/* * Copyright 1999-2001,2004 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * $Id: DTDGrammar.cpp 191054 2005-06-17 02:56:35Z jberry $ */ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Includes // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include #include #include XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_BEGIN // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Local static data // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool sEntityPoolMutexRegistered = false; static XMLMutex* sEntityPoolMutex = 0; static XMLRegisterCleanup entityPoolRegistryCleanup; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DTDGrammar: Static member data // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NameIdPool* DTDGrammar::fDefaultEntities = 0; void XMLInitializer::initializeDTDGrammarDfltEntities() { DTDGrammar::fDefaultEntities = new NameIdPool(11, 12); // Add the default entity entries for the character refs that must // always be present. We indicate that they are from the internal // subset. They aren't really, but they have to look that way so // that they are still valid for use within a standalone document. // // We also mark them as special char entities, which allows them // to be used in places whether other non-numeric general entities // cannot. // if (DTDGrammar::fDefaultEntities) { DTDGrammar::fDefaultEntities->put(new DTDEntityDecl(XMLUni::fgAmp, chAmpersand, true, true)); DTDGrammar::fDefaultEntities->put(new DTDEntityDecl(XMLUni::fgLT, chOpenAngle, true, true)); DTDGrammar::fDefaultEntities->put(new DTDEntityDecl(XMLUni::fgGT, chCloseAngle, true, true)); DTDGrammar::fDefaultEntities->put(new DTDEntityDecl(XMLUni::fgQuot, chDoubleQuote, true, true)); DTDGrammar::fDefaultEntities->put(new DTDEntityDecl(XMLUni::fgApos, chSingleQuote, true, true)); // register cleanup method entityPoolRegistryCleanup.registerCleanup(DTDGrammar::reinitDfltEntities); sEntityPoolMutexRegistered = true; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DTDGrammar: Constructors and Destructor // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DTDGrammar::DTDGrammar(MemoryManager* const manager) : fMemoryManager(manager) , fElemDeclPool(0) , fElemNonDeclPool(0) , fEntityDeclPool(0) , fNotationDeclPool(0) , fGramDesc(0) , fRootElemId(0) , fValidated(false) { // // Init all the pool members. // // Investigate what the optimum values would be for the various // pools. // fElemDeclPool = new (fMemoryManager) NameIdPool(109, 128, fMemoryManager); // should not need this in the common situation where grammars // are built once and then read - NG //fElemNonDeclPool = new (fMemoryManager) NameIdPool(29, 128, fMemoryManager); fEntityDeclPool = new (fMemoryManager) NameIdPool(109, 128, fMemoryManager); fNotationDeclPool = new (fMemoryManager) NameIdPool(109, 128, fMemoryManager); //REVISIT: use grammarPool to create fGramDesc = new (fMemoryManager) XMLDTDDescriptionImpl(XMLUni::fgDTDEntityString, fMemoryManager); // Create default entities resetEntityDeclPool(); } DTDGrammar::~DTDGrammar() { delete fElemDeclPool; if(fElemNonDeclPool) { delete fElemNonDeclPool; } delete fEntityDeclPool; delete fNotationDeclPool; delete fGramDesc; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Notification that lazy data has been deleted // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void DTDGrammar::reinitDfltEntities() { delete fDefaultEntities; fDefaultEntities = 0; // delete local static data delete sEntityPoolMutex; sEntityPoolMutex = 0; sEntityPoolMutexRegistered = false; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Virtual methods // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- XMLElementDecl* DTDGrammar::findOrAddElemDecl (const unsigned int uriId , const XMLCh* const baseName , const XMLCh* const , const XMLCh* const qName , unsigned int scope , bool& wasAdded ) { // See it it exists DTDElementDecl* retVal = (DTDElementDecl*) getElemDecl(uriId, baseName, qName, scope); // if not, then add this in if (!retVal) { retVal = new (fMemoryManager) DTDElementDecl ( qName , uriId , DTDElementDecl::Any , fMemoryManager ); if(!fElemNonDeclPool) fElemNonDeclPool = new (fMemoryManager) NameIdPool(29, 128, fMemoryManager); const unsigned int elemId = fElemNonDeclPool->put(retVal); retVal->setId(elemId); wasAdded = true; } else { wasAdded = false; } return retVal; } XMLElementDecl* DTDGrammar::putElemDecl (const unsigned int uriId , const XMLCh* const , const XMLCh* const , const XMLCh* const qName , unsigned int , const bool notDeclared) { DTDElementDecl* retVal = new (fMemoryManager) DTDElementDecl ( qName , uriId , DTDElementDecl::Any , fMemoryManager ); if(notDeclared) { if(!fElemNonDeclPool) fElemNonDeclPool = new (fMemoryManager) NameIdPool(29, 128, fMemoryManager); retVal->setId(fElemNonDeclPool->put(retVal)); } else { retVal->setId(fElemDeclPool->put(retVal)); } return retVal; } void DTDGrammar::reset() { // // We need to reset all of the pools. // fElemDeclPool->removeAll(); // now that we have this, no point in deleting it... if(fElemNonDeclPool) fElemNonDeclPool->removeAll(); fNotationDeclPool->removeAll(); fEntityDeclPool->removeAll(); fValidated = false; } void DTDGrammar::resetEntityDeclPool() { // Initialize default entities if not initialized if (!sEntityPoolMutexRegistered) { if (!sEntityPoolMutex) { XMLMutexLock lock(XMLPlatformUtils::fgAtomicMutex); if (!sEntityPoolMutex) sEntityPoolMutex = new XMLMutex(XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager); } // Use a faux scope to synchronize while we do this { XMLMutexLock lock(sEntityPoolMutex); // If we got here first, then register it and set the registered flag if (!sEntityPoolMutexRegistered) { fDefaultEntities = new NameIdPool(11, 12); // // Add the default entity entries for the character refs that must // always be present. We indicate that they are from the internal // subset. They aren't really, but they have to look that way so // that they are still valid for use within a standalone document. // // We also mark them as special char entities, which allows them // to be used in places whether other non-numeric general entities // cannot. // fDefaultEntities->put(new DTDEntityDecl(XMLUni::fgAmp, chAmpersand, true, true)); fDefaultEntities->put(new DTDEntityDecl(XMLUni::fgLT, chOpenAngle, true, true)); fDefaultEntities->put(new DTDEntityDecl(XMLUni::fgGT, chCloseAngle, true, true)); fDefaultEntities->put(new DTDEntityDecl(XMLUni::fgQuot, chDoubleQuote, true, true)); fDefaultEntities->put(new DTDEntityDecl(XMLUni::fgApos, chSingleQuote, true, true)); // register cleanup method entityPoolRegistryCleanup.registerCleanup(DTDGrammar::reinitDfltEntities); sEntityPoolMutexRegistered = true; } } } } void DTDGrammar::setGrammarDescription( XMLGrammarDescription* gramDesc) { if ((!gramDesc) || (gramDesc->getGrammarType() != Grammar::DTDGrammarType)) return; if (fGramDesc) delete fGramDesc; //adopt the grammar Description fGramDesc = (XMLDTDDescription*) gramDesc; } XMLGrammarDescription* DTDGrammar::getGrammarDescription() const { return fGramDesc; } /*** * Support for Serialization/De-serialization ***/ IMPL_XSERIALIZABLE_TOCREATE(DTDGrammar) void DTDGrammar::serialize(XSerializeEngine& serEng) { Grammar::serialize(serEng); //don't serialize fDefaultEntities if (serEng.isStoring()) { /*** * * Serialize NameIdPool* fElemDeclPool; * Serialize NameIdPool* fEntityDeclPool; * Serialize NameIdPool* fNotationDeclPool; ***/ XTemplateSerializer::storeObject(fElemDeclPool, serEng); XTemplateSerializer::storeObject(fEntityDeclPool, serEng); XTemplateSerializer::storeObject(fNotationDeclPool, serEng); /*** * serialize() method shall be used to store object * which has been created in ctor ***/ fGramDesc->serialize(serEng); serEng<* fElemDeclPool; * Deserialize NameIdPool* fEntityDeclPool; * Deerialize NameIdPool* fNotationDeclPool; ***/ XTemplateSerializer::loadObject(&fElemDeclPool, 109, 128, serEng); fElemNonDeclPool = 0; XTemplateSerializer::loadObject(&fEntityDeclPool, 109, 128, serEng); XTemplateSerializer::loadObject(&fNotationDeclPool, 109, 128, serEng); /*** * serialize() method shall be used to load object * which has been created in ctor ***/ fGramDesc->serialize(serEng); serEng>>fRootElemId; serEng>>fValidated; } } XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_END