/* * Copyright 1999-2001,2004 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * $Id: DTDElementDecl.cpp 176169 2004-10-28 20:21:06Z peiyongz $ */ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Includes // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_BEGIN // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DTDElementDecl: Constructors and Destructor // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DTDElementDecl::DTDElementDecl(MemoryManager* const manager) : XMLElementDecl(manager) , fModelType(Any) , fAttDefs(0) , fAttList(0) , fContentSpec(0) , fContentModel(0) , fFormattedModel(0) { } DTDElementDecl::DTDElementDecl( const XMLCh* const elemRawName , const unsigned int uriId , const DTDElementDecl::ModelTypes type , MemoryManager* const manager) : XMLElementDecl(manager) , fModelType(type) , fAttDefs(0) , fAttList(0) , fContentSpec(0) , fContentModel(0) , fFormattedModel(0) { setElementName(elemRawName, uriId); } DTDElementDecl::DTDElementDecl( QName* const elementName , const DTDElementDecl::ModelTypes type , MemoryManager* const manager) : XMLElementDecl(manager) , fModelType(type) , fAttDefs(0) , fAttList(0) , fContentSpec(0) , fContentModel(0) , fFormattedModel(0) { setElementName(elementName); } DTDElementDecl::~DTDElementDecl() { delete fAttDefs; delete fAttList; delete fContentSpec; delete fContentModel; getMemoryManager()->deallocate(fFormattedModel);//delete [] fFormattedModel; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The virtual element decl interface // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- XMLAttDef* DTDElementDecl::findAttr(const XMLCh* const qName , const unsigned int , const XMLCh* const , const XMLCh* const , const LookupOpts options , bool& wasAdded) const { DTDAttDef* retVal = 0; // If no att list faulted in yet, then it cannot exist if (fAttDefs) retVal = fAttDefs->get(qName); // Fault it in if not found and ask to add it if (!retVal && (options == XMLElementDecl::AddIfNotFound)) { // Fault in the list itself if not already if (!fAttDefs) faultInAttDefList(); // And add a default attribute for this name retVal = new (getMemoryManager()) DTDAttDef ( qName , XMLAttDef::CData , XMLAttDef::Implied , getMemoryManager() ); retVal->setElemId(getId()); fAttDefs->put((void*)retVal->getFullName(), retVal); // update and/or create fAttList if(!fAttList) ((DTDElementDecl*)this)->fAttList = new (getMemoryManager()) DTDAttDefList(fAttDefs,getMemoryManager()); fAttList->addAttDef(retVal); wasAdded = true; } else { wasAdded = false; } return retVal; } XMLAttDefList& DTDElementDecl::getAttDefList() const { if (!fAttList) { // If the att def list is not made yet, then fault it in too if (!fAttDefs) faultInAttDefList(); ((DTDElementDecl*)this)->fAttList = new (getMemoryManager()) DTDAttDefList(fAttDefs,getMemoryManager()); } // Reset it before we return it fAttList->Reset(); return *fAttList; } XMLElementDecl::CharDataOpts DTDElementDecl::getCharDataOpts() const { XMLElementDecl::CharDataOpts retVal; switch(fModelType) { case Children : retVal = XMLElementDecl::SpacesOk; break; case Empty : retVal = XMLElementDecl::NoCharData; break; default : retVal = XMLElementDecl::AllCharData; break; } return retVal; } bool DTDElementDecl::hasAttDefs() const { // If the collection hasn't been faulted in, then no att defs if (!fAttDefs) return false; return !fAttDefs->isEmpty(); } bool DTDElementDecl::resetDefs() { // If the collection hasn't been faulted in, then no att defs if (!fAttDefs) return false; // // Ok, run through them and clear the 'provided' flag on each of them. // This lets the scanner use them to track which has been provided and // which have not. // RefHashTableOfEnumerator enumDefs(fAttDefs, false, getMemoryManager()); while (enumDefs.hasMoreElements()) enumDefs.nextElement().setProvided(false); return true; } void DTDElementDecl::setContentSpec(ContentSpecNode* toAdopt) { delete fContentSpec; fContentSpec = toAdopt; //reset Content Model setContentModel(0); } const XMLCh* DTDElementDecl::getFormattedContentModel() const { // // If its not already built, then call the protected virtual method // to allow the derived class to build it (since only it knows.) // Otherwise, just return the previously formatted methods. // // Since we are faulting this in, within a const getter, we have to // cast off the const-ness. // if (!fFormattedModel) ((DTDElementDecl*)this)->fFormattedModel = formatContentModel(); return fFormattedModel; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DTDElementDecl: Getter methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- const DTDAttDef* DTDElementDecl::getAttDef(const XMLCh* const attName) const { // If no list, then return a null if (!fAttDefs) return 0; return fAttDefs->get(attName); } DTDAttDef* DTDElementDecl::getAttDef(const XMLCh* const attName) { // If no list, then return a null if (!fAttDefs) return 0; return fAttDefs->get(attName); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DTDElementDecl: Implementation of the protected virtual interface // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DTDElementDecl::addAttDef(DTDAttDef* const toAdd) { // Fault in the att list if required if (!fAttDefs) faultInAttDefList(); // Tell this guy the element id of its parent (us) toAdd->setElemId(getId()); fAttDefs->put((void*)(toAdd->getFullName()), toAdd); // update and/or create fAttList if(!fAttList) ((DTDElementDecl*)this)->fAttList = new (getMemoryManager()) DTDAttDefList(fAttDefs,getMemoryManager()); fAttList->addAttDef(toAdd); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DTDElementDecl: Private helper methods // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- XMLCh* DTDElementDecl::formatContentModel() const { XMLCh* newValue = 0; if (fModelType == Any) { newValue = XMLString::replicate(XMLUni::fgAnyString, getMemoryManager()); } else if (fModelType == Empty) { newValue = XMLString::replicate(XMLUni::fgEmptyString, getMemoryManager()); } else { // // Use a temp XML buffer to format into. Content models could be // pretty long, but very few will be longer than one K. The buffer // will expand to handle the more pathological ones. // XMLBuffer bufFmt(1023, getMemoryManager()); getContentSpec()->formatSpec(bufFmt); newValue = XMLString::replicate(bufFmt.getRawBuffer(), getMemoryManager()); } return newValue; } XMLContentModel* DTDElementDecl::makeContentModel() { XMLContentModel* cmRet = 0; if (fModelType == Mixed_Simple) { // // Just create a mixel content model object. This type of // content model is optimized for mixed content validation. // cmRet = new (getMemoryManager()) MixedContentModel(true, this->getContentSpec(), false, getMemoryManager()); } else if (fModelType == Children) { // // This method will create an optimal model for the complexity // of the element's defined model. If its simple, it will create // a SimpleContentModel object. If its a simple list, it will // create a SimpleListContentModel object. If its complex, it // will create a DFAContentModel object. // cmRet = createChildModel(); } else { ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(RuntimeException, XMLExcepts::CM_MustBeMixedOrChildren, getMemoryManager()); } return cmRet; } XMLContentModel* DTDElementDecl::createChildModel() { // Get the content spec node of the element ContentSpecNode* specNode = getContentSpec(); if(!specNode) ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(RuntimeException, XMLExcepts::CM_UnknownCMSpecType, getMemoryManager()); // // Do a sanity check that the node does not have a PCDATA id. Since, // if it was, it should have already gotten taken by the Mixed model. // if (specNode->getElement()) { if (specNode->getElement()->getURI() == XMLElementDecl::fgPCDataElemId) ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(RuntimeException, XMLExcepts::CM_NoPCDATAHere, getMemoryManager()); } // // According to the type of node, we will create the correct type of // content model. // if (specNode->getType() == ContentSpecNode::Leaf) { // Create a simple content model return new (getMemoryManager()) SimpleContentModel ( true , specNode->getElement() , 0 , ContentSpecNode::Leaf , getMemoryManager() ); } else if ((specNode->getType() == ContentSpecNode::Choice) || (specNode->getType() == ContentSpecNode::Sequence)) { // // Lets see if both of the children are leafs. If so, then it has to // be a simple content model // if ((specNode->getFirst()->getType() == ContentSpecNode::Leaf) && (specNode->getSecond()->getType() == ContentSpecNode::Leaf)) { return new (getMemoryManager()) SimpleContentModel ( true , specNode->getFirst()->getElement() , specNode->getSecond()->getElement() , specNode->getType() , getMemoryManager() ); } } else if ((specNode->getType() == ContentSpecNode::OneOrMore) || (specNode->getType() == ContentSpecNode::ZeroOrMore) || (specNode->getType() == ContentSpecNode::ZeroOrOne)) { // // Its a repetition, so see if its one child is a leaf. If so its a // repetition of a single element, so we can do a simple content // model for that. // if (specNode->getFirst()->getType() == ContentSpecNode::Leaf) { return new (getMemoryManager()) SimpleContentModel ( true , specNode->getFirst()->getElement() , 0 , specNode->getType() , getMemoryManager() ); } } else { ThrowXMLwithMemMgr(RuntimeException, XMLExcepts::CM_UnknownCMSpecType, getMemoryManager()); } // Its not any simple type of content, so create a DFA based content model return new (getMemoryManager()) DFAContentModel ( true , this->getContentSpec() , getMemoryManager() ); } void DTDElementDecl::faultInAttDefList() const { // Use a hash modulus of 29 and tell it owns its elements ((DTDElementDecl*)this)->fAttDefs = new (getMemoryManager()) RefHashTableOf(29, true, getMemoryManager()); } /*** * Support for Serialization/De-serialization ***/ IMPL_XSERIALIZABLE_TOCREATE(DTDElementDecl) void DTDElementDecl::serialize(XSerializeEngine& serEng) { XMLElementDecl::serialize(serEng); if (serEng.isStoring()) { serEng<<(int) fModelType; /*** * * Serialize RefHashTableOf * ***/ XTemplateSerializer::storeObject(fAttDefs, serEng); serEng<>i; fModelType=(ModelTypes)i; /*** * * Deserialize RefHashTableOf * ***/ XTemplateSerializer::loadObject(&fAttDefs, 29, true, serEng); serEng>>fAttList; serEng>>fContentSpec; /*** * don't deserialize * * XMLContentModel* fContentModel; * XMLCh* fFormattedModel; * ***/ fContentModel = 0; fFormattedModel = 0; } } XMLElementDecl::objectType DTDElementDecl::getObjectType() const { return DTD; } XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_END