declarations in the PSVI * * Revision 1.17 2004/01/06 03:55:26 knoaman * Various PSVI fixes. * * Revision 1.16 2003/12/30 19:46:15 neilg * use a null-terminated string when tokenizing pattern facets * * Revision 1.15 2003/12/29 16:45:06 knoaman * PSVI: add whitespace facet if missing * * Revision 1.14 2003/12/29 16:15:41 knoaman * More PSVI updates * * Revision 1.13 2003/12/24 17:42:02 knoaman * Misc. PSVI updates * * Revision 1.12 2003/12/17 20:50:35 knoaman * PSVI: fix for annotation of attributes in attributeGroup/derived types * * Revision 1.11 2003/12/17 19:58:25 knoaman * Check for NULL when building XSParticle * * Revision 1.10 2003/12/17 00:18:34 cargilld * Update to memory management so that the static memory manager (one used to call Initialize) is only for static data. * * Revision 1.9 2003/12/10 05:14:00 neilg * fix seg fault caused when a complex type had simple content; we were not processing the complex type itself, only its base * * Revision 1.8 2003/12/01 20:41:25 neilg * fix for infinite loop between XSComplexTypeDefinitions and XSElementDeclarations; from David Cargill * * Revision 1.7 2003/11/27 16:42:00 neilg * fixes for segfaults and infinite loops in schema component model implementation; thanks to David Cargill * * Revision 1.6 2003/11/25 17:50:15 knoaman * Fix AIX linking error * * Revision 1.5 2003/11/24 15:45:36 knoaman * PSVI: finish construction of XSSimpleTypeDefinition * * Revision 1.4 2003/11/23 16:49:26 knoaman * PSVI: create local elements of groups * * Revision 1.3 2003/11/23 16:21:40 knoaman * PSVI: create local elements of complex types * * Revision 1.2 2003/11/21 22:34:46 neilg * More schema component model implementation, thanks to David Cargill. * In particular, this cleans up and completes the XSModel, XSNamespaceItem, * XSAttributeDeclaration and XSAttributeGroup implementations. * * Revision 1.1 2003/11/21 17:11:24 knoaman * Initial revision * */ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Includes // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_BEGIN static XMLCh regexSeparator[] = {chPipe, chNull}; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XSObjectFactory: Constructors and Destructor // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- XSObjectFactory::XSObjectFactory(MemoryManager* const manager) : fMemoryManager(manager) , fXercesToXSMap(0) , fDeleteVector(0) { fDeleteVector = new (manager) RefVectorOf(20, true, manager); fXercesToXSMap = new (manager) RefHashTableOf ( 109, false, new (manager) HashPtr(), manager); } XSObjectFactory::~XSObjectFactory() { delete fXercesToXSMap; delete fDeleteVector; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XSObjectFactory: factory methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- XSParticle* XSObjectFactory::createModelGroupParticle(const ContentSpecNode* const rootNode, XSModel* const xsModel) { if (rootNode == 0) return 0; ContentSpecNode::NodeTypes nodeType = rootNode->getType(); if (nodeType == ContentSpecNode::All || nodeType == ContentSpecNode::ModelGroupChoice || nodeType == ContentSpecNode::ModelGroupSequence) { XSParticleList* particleList = new (fMemoryManager) RefVectorOf (4, true, fMemoryManager); XSAnnotation* annot = getAnnotationFromModel(xsModel, rootNode); XSModelGroup* modelGroup = 0; if (nodeType == ContentSpecNode::All) { modelGroup = new (fMemoryManager) XSModelGroup(XSModelGroup::COMPOSITOR_ALL, particleList, annot, xsModel, fMemoryManager); buildAllParticles(rootNode, particleList, xsModel); } else { if (nodeType == ContentSpecNode::ModelGroupChoice) modelGroup = new (fMemoryManager) XSModelGroup(XSModelGroup::COMPOSITOR_CHOICE, particleList, annot, xsModel, fMemoryManager); else modelGroup = new (fMemoryManager) XSModelGroup(XSModelGroup::COMPOSITOR_SEQUENCE, particleList, annot, xsModel, fMemoryManager); buildChoiceSequenceParticles(rootNode->getFirst(), particleList, xsModel); buildChoiceSequenceParticles(rootNode->getSecond(), particleList, xsModel); } XSParticle* groupParticle = new (fMemoryManager) XSParticle ( XSParticle::TERM_MODELGROUP , xsModel , modelGroup , rootNode->getMinOccurs() , rootNode->getMaxOccurs() , fMemoryManager ); return groupParticle; } else return 0; } void XSObjectFactory::buildAllParticles(const ContentSpecNode* const rootNode, XSParticleList* const particleList, XSModel* const xsModel) { // Get the type of spec node our current node is const ContentSpecNode::NodeTypes nodeType = rootNode->getType(); if (nodeType == ContentSpecNode::All) { const ContentSpecNode* rightNode = rootNode->getSecond(); buildAllParticles(rootNode->getFirst(), particleList, xsModel); if (rightNode) buildAllParticles(rightNode, particleList, xsModel); } else if (nodeType == ContentSpecNode::Leaf) { XSParticle* elemParticle = createElementParticle(rootNode, xsModel); if (elemParticle) particleList->addElement(elemParticle); } } void XSObjectFactory::buildChoiceSequenceParticles(const ContentSpecNode* const rootNode, XSParticleList* const particleList, XSModel* const xsModel) { if (rootNode) { const ContentSpecNode::NodeTypes nodeType = rootNode->getType(); if (nodeType == ContentSpecNode::Sequence) { buildChoiceSequenceParticles(rootNode->getFirst(), particleList, xsModel); buildChoiceSequenceParticles(rootNode->getSecond(), particleList, xsModel); } else if (nodeType == ContentSpecNode::Choice) { buildChoiceSequenceParticles(rootNode->getFirst(), particleList, xsModel); buildChoiceSequenceParticles(rootNode->getSecond(), particleList, xsModel); } else if ((nodeType & 0x0f) == ContentSpecNode::Any || (nodeType & 0x0f) == ContentSpecNode::Any_Other || (nodeType & 0x0f) == ContentSpecNode::Any_NS || nodeType == ContentSpecNode::Any_NS_Choice) { XSParticle* wildcardParticle = createWildcardParticle(rootNode, xsModel); if (wildcardParticle) particleList->addElement(wildcardParticle); } else if (nodeType == ContentSpecNode::Leaf) { XSParticle* elemParticle = createElementParticle(rootNode, xsModel); if (elemParticle) particleList->addElement(elemParticle); } // must be a model group else { XSParticle* xsParticle = createModelGroupParticle(rootNode, xsModel); if (xsParticle) particleList->addElement(xsParticle); } } } XSParticle* XSObjectFactory::createElementParticle(const ContentSpecNode* const rootNode, XSModel* const xsModel) { if (rootNode->getElementDecl()) { XSElementDeclaration* xsElemDecl = addOrFind( (SchemaElementDecl*) rootNode->getElementDecl(), xsModel); if (xsElemDecl) { XSParticle* particle = new (fMemoryManager) XSParticle ( XSParticle::TERM_ELEMENT , xsModel , xsElemDecl , rootNode->getMinOccurs() , rootNode->getMaxOccurs() , fMemoryManager ); return particle; } } return 0; } XSParticle* XSObjectFactory::createWildcardParticle(const ContentSpecNode* const rootNode, XSModel* const xsModel) { XSWildcard* xsWildcard = createXSWildcard(rootNode, xsModel); if (xsWildcard) { XSParticle* particle = new (fMemoryManager) XSParticle ( XSParticle::TERM_WILDCARD , xsModel , xsWildcard , rootNode->getMinOccurs() , rootNode->getMaxOccurs() , fMemoryManager ); return particle; } return 0; } XSAttributeDeclaration* XSObjectFactory::addOrFind(SchemaAttDef* const attDef, XSModel* const xsModel, XSComplexTypeDefinition* const enclosingTypeDef) { XSAttributeDeclaration* xsObj = (XSAttributeDeclaration*) xsModel->getXSObject(attDef); if (xsObj) { if (xsObj->getScope() == XSConstants::SCOPE_LOCAL && xsObj->getEnclosingCTDefinition() == 0 && enclosingTypeDef) xsObj->setEnclosingCTDefinition(enclosingTypeDef); } else { XSSimpleTypeDefinition* xsType = 0; if (attDef->getDatatypeValidator()) xsType = addOrFind(attDef->getDatatypeValidator(), xsModel); XSConstants::SCOPE scope = XSConstants::SCOPE_ABSENT; XSComplexTypeDefinition* enclosingCTDefinition = 0; if (attDef->getPSVIScope() == PSVIDefs::SCP_GLOBAL) scope = XSConstants::SCOPE_GLOBAL; else if (attDef->getPSVIScope() == PSVIDefs::SCP_LOCAL) { scope = XSConstants::SCOPE_LOCAL; enclosingCTDefinition = enclosingTypeDef; } xsObj = new (fMemoryManager) XSAttributeDeclaration ( attDef , xsType , getAnnotationFromModel(xsModel, attDef) , xsModel , scope , enclosingCTDefinition , fMemoryManager ); putObjectInMap(attDef, xsObj); } return xsObj; } XSSimpleTypeDefinition* XSObjectFactory::addOrFind(DatatypeValidator* const validator, XSModel* const xsModel, bool isAnySimpleType) { XSSimpleTypeDefinition* xsObj = (XSSimpleTypeDefinition*) xsModel->getXSObject(validator); if (!xsObj) { XSTypeDefinition* baseType = 0; XSSimpleTypeDefinitionList* memberTypes = 0; XSSimpleTypeDefinition* primitiveOrItemType = 0; XSSimpleTypeDefinition::VARIETY typeVariety = XSSimpleTypeDefinition::VARIETY_ATOMIC; bool primitiveTypeSelf = false; //REVISIT: the getFixed method is protected so added friend XSObjectFactory // to DatatypeValidator class... DatatypeValidator::ValidatorType dvType = validator->getType(); DatatypeValidator* baseDV = validator->getBaseValidator(); if (dvType == DatatypeValidator::Union) { typeVariety = XSSimpleTypeDefinition::VARIETY_UNION; RefVectorOf* membersDV = ((UnionDatatypeValidator*)validator)->getMemberTypeValidators(); unsigned int size = membersDV->size(); if (size) { memberTypes = new (fMemoryManager) RefVectorOf(size, false, fMemoryManager); for (unsigned int i=0; iaddElement(addOrFind(membersDV->elementAt(i), xsModel)); } if (baseDV) { baseType = addOrFind(baseDV, xsModel); } else { baseType = (XSSimpleTypeDefinition*) xsModel->getTypeDefinition ( SchemaSymbols::fgDT_ANYSIMPLETYPE , SchemaSymbols::fgURI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA ); } } else if (dvType == DatatypeValidator::List) { typeVariety = XSSimpleTypeDefinition::VARIETY_LIST; if (baseDV->getType() == DatatypeValidator::List) { baseType = addOrFind(baseDV, xsModel); primitiveOrItemType = ((XSSimpleTypeDefinition*) baseType)->getItemType(); } else { baseType = (XSSimpleTypeDefinition*) xsModel->getTypeDefinition ( SchemaSymbols::fgDT_ANYSIMPLETYPE , SchemaSymbols::fgURI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA ); primitiveOrItemType = addOrFind(baseDV, xsModel); } } else if (!isAnySimpleType) { if (baseDV) { baseType = addOrFind(baseDV, xsModel); primitiveOrItemType = ((XSSimpleTypeDefinition*) baseType)->getPrimitiveType(); } else // built-in { baseType = (XSSimpleTypeDefinition*) xsModel->getTypeDefinition ( SchemaSymbols::fgDT_ANYSIMPLETYPE , SchemaSymbols::fgURI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA ); primitiveTypeSelf = true; } } else { baseType = xsModel->getTypeDefinition(SchemaSymbols::fgATTVAL_ANYTYPE, SchemaSymbols::fgURI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA); } xsObj = new (fMemoryManager) XSSimpleTypeDefinition ( validator , typeVariety , baseType , primitiveOrItemType , memberTypes , getAnnotationFromModel(xsModel, validator) , xsModel , fMemoryManager ); putObjectInMap(validator, xsObj); if (primitiveTypeSelf) xsObj->setPrimitiveType(xsObj); // process facets processFacets(validator, xsModel, xsObj); } return xsObj; } XSElementDeclaration* XSObjectFactory::addOrFind(SchemaElementDecl* const elemDecl, XSModel* const xsModel, XSComplexTypeDefinition* const enclosingTypeDef) { XSElementDeclaration* xsObj = (XSElementDeclaration*) xsModel->getXSObject(elemDecl); if (xsObj) { if (!xsObj->getEnclosingCTDefinition() && enclosingTypeDef) xsObj->setEnclosingCTDefinition(enclosingTypeDef); } else { XSElementDeclaration* xsSubElem = 0; XSTypeDefinition* xsType = 0; XSNamedMap* icMap = 0; if (elemDecl->getSubstitutionGroupElem()) xsSubElem = addOrFind(elemDecl->getSubstitutionGroupElem(), xsModel); // defer checking for complexTypeInfo until later as it could // eventually need this elemement // but don't check simple type unless no complexTypeInfo present if (!elemDecl->getComplexTypeInfo() && elemDecl->getDatatypeValidator()) xsType = addOrFind(elemDecl->getDatatypeValidator(), xsModel); unsigned int count = elemDecl->getIdentityConstraintCount(); if (count) { //REVISIT: size of hash table.... icMap = new (fMemoryManager) XSNamedMap ( count , 29 , xsModel->getURIStringPool() , false , fMemoryManager ); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++) { XSIDCDefinition* icDef = addOrFind ( elemDecl->getIdentityConstraintAt(i) , xsModel ); if (icDef) { icMap->addElement ( icDef , icDef->getName() , icDef->getNamespace() ); } } } XSConstants::SCOPE elemScope = XSConstants::SCOPE_ABSENT; if (elemDecl->getPSVIScope() == PSVIDefs::SCP_LOCAL) elemScope = XSConstants::SCOPE_LOCAL; else if (elemDecl->getPSVIScope() == PSVIDefs::SCP_GLOBAL) elemScope = XSConstants::SCOPE_GLOBAL; xsObj = new (fMemoryManager) XSElementDeclaration ( elemDecl , xsType , xsSubElem , getAnnotationFromModel(xsModel, elemDecl) , icMap , xsModel , elemScope , enclosingTypeDef , fMemoryManager ); putObjectInMap(elemDecl, xsObj); if (elemDecl->getComplexTypeInfo()) { xsType = addOrFind(elemDecl->getComplexTypeInfo(), xsModel); xsObj->setTypeDefinition(xsType); } else if (!xsType) { xsType = xsModel->getTypeDefinition ( SchemaSymbols::fgATTVAL_ANYTYPE , SchemaSymbols::fgURI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA ); xsObj->setTypeDefinition(xsType); } } return xsObj; } XSComplexTypeDefinition* XSObjectFactory::addOrFind(ComplexTypeInfo* const typeInfo, XSModel* const xsModel) { XSComplexTypeDefinition* xsObj = (XSComplexTypeDefinition*) xsModel->getXSObject(typeInfo); if (!xsObj) { XSWildcard* xsWildcard = 0; XSSimpleTypeDefinition* xsSimpleType = 0; XSAttributeUseList* xsAttList = 0; XSTypeDefinition* xsBaseType = 0; XSParticle* xsParticle = 0; if (typeInfo->getAttWildCard()) xsWildcard = createXSWildcard(typeInfo->getAttWildCard(), xsModel); if ((typeInfo->getContentType() == SchemaElementDecl::Simple) && (typeInfo->getDatatypeValidator())) xsSimpleType = addOrFind(typeInfo->getDatatypeValidator(), xsModel); unsigned int attCount=0; if (typeInfo->hasAttDefs()) { SchemaAttDefList& attDefList = (SchemaAttDefList&) typeInfo->getAttDefList(); attCount = attDefList.getAttDefCount(); xsAttList = new (fMemoryManager) RefVectorOf(attCount, false, fMemoryManager); // create list now put fill it in after we put complextype into map // otherwise we may encounter an infinite loop: complextype needs to // addorfind attdef, which does an addorfind on the enclosingCTdefintion. } // compute fBase bool isAnyType = false; if (typeInfo->getBaseComplexTypeInfo() == typeInfo) // case of anyType isAnyType = true; else if (typeInfo->getBaseComplexTypeInfo()) xsBaseType = addOrFind(typeInfo->getBaseComplexTypeInfo(), xsModel); else if (typeInfo->getBaseDatatypeValidator()) xsBaseType = addOrFind(typeInfo->getBaseDatatypeValidator(), xsModel); else // base is anyType xsBaseType = xsModel->getTypeDefinition(SchemaSymbols::fgATTVAL_ANYTYPE, SchemaSymbols::fgURI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA); // compute particle ContentSpecNode* contentSpec = typeInfo->getContentSpec(); if (contentSpec) xsParticle = createModelGroupParticle(contentSpec, xsModel); xsObj = new (fMemoryManager) XSComplexTypeDefinition ( typeInfo , xsWildcard , xsSimpleType , xsAttList , xsBaseType , xsParticle , getAnnotationFromModel(xsModel, typeInfo) , xsModel , fMemoryManager ); putObjectInMap(typeInfo, xsObj); if (isAnyType) xsObj->setBaseType(xsObj); if (typeInfo->hasAttDefs()) { // now create the xsattributedeclarations... SchemaAttDefList& attDefList = (SchemaAttDefList&) typeInfo->getAttDefList(); for(unsigned int i=0; iput(&attDef, xsAttDecl); } else xsAttDecl = addOrFind(&attDef, xsModel, xsObj); if (attDef.getDefaultType() != XMLAttDef::Prohibited) { XSAttributeUse* attUse = createXSAttributeUse(xsAttDecl, xsModel); xsAttList->addElement(attUse); processAttUse(&attDef, attUse); } } } // process local elements unsigned int elemCount = typeInfo->elementCount(); for (unsigned int j=0; jelementAt(j); if (elemDecl->getEnclosingScope() == typeInfo->getScopeDefined() && elemDecl->getPSVIScope() == PSVIDefs::SCP_LOCAL) addOrFind(elemDecl, xsModel, xsObj); } } return xsObj; } XSIDCDefinition* XSObjectFactory::addOrFind(IdentityConstraint* const ic, XSModel* const xsModel) { XSIDCDefinition* xsObj = (XSIDCDefinition*) xsModel->getXSObject(ic); if (!xsObj) { XSIDCDefinition* keyIC = 0; StringList* stringList = 0; unsigned int fieldCount = ic->getFieldCount(); if (fieldCount) { stringList = new (fMemoryManager) RefArrayVectorOf( fieldCount, true, fMemoryManager); for(unsigned int i=0; igetFieldAt(i)->getXPath()->getExpression() , fMemoryManager ); stringList->addElement(expr); } } if (ic->getType() == IdentityConstraint::KEYREF) keyIC = addOrFind(((IC_KeyRef*) ic)->getKey(), xsModel); xsObj= new (fMemoryManager) XSIDCDefinition ( ic , keyIC , getAnnotationFromModel(xsModel, ic) , stringList , xsModel , fMemoryManager ); putObjectInMap(ic, xsObj); } return xsObj; } XSNotationDeclaration* XSObjectFactory::addOrFind(XMLNotationDecl* const notDecl, XSModel* const xsModel) { XSNotationDeclaration* xsObj = (XSNotationDeclaration*) xsModel->getXSObject(notDecl); if (!xsObj) { xsObj = new (fMemoryManager) XSNotationDeclaration ( notDecl , getAnnotationFromModel(xsModel, notDecl) , xsModel , fMemoryManager ); putObjectInMap(notDecl, xsObj); } return xsObj; } XSAttributeUse* XSObjectFactory::createXSAttributeUse(XSAttributeDeclaration* const xsAttDecl, XSModel* const xsModel) { XSAttributeUse* attrUse = new (fMemoryManager) XSAttributeUse(xsAttDecl, xsModel, fMemoryManager); fDeleteVector->addElement(attrUse); return attrUse; } XSWildcard* XSObjectFactory::createXSWildcard(SchemaAttDef* const attDef, XSModel* const xsModel) { XSAnnotation* annot = (attDef->getBaseAttDecl()) ? getAnnotationFromModel(xsModel, attDef->getBaseAttDecl()) : getAnnotationFromModel(xsModel, attDef); XSWildcard* xsWildcard = new (fMemoryManager) XSWildcard ( attDef , annot , xsModel , fMemoryManager ); fDeleteVector->addElement(xsWildcard); return xsWildcard; } XSWildcard* XSObjectFactory::createXSWildcard(const ContentSpecNode* const rootNode, XSModel* const xsModel) { XSWildcard* xsWildcard = new (fMemoryManager) XSWildcard ( rootNode , getAnnotationFromModel(xsModel, rootNode) , xsModel , fMemoryManager ); fDeleteVector->addElement(xsWildcard); return xsWildcard; } XSModelGroupDefinition* XSObjectFactory::createXSModelGroupDefinition(XercesGroupInfo* const groupInfo, XSModel* const xsModel) { XSParticle* particle = createModelGroupParticle( groupInfo->getContentSpec(), xsModel); XSModelGroupDefinition* xsObj = new (fMemoryManager) XSModelGroupDefinition ( groupInfo , particle , getAnnotationFromModel(xsModel, groupInfo) , xsModel , fMemoryManager ); fDeleteVector->addElement(xsObj); // process local elements unsigned int elemCount = groupInfo->elementCount(); for (unsigned int j=0; jelementAt(j); if (elemDecl->getEnclosingScope() == groupInfo->getScope()) addOrFind(elemDecl, xsModel); } return xsObj; } XSAttributeGroupDefinition* XSObjectFactory::createXSAttGroupDefinition(XercesAttGroupInfo* const attGroupInfo, XSModel* const xsModel) { XSAttributeUseList* xsAttList = 0; XSWildcard* xsWildcard = 0; unsigned int attCount = attGroupInfo->attributeCount(); if (attCount) { xsAttList = new (fMemoryManager) RefVectorOf(attCount, false, fMemoryManager); for (unsigned int i=0; i < attCount; i++) { SchemaAttDef* attDef = attGroupInfo->attributeAt(i); XSAttributeDeclaration* xsAttDecl = 0; if (attDef->getBaseAttDecl()) xsAttDecl = addOrFind(attDef->getBaseAttDecl(), xsModel); else xsAttDecl = addOrFind(attDef, xsModel); if (xsAttDecl && (attDef->getDefaultType() != XMLAttDef::Prohibited)) // just for sanity { XSAttributeUse* attUse = createXSAttributeUse(xsAttDecl, xsModel); xsAttList->addElement(attUse); processAttUse(attDef, attUse); } } } if (attGroupInfo->getCompleteWildCard()) xsWildcard = createXSWildcard(attGroupInfo->getCompleteWildCard(), xsModel); XSAttributeGroupDefinition* xsObj = new (fMemoryManager) XSAttributeGroupDefinition ( attGroupInfo , xsAttList , xsWildcard , getAnnotationFromModel(xsModel, attGroupInfo) , xsModel , fMemoryManager ); fDeleteVector->addElement(xsObj); return xsObj; } XSAnnotation* XSObjectFactory::getAnnotationFromModel(XSModel* const xsModel, const void* const key) { XSNamespaceItemList* namespaceItemList = xsModel->getNamespaceItems(); XSAnnotation* annot = 0; for (unsigned int i=0; isize(); i++) { XSNamespaceItem* nsItem = namespaceItemList->elementAt(i); if (nsItem->fGrammar) { annot = nsItem->fGrammar->getAnnotation(key); if (annot) return annot; } } if (xsModel->fParent) return getAnnotationFromModel(xsModel->fParent, key); return 0; } void XSObjectFactory::putObjectInMap(void* key, XSObject* const object) { fXercesToXSMap->put(key, object); fDeleteVector->addElement(object); } void XSObjectFactory::processFacets(DatatypeValidator* const dv, XSModel* const xsModel, XSSimpleTypeDefinition* const xsST) { // NOTE: XSMultiValueFacetList is not owned by XSModel! // NOTE: XSFacetList is not owned by XSModel! bool isFixed = false; int dvFacetsDefined = dv->getFacetsDefined(); int dvFixedFacets = dv->getFixed(); int definedFacets = 0; int fixedFacets = 0; XSMultiValueFacetList* xsMultiFacetList = 0; StringList* patternList = 0; XSFacetList* xsFacetList = new (fMemoryManager) RefVectorOf(4, false, fMemoryManager); if (isMultiValueFacetDefined(dv)) xsMultiFacetList = new (fMemoryManager) RefVectorOf(2, false, fMemoryManager); if (dvFacetsDefined & DatatypeValidator::FACET_ENUMERATION) { RefArrayVectorOf* enumList = (RefArrayVectorOf*) dv->getEnumString(); if (dvFixedFacets & DatatypeValidator::FACET_ENUMERATION) { isFixed = true; fixedFacets |= XSSimpleTypeDefinition::FACET_ENUMERATION; } XSMultiValueFacet* mvFacet = new (fMemoryManager) XSMultiValueFacet( XSSimpleTypeDefinition::FACET_ENUMERATION , enumList, isFixed , getAnnotationFromModel(xsModel, enumList), xsModel, fMemoryManager ); fDeleteVector->addElement(mvFacet); xsMultiFacetList->addElement(mvFacet); definedFacets |= XSSimpleTypeDefinition::FACET_ENUMERATION; } if (dv->getFacets()) { RefHashTableOfEnumerator e(dv->getFacets(), false, fMemoryManager); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { KVStringPair& pair = e.nextElement(); XMLCh* key = pair.getKey(); XSSimpleTypeDefinition::FACET facetType; XSAnnotation* annot = getAnnotationFromModel(xsModel, &pair); if (XMLString::equals(key, SchemaSymbols::fgELT_MAXINCLUSIVE)) { facetType = XSSimpleTypeDefinition::FACET_MAXINCLUSIVE; isFixed = ((dvFixedFacets & DatatypeValidator::FACET_MAXINCLUSIVE) != 0); } else if (XMLString::equals(key, SchemaSymbols::fgELT_MAXEXCLUSIVE)) { facetType = XSSimpleTypeDefinition::FACET_MAXEXCLUSIVE; isFixed = ((dvFixedFacets & DatatypeValidator::FACET_MAXEXCLUSIVE) !=0); } else if (XMLString::equals(key, SchemaSymbols::fgELT_MININCLUSIVE)) { facetType = XSSimpleTypeDefinition::FACET_MININCLUSIVE; isFixed = ((dvFixedFacets & DatatypeValidator::FACET_MININCLUSIVE) !=0); } else if (XMLString::equals(key, SchemaSymbols::fgELT_MINEXCLUSIVE)) { facetType = XSSimpleTypeDefinition::FACET_MINEXCLUSIVE; isFixed = ((dvFixedFacets & DatatypeValidator::FACET_MINEXCLUSIVE) != 0); } else if (XMLString::equals(key, SchemaSymbols::fgELT_LENGTH)) { facetType = XSSimpleTypeDefinition::FACET_LENGTH; isFixed = ((dvFixedFacets & DatatypeValidator::FACET_LENGTH) != 0); } else if (XMLString::equals(key, SchemaSymbols::fgELT_MINLENGTH)) { facetType = XSSimpleTypeDefinition::FACET_MINLENGTH; isFixed = ((dvFixedFacets & DatatypeValidator::FACET_MINLENGTH) != 0); } else if (XMLString::equals(key, SchemaSymbols::fgELT_MAXLENGTH)) { facetType = XSSimpleTypeDefinition::FACET_MAXLENGTH; isFixed = ((dvFixedFacets & DatatypeValidator::FACET_MAXLENGTH) != 0); } else if (XMLString::equals(key, SchemaSymbols::fgELT_TOTALDIGITS)) { facetType = XSSimpleTypeDefinition::FACET_TOTALDIGITS; isFixed = ((dvFixedFacets & DatatypeValidator::FACET_TOTALDIGITS) != 0); } else if (XMLString::equals(key, SchemaSymbols::fgELT_FRACTIONDIGITS)) { facetType = XSSimpleTypeDefinition::FACET_FRACTIONDIGITS; isFixed = ((dvFixedFacets & DatatypeValidator::FACET_FRACTIONDIGITS) != 0); } else if (XMLString::equals(key, SchemaSymbols::fgELT_WHITESPACE)) { facetType = XSSimpleTypeDefinition::FACET_WHITESPACE; isFixed = ((dvFixedFacets & DatatypeValidator::FACET_WHITESPACE) != 0); } else if (XMLString::equals(key, SchemaSymbols::fgELT_PATTERN)) { XMLStringTokenizer tokenizer(dv->getPattern(), regexSeparator, fMemoryManager); patternList = new (fMemoryManager) RefArrayVectorOf( tokenizer.countTokens(), true, fMemoryManager ); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) patternList->addElement(XMLString::replicate(tokenizer.nextToken(), fMemoryManager)); if (dvFixedFacets & DatatypeValidator::FACET_PATTERN) { isFixed = true; fixedFacets |= XSSimpleTypeDefinition::FACET_PATTERN; } XSMultiValueFacet* mvFacet = new (fMemoryManager) XSMultiValueFacet( XSSimpleTypeDefinition::FACET_PATTERN, patternList , isFixed, annot, xsModel, fMemoryManager ); fDeleteVector->addElement(mvFacet); xsMultiFacetList->addElement(mvFacet); definedFacets |= XSSimpleTypeDefinition::FACET_PATTERN; continue; } else { // REVISIT: hmm... what about XSSimpleTypeDefinition::FACET_NONE // don't think I need to create an empty Facet? continue; } XSFacet* xsFacet = new (fMemoryManager) XSFacet( facetType, pair.getValue(), isFixed, annot, xsModel, fMemoryManager); fDeleteVector->addElement(xsFacet); xsFacetList->addElement(xsFacet); definedFacets |= facetType; if (isFixed) fixedFacets |= facetType; } } // add whistespace facet if missing if ((definedFacets & XSSimpleTypeDefinition::FACET_WHITESPACE) == 0) { XSFacet* xsFacet = new (fMemoryManager) XSFacet( XSSimpleTypeDefinition::FACET_WHITESPACE , dv->getWSstring(dv->getWSFacet()) , false, 0, xsModel, fMemoryManager); fDeleteVector->addElement(xsFacet); xsFacetList->addElement(xsFacet); definedFacets |= XSSimpleTypeDefinition::FACET_WHITESPACE; } // inherit facets from base if (xsST->getBaseType() && xsST->getBaseType()->getTypeCategory() == XSTypeDefinition::SIMPLE_TYPE) { XSSimpleTypeDefinition* baseST = (XSSimpleTypeDefinition*) xsST->getBaseType(); XSFacetList* baseFacets = baseST->getFacets(); for (unsigned int i=0; isize(); i++) { XSFacet* bFacet = baseFacets->elementAt(i); if ((definedFacets & bFacet->getFacetKind()) == 0) { definedFacets |= bFacet->getFacetKind(); xsFacetList->addElement(bFacet); if (bFacet->isFixed()) fixedFacets |= bFacet->getFacetKind(); } } if (baseST->getMultiValueFacets()) { XSMultiValueFacetList* baseMVFacets = baseST->getMultiValueFacets(); for (unsigned int j=0; jsize(); j++) { XSMultiValueFacet* bFacet = baseMVFacets->elementAt(j); if ((definedFacets & bFacet->getFacetKind()) == 0) { definedFacets |= bFacet->getFacetKind(); xsMultiFacetList->addElement(bFacet); if (bFacet->isFixed()) fixedFacets |= bFacet->getFacetKind(); } } } } xsST->setFacetInfo(definedFacets, fixedFacets, xsFacetList, xsMultiFacetList, patternList); } void XSObjectFactory::processAttUse(SchemaAttDef* const attDef, XSAttributeUse* const xsAttUse) { bool isRequired = false; XSConstants::VALUE_CONSTRAINT constraintType = XSConstants::VALUE_CONSTRAINT_NONE; if (attDef->getDefaultType() == XMLAttDef::Default) { constraintType = XSConstants::VALUE_CONSTRAINT_DEFAULT; } else if ((attDef->getDefaultType() == XMLAttDef::Fixed) || (attDef->getDefaultType() == XMLAttDef::Required_And_Fixed)) { constraintType = XSConstants::VALUE_CONSTRAINT_FIXED; } if (attDef->getDefaultType() == XMLAttDef::Required || attDef->getDefaultType() == XMLAttDef::Required_And_Fixed) isRequired = true; xsAttUse->set(isRequired, constraintType, attDef->getValue()); } bool XSObjectFactory::isMultiValueFacetDefined(DatatypeValidator* const dv) { DatatypeValidator* tmpDV = dv; while (tmpDV) { if ((tmpDV->getFacetsDefined() & DatatypeValidator::FACET_PATTERN) || (tmpDV->getFacetsDefined() & DatatypeValidator::FACET_ENUMERATION)) return true; tmpDV = tmpDV->getBaseValidator(); } return false; } XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_END