en_US { // an array XMLErrors { "W_ Start " , "Notation '{0}' has already been declared " , "Attribute '{0}' has already been declared for element '{1}' " , "Encoding ({0}, from XMLDecl or manually set) contradicts the auto-sensed encoding, ignoring it " , "Element '{0}' was referenced in a content model but never declared " , "Element '{0}' was referenced in an attlist but never declared " , "An exception occurred! Type:{0}, Message:{1} " , "W_ End " , "E_ Start " , "'{0}' is not allowed for the content of a simpleType. Only list, union and restriction are allowed. " , "Error: Top level complexType has no name - declaration ignored " , "Globally-declared attribute must have a name - attribute declaration ignored " , "Attribute must have a name or a ref - attribute declaration ignored " , "Globally-declared element must have a name - element declaration ignored " , "Element must have a name or a ref attribute - element ignored " , " must have a name or a ref attribute - declaration ignored " , " must have a name or a ref attribute - declaration ignored " , "Anonymous complexType in element {0} has a name attribute " , "Anonymous simpleType in element {0} has a name attribute " , "The content of an element information item does not match (annotation?, (simpleType | complexType)?, (unique | key | keyref)*) " , "Untyped element: {0} " , "Error in content of simpleType, '{0}' is invalid. Only allowed one of (restriction | list | union). " , "Expected simpleType in 'list' declaration for {0} " , "List | Union | Restriction content is invalid for type {0} " , "Error in content of derivation by list for {0} " , "Expected simpleType in 'restriction' declaration for {0} " , "Facet {0} already defined - ignoring " , "Expected simpleType in 'union' declaration for {0} " , "SimpleType content is empty " , "The content of the simpleContent element is invalid. The content must be RESTRICTION or EXTENSION " , "The BASE attribute must be specified for the RESTRICTION or EXTENSION element " , "The content of the complexContent element is invalid. The content must be RESTRICTION or EXTENSION " , "Error in content of element information item " , "Content (annotation?,..) is incorrect for type {0} " , "Unknown simpleType: {0} " , "Unknown complexType: {0} " , "Prefix: '{0}' can not be resolved to a URI " , "Ref element {0} not found in the Schema " , "Type not found in {0}:{1} " , "Could not find top level attribute: {0} " , "Invalid child '{0}' in the complex type " , "Base type could not be found: {0} " , "No attribute '{0}' was defined in schema: {1} " , "Error creating datatype validator: {0} " , "Invalid child following the simpleContent child in the complexType " , "Invalid child following the complexContent child in the complexType " , "The 'block' attribute values of a complexType must be #all | list(restriction,extension); {0} was found " , "The 'final' attribute values of a complexType must be #all | list(restriction,extension); {0} was found " , "Attribute '{0}={1}' cannot have both 'fixed' and 'default' present at the same time. " , "For attribute '{0}={1}' default and use are both present so use must have the value 'optional'. " , "Local attribute:{0} has also a ref defined - name ignored " , "Global attribute:'{0}' cannot have a ref defined " , "Error: Attribute '{0}' declared more than once in the same scope- ignoring " , "Attribute '{0}' may not contain both a type and a simpleType declaration. " , "SimpleType ({0}:{1}) for attribute: {2} not found " , "Element '{0}' cannot have both 'fixed' and 'default' present at the same time. " , "{0}:'{1}' has also a ref defined - name ignored " , "ref cannot appear with any of type, abstract, block, final, nillable, default or fixed " , "Invalid {0} name:'{1}' - declaration ignored " , "Globally-declared element {0} cannot have a ref attribute - ref ignored " , "Element '{0}' cannot have both a type attribute and a simpleType/complexType type child " , "Element {0} has a fixed or default value and must have a mixed simple or simple content model " , "The simpleType {0} that {1} uses has a value of 'final' which does not permit extension " , "The type '{0}' specified as the base in the simpleContent element must not have complexContent " , "The type '{0}' is a simple type. It cannot be used in a derivation by RESTRICTION for a complexType " , "Invalid child following the RESTRICTION or EXTENSION element in the simpleContent definition " , "Invalid child following the RESTRICTION or EXTENSION element in the complexContent definition " , "Annotation can only appear once: type {0} " , "The base type {0} does not allow itself to be used as the base for a restriction and/or as a type in a list and/or union " , "The value 'substitution' already in the list " , "The value 'union' is already in the list " , "The value 'extension' is already in the list " , "The value 'list' is already in the list " , "The value 'restriction' is already in the list " , "Invalid block value: {0} " , "Invalid final value: {0} " , "Element {0} cannot be part of the substitution group headed by {1} " , "Element {0} has a type which does not derive from the type of the element at the head of the substitution group " , "Duplicate element decl in the same scope: {0} " , "The 'block' attribute values of an element must be #all | list(substitution,restriction,extension); {0} was found " , "The 'final' attribute values of an element must be #all | list(restriction,extension); {0} was found " , "Invalid value '{0}' for attribute: '{1}'. " , "Ref is present, and simpleType/form/type found for attribute '{0}={1}' " , "Duplicate reference attribute {0}:{1} in complexType " , "Derivation by restriction is forbidden by either the base type '{0}' or the schema " , "Derivation by extension is forbidden by either the base type '{0}' or the schema " , "The base type specified in the complexContent element must be a complexType " , "Imported schema '{0}' has a different targetNameSpace '{1}' from what's declared '{2}' " , "Could not get the doc root for imported Schema: {0} " , "A schemaLocation attribute must be specified on '{0}' element. " , "Included schema '{0}' has a different targetNameSpace '{1}' " , "At most one element is expected in the content. " , "The content must be (annotation?, simpleType?) for attribute '{0}={1}' " , "Attribute '{0}' must appear in {1} {2} declarations " , "Attribute '{0}' cannot appear in {1} {2} declarations " , "Value of minOccurs '{0}' must not be greater than value of maxOccurs '{1}' " , "'anyAttribute' elements can contain at most one 'annotation' element in their children " , "Global <{0}> must have a name - declaration ignored " , "No circular definitions are allowed: '{0}' " , "Global {0}:'{1}' declared more than once or also declared as {2} " , "Global {0}:'{1}' declared more than once " , "Invalid value '{0}' for facet 'whiteSpace'. Value should be 'collapse'. " , "The namespace of an element must be different from the targetNamespace of the ing schema " , "If the namespace on an element is not present, the ing schema must have a targetNamespace " , "Element '{0}' must not have a value constraint:'{1}' as its type is derived from ID " , "It is an error for NOTATION to be used directly in a schema in element/attribute '{0}' " , "For element '{0}', the {content type} is mixed, then the {content type}'s particle must be emptiable " , "The content of complexType is EMPTY, but base is not empty or does not have emptiable particle. " , "The content type of the base type:'{0}' and derived type:'{1}' must both be mixed or element-only. " , "The content type is not a valid restriction of the content type of the base. " , "Derivation by extension or restriction is forbidden by either the base type '{0}' or the schema " , "The {item type definition} must have {variety} of atomic or union (where all member types must be atomic) " , "The {member type definitions} must all have {variety} of atomic or list " , "The group:'0' must contain (all | choice | sequence) " , "The attributeGroup:'0' must match (annotation?. ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?)) " , "The child of a model group definition must not specify either the minOccurs or maxOccurs attribute. " , "The {0} -'{1}:{2}'- not found in the schema " , "A group whose content is 'all' must only appear as the content type of a complex type definition. " , "When a model group has {compositor} 'all' which constitutes the {content type} of a complex type, minOccurs=maxOccurs=1 " , "In an 'all' schema component, the value of minOccurs/maxOccurs of an element must be '0' or '1'. " , "Circular attributeGroup reference -{0}- is disallowed outside " , "Attribute '{0}' already defined in base and should not appear in derivation by extension. " , "The intensional intersection of {attributes wildcard}s must be expressible " , "Base type definition does not have any attributes " , "Attribute '{0}' has an inconsistent REQUIRED setting with that of the base " , "Type of attribute '{0}' must be validly derived from type of attribute in base " , "Attribute '{0}' is either not fixed, or has a different value from that of the base " , "Attribute '{0}' has invalid target namespace with respect to a base wildcard constraint or, base has no wildcard " , "An attribute wildcard is present in the derived type, but not in the base " , "The attribute wildcard in the derived type is not a valid subset of that in the base " , "Attribute '{0}' cannot modify the 'use' attribute in a derived type, if base attribute use is prohibited " , "The wildcard attribute in the derived type must be identical to or stronger than the one in the base. " , "Content of is restricted to elements only. '{0}' encountered and ignored. " , "Redefined schema '{0}' has a different targetNameSpace '{1}'. " , "A simpleType child of a must have a restriction element as a child " , "The base attribute of the restriction child of a simpleType, must be the same as the redefine simpleType's name attribute " , "A complexType child of a must have a restriction or extension element as a grandchild " , "The base attribute of a restriction/extension must be the same as the complexType's name attribute in " , "The group '{0}' which contains a reference to a group being redefined must have minOccurs = maxOccurs = 1 " , "Could not find a declaration in the schema to be redefined corresponding to '{0}' " , "If a group child of a element contains a group ref'ing itself, it must have exactly 1 reference. " , "If an attributeGroup of a element contains a reference to itself, such reference must be exactly 1 " , "A element cannot contain a child of type '{0}' " , "The declaration for notation '{0}' is invalid " , "The notation declaration '{0}:{1}' is not found " , "More than one identity constraint named '{0}'. " , "The content of an identity constraint must match (annotation?, selector, field+) " , "Key reference declaration '{0}' refers to unknown key with name '{1}'. " , "Cardinality of fields for keyref '{0}' and key '{1}' must match. " , "Xpath expression is either missing or empty " , "The {value constraint} of an attribute ref is not fixed or different from the fixed {value constraint} of '{0}' " , "The {type definition} for attribute '{0}={1}' is or is derived from ID, and must not have {value constraint} " , "More than one attribute derived from type ID cannot appear in the same complex type - '{0}' ignored " , "More than one attribute derived from type ID cannot appear in the same attribute group - '{0}' ignored " , "'' is not a legal value for the targetNamespace attribute; the attribute must be absent or contain a nonempty value " , "{0} " , "An exception occurred! Type:{0}, Message:{1} " , "Invalid Redefine: '{0}' has already been included or redefined " , "Schema Representation Constraint: Namespace '{0}' is referenced without declaration " , "An 'all' model group that's part of a complex type definition must constitute the entire content type of the definition " , "An can only contain and elements " , "Invalid facet name: {0} " , "The root element name of an XML Schema should be 'schema'. " , "Circular substitution groups are disallowed for element '{0}'. " , "For '{0}' to be a member of the substitution group set of '{1}', its {abstract} must be false. " , "The namespace of element '{0}' must be from the schema namespace. " , "The {target namespace} of '{0}' must not match 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'. " , "The namespace declaration is invalid. " , "Namespace fixup cannot be performed on a DOM Level 1 Node. " , "E_ End " , "F_ Start " , "The parser has encountered more than '{0}' entity expansions in this document; this is the limit imposed by the application. " , "Expected comment or CDATA " , "Expected an attribute name " , "Expected a notation name " , "Repetition of individual elements is not legal for mixed content models " , "Bad default attribute declaration " , "Expected default attribute declaration, assuming #IMPLIED " , "Attribute list syntax error " , "Expected equal sign " , "Duplication attribute name " , "Bad ID, '{0}', for xml:lang attribute " , "Expected an element name " , "Must start with an XMLDecl " , "Comments must start with