/* * Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * $Id: SAXParser.cpp 191671 2005-06-21 15:48:06Z cargilld $ */ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Includes // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_BEGIN // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SAXParser: Constructors and Destructor // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef JanitorMemFunCall CleanupType; typedef JanitorMemFunCall ResetInProgressType; SAXParser::SAXParser( XMLValidator* const valToAdopt , MemoryManager* const manager , XMLGrammarPool* const gramPool): fParseInProgress(false) , fElemDepth(0) , fAdvDHCount(0) , fAdvDHListSize(32) , fDocHandler(0) , fDTDHandler(0) , fEntityResolver(0) , fXMLEntityResolver(0) , fErrorHandler(0) , fPSVIHandler(0) , fAdvDHList(0) , fScanner(0) , fGrammarResolver(0) , fURIStringPool(0) , fValidator(valToAdopt) , fMemoryManager(manager) , fGrammarPool(gramPool) , fElemQNameBuf(1023, manager) { CleanupType cleanup(this, &SAXParser::cleanUp); try { initialize(); } catch(const OutOfMemoryException&) { // Don't cleanup when out of memory, since executing the // code can cause problems. cleanup.release(); throw; } cleanup.release(); } SAXParser::~SAXParser() { cleanUp(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SAXParser: Initialize/CleanUp methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SAXParser::initialize() { // Create grammar resolver and string pool to pass to scanner fGrammarResolver = new (fMemoryManager) GrammarResolver(fGrammarPool, fMemoryManager); fURIStringPool = fGrammarResolver->getStringPool(); // Create our scanner and tell it what validator to use fScanner = XMLScannerResolver::getDefaultScanner(fValidator, fGrammarResolver, fMemoryManager); fScanner->setURIStringPool(fURIStringPool); // Create the initial advanced handler list array and zero it out fAdvDHList = (XMLDocumentHandler**) fMemoryManager->allocate ( fAdvDHListSize * sizeof(XMLDocumentHandler*) );//new XMLDocumentHandler*[fAdvDHListSize]; memset(fAdvDHList, 0, sizeof(void*) * fAdvDHListSize); } void SAXParser::cleanUp() { fMemoryManager->deallocate(fAdvDHList);//delete [] fAdvDHList; delete fScanner; delete fGrammarResolver; // grammar pool must do this //delete fURIStringPool; if (fValidator) delete fValidator; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SAXParser: Advanced document handler list maintenance methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SAXParser::installAdvDocHandler(XMLDocumentHandler* const toInstall) { // See if we need to expand and do so now if needed if (fAdvDHCount == fAdvDHListSize) { // Calc a new size and allocate the new temp buffer const unsigned int newSize = (unsigned int)(fAdvDHListSize * 1.5); XMLDocumentHandler** newList = (XMLDocumentHandler**) fMemoryManager->allocate ( newSize * sizeof(XMLDocumentHandler*) );//new XMLDocumentHandler*[newSize]; // Copy over the old data to the new list and zero out the rest memcpy(newList, fAdvDHList, sizeof(void*) * fAdvDHListSize); memset ( &newList[fAdvDHListSize] , 0 , sizeof(void*) * (newSize - fAdvDHListSize) ); // And now clean up the old array and store the new stuff fMemoryManager->deallocate(fAdvDHList);//delete [] fAdvDHList; fAdvDHList = newList; fAdvDHListSize = newSize; } // Add this new guy into the empty slot fAdvDHList[fAdvDHCount++] = toInstall; // // Install ourself as the document handler with the scanner. We might // already be, but its not worth checking, just do it. // fScanner->setDocHandler(this); } bool SAXParser::removeAdvDocHandler(XMLDocumentHandler* const toRemove) { // If our count is zero, can't be any installed if (!fAdvDHCount) return false; // // Search the array until we find this handler. If we find a null entry // first, we can stop there before the list is kept contiguous. // unsigned int index; for (index = 0; index < fAdvDHCount; index++) { // // We found it. We have to keep the list contiguous, so we have to // copy down any used elements after this one. // if (fAdvDHList[index] == toRemove) { // // Optimize if only one entry (pretty common). Otherwise, we // have to copy them down to compact them. // if (fAdvDHCount > 1) { index++; while (index < fAdvDHCount) fAdvDHList[index - 1] = fAdvDHList[index]; } // Bump down the count and zero out the last one fAdvDHCount--; fAdvDHList[fAdvDHCount] = 0; // // If this leaves us with no advanced handlers and there is // no SAX doc handler installed on us, then remove us from the // scanner as the document handler. // if (!fAdvDHCount && !fDocHandler) fScanner->setDocHandler(0); return true; } } // Never found it return false; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SAXParser: Getter methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- const XMLValidator& SAXParser::getValidator() const { return *fScanner->getValidator(); } bool SAXParser::getDoNamespaces() const { return fScanner->getDoNamespaces(); } bool SAXParser::getGenerateSyntheticAnnotations() const { return fScanner->getGenerateSyntheticAnnotations(); } bool SAXParser::getValidateAnnotations() const { return fScanner->getValidateAnnotations(); } bool SAXParser::getExitOnFirstFatalError() const { return fScanner->getExitOnFirstFatal(); } bool SAXParser::getValidationConstraintFatal() const { return fScanner->getValidationConstraintFatal(); } SAXParser::ValSchemes SAXParser::getValidationScheme() const { const XMLScanner::ValSchemes scheme = fScanner->getValidationScheme(); if (scheme == XMLScanner::Val_Always) return Val_Always; else if (scheme == XMLScanner::Val_Never) return Val_Never; return Val_Auto; } bool SAXParser::getDoSchema() const { return fScanner->getDoSchema(); } bool SAXParser::getValidationSchemaFullChecking() const { return fScanner->getValidationSchemaFullChecking(); } bool SAXParser::getIdentityConstraintChecking() const { return fScanner->getIdentityConstraintChecking(); } int SAXParser::getErrorCount() const { return fScanner->getErrorCount(); } XMLCh* SAXParser::getExternalSchemaLocation() const { return fScanner->getExternalSchemaLocation(); } XMLCh* SAXParser::getExternalNoNamespaceSchemaLocation() const { return fScanner->getExternalNoNamespaceSchemaLocation(); } SecurityManager* SAXParser::getSecurityManager() const { return fScanner->getSecurityManager(); } bool SAXParser::getLoadExternalDTD() const { return fScanner->getLoadExternalDTD(); } bool SAXParser::isCachingGrammarFromParse() const { return fScanner->isCachingGrammarFromParse(); } bool SAXParser::isUsingCachedGrammarInParse() const { return fScanner->isUsingCachedGrammarInParse(); } bool SAXParser::getCalculateSrcOfs() const { return fScanner->getCalculateSrcOfs(); } bool SAXParser::getStandardUriConformant() const { return fScanner->getStandardUriConformant(); } Grammar* SAXParser::getGrammar(const XMLCh* const nameSpaceKey) { return fGrammarResolver->getGrammar(nameSpaceKey); } Grammar* SAXParser::getRootGrammar() { return fScanner->getRootGrammar(); } const XMLCh* SAXParser::getURIText(unsigned int uriId) const { return fScanner->getURIText(uriId); } unsigned int SAXParser::getSrcOffset() const { return fScanner->getSrcOffset(); } bool SAXParser::getIgnoreCachedDTD() const { return fScanner->getIgnoreCachedDTD(); } bool SAXParser::getIgnoreAnnotations() const { return fScanner->getIgnoreAnnotations(); } bool SAXParser::getDisableDefaultEntityResolution() const { return fScanner->getDisableDefaultEntityResolution(); } bool SAXParser::getSkipDTDValidation() const { return fScanner->getSkipDTDValidation(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SAXParser: Setter methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SAXParser::setDoNamespaces(const bool newState) { fScanner->setDoNamespaces(newState); } void SAXParser::setGenerateSyntheticAnnotations(const bool newState) { fScanner->setGenerateSyntheticAnnotations(newState); } void SAXParser::setValidateAnnotations(const bool newState) { fScanner->setValidateAnnotations(newState); } void SAXParser::setExitOnFirstFatalError(const bool newState) { fScanner->setExitOnFirstFatal(newState); } void SAXParser::setValidationConstraintFatal(const bool newState) { fScanner->setValidationConstraintFatal(newState); } void SAXParser::setValidationScheme(const ValSchemes newScheme) { if (newScheme == Val_Never) fScanner->setValidationScheme(XMLScanner::Val_Never); else if (newScheme == Val_Always) fScanner->setValidationScheme(XMLScanner::Val_Always); else fScanner->setValidationScheme(XMLScanner::Val_Auto); } void SAXParser::setDoSchema(const bool newState) { fScanner->setDoSchema(newState); } void SAXParser::setValidationSchemaFullChecking(const bool schemaFullChecking) { fScanner->setValidationSchemaFullChecking(schemaFullChecking); } void SAXParser::setIdentityConstraintChecking(const bool identityConstraintChecking) { fScanner->setIdentityConstraintChecking(identityConstraintChecking); } void SAXParser::setExternalSchemaLocation(const XMLCh* const schemaLocation) { fScanner->setExternalSchemaLocation(schemaLocation); } void SAXParser::setExternalNoNamespaceSchemaLocation(const XMLCh* const noNamespaceSchemaLocation) { fScanner->setExternalNoNamespaceSchemaLocation(noNamespaceSchemaLocation); } void SAXParser::setExternalSchemaLocation(const char* const schemaLocation) { fScanner->setExternalSchemaLocation(schemaLocation); } void SAXParser::setExternalNoNamespaceSchemaLocation(const char* const noNamespaceSchemaLocation) { fScanner->setExternalNoNamespaceSchemaLocation(noNamespaceSchemaLocation); } void SAXParser::setSecurityManager(SecurityManager* const securityManager) { // since this could impact various components, don't permit it to change // during a parse if (fParseInProgress) ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(IOException, XMLExcepts::Gen_ParseInProgress, fMemoryManager); fScanner->setSecurityManager(securityManager); } void SAXParser::setLoadExternalDTD(const bool newState) { fScanner->setLoadExternalDTD(newState); } void SAXParser::cacheGrammarFromParse(const bool newState) { fScanner->cacheGrammarFromParse(newState); if (newState) fScanner->useCachedGrammarInParse(newState); } void SAXParser::useCachedGrammarInParse(const bool newState) { if (newState || !fScanner->isCachingGrammarFromParse()) fScanner->useCachedGrammarInParse(newState); } void SAXParser::setCalculateSrcOfs(const bool newState) { fScanner->setCalculateSrcOfs(newState); } void SAXParser::setStandardUriConformant(const bool newState) { fScanner->setStandardUriConformant(newState); } void SAXParser::useScanner(const XMLCh* const scannerName) { XMLScanner* tempScanner = XMLScannerResolver::resolveScanner ( scannerName , fValidator , fGrammarResolver , fMemoryManager ); if (tempScanner) { tempScanner->setParseSettings(fScanner); tempScanner->setURIStringPool(fURIStringPool); delete fScanner; fScanner = tempScanner; } } void SAXParser::setInputBufferSize(const size_t bufferSize) { fScanner->setInputBufferSize(bufferSize); } void SAXParser::setIgnoreCachedDTD(const bool newValue) { fScanner->setIgnoredCachedDTD(newValue); } void SAXParser::setIgnoreAnnotations(const bool newValue) { fScanner->setIgnoreAnnotations(newValue); } void SAXParser::setDisableDefaultEntityResolution(const bool newValue) { fScanner->setDisableDefaultEntityResolution(newValue); } void SAXParser::setSkipDTDValidation(const bool newValue) { fScanner->setSkipDTDValidation(newValue); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SAXParser: Overrides of the SAX Parser interface // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SAXParser::parse(const InputSource& source) { // Avoid multiple entrance if (fParseInProgress) ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(IOException, XMLExcepts::Gen_ParseInProgress, fMemoryManager); ResetInProgressType resetInProgress(this, &SAXParser::resetInProgress); try { fParseInProgress = true; fScanner->scanDocument(source); } catch(const OutOfMemoryException&) { resetInProgress.release(); throw; } } void SAXParser::parse(const XMLCh* const systemId) { // Avoid multiple entrance if (fParseInProgress) ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(IOException, XMLExcepts::Gen_ParseInProgress, fMemoryManager); ResetInProgressType resetInProgress(this, &SAXParser::resetInProgress); try { fParseInProgress = true; fScanner->scanDocument(systemId); } catch(const OutOfMemoryException&) { resetInProgress.release(); throw; } } void SAXParser::parse(const char* const systemId) { // Avoid multiple entrance if (fParseInProgress) ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(IOException, XMLExcepts::Gen_ParseInProgress, fMemoryManager); ResetInProgressType resetInProgress(this, &SAXParser::resetInProgress); try { fParseInProgress = true; fScanner->scanDocument(systemId); } catch(const OutOfMemoryException&) { resetInProgress.release(); throw; } } void SAXParser::setDocumentHandler(DocumentHandler* const handler) { fDocHandler = handler; if (fDocHandler) { // // Make sure we are set as the document handler with the scanner. // We may already be (if advanced handlers are installed), but its // not worthing checking, just do it. // fScanner->setDocHandler(this); } else { // // If we don't have any advanced handlers either, then deinstall us // from the scanner because we don't need document events anymore. // if (!fAdvDHCount) fScanner->setDocHandler(0); } } void SAXParser::setDTDHandler(DTDHandler* const handler) { fDTDHandler = handler; if (fDTDHandler) fScanner->setDocTypeHandler(this); else fScanner->setDocTypeHandler(0); } void SAXParser::setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler* const handler) { // // Store the handler. Then either install or deinstall us as the // error reporter on the scanner. // fErrorHandler = handler; if (fErrorHandler) { fScanner->setErrorReporter(this); fScanner->setErrorHandler(fErrorHandler); } else { fScanner->setErrorReporter(0); fScanner->setErrorHandler(0); } } void SAXParser::setPSVIHandler(PSVIHandler* const handler) { fPSVIHandler = handler; if (fPSVIHandler) { fScanner->setPSVIHandler(fPSVIHandler); } else { fScanner->setPSVIHandler(0); } } void SAXParser::setEntityResolver(EntityResolver* const resolver) { fEntityResolver = resolver; if (fEntityResolver) { fScanner->setEntityHandler(this); fXMLEntityResolver = 0; } else { fScanner->setEntityHandler(0); } } void SAXParser::setXMLEntityResolver(XMLEntityResolver* const resolver) { fXMLEntityResolver = resolver; if (fXMLEntityResolver) { fScanner->setEntityHandler(this); fEntityResolver = 0; } else { fScanner->setEntityHandler(0); } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SAXParser: Progressive parse methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool SAXParser::parseFirst( const XMLCh* const systemId , XMLPScanToken& toFill) { // // Avoid multiple entrance. We cannot enter here while a regular parse // is in progress. // if (fParseInProgress) ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(IOException, XMLExcepts::Gen_ParseInProgress, fMemoryManager); return fScanner->scanFirst(systemId, toFill); } bool SAXParser::parseFirst( const char* const systemId , XMLPScanToken& toFill) { // // Avoid multiple entrance. We cannot enter here while a regular parse // is in progress. // if (fParseInProgress) ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(IOException, XMLExcepts::Gen_ParseInProgress, fMemoryManager); return fScanner->scanFirst(systemId, toFill); } bool SAXParser::parseFirst( const InputSource& source , XMLPScanToken& toFill) { // // Avoid multiple entrance. We cannot enter here while a regular parse // is in progress. // if (fParseInProgress) ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(IOException, XMLExcepts::Gen_ParseInProgress, fMemoryManager); return fScanner->scanFirst(source, toFill); } bool SAXParser::parseNext(XMLPScanToken& token) { return fScanner->scanNext(token); } void SAXParser::parseReset(XMLPScanToken& token) { // Reset the scanner fScanner->scanReset(token); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SAXParser: Overrides of the XMLDocumentHandler interface // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SAXParser::docCharacters( const XMLCh* const chars , const unsigned int length , const bool cdataSection) { // Suppress the chars before the root element. if (fElemDepth) { // Just map to the SAX document handler if (fDocHandler) fDocHandler->characters(chars, length); } // // If there are any installed advanced handlers, then lets call them // with this info. // for (unsigned int index = 0; index < fAdvDHCount; index++) fAdvDHList[index]->docCharacters(chars, length, cdataSection); } void SAXParser::docComment(const XMLCh* const commentText) { // // SAX has no way to report this. But, if there are any installed // advanced handlers, then lets call them with this info. // for (unsigned int index = 0; index < fAdvDHCount; index++) fAdvDHList[index]->docComment(commentText); } void SAXParser::XMLDecl( const XMLCh* const versionStr , const XMLCh* const encodingStr , const XMLCh* const standaloneStr , const XMLCh* const actualEncodingStr ) { // // SAX has no way to report this. But, if there are any installed // advanced handlers, then lets call them with this info. // for (unsigned int index = 0; index < fAdvDHCount; index++) fAdvDHList[index]->XMLDecl( versionStr, encodingStr, standaloneStr, actualEncodingStr ); } void SAXParser::docPI( const XMLCh* const target , const XMLCh* const data) { // Just map to the SAX document handler if (fDocHandler) fDocHandler->processingInstruction(target, data); // // If there are any installed advanced handlers, then lets call them // with this info. // for (unsigned int index = 0; index < fAdvDHCount; index++) fAdvDHList[index]->docPI(target, data); } void SAXParser::endDocument() { if (fDocHandler) fDocHandler->endDocument(); // // If there are any installed advanced handlers, then lets call them // with this info. // for (unsigned int index = 0; index < fAdvDHCount; index++) fAdvDHList[index]->endDocument(); } void SAXParser::endElement( const XMLElementDecl& elemDecl , const unsigned int uriId , const bool isRoot , const XMLCh* const elemPrefix) { // Just map to the SAX document handler if (fDocHandler) { if (fScanner->getDoNamespaces()) { if (elemPrefix && *elemPrefix) { fElemQNameBuf.set(elemPrefix); fElemQNameBuf.append(chColon); fElemQNameBuf.append(elemDecl.getBaseName()); fDocHandler->endElement(fElemQNameBuf.getRawBuffer()); } else { fDocHandler->endElement(elemDecl.getBaseName()); } } else fDocHandler->endElement(elemDecl.getFullName()); } // // If there are any installed advanced handlers, then lets call them // with this info. // for (unsigned int index = 0; index < fAdvDHCount; index++) fAdvDHList[index]->endElement(elemDecl, uriId, isRoot, elemPrefix); // // Dump the element depth down again. Don't let it underflow in case // of malformed XML. // if (fElemDepth) fElemDepth--; } void SAXParser::endEntityReference(const XMLEntityDecl& entityDecl) { // // SAX has no way to report this event. But, if there are any installed // advanced handlers, then lets call them with this info. // for (unsigned int index = 0; index < fAdvDHCount; index++) fAdvDHList[index]->endEntityReference(entityDecl); } void SAXParser::ignorableWhitespace(const XMLCh* const chars , const unsigned int length , const bool cdataSection) { // Do not report the whitespace before the root element. if (!fElemDepth) return; // Just map to the SAX document handler if (fDocHandler) fDocHandler->ignorableWhitespace(chars, length); // // If there are any installed advanced handlers, then lets call them // with this info. // for (unsigned int index = 0; index < fAdvDHCount; index++) fAdvDHList[index]->ignorableWhitespace(chars, length, cdataSection); } void SAXParser::resetDocument() { // Just map to the SAX document handler if (fDocHandler) fDocHandler->resetDocument(); // // If there are any installed advanced handlers, then lets call them // with this info. // for (unsigned int index = 0; index < fAdvDHCount; index++) fAdvDHList[index]->resetDocument(); // Make sure our element depth flag gets set back to zero fElemDepth = 0; } void SAXParser::startDocument() { // Just map to the SAX document handler if (fDocHandler) { fDocHandler->setDocumentLocator(fScanner->getLocator()); fDocHandler->startDocument(); } // // If there are any installed advanced handlers, then lets call them // with this info. // for (unsigned int index = 0; index < fAdvDHCount; index++) fAdvDHList[index]->startDocument(); } void SAXParser:: startElement( const XMLElementDecl& elemDecl , const unsigned int elemURLId , const XMLCh* const elemPrefix , const RefVectorOf& attrList , const unsigned int attrCount , const bool isEmpty , const bool isRoot) { // Bump the element depth counter if not empty if (!isEmpty) fElemDepth++; if (fDocHandler) { fAttrList.setVector(&attrList, attrCount); if (fScanner->getDoNamespaces()) { if (elemPrefix && *elemPrefix) { fElemQNameBuf.set(elemPrefix); fElemQNameBuf.append(chColon); fElemQNameBuf.append(elemDecl.getBaseName()); fDocHandler->startElement(fElemQNameBuf.getRawBuffer(), fAttrList); // If its empty, send the end tag event now if (isEmpty) fDocHandler->endElement(fElemQNameBuf.getRawBuffer()); } else { fDocHandler->startElement(elemDecl.getBaseName(), fAttrList); // If its empty, send the end tag event now if (isEmpty) fDocHandler->endElement(elemDecl.getBaseName()); } } else { fDocHandler->startElement(elemDecl.getFullName(), fAttrList); // If its empty, send the end tag event now if (isEmpty) fDocHandler->endElement(elemDecl.getFullName()); } } // // If there are any installed advanced handlers, then lets call them // with this info. // for (unsigned int index = 0; index < fAdvDHCount; index++) { fAdvDHList[index]->startElement ( elemDecl , elemURLId , elemPrefix , attrList , attrCount , isEmpty , isRoot ); } } void SAXParser::startEntityReference(const XMLEntityDecl& entityDecl) { // // SAX has no way to report this. But, If there are any installed // advanced handlers, then lets call them with this info. // for (unsigned int index = 0; index < fAdvDHCount; index++) fAdvDHList[index]->startEntityReference(entityDecl); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SAXParser: Overrides of the DocTypeHandler interface // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SAXParser::attDef( const DTDElementDecl& , const DTDAttDef& , const bool) { // Unused by SAX DTDHandler interface at this time } void SAXParser::doctypeComment(const XMLCh* const) { // Unused by SAX DTDHandler interface at this time } void SAXParser::doctypeDecl(const DTDElementDecl& , const XMLCh* const , const XMLCh* const , const bool , const bool) { // Unused by SAX DTDHandler interface at this time } void SAXParser::doctypePI( const XMLCh* const , const XMLCh* const) { // Unused by SAX DTDHandler interface at this time } void SAXParser::doctypeWhitespace( const XMLCh* const , const unsigned int) { // Unused by SAX DTDHandler interface at this time } void SAXParser::elementDecl(const DTDElementDecl&, const bool) { // Unused by SAX DTDHandler interface at this time } void SAXParser::endAttList(const DTDElementDecl&) { // Unused by SAX DTDHandler interface at this time } void SAXParser::endIntSubset() { // Unused by SAX DTDHandler interface at this time } void SAXParser::endExtSubset() { // Unused by SAX DTDHandler interface at this time } void SAXParser::entityDecl( const DTDEntityDecl& entityDecl , const bool , const bool isIgnored) { // // If we have a DTD handler, and this entity is not ignored, and // its an unparsed entity, then send this one. // if (fDTDHandler && !isIgnored) { if (entityDecl.isUnparsed()) { fDTDHandler->unparsedEntityDecl ( entityDecl.getName() , entityDecl.getPublicId() , entityDecl.getSystemId() , entityDecl.getNotationName() ); } } } void SAXParser::resetDocType() { // Just map to the DTD handler if (fDTDHandler) fDTDHandler->resetDocType(); } void SAXParser::notationDecl( const XMLNotationDecl& notDecl , const bool isIgnored) { if (fDTDHandler && !isIgnored) { fDTDHandler->notationDecl ( notDecl.getName() , notDecl.getPublicId() , notDecl.getSystemId() ); } } void SAXParser::startAttList(const DTDElementDecl&) { // Unused by SAX DTDHandler interface at this time } void SAXParser::startIntSubset() { // Unused by SAX DTDHandler interface at this time } void SAXParser::startExtSubset() { // Unused by SAX DTDHandler interface at this time } void SAXParser::TextDecl( const XMLCh* const , const XMLCh* const) { // Unused by SAX DTDHandler interface at this time } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SAXParser: Overrides of the XMLErrorReporter interface // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SAXParser::resetErrors() { if (fErrorHandler) fErrorHandler->resetErrors(); } void SAXParser::error( const unsigned int , const XMLCh* const , const XMLErrorReporter::ErrTypes errType , const XMLCh* const errorText , const XMLCh* const systemId , const XMLCh* const publicId , const XMLSSize_t lineNum , const XMLSSize_t colNum) { SAXParseException toThrow = SAXParseException ( errorText , publicId , systemId , lineNum , colNum , fMemoryManager ); if (!fErrorHandler) { if (errType == XMLErrorReporter::ErrType_Fatal) throw toThrow; else return; } if (errType == XMLErrorReporter::ErrType_Warning) fErrorHandler->warning(toThrow); else if (errType == XMLErrorReporter::ErrType_Fatal) fErrorHandler->fatalError(toThrow); else fErrorHandler->error(toThrow); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SAXParser: Handlers for the XMLEntityHandler interface // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SAXParser::endInputSource(const InputSource&) { } bool SAXParser::expandSystemId(const XMLCh* const, XMLBuffer&) { return false; } void SAXParser::resetEntities() { // Nothing to do for this one } InputSource* SAXParser::resolveEntity( const XMLCh* const publicId , const XMLCh* const systemId , const XMLCh* const) { // Just map to the SAX entity resolver handler if (fEntityResolver) return fEntityResolver->resolveEntity(publicId, systemId); return 0; } InputSource* SAXParser::resolveEntity( XMLResourceIdentifier* resourceIdentifier ) { // Just map to the SAX entity resolver handler if (fEntityResolver) return fEntityResolver->resolveEntity(resourceIdentifier->getPublicId(), resourceIdentifier->getSystemId()); if (fXMLEntityResolver) return fXMLEntityResolver->resolveEntity(resourceIdentifier); return 0; } void SAXParser::startInputSource(const InputSource&) { // Nothing to do for this one } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SAXParser: Deprecated methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool SAXParser::getDoValidation() const { // // We don't want to tie the public parser classes to the enum used // by the scanner, so we use a separate one and map. // // DON'T mix the new and old methods!! // const XMLScanner::ValSchemes scheme = fScanner->getValidationScheme(); if (scheme == XMLScanner::Val_Always) return true; return false; } void SAXParser::setDoValidation(const bool newState) { fScanner->setDoValidation ( newState ? XMLScanner::Val_Always : XMLScanner::Val_Never ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SAXParser: Grammar preparsing methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grammar* SAXParser::loadGrammar(const char* const systemId, const short grammarType, const bool toCache) { // Avoid multiple entrance if (fParseInProgress) ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(IOException, XMLExcepts::Gen_ParseInProgress, fMemoryManager); ResetInProgressType resetInProgress(this, &SAXParser::resetInProgress); Grammar* grammar = 0; try { fParseInProgress = true; grammar = fScanner->loadGrammar(systemId, grammarType, toCache); } catch(const OutOfMemoryException&) { resetInProgress.release(); throw; } return grammar; } Grammar* SAXParser::loadGrammar(const XMLCh* const systemId, const short grammarType, const bool toCache) { // Avoid multiple entrance if (fParseInProgress) ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(IOException, XMLExcepts::Gen_ParseInProgress, fMemoryManager); ResetInProgressType resetInProgress(this, &SAXParser::resetInProgress); Grammar* grammar = 0; try { fParseInProgress = true; grammar = fScanner->loadGrammar(systemId, grammarType, toCache); } catch(const OutOfMemoryException&) { resetInProgress.release(); throw; } return grammar; } Grammar* SAXParser::loadGrammar(const InputSource& source, const short grammarType, const bool toCache) { // Avoid multiple entrance if (fParseInProgress) ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(IOException, XMLExcepts::Gen_ParseInProgress, fMemoryManager); ResetInProgressType resetInProgress(this, &SAXParser::resetInProgress); Grammar* grammar = 0; try { fParseInProgress = true; grammar = fScanner->loadGrammar(source, grammarType, toCache); } catch(const OutOfMemoryException&) { resetInProgress.release(); throw; } return grammar; } void SAXParser::resetInProgress() { fParseInProgress = false; } void SAXParser::resetCachedGrammarPool() { fGrammarResolver->resetCachedGrammar(); } XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_END