/* * Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * $Id: MacOSUnicodeConverter.cpp 176308 2005-02-14 15:23:29Z jberry $ */ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Includes // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #if defined(XML_METROWERKS) || (__GNUC__ >= 3 && _GLIBCPP_USE_WCHAR_T) // Only used under metrowerks. #include #endif #if defined(__APPLE__) // Framework includes from ProjectBuilder #include #else // Classic includes otherwise #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_BEGIN // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Typedefs // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TempBufs are used for cases where we need a temporary buffer while processing. const std::size_t kTempBufCount = 512; typedef char TempCharBuf[kTempBufCount]; typedef UniChar TempUniBuf[kTempBufCount]; typedef XMLCh TempXMLBuf[kTempBufCount]; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Local, const data // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- const XMLCh MacOSUnicodeConverter::fgMyServiceId[] = { chLatin_M, chLatin_a, chLatin_c, chLatin_O, chLatin_S, chNull }; const XMLCh MacOSUnicodeConverter::fgMacLCPEncodingName[] = { chLatin_M, chLatin_a, chLatin_c, chLatin_O, chLatin_S, chLatin_L , chLatin_C, chLatin_P, chLatin_E, chLatin_n, chLatin_c, chLatin_o , chLatin_d, chLatin_i, chLatin_n, chLatin_g, chNull }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MacOSUnicodeConverter: Constructors and Destructor // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MacOSUnicodeConverter::MacOSUnicodeConverter() : fCollator(NULL) { // Test for presense of unicode collation functions fHasUnicodeCollation = (UCCompareText != (void*)kUnresolvedCFragSymbolAddress); // Create a unicode collator for doing string comparisons if (fHasUnicodeCollation) { // Configure collation options UCCollateOptions collateOptions = kUCCollateComposeInsensitiveMask | kUCCollateWidthInsensitiveMask | kUCCollateCaseInsensitiveMask | kUCCollatePunctuationSignificantMask ; OSStatus status = UCCreateCollator(NULL, 0, collateOptions, &fCollator); } } MacOSUnicodeConverter::~MacOSUnicodeConverter() { // Dispose our collator if (fCollator != NULL) UCDisposeCollator(&fCollator); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MacOSUnicodeConverter: The virtual transcoding service API // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- int MacOSUnicodeConverter::compareIString( const XMLCh* const comp1 , const XMLCh* const comp2) { // If unicode collation routines are available, use them. // This should be the case on Mac OS 8.6 and later, // with Carbon 1.0.2 or later, and under Mac OS X. // // Otherwise, but only for Metrowerks, since only Metrowerks // has a c library with a valid set of wchar routines, // fall back to the standard library. if (fHasUnicodeCollation && fCollator != NULL) { std::size_t cnt1 = XMLString::stringLen(comp1); std::size_t cnt2 = XMLString::stringLen(comp2); Boolean equivalent = false; SInt32 order = 0; OSStatus status = UCCompareText( fCollator, reinterpret_cast(comp1), cnt1, reinterpret_cast(comp2), cnt2, &equivalent, &order ); return ((status != noErr) || equivalent) ? 0 : order; } #if defined(XML_METROWERKS) else { const XMLCh* cptr1 = comp1; const XMLCh* cptr2 = comp2; while ( (*cptr1 != 0) && (*cptr2 != 0) ) { std::wint_t wch1 = std::towupper(*cptr1); std::wint_t wch2 = std::towupper(*cptr2); if (wch1 != wch2) break; cptr1++; cptr2++; } return (int) (std::towupper(*cptr1) - std::towupper(*cptr2)); } #else else { // For some reason there is no platform utils available // where we expect it. Bail. XMLPlatformUtils::panic(PanicHandler::Panic_NoTransService); return 0; } #endif } int MacOSUnicodeConverter::compareNIString( const XMLCh* const comp1 , const XMLCh* const comp2 , const unsigned int maxChars) { // If unicode collation routines are available, use them. // This should be the case on Mac OS 8.6 and later, // with Carbon 1.0.2 or later, and under Mac OS X. // // Otherwise, but only for Metrowerks, since only Metrowerks // has a c library with a valid set of wchar routines, // fall back to the standard library. if (fHasUnicodeCollation && fCollator != NULL) { std::size_t cnt1 = XMLString::stringLen(comp1); std::size_t cnt2 = XMLString::stringLen(comp2); // Restrict view of source characters to first {maxChars} if (cnt1 > maxChars) cnt1 = maxChars; if (cnt2 > maxChars) cnt2 = maxChars; Boolean equivalent = false; SInt32 order = 0; OSStatus status = UCCompareText( fCollator, reinterpret_cast(comp1), cnt1, reinterpret_cast(comp2), cnt2, &equivalent, &order ); return ((status != noErr) || equivalent) ? 0 : order; } #if defined(XML_METROWERKS) else { unsigned int n = 0; const XMLCh* cptr1 = comp1; const XMLCh* cptr2 = comp2; while ( (*cptr1 != 0) && (*cptr2 != 0) && (n < maxChars) ) { std::wint_t wch1 = std::towupper(*cptr1); std::wint_t wch2 = std::towupper(*cptr2); if (wch1 != wch2) break; cptr1++; cptr2++; n++; } return (int)(std::towupper(*cptr1) - std::towupper(*cptr2)); } #else else { // For some reason there is no platform utils available // where we expect it. Bail. XMLPlatformUtils::panic(PanicHandler::Panic_NoTransService); return 0; } #endif } const XMLCh* MacOSUnicodeConverter::getId() const { return fgMyServiceId; } bool MacOSUnicodeConverter::isSpace(const XMLCh toCheck) const { #if TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON // Return true if the specified character is in the set. CFCharacterSetRef wsSet = CFCharacterSetGetPredefined(kCFCharacterSetWhitespaceAndNewline); return CFCharacterSetIsCharacterMember(wsSet, toCheck); #elif defined(XML_METROWERKS) || (__GNUC__ >= 3 && _GLIBCPP_USE_WCHAR_T) // Use this if there's a reasonable c library available. // ProjectBuilder currently has no support for iswspace ;( return (std::iswspace(toCheck) != 0); #endif } TextEncoding MacOSUnicodeConverter::discoverLCPEncoding() { TextEncoding encoding = 0; // Ask the OS for the best text encoding for this application // We would call GetApplicationTextEncoding(), but it's available only in // Carbon (not CarbonCore), and we try to link with frameworks only in CoreServices. // encoding = GetApplicationTextEncoding(); // Get TextEncoding for the current Mac System Script, falling back to Mac Roman if (noErr != UpgradeScriptInfoToTextEncoding( smSystemScript, kTextLanguageDontCare, kTextRegionDontCare, NULL, &encoding)) encoding = CreateTextEncoding(kTextEncodingMacRoman, kTextEncodingDefaultVariant, kTextEncodingDefaultFormat); // Traditionally, the Mac transcoder has used the current system script // as the LCP text encoding. // // As of Xerces 2.6, this continues to be the case if XML_MACOS_LCP_TRADITIONAL // is defined. // // Otherwise, but only for Mac OS X, utf-8 will be used instead. // Since posix paths are utf-8 encoding on OS X, and the OS X // terminal uses utf-8 by default, this seems to make the most sense. #if !defined(XML_MACOS_LCP_TRADITIONAL) if (gMacOSXOrBetter) { // Manufacture a text encoding for UTF8 encoding = CreateTextEncoding(kTextEncodingUnicodeDefault, kTextEncodingDefaultVariant, kUnicodeUTF8Format); } #endif return encoding; } XMLLCPTranscoder* MacOSUnicodeConverter::makeNewLCPTranscoder() { XMLLCPTranscoder* result = NULL; OSStatus status = noErr; MemoryManager* manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager; // Discover the text encoding to use for the LCP TextEncoding lcpTextEncoding = discoverLCPEncoding(); // We implement the LCP transcoder in terms of the XMLTranscoder. // Create an XMLTranscoder for this encoding XMLTransService::Codes resValue; XMLTranscoder* xmlTrans = makeNewXMLTranscoder(fgMacLCPEncodingName, resValue, kTempBufCount, lcpTextEncoding, manager); if (xmlTrans) { // Pass the XMLTranscoder over to the LPC transcoder if (resValue == XMLTransService::Ok) result = new MacOSLCPTranscoder(xmlTrans, manager); else delete xmlTrans; } return result; } bool MacOSUnicodeConverter::supportsSrcOfs() const { // For now, we don't support source offsets return false; } void MacOSUnicodeConverter::upperCase(XMLCh* const toUpperCase) const { #if TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON // If we're targeting carbon, use the CFString conversion to uppercase int len = XMLString::stringLen(toUpperCase); CFMutableStringRef cfString = CFStringCreateMutableWithExternalCharactersNoCopy( kCFAllocatorDefault, (UniChar*)toUpperCase, len, // length len, // capacity kCFAllocatorNull); CFStringUppercase(cfString, NULL); CFRelease(cfString); #elif defined(XML_METROWERKS) || (__GNUC__ >= 3 && _GLIBCPP_USE_WCHAR_T) // Use this if there's a reasonable c library available. // Metrowerks does this reasonably wchar_t c; for (XMLCh* p = (XMLCh*)toUpperCase; ((c = *p) != 0); ) *p++ = std::towupper(c); #else #error Sorry, no support for upperCase #endif } void MacOSUnicodeConverter::lowerCase(XMLCh* const toLowerCase) const { #if TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON // If we're targeting carbon, use the CFString conversion to uppercase int len = XMLString::stringLen(toLowerCase); CFMutableStringRef cfString = CFStringCreateMutableWithExternalCharactersNoCopy( kCFAllocatorDefault, (UniChar*)toLowerCase, len, // length len, // capacity kCFAllocatorNull); CFStringLowercase(cfString, NULL); CFRelease(cfString); #elif defined(XML_METROWERKS) || (__GNUC__ >= 3 && _GLIBCPP_USE_WCHAR_T) // Use this if there's a reasonable c library available. // Metrowerks does this reasonably wchar_t c; for (XMLCh* p = (XMLCh*)toLowerCase; ((c = *p) != 0); ) *p++ = std::towlower(c); #else #error Sorry, no support for lowerCase #endif } void MacOSUnicodeConverter::ConvertWideToNarrow(const XMLCh* wide, char* narrow, std::size_t maxChars) { while (maxChars-- > 0) if ((*narrow++ = *wide++) == 0) break; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MacOSTransService: The protected virtual transcoding service API // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- XMLTranscoder* MacOSUnicodeConverter::makeNewXMLTranscoder(const XMLCh* const encodingName , XMLTransService::Codes& resValue , const unsigned int blockSize , MemoryManager* const manager) { XMLTranscoder* result = NULL; resValue = XMLTransService::Ok; TextToUnicodeInfo textToUnicodeInfo = NULL; UnicodeToTextInfo unicodeToTextInfo = NULL; // Map the encoding to a Mac OS Encoding value Str255 pasEncodingName; char cEncodingName[256]; ConvertWideToNarrow(encodingName, cEncodingName, sizeof(cEncodingName)); CopyCStringToPascal(cEncodingName, pasEncodingName); TextEncoding textEncoding = 0; OSStatus status = TECGetTextEncodingFromInternetName ( &textEncoding, pasEncodingName); // Make a transcoder for that encoding if (status == noErr) result = makeNewXMLTranscoder(encodingName, resValue, blockSize, textEncoding, manager); else resValue = XMLTransService::UnsupportedEncoding; return result; } XMLTranscoder* MacOSUnicodeConverter::makeNewXMLTranscoder(const XMLCh* const encodingName , XMLTransService::Codes& resValue , const unsigned int blockSize , TextEncoding textEncoding , MemoryManager* const manager) { XMLTranscoder* result = NULL; resValue = XMLTransService::Ok; OSStatus status = noErr; TECObjectRef textToUnicode = NULL; TECObjectRef unicodeToText = NULL; // We convert to and from utf16 TextEncoding utf16Encoding = CreateTextEncoding(kTextEncodingUnicodeDefault, kTextEncodingDefaultVariant, kUnicode16BitFormat); // Create a TEC from our encoding to utf16 if (status == noErr) status = TECCreateConverter(&textToUnicode, textEncoding, utf16Encoding); // Create a TEC from utf16 to our encoding if (status == noErr) status = TECCreateConverter(&unicodeToText, utf16Encoding, textEncoding); if (status != noErr) { // Clean up on error if (textToUnicode != NULL) TECDisposeConverter(textToUnicode); if (unicodeToText != NULL) TECDisposeConverter(unicodeToText); resValue = XMLTransService::UnsupportedEncoding; } else { // Create our transcoder, passing in the converters result = new (manager) MacOSTranscoder(encodingName, textToUnicode, unicodeToText, blockSize, manager); } return result; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // IsMacOSUnicodeConverterSupported // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool MacOSUnicodeConverter::IsMacOSUnicodeConverterSupported(void) { return UpgradeScriptInfoToTextEncoding != (void*)kUnresolvedCFragSymbolAddress && CreateTextToUnicodeInfoByEncoding != (void*)kUnresolvedCFragSymbolAddress ; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MacOSTranscoder: Constructors and Destructor // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MacOSTranscoder::MacOSTranscoder(const XMLCh* const encodingName , TECObjectRef textToUnicode , TECObjectRef unicodeToText , const unsigned int blockSize , MemoryManager* const manager) : XMLTranscoder(encodingName, blockSize, manager), mTextToUnicode(textToUnicode), mUnicodeToText(unicodeToText) { } MacOSTranscoder::~MacOSTranscoder() { // Dispose our text encoding converters TECDisposeConverter(mTextToUnicode); TECDisposeConverter(mUnicodeToText); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MacOSTranscoder: The virtual transcoder API // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned int MacOSTranscoder::transcodeFrom( const XMLByte* const srcData , const unsigned int srcCount , XMLCh* const toFill , const unsigned int maxChars , unsigned int& bytesEaten , unsigned char* const charSizes) { // Reset the tec state (since we don't know that we're part of a // larger run of text). TECClearConverterContextInfo(mTextToUnicode); // Do the conversion ByteCount bytesConsumed = 0; ByteCount bytesProduced = 0; OSStatus status = TECConvertText(mTextToUnicode, (ConstTextPtr) srcData, srcCount, // inputBufferLength &bytesConsumed, // actualInputLength (TextPtr) toFill, // outputBuffer maxChars * sizeof(XMLCh), // outputBufferLength &bytesProduced); // actualOutputLength // Ignorable error codes if( status == kTECUsedFallbacksStatus || status == kTECOutputBufferFullStatus || status == kTECPartialCharErr ) status = noErr; if (status != noErr) ThrowXML(TranscodingException, XMLExcepts::Trans_BadSrcSeq); std::size_t charsProduced = bytesProduced / sizeof(XMLCh); bytesEaten = bytesConsumed; return charsProduced; } unsigned int MacOSTranscoder::transcodeTo(const XMLCh* const srcData , const unsigned int srcCount , XMLByte* const toFill , const unsigned int maxBytes , unsigned int& charsEaten , const UnRepOpts options) { // Reset the tec state (since we don't know that we're part of a // larger run of text). TECClearConverterContextInfo(mUnicodeToText); // Do the conversion ByteCount bytesConsumed = 0; ByteCount bytesProduced = 0; OSStatus status = TECConvertText(mUnicodeToText, (ConstTextPtr) srcData, srcCount * sizeof(XMLCh), // inputBufferLength &bytesConsumed, // actualInputLength (TextPtr) toFill, // outputBuffer maxBytes, // outputBufferLength &bytesProduced); // actualOutputLength // Ignorable error codes if( status == kTECUsedFallbacksStatus || status == kTECOutputBufferFullStatus || status == kTECPartialCharErr ) status = noErr; std::size_t charsConsumed = bytesConsumed / sizeof(XMLCh); // Deal with errors if (status != noErr) { if (status == kTECUnmappableElementErr && options == UnRep_Throw) { XMLCh tmpBuf[17]; XMLString::binToText((unsigned int)&srcData[charsConsumed], tmpBuf, 16, 16); ThrowXML2 ( TranscodingException , XMLExcepts::Trans_Unrepresentable , tmpBuf , getEncodingName() ); } } charsEaten = charsConsumed; return bytesProduced; } bool MacOSTranscoder::canTranscodeTo(const unsigned int toCheck) const { // // If the passed value is really a surrogate embedded together, then // we need to break it out into its two chars. Else just one. // unsigned int srcCnt = 0; UniChar srcBuf[2]; if (toCheck & 0xFFFF0000) { srcBuf[srcCnt++] = XMLCh(toCheck >> 10) + 0xD800; srcBuf[srcCnt++] = XMLCh(toCheck & 0x3FF) + 0xDC00; } else { srcBuf[srcCnt++] = XMLCh(toCheck); } // Clear the converter state: we're in a new run of text TECClearConverterContextInfo(mUnicodeToText); // // Use a local temp buffer that would hold any sane multi-byte char // sequence and try to transcode this guy into it. // char tmpBuf[64]; ByteCount bytesConsumed = 0; ByteCount bytesProduced = 0; OSStatus status = TECConvertText(mUnicodeToText, (ConstTextPtr) srcBuf, srcCnt * sizeof(XMLCh), // inputBufferLength &bytesConsumed, // actualInputLength (TextPtr) tmpBuf, // outputBuffer sizeof(tmpBuf), // outputBufferLength &bytesProduced); // actualOutputLength std::size_t charsConsumed = bytesConsumed / sizeof(XMLCh); // Return true if we transcoded the character(s) // successfully return status == noErr && charsConsumed == srcCnt; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MacOSLCPTranscoder: Constructors and Destructor // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MacOSLCPTranscoder::MacOSLCPTranscoder(XMLTranscoder* const transcoder, MemoryManager* const manager) : mTranscoder(transcoder), mManager(manager) { } MacOSLCPTranscoder::~MacOSLCPTranscoder() { // Dispose the XMLTranscoder we're using delete mTranscoder; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MacOSLCPTranscoder: Implementation of the virtual transcoder interface // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // In order to implement calcRequiredSize we have to go ahead and do the // conversion, which seems quite painful. The Mac Unicode converter has // no way of saying "don't actually do the conversion." So we end up // converting twice. It would be nice if the calling code could do some // extra buffering to avoid this result. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned int MacOSLCPTranscoder::calcRequiredSize(const char* const srcText , MemoryManager* const manager) { if (!srcText) return 0; // Lock our mutex to gain exclusive access to the transcoder // since the lcp transcoders are used globally. XMLMutexLock lock(&mMutex); std::size_t totalCharsProduced = 0; const char* src = srcText; unsigned int srcCnt = std::strlen(src); // Iterate over the characters, converting into a temporary buffer which we'll discard. // All this to get the size required. while (srcCnt > 0) { TempXMLBuf tmpBuf; unsigned int bytesConsumed = 0; unsigned int charsProduced = mTranscoder->transcodeFrom((XMLByte*)src, srcCnt, tmpBuf, kTempBufCount, bytesConsumed, NULL); src += bytesConsumed; srcCnt -= bytesConsumed; totalCharsProduced += charsProduced; // Bail out if nothing more was produced if (charsProduced == 0) break; } // Return number of XMLCh characters required (not counting terminating NULL!) return totalCharsProduced; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // In order to implement calcRequiredSize we have to go ahead and do the // conversion, which seems quite painful. The Mac Unicode converter has // no way of saying "don't actually do the conversion." So we end up // converting twice. It would be nice if the calling code could do some // extra buffering to avoid this result. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned int MacOSLCPTranscoder::calcRequiredSize(const XMLCh* const srcText , MemoryManager* const manager) { if (!srcText) return 0; // Lock our mutex to gain exclusive access to the transcoder // since the lcp transcoders are used globally. XMLMutexLock lock(&mMutex); std::size_t totalBytesProduced = 0; const XMLCh* src = srcText; unsigned int srcCnt = XMLString::stringLen(src); // Iterate over the characters, converting into a temporary buffer which we'll discard. // All this to get the size required. while (srcCnt > 0) { TempCharBuf tmpBuf; unsigned int charsConsumed = 0; unsigned int bytesProduced = mTranscoder->transcodeTo(src, srcCnt, (XMLByte*)tmpBuf, kTempBufCount, charsConsumed, XMLTranscoder::UnRep_RepChar); src += charsConsumed; srcCnt -= charsConsumed; totalBytesProduced += bytesProduced; // Bail out if nothing more was produced if (bytesProduced == 0) break; } // Return number of characters required (not counting terminating NULL!) return totalBytesProduced; } char* MacOSLCPTranscoder::transcode(const XMLCh* const srcText) { // Transcode using a memory manager that allocates // memory using new[]. return transcode(srcText, XMLPlatformUtils::fgArrayMemoryManager); } char* MacOSLCPTranscoder::transcode(const XMLCh* const srcText, MemoryManager* const manager) { if (!srcText) return NULL; // Lock our mutex to gain exclusive access to the transcoder // since the lcp transcoders are used globally. XMLMutexLock lock(&mMutex); ArrayJanitor result(0); const XMLCh* src = srcText; unsigned int srcCnt = XMLString::stringLen(src); std::size_t resultCnt = 0; // Iterate over the characters, buffering into a local temporary // buffer, which we dump into an allocated (and reallocated, as necessary) // string for return. while (srcCnt > 0) { // Transcode some characters TempCharBuf tmpBuf; unsigned int charsConsumed = 0; unsigned int bytesProduced = mTranscoder->transcodeTo(src, srcCnt, (XMLByte*)tmpBuf, kTempBufCount, charsConsumed, XMLTranscoder::UnRep_RepChar); src += charsConsumed; srcCnt -= charsConsumed; // Move the data to result buffer, reallocating as needed if (bytesProduced > 0) { // Allocate space for result std::size_t newCnt = resultCnt + bytesProduced; ArrayJanitor newResult ( (char*) manager->allocate((newCnt + 1) * sizeof(char)) //new char[newCnt + 1] , manager ); if (newResult.get() != NULL) { // Incorporate previous result if (result.get() != NULL) std::memcpy(newResult.get(), result.get(), resultCnt); result.reset(newResult.release()); // Copy in new data std::memcpy(result.get() + resultCnt, tmpBuf, bytesProduced); resultCnt = newCnt; // Terminate the result result[resultCnt] = '\0'; } } else break; } if (!result.get()) { // No error, and no result: we probably processed a zero length // input, in which case we want a valid zero length output. result.reset ( (char*) manager->allocate(sizeof(char))//new char[1] , manager ); result[0] = '\0'; } return result.release(); } XMLCh* MacOSLCPTranscoder::transcode(const char* const srcText) { // Transcode using a memory manager that allocates // memory using new[]. return transcode(srcText, XMLPlatformUtils::fgArrayMemoryManager); } XMLCh* MacOSLCPTranscoder::transcode(const char* const srcText, MemoryManager* const manager) { if (!srcText) return NULL; // Lock our mutex to gain exclusive access to the transcoder // since the lcp transcoders are used globally. XMLMutexLock lock(&mMutex); ArrayJanitor result(0); const char* src = srcText; std::size_t srcCnt = std::strlen(src); std::size_t resultCnt = 0; // Iterate over the characters, buffering into a local temporary // buffer, which we dump into an allocated (and reallocated, as necessary) // string for return. while (srcCnt > 0) { // Transcode some characters TempXMLBuf tmpBuf; unsigned int bytesConsumed = 0; unsigned int charsProduced = mTranscoder->transcodeFrom((XMLByte*)src, srcCnt, tmpBuf, kTempBufCount, bytesConsumed, NULL); src += bytesConsumed; srcCnt -= bytesConsumed; // Move the data to result buffer, reallocating as needed if (charsProduced > 0) { // Allocate space for result std::size_t newCnt = resultCnt + charsProduced; ArrayJanitor newResult ( (XMLCh*) manager->allocate((newCnt + 1) * sizeof(XMLCh)) //new XMLCh[newCnt + 1] , manager ); if (newResult.get() != NULL) { // Incorporate previous result if (result.get() != NULL) std::memcpy(newResult.get(), result.get(), resultCnt * sizeof(XMLCh)); result.reset(newResult.release()); // Copy in new data std::memcpy(result.get() + resultCnt, tmpBuf, charsProduced * sizeof(XMLCh)); resultCnt = newCnt; result[resultCnt] = 0; } } else break; } if (!result.get()) { // No error, and no result: we probably processed a zero length // input, in which case we want a valid zero length output. result.reset ( (XMLCh*) manager->allocate(sizeof(XMLCh))//new XMLCh[1] , manager ); result[0] = '\0'; } return result.release(); } bool MacOSLCPTranscoder::transcode( const char* const toTranscode , XMLCh* const toFill , const unsigned int maxChars , MemoryManager* const manager) { // toFill must contain space for maxChars XMLCh characters + 1 (for terminating NULL). // Check for a couple of psycho corner cases if (!toTranscode || !maxChars || !*toTranscode) { toFill[0] = 0; return true; } // Lock our mutex to gain exclusive access to the transcoder // since the lcp transcoders are used globally. XMLMutexLock lock(&mMutex); // Call the transcoder to do the work unsigned int srcLen = std::strlen(toTranscode); unsigned int bytesConsumed = 0; unsigned int charsProduced = mTranscoder->transcodeFrom((XMLByte*)toTranscode, srcLen, toFill, maxChars, bytesConsumed, NULL); // Zero terminate the output string toFill[charsProduced] = L'\0'; // Return true if we consumed all of the characters return (bytesConsumed == srcLen); } bool MacOSLCPTranscoder::transcode( const XMLCh* const toTranscode , char* const toFill , const unsigned int maxChars , MemoryManager* const manager) { // toFill must contain space for maxChars bytes + 1 (for terminating NULL). // Check for a couple of psycho corner cases if (!toTranscode || !maxChars || !*toTranscode) { toFill[0] = 0; return true; } // Lock our mutex to gain exclusive access to the transcoder // since the lcp transcoders are used globally. XMLMutexLock lock(&mMutex); // Call the transcoder to do the work unsigned int srcLen = XMLString::stringLen(toTranscode); unsigned int charsConsumed = 0; unsigned int bytesProduced = mTranscoder->transcodeTo(toTranscode, srcLen, (XMLByte*)toFill, maxChars, charsConsumed, XMLTranscoder::UnRep_RepChar); // Zero terminate the output string toFill[bytesProduced] = '\0'; // Return true if we consumed all of the characters return (charsConsumed == srcLen); } XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_END