/* * Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * $Id: XMLURL.cpp 231102 2005-08-09 20:19:06Z dbertoni $ */ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Includes // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_BEGIN // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Local types // // TypeEntry // This structure defines a single entry in the list of URL types. Each // entry indicates the prefix for that type of URL, and the SourceTypes // value it maps to. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct ProtoEntry { XMLURL::Protocols protocol; const XMLCh* prefix; unsigned int defPort; }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Local data // // gXXXString // These are the strings for our prefix types. They all have to be // Unicode strings all the time, so we can't just do regular strings. // // gProtoList // The list of URL types that we support and some info related to each // one. // // gMaxProtoLen // The length of the longest protocol string // // NOTE:!!! Be sure to keep this up to date if new protocols are added! // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- static const XMLCh gFileString[] = { chLatin_f, chLatin_i, chLatin_l, chLatin_e, chNull }; static const XMLCh gFTPString[] = { chLatin_f, chLatin_t, chLatin_p, chNull }; static const XMLCh gHTTPString[] = { chLatin_h, chLatin_t, chLatin_t, chLatin_p, chNull }; static ProtoEntry gProtoList[XMLURL::Protocols_Count] = { { XMLURL::File , gFileString , 0 } , { XMLURL::HTTP , gHTTPString , 80 } , { XMLURL::FTP , gFTPString , 21 } }; // !!! Keep these up to date with list above! static const unsigned int gMaxProtoLen = 4; static const XMLCh gListOne[] = { chColon, chForwardSlash, chNull }; static const XMLCh gListTwo[] = { chAt, chNull }; static const XMLCh gListThree[] = { chColon, chNull }; static const XMLCh gListFour[] = { chForwardSlash, chNull }; static const XMLCh gListFive[] = { chPound, chQuestion, chNull }; static const XMLCh gListSix[] = { chPound, chNull }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Local methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool isHexDigit(const XMLCh toCheck) { if ((toCheck >= chDigit_0) && (toCheck <= chDigit_9) || (toCheck >= chLatin_A) && (toCheck <= chLatin_Z) || (toCheck >= chLatin_a) && (toCheck <= chLatin_z)) { return true; } return false; } static unsigned int xlatHexDigit(const XMLCh toXlat) { if ((toXlat >= chDigit_0) && (toXlat <= chDigit_9)) return (unsigned int)(toXlat - chDigit_0); if ((toXlat >= chLatin_A) && (toXlat <= chLatin_Z)) return (unsigned int)(toXlat - chLatin_A) + 10; return (unsigned int)(toXlat - chLatin_a) + 10; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XMLURL: Public, static methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- XMLURL::Protocols XMLURL::lookupByName(const XMLCh* const protoName) { for (unsigned int index = 0; index < XMLURL::Protocols_Count; index++) { if (!XMLString::compareIStringASCII(protoName, gProtoList[index].prefix)) return gProtoList[index].protocol; } return XMLURL::Unknown; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XMLURL: Constructors and Destructor // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- XMLURL::XMLURL(MemoryManager* const manager) : fMemoryManager(manager) , fFragment(0) , fHost(0) , fPassword(0) , fPath(0) , fPortNum(0) , fProtocol(XMLURL::Unknown) , fQuery(0) , fUser(0) , fURLText(0) , fHasInvalidChar(false) { } typedef JanitorMemFunCall CleanupType; XMLURL::XMLURL(const XMLCh* const baseURL , const XMLCh* const relativeURL , MemoryManager* const manager) : fMemoryManager(manager) , fFragment(0) , fHost(0) , fPassword(0) , fPath(0) , fPortNum(0) , fProtocol(XMLURL::Unknown) , fQuery(0) , fUser(0) , fURLText(0) , fHasInvalidChar(false) { CleanupType cleanup(this, &XMLURL::cleanUp); try { setURL(baseURL, relativeURL); } catch(const OutOfMemoryException&) { cleanup.release(); throw; } cleanup.release(); } XMLURL::XMLURL(const XMLCh* const baseURL , const char* const relativeURL , MemoryManager* const manager) : fMemoryManager(manager) , fFragment(0) , fHost(0) , fPassword(0) , fPath(0) , fPortNum(0) , fProtocol(XMLURL::Unknown) , fQuery(0) , fUser(0) , fURLText(0) , fHasInvalidChar(false) { CleanupType cleanup(this, &XMLURL::cleanUp); XMLCh* tmpRel = XMLString::transcode(relativeURL, fMemoryManager); ArrayJanitor janRel(tmpRel, fMemoryManager); try { setURL(baseURL, tmpRel); } catch(const OutOfMemoryException&) { cleanup.release(); throw; } cleanup.release(); } XMLURL::XMLURL(const XMLURL& baseURL , const XMLCh* const relativeURL) : fMemoryManager(baseURL.fMemoryManager) , fFragment(0) , fHost(0) , fPassword(0) , fPath(0) , fPortNum(0) , fProtocol(XMLURL::Unknown) , fQuery(0) , fUser(0) , fURLText(0) , fHasInvalidChar(false) { CleanupType cleanup(this, &XMLURL::cleanUp); try { setURL(baseURL, relativeURL); } catch(const OutOfMemoryException&) { cleanup.release(); throw; } cleanup.release(); } XMLURL::XMLURL(const XMLURL& baseURL , const char* const relativeURL) : fMemoryManager(baseURL.fMemoryManager) , fFragment(0) , fHost(0) , fPassword(0) , fPath(0) , fPortNum(0) , fProtocol(XMLURL::Unknown) , fQuery(0) , fUser(0) , fURLText(0) , fHasInvalidChar(false) { CleanupType cleanup(this, &XMLURL::cleanUp); XMLCh* tmpRel = XMLString::transcode(relativeURL, fMemoryManager); ArrayJanitor janRel(tmpRel, fMemoryManager); try { setURL(baseURL, tmpRel); } catch(const OutOfMemoryException&) { cleanup.release(); throw; } cleanup.release(); } XMLURL::XMLURL(const XMLCh* const urlText, MemoryManager* const manager) : fMemoryManager(manager) , fFragment(0) , fHost(0) , fPassword(0) , fPath(0) , fPortNum(0) , fProtocol(XMLURL::Unknown) , fQuery(0) , fUser(0) , fURLText(0) , fHasInvalidChar(false) { CleanupType cleanup(this, &XMLURL::cleanUp); try { setURL(urlText); } catch(const OutOfMemoryException&) { cleanup.release(); throw; } cleanup.release(); } XMLURL::XMLURL(const char* const urlText, MemoryManager* const manager) : fMemoryManager(manager) , fFragment(0) , fHost(0) , fPassword(0) , fPath(0) , fPortNum(0) , fProtocol(XMLURL::Unknown) , fQuery(0) , fUser(0) , fURLText(0) , fHasInvalidChar(false) { CleanupType cleanup(this, &XMLURL::cleanUp); XMLCh* tmpText = XMLString::transcode(urlText, fMemoryManager); ArrayJanitor janRel(tmpText, fMemoryManager); try { setURL(tmpText); } catch(const OutOfMemoryException&) { cleanup.release(); throw; } cleanup.release(); } XMLURL::XMLURL(const XMLURL& toCopy) : XMemory(toCopy) , fMemoryManager(toCopy.fMemoryManager) , fFragment(0) , fHost(0) , fPassword(0) , fPath(0) , fPortNum(toCopy.fPortNum) , fProtocol(toCopy.fProtocol) , fQuery(0) , fUser(0) , fURLText(0) , fHasInvalidChar(toCopy.fHasInvalidChar) { CleanupType cleanup(this, &XMLURL::cleanUp); try { fFragment = XMLString::replicate(toCopy.fFragment, fMemoryManager); fHost = XMLString::replicate(toCopy.fHost, fMemoryManager); fPassword = XMLString::replicate(toCopy.fPassword, fMemoryManager); fPath = XMLString::replicate(toCopy.fPath, fMemoryManager); fQuery = XMLString::replicate(toCopy.fQuery, fMemoryManager); fUser = XMLString::replicate(toCopy.fUser, fMemoryManager); fURLText = XMLString::replicate(toCopy.fURLText, fMemoryManager); } catch(const OutOfMemoryException&) { cleanup.release(); throw; } cleanup.release(); } XMLURL::~XMLURL() { cleanUp(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XMLURL: Public operators // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- XMLURL& XMLURL::operator=(const XMLURL& toAssign) { if (this == &toAssign) return *this; // Clean up our stuff cleanUp(); // And copy his stuff fMemoryManager = toAssign.fMemoryManager; fFragment = XMLString::replicate(toAssign.fFragment, fMemoryManager); fHost = XMLString::replicate(toAssign.fHost, fMemoryManager); fPassword = XMLString::replicate(toAssign.fPassword, fMemoryManager); fPath = XMLString::replicate(toAssign.fPath, fMemoryManager); fPortNum = toAssign.fPortNum; fProtocol = toAssign.fProtocol; fQuery = XMLString::replicate(toAssign.fQuery, fMemoryManager); fUser = XMLString::replicate(toAssign.fUser, fMemoryManager); fURLText = XMLString::replicate(toAssign.fURLText, fMemoryManager); fHasInvalidChar = toAssign.fHasInvalidChar; return *this; } bool XMLURL::operator==(const XMLURL& toCompare) const { // // Compare the two complete URLs (which have been processed the same // way so they should now be the same even if they came in via different // relative parts. // if (!XMLString::equals(getURLText(), toCompare.getURLText())) return false; return true; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XMLURL: Getter methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned int XMLURL::getPortNum() const { // // If it was not provided explicitly, then lets return the default one // for the protocol. // if (!fPortNum) { if (fProtocol == Unknown) return 0; return gProtoList[fProtocol].defPort; } return fPortNum; } const XMLCh* XMLURL::getProtocolName() const { // Check to see if its ever been set if (fProtocol == Unknown) ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(MalformedURLException, XMLExcepts::URL_NoProtocolPresent, fMemoryManager); return gProtoList[fProtocol].prefix; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XMLURL: Setter methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void XMLURL::setURL(const XMLCh* const urlText) { // // Try to parse the URL. // cleanUp(); parse(urlText); } void XMLURL::setURL(const XMLCh* const baseURL , const XMLCh* const relativeURL) { cleanUp(); // Parse our URL string parse(relativeURL); // // If its relative and the base is non-null and non-empty, then // parse the base URL string and conglomerate them. // if (isRelative() && baseURL) { if (*baseURL) { XMLURL basePart(baseURL, fMemoryManager); if (!conglomerateWithBase(basePart, false)) { cleanUp(); ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(MalformedURLException, XMLExcepts::URL_RelativeBaseURL, fMemoryManager); } } } } // this version of setURL doesn't throw a malformedurl exception // instead it returns false when it failed (or when it would of // thrown a malformedurl exception) bool XMLURL::setURL(const XMLCh* const baseURL , const XMLCh* const relativeURL , XMLURL& xmlURL) { cleanUp(); // Parse our URL string if (parse(relativeURL, xmlURL)) { // If its relative and the base is non-null and non-empty, then // parse the base URL string and conglomerate them. // if (isRelative() && baseURL && *baseURL) { XMLURL basePart(fMemoryManager); if (parse(baseURL, basePart) && conglomerateWithBase(basePart, false)) { return true; } } else return true; } return false; } void XMLURL::setURL(const XMLURL& baseURL , const XMLCh* const relativeURL) { cleanUp(); // Parse our URL string parse(relativeURL); // If its relative, then conglomerate with the base URL if (isRelative()) conglomerateWithBase(baseURL); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XMLURL: Miscellaneous methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool XMLURL::isRelative() const { // If no protocol then relative if (fProtocol == Unknown) return true; // If no path, or the path is not absolute, then relative if (!fPath) return true; if (*fPath != chForwardSlash) return true; return false; } bool XMLURL::hasInvalidChar() const { return fHasInvalidChar; } BinInputStream* XMLURL::makeNewStream() const { // // If its a local host, then we short circuit it and use our own file // stream support. Otherwise, we just let it fall through and let the // installed network access object provide a stream. // if (fProtocol == XMLURL::File) { if (!fHost || !XMLString::compareIStringASCII(fHost, XMLUni::fgLocalHostString)) { XMLCh* realPath = XMLString::replicate(fPath, fMemoryManager); ArrayJanitor basePathName(realPath, fMemoryManager); // // Need to manually replace any character reference %xx first // HTTP protocol will be done automatically by the netaccessor // int end = XMLString::stringLen(realPath); int percentIndex = XMLString::indexOf(realPath, chPercent, 0, fMemoryManager); while (percentIndex != -1) { if (percentIndex+2 >= end || !isHexDigit(realPath[percentIndex+1]) || !isHexDigit(realPath[percentIndex+2])) { XMLCh value1[4]; XMLString::moveChars(value1, &(realPath[percentIndex]), 3); value1[3] = chNull; ThrowXMLwithMemMgr2(MalformedURLException , XMLExcepts::XMLNUM_URI_Component_Invalid_EscapeSequence , realPath , value1 , fMemoryManager); } unsigned int value = (xlatHexDigit(realPath[percentIndex+1]) * 16) + xlatHexDigit(realPath[percentIndex+2]); realPath[percentIndex] = XMLCh(value); int i =0; for (i = percentIndex + 1; i < end - 2 ; i++) realPath[i] = realPath[i+2]; realPath[i] = chNull; end = i; percentIndex = XMLString::indexOf(realPath, chPercent, percentIndex, fMemoryManager); } BinFileInputStream* retStrm = new (fMemoryManager) BinFileInputStream(realPath, fMemoryManager); if (!retStrm->getIsOpen()) { delete retStrm; return 0; } return retStrm; } } // // If we don't have have an installed net accessor object, then we // have to just throw here. // if (!XMLPlatformUtils::fgNetAccessor) ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(MalformedURLException, XMLExcepts::URL_UnsupportedProto, fMemoryManager); // Else ask the net accessor to create the stream return XMLPlatformUtils::fgNetAccessor->makeNew(*this); } void XMLURL::makeRelativeTo(const XMLCh* const baseURLText) { // If this one is not relative, don't bother if (!isRelative()) return; XMLURL baseURL(baseURLText, fMemoryManager); conglomerateWithBase(baseURL); } void XMLURL::makeRelativeTo(const XMLURL& baseURL) { // If this one is not relative, don't bother if (!isRelative()) return; conglomerateWithBase(baseURL); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XMLURL: Private helper methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // This method will take the broken out parts of the URL and build up the // full text. We don't do this unless someone asks us to, since its often // never required. // void XMLURL::buildFullText() { // Calculate the worst case size of the buffer required unsigned int bufSize = gMaxProtoLen + 1 + XMLString::stringLen(fFragment) + 1 + XMLString::stringLen(fHost) + 2 + XMLString::stringLen(fPassword) + 1 + XMLString::stringLen(fPath) + XMLString::stringLen(fQuery) + 1 + XMLString::stringLen(fUser) + 1 + 32; // Clean up the existing buffer and allocate another fMemoryManager->deallocate(fURLText);//delete [] fURLText; fURLText = (XMLCh*) fMemoryManager->allocate((bufSize) * sizeof(XMLCh));//new XMLCh[bufSize]; *fURLText = 0; XMLCh* outPtr = fURLText; if (fProtocol != Unknown) { XMLString::catString(fURLText, getProtocolName()); outPtr += XMLString::stringLen(fURLText); *outPtr++ = chColon; *outPtr++ = chForwardSlash; *outPtr++ = chForwardSlash; } if (fUser) { XMLString::copyString(outPtr, fUser); outPtr += XMLString::stringLen(fUser); if (fPassword) { *outPtr++ = chColon; XMLString::copyString(outPtr, fPassword); outPtr += XMLString::stringLen(fPassword); } *outPtr++ = chAt; } if (fHost) { XMLString::copyString(outPtr, fHost); outPtr += XMLString::stringLen(fHost); // // If the port is zero, then we don't put it in. Else we need // to because it was explicitly provided. // if (fPortNum) { *outPtr++ = chColon; XMLCh tmpBuf[17]; XMLString::binToText(fPortNum, tmpBuf, 16, 10, fMemoryManager); XMLString::copyString(outPtr, tmpBuf); outPtr += XMLString::stringLen(tmpBuf); } } if (fPath) { XMLString::copyString(outPtr, fPath); outPtr += XMLString::stringLen(fPath); } if (fQuery) { *outPtr++ = chQuestion; XMLString::copyString(outPtr, fQuery); outPtr += XMLString::stringLen(fQuery); } if (fFragment) { *outPtr++ = chPound; XMLString::copyString(outPtr, fFragment); outPtr += XMLString::stringLen(fFragment); } // Cap it off in case the last op was not a string copy *outPtr = 0; } // // Just a central place to handle cleanup, since its done from a number // of different spots. // void XMLURL::cleanUp() { fMemoryManager->deallocate(fFragment);//delete [] fFragment; fMemoryManager->deallocate(fHost);//delete [] fHost; fMemoryManager->deallocate(fPassword);//delete [] fPassword; fMemoryManager->deallocate(fPath);//delete [] fPath; fMemoryManager->deallocate(fQuery);//delete [] fQuery; fMemoryManager->deallocate(fUser);//delete [] fUser; fMemoryManager->deallocate(fURLText);//delete [] fURLText; fFragment = 0; fHost = 0; fPassword = 0; fPath = 0; fQuery = 0; fUser = 0; fURLText = 0; fProtocol = Unknown; fPortNum = 0; fHasInvalidChar = false; } //This function has been modified to take a bool parameter and the //functionality inside looks irrational but is only to make //solaris 2.7 CC 5.0 optimized build happy. bool XMLURL::conglomerateWithBase(const XMLURL& baseURL, bool useExceptions) { // The base URL cannot be relative if (baseURL.isRelative()) { if (useExceptions) ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(MalformedURLException, XMLExcepts::URL_RelativeBaseURL, fMemoryManager); else return false; } // // Check a special case. If all we have is a fragment, then we want // to just take the base host and path, plus our fragment. // if ((fProtocol == Unknown) && !fHost && !fPath && fFragment) { // Just in case, make sure we don't leak the user or password values fMemoryManager->deallocate(fUser);//delete [] fUser; fUser = 0; fMemoryManager->deallocate(fPassword);//delete [] fPassword; fPassword = 0; // Copy over the protocol and port number as is fProtocol = baseURL.fProtocol; fPortNum = baseURL.fPortNum; // Replicate the base fields that are provided fHost = XMLString::replicate(baseURL.fHost, fMemoryManager); fUser = XMLString::replicate(baseURL.fUser, fMemoryManager); fPassword = XMLString::replicate(baseURL.fPassword, fMemoryManager); fPath = XMLString::replicate(baseURL.fPath, fMemoryManager); return true; } // // All we have to do is run up through our fields and, for each one // that we don't have, use the based URL's. Once we hit one field // that we have, we stop. // if (fProtocol != Unknown) return true; fProtocol = baseURL.fProtocol; // // If the protocol is not file, and we either already have our own // host, or the base does not have one, then we are done. // if (fProtocol != File) { if (fHost || !baseURL.fHost) return true; } // Replicate all of the hosty stuff if the base has one if (baseURL.fHost) { // Just in case, make sure we don't leak a user or password field fMemoryManager->deallocate(fUser);//delete [] fUser; fUser = 0; fMemoryManager->deallocate(fPassword);//delete [] fPassword; fPassword = 0; fMemoryManager->deallocate(fHost);//delete [] fHost; fHost = 0; fHost = XMLString::replicate(baseURL.fHost, fMemoryManager); fUser = XMLString::replicate(baseURL.fUser, fMemoryManager); fPassword = XMLString::replicate(baseURL.fPassword, fMemoryManager); fPortNum = baseURL.fPortNum; } // If we have a path and its absolute, then we are done const bool hadPath = (fPath != 0); if (hadPath) { if (*fPath == chForwardSlash) return true; } // Its a relative path, so weave them together. if (baseURL.fPath) { XMLCh* temp = XMLPlatformUtils::weavePaths(baseURL.fPath, fPath ,fMemoryManager); fMemoryManager->deallocate(fPath);//delete [] fPath; fPath = temp; } // If we had any original path, then we are done if (hadPath) return true; // We had no original path, so go on to deal with the query/fragment parts if (fQuery || !baseURL.fQuery) return true; fQuery = XMLString::replicate(baseURL.fQuery, fMemoryManager); if (fFragment || !baseURL.fFragment) return true; fFragment = XMLString::replicate(baseURL.fFragment, fMemoryManager); return true; } void XMLURL::parse(const XMLCh* const urlText) { // Simplify things by checking for the psycho scenarios first if (!*urlText) ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(MalformedURLException, XMLExcepts::URL_NoProtocolPresent, fMemoryManager); // Before we start, check if this urlText contains valid uri characters if (!XMLUri::isURIString(urlText)) fHasInvalidChar = true; else fHasInvalidChar = false; // // The first thing we will do is to check for a file name, so that // we don't waste time thinking its a URL. If its in the form x:\ or x:/ // and x is an ASCII letter, then assume that's the deal. // if (((*urlText >= chLatin_A) && (*urlText <= chLatin_Z)) || ((*urlText >= chLatin_a) && (*urlText <= chLatin_z))) { if (*(urlText + 1) == chColon) { if ((*(urlText + 2) == chForwardSlash) || (*(urlText + 2) == chBackSlash)) { ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(MalformedURLException, XMLExcepts::URL_NoProtocolPresent, fMemoryManager); } } } // Get a copy of the URL that we can modify XMLCh* srcCpy = XMLString::replicate(urlText, fMemoryManager); ArrayJanitor janSrcCopy(srcCpy, fMemoryManager); // // Get a pointer now that we can run up thrown the source as we parse // bits and pieces out of it. // XMLCh* srcPtr = srcCpy; // Run up past any spaces while (*srcPtr) { if (!XMLChar1_0::isWhitespace(*srcPtr)) break; srcPtr++; } // Make sure it wasn't all space if (!*srcPtr) ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(MalformedURLException, XMLExcepts::URL_NoProtocolPresent, fMemoryManager); // // Ok, the next thing we have to do is to find either a / or : character. // If the : is first, we assume we have a protocol. If the / is first, // then we skip to the host processing. // XMLCh* ptr1 = XMLString::findAny(srcPtr, gListOne); XMLCh* ptr2; // If we found a protocol, then deal with it if (ptr1) { if (*ptr1 == chColon) { // Cap the string at the colon *ptr1 = 0; // And try to find it in our list of protocols fProtocol = lookupByName(srcPtr); if (fProtocol == Unknown) { ThrowXMLwithMemMgr1 ( MalformedURLException , XMLExcepts::URL_UnsupportedProto1 , srcPtr , fMemoryManager ); } // And move our source pointer up past what we've processed srcPtr = (ptr1 + 1); } } // // Ok, next we need to see if we have any host part. If the next // two characters are //, then we need to check, else move on. // if ((*srcPtr == chForwardSlash) && (*(srcPtr + 1) == chForwardSlash)) { // Move up past the slashes srcPtr += 2; // // If we aren't at the end of the string, then there has to be a // host part at this point. we will just look for the next / char // or end of string and make all of that the host for now. // if (*srcPtr) { // Search from here for a / character ptr1 = XMLString::findAny(srcPtr, gListFour); // // If we found something, then the host is between where // we are and what we found. Else the host is the rest of // the content and we are done. If its empty, leave it null. // if (ptr1) { if (ptr1 != srcPtr) { fMemoryManager->deallocate(fHost);//delete [] fHost; fHost = (XMLCh*) fMemoryManager->allocate ( ((ptr1 - srcPtr) + 1) * sizeof(XMLCh) );//new XMLCh[(ptr1 - srcPtr) + 1]; ptr2 = fHost; while (srcPtr < ptr1) *ptr2++ = *srcPtr++; *ptr2 = 0; } } else { fMemoryManager->deallocate(fHost);//delete [] fHost; fHost = XMLString::replicate(srcPtr, fMemoryManager); // Update source pointer to the end srcPtr += XMLString::stringLen(fHost); } } } else { // // http protocol requires two forward slashes // we didn't get them, so throw an exception // if (fProtocol == HTTP) { ThrowXMLwithMemMgr ( MalformedURLException , XMLExcepts::URL_ExpectingTwoSlashes , fMemoryManager ); } } // // If there was a host part, then we have to grovel through it for // all the bits and pieces it can hold. // if (fHost) { // // Look for a '@' character, which indicates a user name. If we // find one, then everything between the start of the host data // and the character is the user name. // ptr1 = XMLString::findAny(fHost, gListTwo); if (ptr1) { // Get this info out as the user name *ptr1 = 0; fMemoryManager->deallocate(fUser);//delete [] fUser; fUser = XMLString::replicate(fHost, fMemoryManager); ptr1++; // And now cut these chars from the host string XMLString::cut(fHost, ptr1 - fHost); // Is there a password inside the user string? ptr2 = XMLString::findAny(fUser, gListThree); if (ptr2) { // Remove it from the user name string *ptr2 = 0; // And copy out the remainder to the password field ptr2++; fMemoryManager->deallocate(fPassword);//delete [] fPassword; fPassword = XMLString::replicate(ptr2, fMemoryManager); } } // // Ok, so now we are at the actual host name, if any. If we are // not at the end of the host data, then lets see if we have a // port trailing the // ptr1 = XMLString::findAny(fHost, gListThree); if (ptr1) { // Remove it from the host name *ptr1 = 0; // Try to convert it to a numeric port value and store it ptr1++; if (!XMLString::textToBin(ptr1, fPortNum, fMemoryManager)) ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(MalformedURLException, XMLExcepts::URL_BadPortField, fMemoryManager); } // If the host ended up empty, then toss is if (!*fHost) { fMemoryManager->deallocate(fHost);//delete[] fHost; fHost = 0; } } // If we are at the end, then we are done now if (!*srcPtr) { return; } // // Next is the path part. It can be absolute, i.e. starting with a // forward slash character, or relative. Its basically everything up // to the end of the string or to any trailing query or fragment. // ptr1 = XMLString::findAny(srcPtr, gListFive); if (!ptr1) { fMemoryManager->deallocate(fPath);//delete [] fPath; fPath = XMLString::replicate(srcPtr, fMemoryManager); return; } // Everything from where we are to what we found is the path if (ptr1 > srcPtr) { fMemoryManager->deallocate(fPath);//delete [] fPath; fPath = (XMLCh*) fMemoryManager->allocate ( ((ptr1 - srcPtr) + 1) * sizeof(XMLCh) );//new XMLCh[(ptr1 - srcPtr) + 1]; ptr2 = fPath; while (srcPtr < ptr1) *ptr2++ = *srcPtr++; *ptr2 = 0; } // // If we found a fragment, then it is the rest of the string and we // are done. // if (*srcPtr == chPound) { srcPtr++; fMemoryManager->deallocate(fFragment);//delete [] fFragment; fFragment = XMLString::replicate(srcPtr, fMemoryManager); return; } // // The query is either the rest of the string, or up to the fragment // separator. // srcPtr++; ptr1 = XMLString::findAny(srcPtr, gListSix); fMemoryManager->deallocate(fQuery);//delete [] fQuery; if (!ptr1) { fQuery = XMLString::replicate(srcPtr, fMemoryManager); return; } else { fQuery = (XMLCh*) fMemoryManager->allocate ( ((ptr1 - srcPtr) + 1) * sizeof(XMLCh) );//new XMLCh[(ptr1 - srcPtr) + 1]; ptr2 = fQuery; while (srcPtr < ptr1) *ptr2++ = *srcPtr++; *ptr2 = 0; } // If we are not at the end now, then everything else is the fragment if (*srcPtr == chPound) { srcPtr++; fMemoryManager->deallocate(fFragment);//delete [] fFragment; fFragment = XMLString::replicate(srcPtr, fMemoryManager); } } bool XMLURL::parse(const XMLCh* const urlText, XMLURL& xmlURL) { // Simplify things by checking for the psycho scenarios first if (!*urlText) return false; // Before we start, check if this urlText contains valid uri characters if (!XMLUri::isURIString(urlText)) xmlURL.fHasInvalidChar = true; else xmlURL.fHasInvalidChar = false; // // The first thing we will do is to check for a file name, so that // we don't waste time thinking its a URL. If its in the form x:\ or x:/ // and x is an ASCII letter, then assume that's the deal. // if (((*urlText >= chLatin_A) && (*urlText <= chLatin_Z)) || ((*urlText >= chLatin_a) && (*urlText <= chLatin_z))) { if (*(urlText + 1) == chColon) { if ((*(urlText + 2) == chForwardSlash) || (*(urlText + 2) == chBackSlash)) { return false; } } } // Get a copy of the URL that we can modify XMLCh* srcCpy = XMLString::replicate(urlText, xmlURL.fMemoryManager); ArrayJanitor janSrcCopy(srcCpy, xmlURL.fMemoryManager); // // Get a pointer now that we can run up thrown the source as we parse // bits and pieces out of it. // XMLCh* srcPtr = srcCpy; // Run up past any spaces while (*srcPtr) { if (!XMLChar1_0::isWhitespace(*srcPtr)) break; srcPtr++; } // Make sure it wasn't all space if (!*srcPtr) return false; // // Ok, the next thing we have to do is to find either a / or : character. // If the : is first, we assume we have a protocol. If the / is first, // then we skip to the host processing. // XMLCh* ptr1 = XMLString::findAny(srcPtr, gListOne); XMLCh* ptr2; // If we found a protocol, then deal with it if (ptr1) { if (*ptr1 == chColon) { // Cap the string at the colon *ptr1 = 0; // And try to find it in our list of protocols xmlURL.fProtocol = lookupByName(srcPtr); if (xmlURL.fProtocol == Unknown) return false; // And move our source pointer up past what we've processed srcPtr = (ptr1 + 1); } } // // Ok, next we need to see if we have any host part. If the next // two characters are //, then we need to check, else move on. // if ((*srcPtr == chForwardSlash) && (*(srcPtr + 1) == chForwardSlash)) { // Move up past the slashes srcPtr += 2; // // If we aren't at the end of the string, then there has to be a // host part at this point. we will just look for the next / char // or end of string and make all of that the host for now. // if (*srcPtr) { // Search from here for a / character ptr1 = XMLString::findAny(srcPtr, gListFour); // // If we found something, then the host is between where // we are and what we found. Else the host is the rest of // the content and we are done. If its empty, leave it null. // if (ptr1) { if (ptr1 != srcPtr) { xmlURL.fHost = (XMLCh*) xmlURL.fMemoryManager->allocate ( ((ptr1 - srcPtr) + 1) * sizeof(XMLCh) );//new XMLCh[(ptr1 - srcPtr) + 1]; ptr2 = xmlURL.fHost; while (srcPtr < ptr1) *ptr2++ = *srcPtr++; *ptr2 = 0; } } else { xmlURL.fHost = XMLString::replicate(srcPtr, xmlURL.fMemoryManager); // Update source pointer to the end srcPtr += XMLString::stringLen(xmlURL.fHost); } } } else { // // http protocol requires two forward slashes // we didn't get them, so throw an exception // if (xmlURL.fProtocol == HTTP) return false; } // // If there was a host part, then we have to grovel through it for // all the bits and pieces it can hold. // if (xmlURL.fHost) { // // Look for a '@' character, which indicates a user name. If we // find one, then everything between the start of the host data // and the character is the user name. // ptr1 = XMLString::findAny(xmlURL.fHost, gListTwo); if (ptr1) { // Get this info out as the user name *ptr1 = 0; xmlURL.fUser = XMLString::replicate(xmlURL.fHost, xmlURL.fMemoryManager); ptr1++; // And now cut these chars from the host string XMLString::cut(xmlURL.fHost, ptr1 - xmlURL.fHost); // Is there a password inside the user string? ptr2 = XMLString::findAny(xmlURL.fUser, gListThree); if (ptr2) { // Remove it from the user name string *ptr2 = 0; // And copy out the remainder to the password field ptr2++; xmlURL.fPassword = XMLString::replicate(ptr2, xmlURL.fMemoryManager); } } // // Ok, so now we are at the actual host name, if any. If we are // not at the end of the host data, then lets see if we have a // port trailing the // ptr1 = XMLString::findAny(xmlURL.fHost, gListThree); if (ptr1) { // Remove it from the host name *ptr1 = 0; // Try to convert it to a numeric port value and store it ptr1++; if (!XMLString::textToBin(ptr1, xmlURL.fPortNum, xmlURL.fMemoryManager)) return false; } // If the host ended up empty, then toss is if (!*(xmlURL.fHost)) { xmlURL.fMemoryManager->deallocate(xmlURL.fHost);//delete[] fHost; xmlURL.fHost = 0; } } // If we are at the end, then we are done now if (!*srcPtr) { return true; } // // Next is the path part. It can be absolute, i.e. starting with a // forward slash character, or relative. Its basically everything up // to the end of the string or to any trailing query or fragment. // ptr1 = XMLString::findAny(srcPtr, gListFive); if (!ptr1) { xmlURL.fPath = XMLString::replicate(srcPtr, xmlURL.fMemoryManager); return true; } // Everything from where we are to what we found is the path if (ptr1 > srcPtr) { xmlURL.fPath = (XMLCh*) xmlURL.fMemoryManager->allocate ( ((ptr1 - srcPtr) + 1) * sizeof(XMLCh) );//new XMLCh[(ptr1 - srcPtr) + 1]; ptr2 = xmlURL.fPath; while (srcPtr < ptr1) *ptr2++ = *srcPtr++; *ptr2 = 0; } // // If we found a fragment, then it is the rest of the string and we // are done. // if (*srcPtr == chPound) { srcPtr++; xmlURL.fFragment = XMLString::replicate(srcPtr, xmlURL.fMemoryManager); return true; } // // The query is either the rest of the string, or up to the fragment // separator. // srcPtr++; ptr1 = XMLString::findAny(srcPtr, gListSix); if (!ptr1) { xmlURL.fQuery = XMLString::replicate(srcPtr, xmlURL.fMemoryManager); return true; } else { xmlURL.fQuery = (XMLCh*) xmlURL.fMemoryManager->allocate ( ((ptr1 - srcPtr) + 1) * sizeof(XMLCh) );//new XMLCh[(ptr1 - srcPtr) + 1]; ptr2 = xmlURL.fQuery; while (srcPtr < ptr1) *ptr2++ = *srcPtr++; *ptr2 = 0; } // If we are not at the end now, then everything else is the fragment if (*srcPtr == chPound) { srcPtr++; xmlURL.fFragment = XMLString::replicate(srcPtr, xmlURL.fMemoryManager); } return true; } XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_END